Shinx feels that this period is really the most carefree period of time.

Wake up every morning in the wood house of Berry Lin, and wake up together with his new friends.

After waking up, it can dig out the Pokémon food stored in the wood house and share it with Starly.

After eating Pokémon food, everyone will gather together on the grass of the farm to play and train.

The Rhydon big brother is always the most active in training, and Sister Petilil is the best for it. The feeling of life energy enveloping the whole body is too comfortable.

Of course, the best thing for it is its owner. It is now really fortunate to have stayed here.

So, it feels that it has to do something to be able to stand up to the master for treating itself so well, just like other companions.

Become stronger, and you have to become stronger. This is what it thinks of now, the only thing it can do.

Zila Zila.

In the grass field, Shinx's body is constantly flashing electric current.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Shinx's figure suddenly rushing out, white light flashed behind him, and Tackle was used.

During the run, I saw Spark still flashing on its body, but after a few steps, the Spark on its body still disappeared.

Seeing this, Shinx's figure stopped quickly, and patted his head with his paw a little annoyed.

What it is doing at this time is to integrate electric current into the training of Tackle moves when running, so that the attack will bring an Electric Type attack.

This move is called Spark. It is a move that makes the whole body wrapped in Spark and Take Down to attack the opponent. The formidable power is stronger than Tackle.

Condensed current and Tackle moves, Shinx has been able to perform very proficiently at this time, but there is no way to merge the two together.

Meow wu~

Thinking of this, Shinx couldn't help but let out a decadent cry.

Tweet Tweet~

At this moment, Starly's figure flew over and stopped on the distant finger.

Perhaps Shinx has no parents since he was a child, relying on his own ability to wander around, Starly takes care of Shinx very much.

Seeing that Shinx was annoyed by the failed training again, it immediately flew over to comfort him.

Meow meow wu~

Shinx was shocked and began to ask Starly how to continue training Tackle moves.

It knows that Starly also relied on the Tackle move to complete the training of the Take Down move. It feels like it can learn from it.

Tweet Tweet~

Starly touched her head with her wings, and then the figure flew up, intending to demonstrate Tackle and Take Down to Shinx.

As a white light appeared behind him, Starly's figure rushed out.

I hit a huge rock nearby, causing cracks to appear on the Rock, spreading towards all around.

After seeing this scene, Shinx's face also showed amazement. The same is the Tackle move. Starly's is really much stronger!

Tweet Tweet~

After demonstrating the Tackle move, Starly again demonstrated the Take Down move.

The two moves look very similar, except that the normal Attribute energy usage of the Take Down move is completely different, which produces different effects.


Starly's figure hit a piece of Rock again.

There was no suspense at this time, I saw that this piece of Rock was hit and shattered directly. The formidable power is really much stronger than the Tackle moves!

Meow meow wu~

Shinx has a face of admiration, and at the same time, I recalled Starly's previous use of the Take Down move.

Immediately afterwards, an electric current appeared on its body again, wrapping the whole body in it, and at the same time thinking of the use of the Tackle move.

Next moment, Shinx's figure also rushed out. Its original innate talent in speed was very strong, and it was really like Spark flashing across the court.

When it reappeared, Shinx had already come to a piece of Rock and bumped into it without any pause.


Spark burst out of Shinx's body, attacking Rock in front of him.

Under the double attack of Tackle and the electric current, I saw that the Rock in front of it also suddenly cracked, and then it was suddenly broken.

Standing in front of Rock, Shinx was really stunned, and then a look of excitement appeared on his face. It finally successfully performed the Spark move!

Tweet tweeted~

Starly in midair was dumbfounded, with admiration on her face.

Shinx is indeed very similar to it, no matter it is the same birth, it is still showing strong innate talent!

Meow meow wu~

To dissipate the flickering electric current on his body, Shinx turned his head and yelled happily at Starly.

After that, Shinx turned around and ran towards the farm quickly. It wanted to tell Aiwen the good news quickly!

huhuhu ~

The figure is running fast, the wind whistling in its ears.

But when he was about to arrive at the farm, Shinx's figure suddenly braked sharply.

