Shi Yu, Dr. Oak, Tian Tong, and the core members of Time Ranch gathered together to discuss how to deal with this emergency.

"Xiaojian, you should immediately contact the researchers in the Hoenn and Sinnoh research institutes and ask them to provide technical support."

Dr. Oak said

"Got it."

Xiaoyou quickly stood up and started to contact.

After Dr. Oak finished speaking, Shiyu continued

"We need to comprehensively evaluate the current information and develop a detailed investigation plan to ensure that no details are missed.

Tian Tong made his own suggestion:"We can first divide into several groups, each responsible for investigating different areas, so that we can obtain information more efficiently."

Shi Yu nodded in agreement:"Okay, then follow Tian Tong's suggestion. We need to find out the truth behind all this in the shortest possible time."

Ten minutes after the meeting, everyone got busy preparing all kinds of equipment and supplies for the trip to the United States.

Shi Yu stood in front of the window, looking at the ranch outside, praying silently in his heart, hoping that this incident would not cause irreparable damage to the ecology.

The next morning, those who were going to the United States took a special plane to the United States.

Along the way, everyone was carefully studying the information in their hands to make full preparations for the upcoming challenges.

After arriving in the United States, they immediately divided into several groups and carried out investigations according to the predetermined plan.

Shi Yu and Tian Tong went to the area where the abnormal phenomenon was first discovered.

It was also a ranch. According to Tian Tong, it used to be a scene of bumper harvest, but now it is filled with a weird atmosphere.

The leaves are yellow and the air is full of strange energy fluctuations, as if the whole ranch is whispering and groaning.

The weather in the United States is not very cold.

Except for those places with higher terrain,

"This is where we found the anomaly.

Tiantong pointed to an open space in front.

"These plants seem to be corroded by some unknown force."

Shi Yu carefully observed the surrounding environment, and suddenly he felt a familiar power fluctuation:"This energy... is like the dark energy of the Night Magic."

"This energy seems to be released deliberately by someone."

Tian Tong nodded:"Yes, this is one of the reasons for our suspicion. This power seems to be gradually spreading. If it is not controlled in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Shi Yu rubbed his eyebrows and looked into the distance:"It seems that we must find the source and solve this problem thoroughly."

Tian Tong nodded in agreement, and the two continued to investigate.

As time went on, more clues gradually surfaced. The abnormal phenomena of those plants and land were indeed related to dark energy.

"Shi Yu, look here."

Tian Tong pointed to a particularly obvious place, where almost all the plants had withered, and there were some strange traces on the ground.

Shi Yu came closer to observe, and his heart tightened:"These traces... are like the remnants of some kind of ritual. It seems that someone has performed some kind of dark ritual here."

Tian Tong frowned:"Could it be that the dark organization is at work again?" Shi Yu shook his head:"I can't be sure for the time being, but I can be sure that there must be a huge conspiracy behind this"

"Shi Yu!"A familiar voice came from a distance.

Shi Yu looked back and saw that Dr. Oak was coming with 853 Xiaojian and other team members.

"We found some new clues!"

Dr. Oak ran forward.

Shi Yu quickly flipped through the materials, his face solemn:"The report shows that similar phenomena exist throughout the Unova region. If this dark energy continues to spread, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xiao Jian asked anxiously:"Then what should we do?" Shi

Yu thought for a moment, and said firmly:"First, we need to figure out the source of this power, and then close the flow path of these energies as much as possible. At the same time, we must also try to restore the ecological environment of the eroded areas."

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