"How about it? Will you serve me?"

"I think our choice is two-way. You don't want to stay on the edge of a mountain all your life and eat ordinary minerals, right?"

"Even if you can gigantic...But there is not much Dynamax energy here, and sooner or later you will use it up. By then, you may not even be able to protect your one acre of land, and you will have to migrate with your tribe. Only by following me can I guarantee the safety of your tribe!"

"in addition...I can also improve your strength further."

When Shi Yu said this

, the eyes of Ju Tan Shan obviously changed.

Every word Shi Yu said just now, every condition he proposed, hit Ju Tan Shan's heart. For a moment,

Ju Tan Shan fell into deep thought.

After a moment,

Ju Tan Shan seemed willing to eat the pie that Shi Yu had drawn.

He nodded vigorously.


It is willing to bring the Giant Charcoal Mountain Clan to serve Shi Yu and cultivate the ore in the rock mountain for Shi Yu.

But for now, it can only dig in the surrounding area.

��It can't enter the deeper rock mountain.

There is another rock mountain overlord over there.


Shi Yu smiled and reached out to touch the belly of Giant Tanshan.

The skin made of black rock had a little heat coming from it.

It was warm, but not hot.

This was proof that Giant Tanshan recognized Shi Yu.

Otherwise, Shi Yu would have felt a temperature of 1,500 degrees.

Under the influence of Changpan's power

, a gentle force flowed into Giant Tanshan's body.

Giant Tanshan discovered that this gentle force was actually healing its injuries.

This was really amazing.

Giant Tanshan looked at Shi Yu's eyes, and there was a little more admiration in them.

The intimacy also increased a little.

Shi Yu did not pay attention to these.

Instead, he was feeling Giant Tanshan's mood.

He wanted to extract deeper information about Rock Mountain from Giant Tanshan's thoughts.

"A giant rock snake?"

Shi Yu's eyes wrinkled slightly.

From the memory of the giant charcoal mountain, Shi Yu read the information about the giant rock snake.

Then...There is no other information.

"It seems that this rock mountain really divides the territory according to strength."

The outermost layer is the tribe headed by the giant charcoal mountain, and some scattered wild elves live there.

Of course, there are more tribes than the giant charcoal mountain. There seem to be other tribes living in the western region.

Inward, there is the giant rock snake tribe headed by the giant rock snake.

Similarly, there must be tribes similar to the rock snake tribe living in the western mountains.

Further in, there is an elf tribe that is even stronger than the tribe led by the giant rock snake.

"I never expected that this huge mountain range south of Hualang Town was actually home to many hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

"No wonder...No wonder there are so many elves with high potential."

In addition to Kokodora, who is a potential elf at the king level, the leader of the Giant Tanshan tribe in front of him, the Giant Tanshan, also has the potential of the quasi-king level.


Shi Yu was full of curiosity about this rock mountain.

""After I finish exploring the Dozing Forest and obtain the Mega Evolution Stone of Metagross, I will go meet that giant Onix!"

After saying that,

Shi Yu stood up.

The treatment of the Giant Carbon Mountain has ended.

Shi Yu does not intend to use the Power of Evergreen to heal those big carbon trucks and small carbon trucks.

The Power of Evergreen itself consumes Shi Yu's energy, spirit, and spirit to heal the elves.

If so many elves are treated at once,

I'm afraid Shi Yu will fall into this deep pit.

After taking out a large amount of orange fruit from the system space,

Shi Yu said to the Metagross, which had not yet been crystallized:"Metalgross, use your telekinesis to distribute these orange fruits to each of the small carbon trucks and big carbon trucks, and let them eat them."


This kind of work is a piece of cake for the telekinetic Tai Crystal Metagross.

About five minutes later, the group of small charcoal boys and big charcoal cars all woke up from their coma.

Orange Fruit could only heal them slightly. If they wanted to recover, they had to continue to recuperate.

"Jutanshan, that's it for today. Tomorrow, I will ask Kokodo to come over as my supervisor to oversee your work. I hope you won't let me down!"

Shi Yu said to Jutanshan.


Giant Charcoal Mountain stood up and nodded, indicating that he would definitely complete the task of mining ore.


Kokodora also took a step forward, raised his head so that he could only see the sky, and glanced at the group of younger brothers in front of him proudly.

Shi Yu was amused and confused.

Thinking...How about changing the supervisor?

Except for the giant charcoal mountain, Shi Yu did not subdue the other small charcoal kids and big charcoal cars.