I saw outside the farm at this time, Suter and Feisen were walking towards it side by side, and the appearance of humans made Shinx tremble all over.

It stared at the manor firmly, looked towards Aiwen's room, and tremblingly took a step.

Now, he really wants to see Aiwen immediately and tell his favorite owner the news that he has learned Spark moves.

But the fear of humans makes it difficult for it to take another step, trembling all over, unable to overcome the fear in its heart.

Meow meow wu~

Shinx stood there and whimpered twice. In the end, the fear in his heart prevailed and turned and ran towards Berry Fields quickly.

Tweet Tweet~

Starly is very in the air, slowly sighed.

Perhaps like it is afraid of leaving the orchard of Orange Fruit Village, Shinx is also afraid of humans.

Thinking of this, Starly flew to Aiwen's room quickly, tapping the window with the bird's beak.

In the room, Aiwen was helping his Pokémons to develop a training plan. Hearing the sound from outside the window, he immediately looked over.

"Starly, why are you here? Did something happen?" Aiwen opened the window and asked suspiciously.

Tweet Tweet~

Starly nodded, then let her body out and pointed her wings in the direction of Berry Lin.

Aiwen's gaze looked over, and she just saw the figure of Shinx leaving quickly, and her face could not help but show contemplation.

At this time, Shinx was really uncomfortable. He was obviously about to see his master soon, and he flinched at that time.

Is human beings really terrifying?

Shinx couldn't help asking himself in his heart, then fell silent.

After getting along for so long, whether it's Little Andy or Darby Uncle or Aunt Madison, it can feel that they don't have Malice.

But I don’t know why. After seeing them, that kind of fear will rise in its heart, and it will try to escape.

Meow wu~

Shinx slowly sighed.

Is it really impossible to overcome the fear in my heart?

In this case, it has no way to leave this farm and take a look at the world outside.

It recalled Petilil and the beautiful world it portrayed in its heart, and it became even more complicated.

Forget it, it's good to stay here, at least there are many companions to accompany you here, which is also good.

"Shinx, what are you thinking about?"

At this moment, Shinx's ear suddenly heard a familiar voice, making it shocked all over.

It turned its head, and immediately saw Aiwen standing in the distance, smiling at herself.

In an instant, Shinx felt his tears dim, and moved his four feet, rushing directly towards Aiwen, and plunged into his arms.

"Okay, it's okay." Aiwen hugged Shinx and looked at the little fellow who was daunting in her arms, comforted.

Meow meow wu~

After a long while, Shinx jumped out of Aiwen's arms sorryly.

Immediately afterwards, an electric current flickered on its body, and it planned to show the Spark moves that it had just learned in front of its master.

"This is...Spark!"

Looking at the electric current on the little fellow in front of him, Aiwen eyes flashed.


Shinx was happy and nodded, and then the whole body was wrapped in electric current, and instantly disappeared in place.

At this moment, Shinx's speed advantage has also been brought to the extreme, turning into a bolt of lightning and hitting Rock, smashing it directly.

What a fast speed...Looking at this scene, Aiwen's pupils are also shrinking.

He already knew about the speed of Shinx. This is what Shinx has trained for survival in the Black Forest. It is a little special ability.

Now with the current use Spark move all over the body, Shinx's speed seems to have been strengthened a lot.

With the speed currently shown by Shinx, apart from Starly, which can control the power of the wind, I am afraid that no Pokémon can match it.

It is conceivable that after Shinx evolves into Luxray, its speed must be top-notch among opponents of the same level!

With the speed of Shinx, the formidable power of Spark moves has also improved a lot, and the two have played a complementary role!

After successfully performing the Spark move, Shinx ran back quickly, looking at Aiwen expectantly.

After all, he is just a child... Aiwen smiled and hugged Shinx with a happy face, and his face suddenly showed satisfaction.

This made Aiwen also slightly sighed in his heart. Obviously, Shinx went to the farm to look for him before, just to tell him that he learned the Spark tricks.

But when he saw Suter and Fessen in front of the house, he finally failed to overcome the fear in his heart and chose to return.

