The characteristic of the screw rat is the power of sand.

It needs a sandstorm to activate.

It is also a good option to let it learn the sandstorm skill.

Although the ranch does not need sandstorm weather

【Successfully taught the floating bubble to pray for rain, sunny days, and hail】

【Successfully taught the Screwmouse the ability Sandstorm】...

""Oh wow?"

The floating bubble that just came out of the luxury ball looked like it had suddenly realized something.

Its own energy also changed slightly.

"Floating bubbles, you should have learned to pray for rain, sunny days, and hail, right?"

"Oh wow~~"

Floating Bubble nodded. This magical feeling really came from the new skill.

"Would you like to try it?"

""Oh wow!"

Floating Bubble nodded, feeling as if he had been asking for it.

Shi Yu brought Floating Bubble to the fields where rolling beans, sticky mushrooms, and healing grass were planted.

He said to Floating Bubble,"Floating Bubble, use the rain-praying"

"Oh wow~~"

The floating bubbles controlled the energy in the body.

In an instant, the weather began to change.

The originally sunny to cloudy weather became overcast.

The next moment, scattered raindrops gradually fell.

The appearance of the floating bubbles also changed.

It became the appearance of rain.

A whole drop of water.

As the rain continued to fall, the pseudo-mantis grass that was taking a nap on the second-floor balcony and conducting photosynthesis quickly closed the green plants above its head to avoid being wet by the rain.

The screw mole that was digging the ground, as a ground-type elf, hated rainy days.

It quickly drilled underground to avoid the rain. Looking at the continuous rain,

Shi Yu frowned slightly, secretly feeling that something was wrong.

"Oh no! The rain is getting heavier, will the seeds in the fields be washed away?"

Shi Yu hurriedly said to Floating Bubble:"Floating Bubble, stop first and let the weather return to normal when it is sunny."

"Oh wow~~"

The floating bubble once again created a sunny day.

As a bright sun rose into the sky, the dark clouds gradually dispersed and the rain stopped falling.

But the rain that had just fallen stayed in the fields, making the land extremely wet.

However, the good news was...After the recent rainfall, the seeds in the fields have received enough water.

Shi Yu no longer needs to water them.

"Floating Bubble, can you control the range and amount of rain?"

Shi Yu asked Floating Bubble a difficult question.

Floating Bubble was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

It was very difficult.

After all, it had just learned this skill.

"It's okay, Floating Bubble, I believe you will be able to control the range and amount of rainfall one day."

Shi Yu encouraged Floating Bubble.

Once you can control the range and amount of rainfall, it will be a qualitative change for the entire ranch.

"Snake Bear, please help me spread this bag of quick fertilizer on the field."

Shi Yu spent 100 ranch coins to buy a bag of the cheapest fertilizer from the ranch mall.

He handed it to the snake bear.


The snake bear said it was wrapped around its body.


Shi Yu turned to look at the other side.

The rain just now also wet the orange tree and the orange fruits on the tree.

It was like a bath for both the tree and the orange fruits.

"Bubble Squirrel, could you please help me pick the ripe oranges and put them in the fruit basket over there?"

"oh...By the way, this bag of fruit fertilizer, can you help me spread some under the fruit trees?"

Shi Yu said. He spent another 100 ranch coins in the ranch mall and exchanged for a bag of the cheapest fruit fertilizer.

This bag of fertilizer can increase the amount of fruit trees produce.

The orange fruit trees have grown with the help of the ranch plant maturation accelerator.

The next two steps are fruiting and picking, so that Shi Yu can get more orange fruits.

Orange fruits are not only eaten by the elves in the ranch.

They can also be taken to the market in Hualang Town to sell.

The market price of a pound of orange fruit is 450 alliance coins.

It is quite expensive!


The Bubble Squirrel took the bag of fertilizer from Shi Yu and went to fertilize the fruit trees.

After using the weather skill, the Floating Bubble followed the Bubble Squirrel to help it.

Shi Yu turned to look at the Scyther who was still carrying wood.

"Next, it is time to build a hut for the sheep."

Shi Yu rolled up his sleeves and began to hammer the wooden stakes.

Scythe had already weeded the land.

The rainy day just now also made the soil on the ground very moist.

This made it very smooth for Shi Yu to hammer the wooden stakes.

An hour later, the foundation and fence of the hut were built.

The next step is to build the roof of the hut.

This is to prevent the hut from getting wet when it rains.

It took another hour.

The roof of the hut was completed.

"Scyther, help me move all the straw over there."


The flying mantis flapped its transparent wings and flew to the haystack, and began to carry straw.

Soon, a lot of haystacks were piled up inside the braided sheep's hut, allowing the braided sheep to breed safely inside....Ugh! Live your life with peace of mind and do unspeakable things.

Give birth to more wool-braided lambs for Shi Yu to pluck.

"I don't know when the braided sheep will come back. My army of braided sheep depends on you to grow stronger!"

The image of the blue ribbon braided sheep flashed through Shi Yu's mind.

「Lord of the Aries」(X)

「Ranch stallion」(√)...

When the setting sun shines on the pasture again,

Shi Yu finally finishes building the sheep hut.

【Complete the task: Build a Braided Sheep Hut】

【Rewards: Elf Egg Quick Incubator*1, 1000 Ranch Coins���10 luxury balls】...

"Take out the quick incubator and luxury ball. Suddenly, ten empty luxury balls appeared in Shi Yu's hand. Shi Yu stuffed the luxury balls into his pocket. Then he looked at the quick incubator in front of him. This is a medium

- sized egg incubator.

...It is about the height of a Scyther.

Inside is a container for Pokémon eggs.

Outside are many buttons.

It is a bit smart and can be used as soon as it is plugged in.

"Oops...My ranch doesn't have electricity yet...."

Shi Yu scratched his head.

However, this is not a difficult task.

When he finds a chance to capture an electric elf, the problem of power generation will be solved.

Shi Yu placed the elf egg quick incubator on the left side of the fence of the braided sheep's hut.

The purpose is very simple, just to remind the braided sheep at all times....It's time to lay eggs!

After doing all this,

Shi Yu stretched himself.

He wanted to take a rest, but he heard the sound of the iron dumbbells.


Shi Yu turned around and looked at the iron dumbbell. Its appearance seemed to have changed a little?


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