"Then can anyone tell me the restraint relationship between the Bug attribute and other attributes?"

"I know, it restrains Grass, Psychic, and Dark, and is restrained by Flying, Rock, and Fire."

"Very good!" Professor Oak clapped his hands, "Anything else, Satoshi!"

"Anything else? ...Are there...Are there?"

Satoshi scratched his head and tried hard to think, but he couldn't remember what other attributes he had missed.

Restraint and being restrained, hasn't he already explained it very comprehensively?

"Stupid Satoshi, it's resistance, you missed resistance."

Hedgehog-headed Xiaomao said proudly, "Bugs resist fighting, ground, and grass!"

"That's right, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, you said it very well."

Professor Oak praised the two with satisfaction.

It can be seen that these two children from Pallet Town are definitely outstanding among this group of children.

Maybe we should also add Serena from faraway Kalos.

After glancing at the brown-haired girl, Dr. Oak finally looked at Charlotte, who was 184 cm tall.

"Charlotte, did you listen carefully just now?"


"Then let me ask you, what attributes restrain the insect type?"

"Fire type, rock type, flying type."

"What restrains the fire type?"

"Sorry, doctor, I haven't learned about it." Charlotte admitted honestly,

"But I guess there are probably water type, ground type, and rock type?"

Dr. Oak, who originally thought that Charlotte was just ordinary, suddenly had a bright look in his eyes when he heard this, and became interested.

"Tell me your basis."

"Water, ground, and rock can suffocate flames, so they can put out fires."

Is it a conclusion inferred from the suffocation method? Dr. Oak showed an admiring look,

"Then it is also suffocation. Can Charlotte tell me why grass, ice, and steel can't put out fires?"

This is both a test for Charlotte, to test whether he knew the answer in advance and lied to him.

At the same time, it is also exploring whether Charlotte can really discover objective laws from the operation of all things and make conclusions.

If it is the latter,

then Charlotte is born to learn this material, and it is undoubtedly worth his recommendation.

What makes Professor Oak happy is that when he mentioned the three attributes of grass, ice and steel that are restrained by the fire system, Charlotte's expression did not change at all.

This basically excludes the possibility that Charlotte knew the answer in advance,

unless Charlotte is a natural actor who can remain calm in times of crisis.

Charlotte, who didn't know that Professor Oak was examining him, also began to analyze.

"Ice, non-dried grass, and steel can also cause suffocation and extinguish fires, but they are different from rocks, soil, and water. They will be changed in nature, burned, and melted by flames. On the contrary, fire should overcome ice, grass, and steel."

Dr. Oak nodded repeatedly and got to the point.

After hesitating for a while, Charlotte added:

"In fact, it's hard to say about steel. Ordinary flames can't reach the melting point of steel, and it's also difficult to melt steel. In that case, it will overcome fire."

Hearing this, the light in Dr. Oak's eyes became brighter, and he laughed dumbly.

"Charlotte, how do you know all this? Especially the restraint relationship between fire and steel."

Charlotte fell into recollection. It seems that the steel in the base was not completely melted by the explosion and flames.

"... Base explosion, can you understand?"

"Ahem, I know."

Dr. Oak naturally knew Charlotte's origins.

Knowing that these were alliance secrets, Dr. Oak quickly ended the topic.

"Very good, Charlotte, I will recommend you to Evergreen Academy later."

"Thank you, Professor Oak."

Charlotte bowed to thank Professor Oak, and silently remembered the name of Evergreen Academy.

After nodding to Charlotte, Professor Oak swept his eyes across the curious and confused eyes, knowing that he had to say something.

"Let me explain to you about your question about steel and fire, Charlotte."

Thinking that Charlotte could actually restrain the elves and dig so deep, Professor Oak couldn't help but show a kind smile on his old face.

He glanced at his grandson Xiaomao with a hedgehog head and the black-haired boy Xiaozhi inadvertently, and shook his head secretly.

He taught Xiaomao and Xiaozhi himself, but he knew that fire could overcome steel, but he never thought about why fire could overcome steel.

They are both children, why is there such a big gap? It would be great if Charlotte could be his grandson.

"Charlotte is right. Steel and Fire are actually mutually restraining."

"Mutually restraining?"

Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi and Serena were all surprised, and couldn't believe what they heard.

"Professor Oak/Grandpa, are you awake?"

Oki: (•́へ•́╬)

These two little bastards really deserve a beating.

Give it toAfter everyone's brains exploded, Professor Oak continued.

"The attribute restraint you learned is actually the attribute restraint within the same realm level."

"I don't understand."

"Like Charlotte said, the gap is big enough. Steel, ice, and even the juicy grass can suppress the low-temperature fire."

When everyone's faces suddenly realized,

Omu looked at Charlotte, "As for the melting point of steel you mentioned, Charlotte."

Omu smiled,

"In fact, you may have mistakenly equated steel-type Pokémon with steel."

"What do you mean?"

Charlotte was curious, is there any difference between the two?

"Steel-type Pokémon is the same as other attribute Pokémon. The body hardness and melting point also range from weak to strong. Just like when the fire-type Pokémon is weak, the flame can't even burn the grass. It's just that in the same realm, steel can be easily melted by the flame, so the steel type is restrained by the fire type."

Charlotte is very smart and almost immediately understood this meaning.

Steel Pokémon ≠ Steel Products.

But the other children at the scene seemed to be listening to a book of heaven, and they didn't understand what was happening at all.

Professor Oak sighed helplessly,

"You just need to remember that strength is the hard truth, and attribute restraint is only one of the many factors that affect the relationship between victory and defeat."

The black-haired boy suddenly raised his hand,

"I understand, Professor, that is to say, if the strength is enough, the reverse attribute is also the forward attribute, right?"

The boy became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was still cheering himself up.

"No problem, it must be like this!"

Dr. Oak was surprised,

Although it was a little different, it was okay to understand it this way.

"Xiaozhi, this kid, is really... well, great wisdom appears foolish."

In the following time, Professor Oak patiently explained a lot of attribute knowledge to Charlotte and others,

In fact, if it weren't for Charlotte taking the lead, he was completely unwilling to talk so much to these little guys whose brains were not fully developed.

They still couldn't understand even if I said so much.

Based on this,

What disappointed Charlotte was that Dr. Oak only briefly mentioned the characteristics and then left it alone.

Charlotte wanted to ask, but this time Dr. Oak stopped him directly in advance.

"When you enter the school, you can go to the library to learn, and the teacher will teach you."

It's not that Oak doesn't want to teach, but... this is the youth group.

The teenagers come to the summer camp to play, not to study.

Who comes to the summer camp for serious people to study?

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