Thinking of this, Aiwen feels a little distressed, breathes deeply, he seriously said: "Shinx, do you want to try, try to overcome the fear in my heart."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Shinx lifts the head abruptly, with hesitation on his face and some flinching.

It closes its eyes, and recalls the situation of the outside world described by Sister Petilil in his head.

At the same time, it also has some expectations in its heart.

If you can overcome the fear in your heart, it will be able to follow its owner all the time in the future, just like Petilil, Froslass and Rhydon!

Thinking of this, it no longer hesitates, nodded very seriously, it is willing to give it a try.

"Okay, I will help you."

"As I said before, you also have to try to accept humans."

" Little Andy, Darby Uncle, and Aunt Madison, you are familiar with them, do you feel they will hurt you?"

After hearing what Aiwen said, Shinx immediately shook his head, saying that he knew they would not It hurts itself, but... it just couldn't accept it in its heart.

"Then let's try to make changes first."

Aiwen hugged Shinx, "Don't worry, I will protect you. It will be the same at all times."

"If you feel fear, then you hold me tight and believe that I will protect you, so you don’t need fear at all."

Speaking like this, Aiwen also kept stroking the soft hair of Shinx's body, and then began to walk in the direction of the farm.

Shinx wants to overcome the fear in his heart. What the 1st Step has to do is to integrate into it, not to escape, so that it is possible to find a way to overcome the fear.

Meow wu~

Shinx trembled all over after feeling Aiwen's movements.

But after remembering what Aiwen had said before, its whole body slowly relaxed again, but its paws gripping Aiwen's clothes tightened.

"Go, let's go home."

Said to Shinx in her arms, Aiwen walked towards home.

Outside the house at this time, Suter and Faison were standing there. They were planning to come over to discuss the Knight selection.

It's just that Aiwen felt Shinx's abnormality before, so the two of them wait here now.

The two waited for a while and saw Aiwen walking over with Shinx in his arms.

Meow wu~

Seeing the two again, Shinx immediately became nervous again.

After seeing this scene, Aiwen hurriedly stroked Shinx's hair to soothe, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, I am here, I will protect you."

Hear Aiwen After saying that, Shinx immediately buried his head in Aiwen's arms, not looking at the humans in front of him, and then relaxed.

After seeing this scene, Aiwen has looked thoughtful on his face. If Shinx doesn't have fear as long as he doesn't see the human heart, maybe he can start from here.

"Lord Aiwen."

Suter and Fessen stepped forward and gave a salute with one hand in front of them.

And after hearing the two figures, Shinx's whole body trembled again, and then he saw its cat ears roll up and plug the ear holes.

At this time, after Shinx closed his eyes and ears, he felt that the whole world suddenly became quiet.

But its consciousness is not completely dark. In a dark world within the realm, it can feel three special electric currents flickering in the world.

One of them is close to its body, and it can feel a sense of familiarity from the current. He knows that this current belongs to the owner.

The other two currents are relatively unfamiliar, but it quickly guessed that those two currents belong to the two humans.

In an instant, Shinx felt like a new continent, and his consciousness continued to explore within the realm of the dark world, sensing the current that he could sense.

Suddenly, it felt a special current in its Sky. It suddenly opened its eyes and looked towards that direction, and saw Starly flying in the air.

After discovering Shinx looked towards myself.

Starly fluttered his wings, hovered around and flew in the direction of Berry Lin.

It is Starly, it has been following me... Shinx thought in his heart, a little moved.

Then its gaze looked towards the direction of the previous two currents, and found that it was indeed the two humans.

Human...Shinx heart trembled, he closed his eyes quickly, and suddenly entered the darkness again, feeling the warm current that envelops himself, and relaxed.

"As long as you don't face humans directly, will you not be affected?" Aiwen has also been watching Shinx's reaction, looking at Shinx in her arms as if she is sleeping, and sighs.

With a smile on his face, he looked towards the two people in front of him said with a smile; "How about getting you ready?"

"Master Aiwen, what you said We have already built the battlefield for the selection of Knight," Feisen reported.

Suter is also nodded, "I am almost ready here. Most of the patrol members have already signed up, and we have all done statistics."

"Okay, In this case, Pokémon's Early-Stage preparations for the game are almost ready."