There are two main reasons.

First, subduing the leader of the giant charcoal mountain tribe, the giant charcoal mountain, is equivalent to subduing all the elves in this tribe.

Second, Shi Yu does not have that many luxury balls available.

At present, the elf balls he uses to subdue elves are all luxury balls rewarded after completing tasks.

There is no spare ordinary elf balls available.

Unless...Exchange it from the ranch mall.

But in Shi Yu's opinion, isn't this a waste of ranch coins?

Wouldn't it be nice to exchange it for a Slowpoke tail and roast it to eat?

When they returned to the ranch , it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Xiao You was still guarding the door of the cabin, waiting for Shi Yu to return with a worried look on his face.

"Hey~ Xiaoyou? You haven't gone home yet? As an informal employee, there is no overtime pay today.~~"

Hearing Shi Yu's playful joke,

Xiao You looked up suddenly.

Only then did she realize that Shi Yu had flown back from the sky on a giant golden monster.

"With a"click",

Shi Yu jumped off the giant golden monster's back and landed in front of the door of the wooden house.

"Brother Shiyu! I'm so glad you're okay.……"

Xiaoyou excitedly ran over and hugged Shiyu.

After a while, her emotions calmed down a little.

"I was so worried about you! There were several explosions in the mountains over there, and then there was no movement...."

Xiaoyou described the situation of the rock mountain from the perspective of the ranch.

Shi Yu scratched his head and said,"That was indeed the noise caused by the battle between the giant gold monster and the elves on the rock mountain, but...It's okay, Metagross won. In addition, Kokodora is back safely."

After that

, Shi Yu told Xiaoyou the key points of what happened on the rocky mountain. He also released

Kokodora, Giant Claw Mantis, and Dusk Mane Lycanthropy who were still in the Poké Ball.

Let them go and rest quickly.

"Xiaoyou, you’ve worked so hard today. Should I let Metagross take you home?"


Xiao You nodded.

After confirming that Shi Yu and the elves in the ranch were fine,

Xiao You could go home and sleep peacefully.

After Metagross sent Xiao You away,

Shi Yu originally wanted to take a bath and sleep.

But suddenly he found a surprise in the Braided Sheep's hut.

"Oh, what?"

Shi Yu didn't expect that there were actually two white elf eggs inside?!

When he looked at the blue ribbon braided sheep again, Shi Yu seemed to see a dried corpse.

"Well...Has this guy finally been squeezed dry? I say, you should find a few more male braided sheep to share the pressure with you...."

The blue-ribboned sheep twitched its ears as it rested, as if it had a nightmare and suddenly woke up.

It stared at Shi Yu as if to say,...It can still fight!

Then, he ran to the female braided sheep who was still asleep and started the enlightenment movement of the braided sheep tribe.

Shi Yu ignored it.

He picked up the two eggs in the braided sheep pen and observed them carefully.

"They are all braided sheep with ordinary potential...."(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Shi Yu thought about it and decided not to hatch the two eggs for the time being.

Wait and see tomorrow.

If no new Braided Sheep Eggs are born, hatch one of them and complete the next task.

If a new Braided Sheep Egg is born tomorrow, you can consider taking these two Braided Sheep Eggs to the Elf House in Hualang Town to sell them.

Even in the Elf World where elves are everywhere[]

The price of Pokémon eggs is not cheap.

After all, many new trainers do not have Pokémons, and the first way to get Pokémons is to buy Pokémon eggs.

And buying Pokémon eggs is like opening a blind box.

If a Pokémon with high potential is hatched, it is a huge profit.



Shi Yu fell asleep.

In the dream, Shi Yu saw the sky change dramatically.

Purple clouds completely covered the entire Galar region.

A big hand stretched out from the clouds.

The terrifying pressure made the people in the Galar region a little breathless.

Suddenly, two figures appeared.

Two heroes holding giant swords and giant shields stood up to fight with the big hand in the sky. The battle was extremely fierce....Shi Yu woke up

"Is this a dream?"

Shi Yu rubbed his eyes.

He always felt that the scenes in the dream were so real, as if they really happened?

"Is that the god on the cover of Sword and Shield? And that big hand, could it be Everlasting?"


Shi Yu remembered some legends about the Galar region.

About 20,000 years ago, Everlasting came to the Galar region with the fall of a meteorite.

About 3,000 years ago, Everlasting tried to sustain life by absorbing Galar's energy, causing the appearance of red light.

