It's night, very quiet in the farm.

After a day's work, the humans and Pokémon on the farm fell asleep.

But in the woods outside the farm, there was suddenly a sparse sound.

Not long after, I saw a black clothed silhouette walking out of the forest carefully, looking towards all around.

Behind this silhouette, two more silhouettes also wrapped in black clothed came out.

Beside these black clothed persons, there are a few demonic beasts at this time. In addition to the leading Luxray, there are also two Mightyenas.

Luxray and Mightyena, these two demonic beasts have always been very popular among aristocrats and wealthy merchants due to their handsome appearance and powerful battle strength.

In the vicinity of Lizhi City, there are several farms dedicated to breed the demonic beast Pokémon, so these two demonic beasts are relatively common in Lizhi City.

However, except for the leading Luxray who wore the demonic beast, the other two Mightyenas did not wear the demonic beast.

Breed some demonic beasts in private. This is very common for nobles. After all, the price of demonic beasts is too high for even nobles to afford.

"Sir Enzo, shall we rush in directly?"

A black clothed person approached the leading black clothed person and reminded him in a low voice.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was fiercely hammered by the black clothed person who took the lead, "You said, don't call me jazz here!"

This black clothed person He quickly covered his mouth to show that he understood, and at the same time he repeated the previous sentence.

"No, we can go directly to Berry Lin to catch Petilil." Sir Enzo took out a simple map of the farm and looked at it.

After that, he took two of his men around the periphery of the farm to the location of Berry Forest, climbed over the brick wall, and crept in.

When they decided to come to the farm to grab Petilil, they also did a good job of investigating.

There are two demonic beasts, Luxray and Starly, under the protection of the farm. They also know that, so they can only be forced to do it themselves.

Without the help of the demonic beast, even a well-trained Knight would be completely impossible to snatch Petilil from the demonic beast.

Luxray and Mightyena's movements are much lighter, and they jumped over the wall.

"Mightyena, find that Petilil." Sir Enzo hid his figure behind the tree on the side, and said to Mightyena on the side.

Mightyena nodded, sniffed in the air twitching his nose.

Through the scent remaining in the Berry forest, it distinguishes Luxray, Starly and Cherubi, as well as the smell of Petilil.

"Found it?"

Sir Enzo was overjoyed and immediately let Mightyena lead the way and walked towards the orchard.


While they were walking, the surrounding Leafage made noises.

Suddenly, a bird chirping sounded in the forest, which frightened Sir Enzo.

He looked in the direction of the birdsong and saw a Starly standing on the tree, also looking at him!

"I was found!"

Sir Enzo gritted his teeth, secretly sighed in his heart that he is really not suitable for the work of sneaking into.

Afterwards, he looked towards Starly, his eyes fiercely said: "Luxray, get rid of it!"

Luxray nodded, the figure suddenly jumped out, the arc condensed in his mouth, use it Thunder's teeth gritted towards Starly.

Starly was not afraid to see the enemy rushing up, white light appeared on her wings, and her figure rushed up.

In mid-air, Starly and Luxray clash together.

I saw Luxray open his mouth and directly Bite Starly's wings with white light, and the thunder light was released instantly.

In an instant, Flying Type energy and Electric Type energy began to collide.

But in just a moment, the Flying Type energy was directly crushed by the Electric Type energy, and the electric current spread out from Luxray's mouth, covering Starly's whole body!


Starly's body is full of electricity, and her whole body is constantly twitching!

As Luxray shook his head heavily, Starly's figure was flung out and hit a big tree heavily.

This Luxray was well-trained as soon as he saw it, and Starly was directly defeated in a face-to-face!

"Don't waste time, let's go."

Looking at Starly who fell on the ground, Sir Enzo whispered and turned to trot towards the forest. go.

He must find Petilil before the farm owner can react, and then take him away from the farm, and let the Potion Master prepare a panacea.

Tweet tweeted.

But not long after he ran out, he suddenly heard a bird song from the side.

Starly stood up trembling, spread her wings and began to gather energy, seemingly wanting to fight.

Sir Enzo's pace was stopped and he saw Luxray's figure jump out again, just a simple trick, Starly's figure was knocked off again!

It smashed heavily on the tree, and then slid to the ground. Starly's wings hung weakly on the ground, but its head was still slowly raised.

"Forget it, leave it alone, let's go to Petilil."

Looking at Struggle and Starly who wants to get up, Sir Enzo felt his heart touched. , Luxray who wants to rush up after holding it down.

Luxray nodded, took a deep look at Starly, followed Mightyena in front, and ran towards Petilil's location!

ao ao ao.

Mightyena let out a low growl to remind the people behind that Petilil was in front.

Sir Enzo was shocked, and while running, he walked through the woods and came to a plain.

When he saw the picture in front of him clearly, Sir Enzo was suddenly taken aback.

On a clearing, a teenager wearing simple Miya pants was standing, holding a Petilil in his arms!


A black clothed person whispered, and then his eyes swept to the boy's side, where a Luxray was standing!

At this time, Aiwen was also quietly looking at the three black clothed persons in front of him. When he heard the other party calling out Petilil's name, his eyes were slightly narrowed.

After experiencing the last robbery by the poor, he knew that the people behind the scenes would definitely take action, so he was always on guard.

Just now, he didn't know why he suddenly woke up from his sleep, and then suddenly there was a picture of Starly and Luxray fighting in his mind.

I didn't have time to study why the battle scene suddenly appeared in my mind. After feeling the problem, Aiwen woke up Luxray at the door and rushed over.

And this scene before him also just verified the scene that appeared inexplicably in his induction, it was the Luxray and Starly in front of him that had a battle!

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