"The next question is the contestants. Now there are two weeks before the start of the game, and their strength should be able to improve. Some."

"This is the Trainer combat manual I prepared. You can take it back and send it to the contestants."

"In the Pokémon match, although Pokémon's strength is It played a very important role, but Trainer’s command was also very important."

While speaking, Aiwen also came to the house holding Shinx and pointed to the Trainer combat manual he had prepared.

After hearing what he said, the two of them looked a little confused, but they were still nodded. They planned to look at this Trainer combat manual after returning.

After that, the three briefly discussed the selection of Knight, and the two left with the Trainer combat manual.

Seeing the two leave, Aiwen looked towards Shinx in her arms again.

At this time, Shinx closed his eyes and covered his ears with two cat ears, showing that I had fallen asleep.

Seeing this, Aiwen didn't disturb Shinx either, and carried him upstairs.

In the house at this time, Petilil is preparing potions, and Froslass is rubbing Snowball.

After seeing Aiwen coming back, the two Pokémon immediately looked over, and then fixed their eyes on Shinx in Aiwen's arms.

Inexplicably, Shinx shivered inexplicably all over his body, slowly opened his eyes, opened his ears, and looked towards the direction of the two currents he felt before.

It turns out that the two currents are Sister Petilil and Sister Froslass...Shinx thought in his heart, a little excited.

After some experiments, it found that it seems to be able to feel the currents on humans or other Pokémons, and the currents emitted by the body are different depending on the target.

"Shinx, you are doing very well." Aiwen touched Shinx.

He knows that Shinx just closed his eyes and ears before. It turns out that as long as it doesn't face humans directly, it won't feel fear. This is undoubtedly good news.

Meow meow wu~

After hearing Aiwen's praise, Shinx exclaimed happily.

Then his gaze began to look at Aiwen's room. Although he had been here before, it was only the first time he met.

I came here again now, my nose moved, and after smelling the familiar smell in his breath, Shinx suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

Seeing this, Petilil immediately ran over with a smile and greeted Shinx to come down and play together.

Meow wu~

Shinx was very moved, and immediately jumped down and came to the desk.

Seeing this, Petilil and Froslass surrounded each other and began to communicate.

Looking at the three Pokémons of Play Nice, Aiwen also smiled on her face, and then came back to the desk.

Before, he was recording the data according to the changes in his Pokémon during this time, and further improving their training plan.

When he came to the desk, he thought for a while, closed the Tangela training plan in front of him, then got up to the bookshelf and pulled out the Shinx training plan.

In this notebook, the special text of the future world is being used to record information.

In order to prevent his training notes from leaking out, he specifically used words different from those used in the current era to record.

Even if someone stole his notebook, he would definitely not be able to read the words written on it, so he put the training notes on the bookshelf in this direction.

Shinx has successfully learned Spark moves. The next step is to let it train Thunder Fang moves... Aiwen in the heart thought.

And when he thought of this, he slowly shook his head, muttered in his mouth: "Perhaps, you can put the training of Thunder Fang first."

" If Shinx can really relieve the fear of humans by closing the five senses, I can start from this point and let it gradually integrate into the human world."

"Only by knowing more about humans can it gradually To overcome the fear in his heart and finally heal his human phobia completely."

"In this case, Shinx needs to find another way to replace sight and hearing. For Shinx, it should Not too difficult."

Aiwen closed her eyes slightly, recalling Shinx's message in her mind.

Shinx has the special ability to induce radio waves, can feel several different radio waves, and can even communicate with peers by passing electric current through its paws.

And this may be a good alternative to sight and hearing.

Be aware that the creature itself emits Thunder Wave all the time, and this kind of Thunder Wave can also be sensed by Shinx.

As long as it is intentionally sensed in this way, Shinx can fully sense the existence of living beings by sensing electric waves.

In fact, the police in the previous life often performed similar exercises on Shinx, allowing them to complete many detection tasks by inducing electric waves, just like many biological detectors also use this principle.

He has even heard that through continuous training of Shinx's ability, after they evolve into Luxray, they have a certain probability of obtaining special ability to use Spark perspective!

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