Time passed quickly, and the days at the incubation base continued in a busy manner.

The arrival of the three great elves filled the base with vitality and hope, but the three great elves in the Kalos region remained silent, without any movement.

This made Shi Yu a little worried.

One evening, Shi Yu was sorting out some seeds to be sown in the spring.

Suddenly, he heard Xiaoyou's excited voice coming from the cultivation room.

""Brother Shi Yu! Come and have a look!"

He quickly put down his work and ran into the incubator room.

Xiao You was standing in front of the incubator, her face full of excitement and anticipation.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyou?"Shi Yu asked

"Look!" Xiaoyou pointed at the incubator.

The eggs of the three great Pokémons in the Kalos region began to glow. The surface of the eggshells trembled slightly, and it seemed that they might break at any time.

"They are about to hatch!" Shi Yu's eyes lit up,"Everyone come here!"

Soon, Lin Feng, Conan and Xiao Jian all came over, and the group of people nervously and excitedly stood by the hatching equipment.

The Vulcan Moth's wings exerted a little force, and the sparks on its body flashed.

The eggshell finally cracked, and a very cute Hali Li staggered out, looking up at everyone, with an innocent light in his eyes.

""Ha Li Li is so cute!"

Xiao You exclaimed with her hands covering her mouth.

Then, another egg cracked open, and a fire fox with a green body and a red nose jumped out, looking around, looking a little alert. The last one to appear was a croaking frog, which stretched lazily and then slowly crawled out.

"Look, these are Carlos's three starter Pokémons." Shi Yu said to everyone with a smile,"Hali, Fire Fox, and Frog."

Vulcan Moth also flew over at the right time, surrounding the newborn Pokémons with warm flames, providing them with warmth and making them feel at ease.

"Hi, Halili!" Xiaoyou bent down and gently touched Halili's head,"From today on, we are friends."

Halili blinked, and seemed to like Xiaoyou's touch very much, and approached her intimately.

"Fire Fox, tell us if you need anything."Lin Feng said gently.

Fire Fox nodded gently, with a look of trust in his eyes.

"The frog looks very lazy, but I believe it is also a good partner."Conan said with a smile.

Everyone was immersed in this warm moment, treating these lovely lives as treasures.

The entire incubation base was filled with laughter and joy. Every newborn Pokémon was carefully cared for, and their growth became everyone's greatest expectation. The three Pokémons are faster than ordinary Pokémons and are more suitable for their environment.

The three Pokémons in the Kanto and Kalos regions are already playing in a friendly manner and exploring the surrounding areas together.

When he had time, Shi Yu took the newly hatched little guys for preliminary examinations and training.

Xiaoyou, Lin Feng, Conan and Xiao Jian also followed behind with great interest.

"Halili, let's test your basic abilities."Shi

Yu squatted down and said to Halili. Halili nodded, with a determined light in his eyes.

""Use impact!"

Halili immediately ran forward and hit a stump used for practice.

Although the action was still a little clumsy, the force should not be underestimated. The stump cracked with a sound.

"Not bad, you have potential!" Shi Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Fire Fox, now it's your turn." Lin Feng said to Fire Fox.

Fire Fox raised its head proudly and spurted out a small flame, hitting the target accurately.

Although the flame was not big, the temperature was quite high, and it directly burned the target black. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Be careful, don't overcook it." Lin Feng patted the fire fox's head lovingly.

Finally, it was the croaking frog. It stood there lazily, and didn't seem to be very interested in training.

But with Conan's encouragement, it still stood up and launched a water gun attack.

Although the power was not great, it was extremely accurate.

"Look, Frog, you are also very good!"

Conan praised.

After the training, the group took the three Pokémons to play around the base and enjoyed this rare time of relaxation.

""Xiaoyou, don't you find it strange?" Conan suddenly asked,"Hali, Fire Fox and Frog have adapted to this place so quickly, it feels like they have always lived here."

"Yeah, I feel the same way." Xiaoyou looked at Halili thoughtfully,"

They seem to have full trust in us."

"Maybe it's because we treated them well from the beginning."Shi Yu said,"Elves also have feelings, they can feel our kindness."

At this time, Xiao Jian noticed that the carp king was tumbling up and down on the lake in the distance.

The water temperature of the lake was so high that the snow could not condense into ice.

"Hey, there are some Magikarp over there!" Xiao Jian pointed to the lake and shouted,"Let's go take a look!"

Everyone walked to the lake and looked at the happy Magikarp.

"If these newborn Pokémon can make friends with wild Pokémon, it may help their growth."

Shi Yu suggested.

"Good idea!" Lin Feng agreed,"Let them get in touch with different Pokémon, which can broaden their horizons and enhance their adaptability."

So, everyone decided to try to let these three starter Pokémon get in touch with these wild Pokémon.

Frog and Squirtle bravely jumped into the water. The Magikarp curiously surrounded them and soon became friends with Frog and Squirtle.

Charmander and Mojim stayed far away. The two fire-type Pokémon didn't like water, but seeing Frog so happy, they also plucked up the courage to slowly approach the lake.

Suddenly, a naughty Magikarp jumped up and splashed Mojim with water.

Charmander ran the fastest.

Mojim shook his fur angrily, but in the end he didn't get angry with Magikarp..

Halili and Bulbasaur were wandering around everywhere. Grass-type elves are most curious about the unknown.

Halili and Bulbasaur were wandering in the grove by the lake, chasing flying insects, sometimes stopping to smell the flowers, and sometimes diving into the grass to look for something new.

Seeing how happy they were, Xiaoyou couldn't help but follow them and run on the grass together.

Shi Yu stood by the lake and watched this scene, his heart full of satisfaction.

The hard work of the base these days has finally paid off. Looking at these healthy and lively elves, he feels that everything is worth it.

""Shi Yu, look!" Xiao Jian suddenly grabbed his hand and pointed to the woods in the distance.

A black shadow flew by.

"What is that?" Shi Yu frowned and looked carefully.

The shadow flashed again, and this time it was clearly visible - it was a nimble wind speed dog, and it seemed to be chasing something.

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