It was night, and Sir Belin wiped the blood-stained sword in his hand.

In the past few days, he followed the Knights to hunt down a large number of demonic beasts.

Behring still feels very satisfied with his performance. Even if he compares to those experienced Knights, he feels that he is not inferior.

This is what a real nobleman should do...Behring thought triumphantly, thinking of those nobles who had entered the Knight regiment to make warfare, really embarrassing them.

"It's a pity that the extremely fast Shinx escaped."

"If it can be caught, then use the sheriff's method to breathe a little, and my battle strength is OK again. It has improved a lot."

Calculating the achievements made today, Sir Belling still feels a pity.

The final evolution form of Shinx is Luxray, which is very popular demonic beast in both the Knight regiment and the sheriff, but their number is too scarce.

I finally came across one and let it run away. This made Sir Belling feel a pity, and this was the only thing he felt pity in the past few days.

The next time I meet Shinx, I must catch it...Behring thought to himself.

In addition to hunting demonic beasts, the Knight regiment at this time is also a good opportunity to conquer their favorite demonic beasts. Each of these nobles carries demonic beast equipment.

But thinking of the injuries that Shinx had suffered, he shook his head slightly.

He slashed several of the swords himself, and the bones were visible. He was still worried that Shinx would die like this.

On the 2nd day, the Knight regiment continued to advance, and the direction of advancement happened to be the direction in which Shinx escaped.

The direction of Shinx's escape is the southeast corner of Lizhi City, and the direction of Guixu Cave is the northeast corner, and the two are just on the east corners.

That direction should also be the direction of Orange Fruit Village...Following the Knight regiment, Beilin's eyes were also slightly narrowed, and he thought of the Potion Master in his heart.

"I don't know if the current Orange Fruit Village has fallen?"

"It is better to fall, a commoner, and dare to offend the nobles."

Beilin's heart is coldly snorted, common people are always common people, and nobles are always nobles. The class difference between the two is really the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Meanwhile, the detective Knight of the Knight regiment went ahead to explore the situation.

Normal situation, a standard equipment for investigating Knight is a Rhyhorn, a Mightyena and a Starly.

It didn't take long for Mightyena to stop, and looked towards the front with a very solemn gaze.

"Mightyena, what's wrong?" Detective Knight looked at his Old Partner and asked in a low voice.

ao wu ao wu ~

Mightyena simply communicated with her master.

"You mean...that Mightyena group is in front?" Detective Knight's gaze narrowed.

One of the main reasons that their Knight regiment came out this time to hunt the demonic beast was that a group of Mightyena appeared in the territory.

Mightyena heard it was immediately nodded.

This stopped Detective Knight's progress.

Mightyena's sense of smell is very keen. If they are too close, there is a possibility of being discovered by the Mightyena.

Tweet tweeted~

At the same time, Starly, who was in charge of air reconnaissance, also flew back to convey the news of her discovery.

There is a human village farther away, where a large number of Gloom lives, and it looks like it has been occupied by the Glooms.

After conveying his findings, Starly fiercely exhaled a few breaths, that many Glooms gathered together, the smell was really unpleasant.

Especially in the air, the stench wafting in Sky makes Starly not want to stay there for a moment.

"A village occupied by Gloom..."

Detect Knight frowned, for the rotten eggs that Gloom exudes are mixed with all kinds of weird smells The smell is still fresh in his memory.

After hesitating, Detective Knight still intends to go and take a look.

The closer you get to the human village, the more restless Mightyena who is following him, and a little bit resistant to continue going to that place.

Although Detective Knight hasn't smelled the odor, Mightyena, which smells a hundred times more sensitive than humans, has already smelled it. It can be imagined what the odor will be after arriving in the village.

It didn't take long to move forward. Detective Knight also smelled the odor. He covered his nose with his hand, but Knight did not stop and moved on.

It is early morning, and the winter sun has not yet risen, but through the Morning Sun, Investigator Knight still saw a large number of Glooms standing on the grass outside the village. A rough sweep was enough. Ten.

There was a moment of silence. Detective Knight stopped and went around the village, and found that the whole village was surrounded by Gloom at this time, but I don’t know how many Glooms are living in the village. .

This is a Berry village. If those Glooms hide in the fruit forest, even if Starly has the air superiority, it is impossible to tell how many Glooms there are in the village.

Gloom's threat is not too big. Now the most important thing is to hunt down those Mightyenas... Detective Knight made a judgment in his heart, and quickly retreated with Starly and Mightyena who were very resistant to this place.

To a place unaffected by the odor, detect Knight and a few demonic beasts beside him and fiercely sighed in relief at the same time, and then quickly return to join the Knight regiment.

Todd, the deputy commander of the Knight regiment, learned about the situation from Knight's investigation at this time.

After hearing that he found the Mightyena tribe, Todd's eyes became more serious.

If this group of Mightyena is the Mightyena group that the lord said, there should be more than 20 Mightyena and more than 40 Poochyena.

Although this number of Mightyenas will not pose too much threat to the Knight regiment, Mightyena's mobility is very high, and it is difficult for Rhyhorn to keep up with Mightyena's running speed.

What he is thinking about now is how to hunt down these Mightyenas. If these Mightyenas are allowed to run away, then it will be more troublesome to find them.

The investigation of the Glooms who occupied the village with Knight’s mouth did not arouse the vigilance of Captain Todd, but when it comes to the Glooms, Todd had a good idea.

According to his at first idea, as long as they find the Mightyena group, they need to enclose the Mightyena in the center from four directions to ensure that these Mightyenas cannot break through.

In this case, the 200-person team of the Knight regiment would send a team of 50 people in each direction. It would be a little troublesome to deal with the more than 60 demonic beasts.

Now, they can completely divide the team into three teams to attack from three directions, and deliberately set aside the location of the Gloom clan, so that they can push the Mightyenas in that direction.

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