The result of the battle was just as everyone thought.

Bulbasaur was indeed resistant to the Grass type, but most of his injuries came from free fall.

After continuous free fall, Bulbasaur's eyes soon became entangled and lost the ability to fight.

At the same time, Charlotte received a system reminder and immediately focused his attention on the panel of Serpentine.

[Target]: Snake

[Gene]: Snake × Dratini

[Matching degree]: 88%

[Fusion progress]: 8→9%

[Racial value]: 337 (+29)

[Physical strength]: 49 (+3) → (+4)

[Attack]: 51 (+5) → (+6)

[Defense]: 59 (+4) = (+4)

[Special attack]: 50 (+4) → (+5)

[Special defense]: 60 (+4) → (+5)

[Speed]: 68 (+4) → (+5)

[Combat power]: Normal level (62kg) → (63kg)

The battle increased the genetic fusion degree of Snake and Dratini, and the racial value also grew again, which led to an increase in combat power.

Compared with the victory, the latter improvement made Charlotte more excited.

"I lost..."

After the battle, looking at Charlotte's excited smile from the bottom of his heart, Lei Si couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I thought that if they all used the Pokémon given by the school, there would be no gap, and he would even be ahead.

But he didn't expect that he was still not as good as Charlotte.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte, I didn't let you and Snake use your full strength and feel each other's fighting style."

"Don't take it to heart," Charlotte smiled and comforted:

"Wait until your Bulbasaur learns poison and special attack moves, then we can fight again."

"Okay!" Lei Si followed with a smile,

But soon, his smile froze, and a short sentence revealed too many things.

"...How do you know?"

Charlotte analyzed so much with just one battle, he... is really a terrifying opponent.

"Charlotte, can you sign for me?"

No one came, Lei Si's words silenced Charlotte.

"What are you doing?"

Looking directly into Charlotte's eyes, Lei Si grinned with a sunny smile.

"I have a feeling that Charlotte's future achievements are absolutely limitless, at least he will be the king of the alliance."

Lusamine, who happened to pass by, "Hmm?"

This blonde female teacher is obviously very prestigious and influential among the students.

Almost the moment Lusamine walked out of the cafeteria, she had already cast her eyes on her.

Lusamine didn't care about these eyes at all, but instead thought seriously about Lei Si's evaluation.

As Kona's younger brother, it seems that it is indeed much easier for Charlotte to become a king than ordinary people.

In addition, Charlotte has been recognized by this difficult vine snake as soon as he came up.

The possibility is even greater.

"Well, Charlotte, it is indeed very likely."

As soon as these words came out,

The whole audience was shocked, and many people widened their eyes and opened their mouths in astonishment.

After a while, a group of people surrounded Charlotte and asked for autographs and photos.

Charlotte finally managed to escape from the crowd and hid in Lusamine's car.

"Teacher, you've done me a disservice."


While driving, he caught a glimpse of the lipstick marks on Charlotte's school uniform and the messy clothes.

Admiring the masterpiece he indirectly created,

Lusamine was in a very good mood, "Isn't it a good thing for a boy of your age to be popular?"

"Aren't they all little girls? They are not as pretty as the teacher."

"Hmm?" Lusamine seemed to be in a better mood after looking at Charlotte with a playful look.

"You're so sweet, then the teacher won't mind your rash behavior of getting in the car without my consent."

Who is to blame for this? Besides... didn't you say you could find me if I had any problem?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Charlotte didn't intend to dwell on this matter.

He turned to ask about another matter. "Teacher, do you know that there is a boy with a smug expression, arrogant and gloomy temperament in the crowd?"

Charlotte asked this because she noticed that the man looked at her with strong hostility.

"Tian Gui (jun/gui/qiu)."

"Tian Jun?" Charlotte looked at the blonde teacher beside her in surprise.

Smiling confidently, noticing Charlotte's momentary distraction, Lusamine's smile became brighter,

"I'm surprised that I really know who you are talking about?"


"Actually, I didn't see that person."

She glanced at Charlotte with a puzzled expression,

Feeling that she had Charlotte in her grasp,Lusamine laughed happily and teased.

"After all, you are too dazzling in the crowd, Charlotte. Time is short, and I don't have time to pay attention to others."

Ignoring Lusamine's teasing, Charlotte thoughtfully opened the advanced ball of Fujiteng Snake.

Lusamine, who was driving, had her pupils shrank slightly and almost stepped on the brakes.

"Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being the younger brother of the Kona King. This quick thinking is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

While sighing,

Lusamine's inner shock was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

If Lusamine thought Charlotte had the qualifications of a king before, it was more because of Charlotte's background,

then at this moment, Lusamine thought Charlotte might be able to win the championship.

Holding the chubby Snake in his arms, Charlotte said, "I've only been here for one day and have never offended anyone."

Changing the subject, "But if I may have offended anyone, it can only be the former trainer abandoned by Snake. He would feel unwilling because I was recognized by Snake and thought he was outdone."

Snake, who was struggling because of his pride, gave up struggling when he heard that he had caused trouble for the trainer.

"It's okay, Snake, don't blame yourself. If you don't reject them, how can you have the chance to be with me?"

Charlotte didn't take Tian Jun's hostility to heart. After all, they were in school and the other party couldn't do anything.

And when Charlotte left school?

Referring to the gains and improvements of Snake after the battle today, Charlotte felt that he should not take the other party to heart at that time.


Although Charlotte's words made sense, Snake was still a little depressed.

Helplessly, Charlotte had to lift Snake up and rubbed her face against Snake's face,

Rubbing Snake's cheeks red, very cute, and finally Charlotte put her forehead against Snake's forehead,

Seriously said: "We are a family, no matter whose troubles, we have to face them together."


Psyduck took the initiative to appear from the Poké Ball, stood on the shelf between the main driver and the co-pilot, and expressed his approval. "Psyduck~"

Lusamine: "Ah, ah, ah!"

Lusamine almost stepped on the accelerator and stepped to the bottom.

Fortunately, she reacted and handled it calmly, which resolved the crisis.


Charlotte put away Psyduck, looked at Lusamine awkwardly, and prepared to be scolded.


The words that entered her ears were, "Can Charlotte sign an autograph for the teacher?"

Charlotte: "?"

"I think Charlotte, you have the potential to be a champion, and I want to ask for an autograph in advance!"

"Teacher, I doubt whether you have lied about your age and teeth!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Do you think you have the image of an elder?"

"That's great, Charlotte, I don't want you to treat me as an elder."

Lusamine blushed a little bit late to notice the ambiguity in the words, and spoke before Charlotte opened her mouth to make amends,

"Little Charlotte, remember that girls want to be young forever. In the future, when talking to women, don't talk about the taboo topic of age."

Lusamine, who didn't want to continue to be embarrassed on this topic, quickly changed the subject, "By the way, where is Charlotte going?"

"I plan to go to the library to find out about the training experience of the Fujin Snake. Teacher, just take me to the door of the library."

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