Ingrain moves, allowing Pokémon’s Growth to grow roots and Ingrain on the ground, so as to continuously absorb the energy contained in the ground to restore his physical strength.

The effect of this move is similar to the Absorb move, but it can turn the active Absorb move into a passive one, and relying on the roots, it can also absorb the energy contained in the deeper parts of the earth.

Apart from this, these roots spawned by Ingrain moves are also very good weapons in themselves. When Tangela and Knight fought before, they actually used Ingrain moves to extend a lot of roots underground. Like vines!

That's only a dozen Tangela use Ingrain. If hundreds of Gloom use Ingrain together, it will definitely form a terrifying root field, and the cavalry don't even want to break through.

However, Tangela’s Ingrain moves are so strong, which is related to their own special ability. Gloom wants to train Ingrain moves to that extent. It takes a long period of effort, but the simple winding is still Can do it.

In addition, there is no way to learn Ingrain moves Gloom through ordinary methods. Must be done through Genetic. Therefore, the number of these Glooms in the field that can learn Ingrain moves will not be too many.

According to whether Gloom can learn Ingrain moves, the training direction of these Glooms will be further divided.

Those Gloom who cannot learn Ingrain moves will carry out the next step of Absorb moves.

Absorb moves are one of the few moves that have the ability to upgrade, which can be further upgraded into Mega Drain and Giga Drain.

At that time, the formidable power of Absorb moves will be stronger, and the recovery of physical strength will be more, which can maximize the battle strength in a short time.

In fact, Petilil has also been training for Mega Drain moves during this period.

After mastering how to use Absorb moves and healing leaves to condense life energy, Mega Drain moves can allow Petilil to condense more life energy in a short time!

Compared with Gloom, which takes the Grass Type route, the Poison Type route is more troublesome.

Due to the lack of materials to prepare Toxic potions, Aiwen could not replicate Petilil's method of training Toxic moves.

However, Gloom itself has a Poison Type and will not fall into a poisoned or Toxic state, so Aiwen directly asked Petilil to use Toxic moves on these Glooms, allowing them to absorb the toxicity through a special method.

It is worth mentioning here that after the Toxic moves have not been invented, after a period of adaptation, the Gloom race actually has the ability to learn Toxic moves on its own!

Without relying on any medicine and learning methods, Gloom can naturally learn Toxic moves. It can also be seen that Gloom has a high degree of compatibility with Toxic moves.

And here, Aiwen intends to let Glooms absorb Petilil's Toxic first, let them learn Poison Type's Acid moves first, and then find a way to let Gloom further learn Toxic moves.

In fact, to some extent, Toxic moves can be regarded as a state-based move. This, like the Earth Power move, can improve the formidable power of other Poison Type moves by increasing the strength of Toxic.

Peter's Gloom finally chose to take the Poison Type training direction.

For Toxic, Peter is still a little worried. He is deeply afraid that Gloom will be in danger. Although Aiwen said that Gloom is not poisoned, he still feels uneasy before seeing it with his own eyes.

Seeing Petilil using the Toxic technique against Gloom, Peter raised his heart. After seeing that the Glooms were indeed okay, he was relieved.

In order to prevent Toxic from injuring other Pokémon or villagers during the training process, Glooms used the grassland outside the village as their training location.

Even Peter, the master of Gloom, can only watch from a distance at this time, and there is no way to approach the training location, but if Aiwen personally trains, he is not worried.

Ao wu ao wu ao woo.

Beside Peter, Mightyena let out a low growl.

After seeing these training Glooms in the field, Mightyena is also a little restless and wants to train.

"Well, we can't lose to Gloom." Peter nodded, took another look at Gloom, and rode Mightyena towards the abandoned orchard.

As soon as he approached the fruit forest, he immediately heard howling wolves, one after another.

After this time of sharing weal and woe, Mightyenas have fully integrated into the Orange Fruit Village and become an indispensable part of it.

Aiwen had some reservations about Mightyena before, and did not conduct strict training on them, and after that battle, Aiwen finally began to breed the Mightyenas.

Howl moves, the normal type's changing moves, can use Roar to improve the imposing manner, thereby increasing their attack power.

This move is very profitable for Mightyena who is good at Close Combat, and this move is also a type of move that the Mightyena family is easier to learn.

The most important thing is the use of Normal Type energy. At this point, he will use the nutritious juice containing Normal Type energy to assist, so it is not difficult to learn.

In addition, Mightyena has three Characteristic Traits, which are ordinary Characteristic Trait, which is intimidation and Scud, and Implicit Characteristic, which is overconfident.

The intimidating Characteristic Trait can also cooperate with Howl's moves to strengthen the intimidating effect.

This will weaken the opponent's imposing manner to a large extent, reduce the opponent's attack power, and also make your own imposing manner stronger, which complements each other.

In addition, the long-range Snarl moves are also a good direction for improvement. The two are also used as sonic moves, and they can also form a good cooperation with each other.

After learning Howl's moves, Mightyena can further strengthen her melee methods.

Sucker Punch is the next learning goal. With Sucker Punch, Howl can perfectly display Mightyena's attack and speed advantages, and can improve Mightyena's strength in the shortest time.

Ao wu ao wu ao wu~

Mightyena under Peter screamed in excitement after hearing his companion's Growl.

"Okay, okay, I see." Peter reluctantly jumped off Mightyena, "Go and train with your companions."

After hearing the owner's words, Mightyena shook Tail Whip, then quickly turned and ran towards the abandoned orchard, while the howling of the wolf in his mouth did not stop!

"Next is my Knight training."

"Gloom and Mightyena have worked so hard, I can't hold back!"

Peter took a Deep breath, trot to the Knight camp outside the village, facing the morning sun, the youngster's body was full of vigor!

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