This led to the Darkness phenomenon, causing nearby Pokémon to enter the Dynamax and Gigantamax states, becoming almost crazy and almost destroying the Galar region.

0Please give me flowers0

But two heroes used the legendary sword and shield to successfully drive away the Darkness and save the Galar region, becoming the legend of Galar and passed down.

"The Galar region's illustrated guide does not contain any information about these three Pokémon."

"The authorities are probably trying to hide something."

"However, with the emergence of Gigantamax, this information may not be kept secret anymore."

Shi Yu muttered softly.���


Shi Yu smiled and said lightly:"But what does this have to do with me? I'm just a ranch owner." He walked to the balcony.

Shi Yu glanced at his ranch.

The dragon-headed gopher and the digging rabbit have already started working.

They are definitely the model workers of the ranch. They get up the earliest and go to bed the latest every day.

Nearly 500 square meters of land have been reclaimed on the wasteland in the north.

The serpentine bear and the butterfly are sowing in the reclaimed fields.

The giant mantis and two flying mantises are still cutting the ears of Wangwang Valley rice.

I believe that it won't be long before these nearly 7,000 kilograms of Wangwang Valley rice ears can be harvested.

"By the way, we have to find a new sponsor."

Shi Yu said seriously.

If Violet is the only sponsor, only 500 kilograms of Wangwang Valley rice can be sold every month.

Shi Yu's ranch can currently produce 7,500 kilograms of Wangwang Valley rice.

In addition to the newly reclaimed fields, if some more land is allocated to plant Wangwang Valley rice, the harvest will have to increase.

On the plant sales APP, Shi Yu looked through the background private messages.

Then he responded one by one.

At this time. Shi Yu saw a user with the ID of blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs, who sent him a private message.

Our company needs a large number of Wangwang Valley rice ears. If you can cooperate for a long time, please send me an address. I will come to visit this morning.

"Company...The amount purchased should be more than Violet's gym, right?"

Shi Yu thought to himself, and shared the location of a ranch with the blonde.

The other side automatically replied: Received.

After turning off the phone,

Shi Yu came downstairs.

In the fruit tree garden, several newly planted fruit tree seedlings have grown a little.

Seeing the growth rate of these fruit tree seedlings,

Shi Yu couldn't help but sighed:"The red soil plus the maturity speed of X3...This six-fold growth is really amazing."


Shi Yu came to the door of the Braided Sheep's hut again.

Looking inside, Shi Yu was surprised again.

There were two more elf eggs?

"Yo...Blue Ribbon Braided Sheep is great, and is getting more diligent in sowing seeds!"

Shi Yu smiled and took out the two Pokémon eggs, holding one in each hand.

On the data panel, he glanced at the information of the two Pokémon eggs.

The Pokémon egg on the left hand..."Ordinary potential?"

Shi Yu shook his head in dismay.

He looked at the elf egg on the right.

"Gym-level potential?!"

After seeing the potential of the braided sheep elf egg in his right hand,

Shi Yu was stunned and then burst into laughter.

"Drawing elf eggs is really like opening a blind box. You never know when a high-potential elf egg will appear."After saying that,

Shi Yu temporarily put the elf egg in his left hand into the wooden house.

Put it together with the two elf eggs he brought last night.

Shi Yu planned to ask Xiaoyou to take these three low-potential elf eggs to the elf breeding house in Hualang Town to help sell them in the morning.

It should be able to earn a considerable income. The remaining elf egg with gym-level potential was carried by Shi Yu to the door of the Braided Sheep's hut.

There is a quick incubator for elf eggs here. Shi Yu put the Braided Sheep's elf egg inside.

"Electronic sound baby, please generate electricity~"


The electric sound baby released a little electric light, and the elf egg quick incubator was immediately lit up.

Shi Yu started the machine.

Soon, a set of processes was completed.

When the elf egg shell broke, a white fluffy braided sheep, wrapped in egg liquid, was hatched.


The newborn lamb looked very tender, small and soft to the touch. The gentle sound of the lamb's hooves also woke up the ewes in the Braided Sheep House.

One by one, they all ran over with overflowing maternal love.


" Wait a moment, I'll give it a bath first."

Shi Yu took the little braided sheep to the pond.

With the help of the lotus leaf boys, he washed it.

When he returned to the braided sheep's hut,

Shi Yu took out a Poké Ball and tapped it on the little braided sheep's head.

After taming it, he put it in the braided sheep's hut and asked the ewes to help raise it.

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