That is to make the synonym of ugliness, the Ugly Fish, become beautiful!

This condition is simply too difficult, even more exaggerated than a carp leaping over the dragon gate.

Therefore, although Milotic is a hot favorite in the competition, it can be seen in almost every gorgeous competition.

But in the real offline, it is difficult to see the opponent's figure.

Therefore, when this Milotic appeared, almost all the school team members present instantly restrained their contempt.

The most panicked person in the audience is the school team member who was just reminding Shirona.

Even Charizard lost more than it won against Milotic, and his second-stage Charmeleon was still a failure!

"Charmeleon, sunny day!"

The weather has a great impact on Pokémon battles.

On a sunny day, not only will the power of fire-attributed moves be increased by 50%,

it will also limit the use of most water-type moves and reduce their power by 50%!

Shirona has naturally studied weather battles.

The principle of sunny days restricting water-type Pokémon is that

Sunny days can make the sunlight stronger and the air drier,

causing the free water molecules in the air to evaporate quickly, causing the water content of water-type Pokémon to drop significantly.

If the level gap is too large, the limit is not even limited to 50%.

But even in this case,

In addition to changing the weather,

Shirona relied on her own wisdom to come up with another solution.

"Mienshao, hot water!"

Unlike most water-type moves, hot water does not rely on the amount of water output, but on the temperature of the water to hurt the opponent.

Sunny days will reduce the size of hot water, but will also make hot water evolve into water vapor, and the temperature will increase abnormally.


When the "hot water" between liquid and gas hit Charmeleon, even the Burn King could not withstand it.

Charmeleon's body was directly blown away, and his body was severely burned.

"Thank you!"


While praising Sirona, the boy quickly took back the Charmeleon and ran towards the school team's infirmary next door.

After this battle,

even though most people didn't see the clues of Sirona's cracking of the sunny day tactics, they knew that Sirona was not easy to mess with.

For a moment, the people who were originally eager to try,

now hesitated.

"I'll be your opponent."


When the captain applied for training outside, the vice-captain was the strongest person in the school team.

Is he the second one to appear directly? Isn't it a bit too early?

Facing the surprise of everyone, the vice-captain shook his head helplessly.


He stretched out his hand to indicate the direction of Sirona, but found that the other party did not report his name, and he paused awkwardly.

"We have all witnessed the fighting power of this beautiful lady, so there is no need to conduct any more tests."

"I am Electrode!"


Shirona is not an impolite person. Since the other party has given her a name, she can only do it.

"Go ahead, Electabuzz, 100,000 volts!"

Electabuzz is a Pokémon with orange-yellow hair and black stripes, somewhat similar to a humanoid tiger.

This is an electric Pokémon, and the electric system restrains the water system, which is not good for Shirona.

However, Shirona did not frown.

Instead, she showed a hint of excitement and fighting spirit because the opponent restrained her.

"Mienshao, hot water!"

The water flow and the golden electric current intertwined,

The speed of the water flow was not as fast as the lightning,

The electric current fell on Mienshao, and Mienshao's body was immediately covered by the electric current, and his body rolled and twitched on the ground.

"Get out of the way!"

The deputy captain had seen the power of hot water, so he naturally didn't intend to take it head-on.

He wanted to rely on the flexible body structure of the electric beast to avoid this attack.

But he obviously underestimated Shirona's determination.

In order to let the hot water hit the target, Milotic released the hot water without even dodging.


The hot water between liquid and gas still covered half of the body of the electric beast.

The furry fur can even play a certain role in defending against physical attacks when facing physical attacks,

but good and bad are interdependent,

but it can also lead to poor heat dissipation and drainage difficulties.

Therefore, when the hot water covers the body of the electric beast, it not only brings the first damage,

but also the hair locks the hot water, and the high temperature continues to act on the body of the electric beast.


The electric beast rolled on the ground in pain, wishing to rub the mud into its body to reduce the high temperature burns.

Compared to the continuous rolling of Electabuzz,

Mienshao, who is restrained, has a very high special defense, which can reduceA large part of the power of the special attack move 100,000 volts was absorbed.

Thus, although he was seriously injured, he did not fall down directly.

Instead, he recovered his mobility faster.

"Mienshao, Mud Shot!"

A ground-type move that restrains the electric type.

When Mienshao panted and condensed a large amount of mud in the air, he shot it at the rolling Electabuzz and covered the opponent.

The Electabuzz, which could not withstand the restrained attack, soon fell down.

"Thank you."

Shirona was a little surprised.

The vice-captain's Electabuzz could seriously injure Mienshao. It seems that it is a Pokémon of the same level.

But this is reasonable.

In fact, the opponent that Shirona imagined at the beginning should be stronger than this.

This time, she also needs to let Mienshao receive treatment from the school doctor.

Fortunately, there is a clinic next to the arena, and the first boy who went out to fight just now called the school resident Joey over.

Mienshao can be treated directly in the medical room on the sidelines.

Seeing Shirona's disappointment,

Thinking that he didn't win even with attribute restraint, the vice-captain felt ashamed and couldn't help but think of the captain.

The captain was still in the school just now. Although he has left now, he may not have left Evergreen City.

"Well, please wait a moment, we still have one last player."

"The last player, is it the captain?"

The bad behavior of kicking the gym, coupled with Shirona's strong strength,

The current school team members can no longer laugh,

Because after today, their school team, along with Evergreen Academy, may be embarrassed to the world.

After all, the school team is composed of high-performing trainers in the senior grades, most of whom are young people of Charlotte's age,

And Shirona, although her origin is unknown, is a real peer.

"Okay," Shirona agreed,

Fighting with a powerful opponent of the same age in the Kanto region is exactly what she came for,

At the same time,

Dinglingling, the bell rang in the campus!

After class,

Charlotte got lunch in the cafeteria and unexpectedly saw Shirona again.

Shirona also saw Charlotte, and the two nodded and greeted each other.

Then they started eating without interfering with each other.

When lunch was over,

Charlotte was going to continue training alone and practice the mastery moves explained by Professor Oak.

Swift, ordinary, and fierce.

As a result, Lei Si dragged him to the arena audience seats where the school team was located to watch Shirona fight against the captain of the school team.

After a period of spread,

they also knew about Shirona's experience of kicking the gym, and the bad news that the vice-captain was defeated by Shun attribute.

"Now, the reputation of Evergreen Academy depends on the captain of the school team. If he loses, there will be no one else in the school to rely on."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly, glanced at Sirona's Pokémon data, and murmured: "That's not necessarily the case."

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