In the fields, the morning sun shines, and the breeze gently blows the rice ears of Wangwang Valley, undulating like waves.

The light yellow luster indicates that it is about to enter the maturity period.

Shiyu and Meiyi walked along the mud embankment, stepping on the morning dew towards Touzi who was bending over and didn't know what to do.

On the way, they met several elves who had already started working.

When the elves saw Shiyu, they stopped and greeted him.

Shiyu also responded one by one.

Meiyi took out a few energy cubes from her small backpack and distributed them to these hard-working elves.

This batch of crops is about to enter the maturity period.

They still need to take care of it.

Meiyi looked at Touzi who was absorbed in the selflessness and said without hesitation

"If you want to find inspiration, you need to walk into the fields early in the morning. It's not good to think in the yard."

She had to follow him.

The skin was scratched by the leaves of the grass and crops, and it was very itchy.

It was just asking for trouble.

Shi Yu smiled and replied:"Your sister is a talented and creative"467" director. I once discussed with your sister about making movies.���Opinion"

"Your sister, as long as it involves movies and directors, the whole person will become radiant"

"The whole person exudes a layer of light."

After listening to Shi Yu's words, Mei looked at Touzi in the distance.

No matter what, she couldn't connect Shi Yu's words with her sister.

After all, how could this big devil be as good as Shi Yu said?


Absolutely impossible.

Shi Yu saw Mei shaking her head vigorously, like a rattle.

It was almost ringing.

"Stop shaking it, the water will come out of it."

I couldn't help it, I was just teasing the little girl.

Meiyi stopped immediately.

After a while, she slowly reacted.

"Shi Yu! You are making fun of me again!"

"I'm going to beat you up!"

Mei raised her fist and chased after Shi Yu, wanting to beat him up. Shi Yu was teasing her in the first place, so when he saw her rushing over, he ran away.

He taunted her as he ran.

"Run slowly, be careful of the water in your brain coming out!"


Mei was pissed off.

"Don't run!"

"Stop right there!"

The two chased each other in the field, laughing wildly.

The elves stopped what they were doing and looked at them.


Humans are really complicated.

We are more innocent.


My dear Miss Lip!

An elf expressed his love to Miss Lip.

Next to a rice field with a wide view, Tohko was sitting on the ridge, holding a notebook in her hand, with a dazed look in her eyes.

Shiyu and Mei chased to Tohko.

Mei was panting with fatigue and her face flushed.

It seemed...

On the other hand, Shi Yu looked normal.

There was no sign of disorder.


Shi Yu coughed lightly.

"You are too weak. You are out of breath after such a short distance."

Shi Yu turned his eyes away from Meiyi's flushed face.



Mei was panting so hard that she couldn't speak clearly.

"That's enough."

Touzi interrupted

"It's all your fault. You interrupted my inspiration."

Touko closed the book and glanced at Shiyu and Meiyi.

She was completely immersed in her own world and was about to catch the flash of inspiration.

As a result, these two guys messed it up.


Shiyu was a little embarrassed.

He was about to open his mouth to explain himself, but then he thought it was indeed his own problem.

He had nothing to do with Touko.

But he didn't know why he followed her.

As a result, he interrupted Touko's inspiration.

"What kind of inspiration are you looking for?"

Shi Yu changed the subject, trying to reduce Touko's anger.

Mei Yi also muted her voice.

Touko pointed to the pale yellow rice fields in front of her.

"Look, how beautiful this place is. Close your eyes, and you can hear the whisper of the wind in your ears, and smell the mixed smell of soil and rice at the tip of your nose. I seem to be able to hear the story of every life...

Mei and Shiyu smiled at each other.

They understand Touko's mood at the moment. This love for life and persistence in creation are what makes her most attractive.

"However, I feel like I haven’t grasped the core of the story yet."

"I think the inspiration that was interrupted by you is what I want."

After going around in circles, I finally came back to this. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Shi Yu and Mei Yi looked at each other guiltily, and then dared not speak again.

"Forget it, since I can't catch it now, it means we are not destined to be together yet."

"Or I still need to continue to improve it."

Touko lifted her hair and said calmly.

Shi Yu Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief.[]

Just don't pursue it.

""Touzi, we have decided to help you complete this film." Shi Yu said firmly,"Whether it is moving props, finding actors or any other odd jobs, we will take care of it."

Express your opinion quickly.

Try to make a good impression

"My ranch, all the elves will obey my orders!"

Touzi's eyes flashed with emotion:"Really? Great! Then let's work together to make this movie the best work!"

At this time, a melodious music floated from nowhere, penetrating the morning dew.

Sometimes it was majestic and high-pitched, sometimes it was melodious and gentle.

It was very beautiful.

It was a joint performance of the nanny bug and the speaker cricket

"It sounds really nice."

Ye said softly

"Every time this melody sounded, it meant something wonderful was about to happen.

Suddenly, Touko's eyes lit up.


"Record it now!"

"Record it quickly!"

Touzi urged anxiously.

"I want to put this music in my movie!"

"It will definitely be eye-catching!"

Shi Yu was unmoved, but just smiled and said

"Don't worry"

"The babysitter bug and the speaker cricket play the same music every day at this time"

"So, don't worry about it."

After listening to Shi Yu's words, Touzi felt relieved.

After all, this piece of music was really great!

"How come the baby bugs and speaker crickets play the same music every day?"

Mei asked in confusion.

Although she had been at the ranch for two or three days, she really didn't know this....I haven't seen these elves.

"You didn't pay enough attention."

Shi Yu stretched out a finger and poked Mei's forehead.

"The nanny bug and the speaker cricket play the same music every day to let the injured elves go there for treatment."

"but...They are indeed not the elves of the ranch, but the wild elves in the north of the ranch."

"If you like, I can also let them join the ranch."

The ranch does attract a lot of wild elves.

Shi Yu thinks it is not difficult to subdue them.

"Oh, yes, by the way, I can actually hear them playing every morning."

"They will summon the injured elves to heal by playing music."

"Some people who have learned the healing bells can also put the healing bells into the music they play."

"In this way, as the music drifts, it can soothe the spirits that are farther away."

Oh! After this explanation, Touko and Mei both understood.

They all gave thumbs up and praised it.

"You're thoughtful."

"This is also a good material."

Touko tapped her chin with her slender fingers.

"Is there anything else?"

"Say more!"

"I will use you and the entire farm as the content material for the entire movie!"

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