Leon is a member of the Border Patrol Knight.

His task is to patrol the border of the Black Forest in the northeast corner of Lizhi City with his teammates, and expel the demonic beasts that have entered here.

Because it is early winter, they have rarely entered the Black Forest recently, just patrolling the periphery and doing security tasks.

On this day, he was still patrolling the Black Forest as usual, and he heard constant commotion in the Black Forest.

Followed by a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, Knight felt cold all over, the demonic beast of early winter...coming!

wū wū wū wū wu~

On this day, the sirens spread throughout the territory of Lizhicheng, representing the arrival of early winter, and the demonic beast of Wild is about to enter the territory of mankind!

The farmers at the border of Lizhi City took action one after another and retreated to the cellar in the house.

Every farmer will focus on building cellars when building houses, just to deal with the demonic beast attack in winter.

As for Berry in the orchard, they can only let it fend for itself.

Good luck, it’s just that the unripe Berry on it was eaten. If you are unlucky, you can only replant the Berry Tree in the new year.

But this year, the fruit growers who are determined to the northeast of the city feel very relieved.

Before the beginning of winter, they had already picked all the Berry in the orchard, although they were all immature Berry.

But relying on the quantity, they succeeded in obtaining the same income as in previous years, and then used the income to store enough food and supplies for the winter.

"Wild Pokémon is invading, are you coming?"

Aiwen's face was solemn, and his eyes looked towards the neatly arranged Oddish in the grass. The real battle is about to begin!

Casey Chennai.

Oddish's mood is also very high.

During this time, Aiwen also took them into the Black Forest several times for training, and each time went very smoothly.

"Then this winter, please." Aiwen smiled on his face. Apart from a little worry, he was more looking forward to it!

Darby Uncle also walked from a distance at this time, "Aiwen, everything in the cellar is ready, let's go in and take refuge now."

Aiwen shook his head slowly, said with a smile:

"Darby Uncle, you should enter the cellar first. I plan to stay with the Oddish."

" Uncle, don’t worry, you’ve seen the battle strength of the Oddish before. It’s no problem to protect me."

After hearing Aiwen’s words, Darby’s Uncle’s complexion changed again, although Aiwen He has been vaccinated, but now he is still worried.

In his opinion, Berry on the farm has almost picked it. There is no need to take risks at this time.

"Darby Uncle, don't worry."

"At the beginning of winter, there won't be too many demonic beasts that invade human territories. Oddish are enough to deal with it."

"If the Oddish cannot handle the situation, then I will hide in the cellar."

Aiwen comforted Darby Uncle. After listening to his explanation, Darby had no choice but to agree, and persuaded Aiwen not to be too reluctant.

Later, Darby Uncle took away two Cherubis at Aiwen's request. These two little fellows still did not complete the evolution before winter.

In this case, Cherubi, who may be the target of demonic beasts, is no longer suitable for staying on the farm.

As for Cherrim, it has stayed. The Flower Gift Characteristic Trait it has has a good effect on Luxray, Rhyhorn and Starly.

Dolls, dolls.

After Darby Uncle left, Petilil jumped in front of Aiwen and said that he would protect him!

"Well, I am at ease with you." Aiwen touched the head of the little fellow, and then looked towards the Oddish, said with a smile: "Of course, so do you."

After hearing what Aiwen said, the Oddishes were very happy, with a firm look in their eyes to protect their homes.

"Okay, now I'll start assigning tasks." Aiwen came to Oddish and began to command.

There are now 200 Oddish in the farm. Aiwen divided them into four squads, guarding the four directions of Orange Fruit Village.

If you can protect the nature of Orange Fruit Village, it would be great, but if you can’t keep it, the Oddish will retreat to their own farm.

After the arrangements were made, Aiwen took Rhyhorn to the outside of the village.

Under Rhyhorn's Rototiller move, all around the village soon grew pasture and became a temporary new home for the Oddish.

Oddish's figure is hidden in the grass, it is completely difficult to distinguish with naked eye, their camouflage ability makes them very good as a sentry.

After all the preparations are made, Aiwen returns home with the Pokémon, where he will lead the whole situation.


Those Knights' alarms are not wrong, the demonic beast has already sneaked into the human domain, and the most alarming number is still Rattata.

Rattata is an omnivorous creature. At the same time, it can reproduce very strongly. Its battle strength is not weak. Until now is one of the biggest threats in early winter.

Wait until winter has completely come before other demonic beasts will enter human territory. In the Black Forest, the weak will be driven out!

After entering the human domain, Rattata moved in the direction of Berry Lin looking for memory.

Some Rattata invaded human territory last year, and immediately ran towards the human farm, where there are a lot of delicious Berry!

But when these Rattatas arrived at the Berry Fields in their impressions, they only saw the bare tree trunks, where there is still Berry.

Without finding Berry, these Rattata can only find Berry from the beginning.

On this day, Rattata found another good goal.

As soon as he approached the village, he saw a whole patch of pasture, which made Rattata feel very good.

If you really can't find Berry, then these grasses are barely edible. When you are in a situation where there is nothing to eat, pasture is also a rare food!

Quickly running on the ground, Rattata cautiously entered the grass and rushed towards the village.

Just as it passed a grass, it suddenly found that a large amount of light blue powder was sprayed from the grass, which was Oddish’s Sleep Powder.

Under Oddish's Sleep Powder move, Rattata just ran a few steps forward, and then fell limply on the grass, exhausted.

After successfully using Sleep Powder to put Rattata into sleep, Oddish jumped out of the ground.

I recalled Aiwen's explanation in my mind, Rattata used Absorb moves, and the green light immediately enveloped Rattata, continuously drawing energy.

ps: It's the fifth update today, please read it.

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