Principal Oak's office,

"Charlotte is back. Xuecheng has told me about your situation."

Principal Oak's eyes were filled with admiration,

"You are so outstanding. I really doubt whether you are a bionic person."

Charlotte: "..."

"Exposed? It seems that the only way to kill him now is to kill him!"

"Hahaha, you are really interesting. You came to me to sell energy cubes in school, right?"

"You can't hide anything from me, Principal."

After all, energy cubes are compressed food, with low consumption and high production costs.

Expensive means difficult to sell,

But Evergreen Academy, as a place where noble children gather, is easy to sell.

Charlotte immediately set her eyes on the cake here.

"You are considered a true disciple of my husband and I. I will not hide it from you. The current supplier of energy cubes for the school supermarket is Silver Company. Of course, you don't have to worry about retaliation. Their company dares not go against an official Four Heavenly Kings. And I also believe that the quality of your energy cubes can exceed Silver Company, which specializes in making Poké Balls. You can talk to the person in charge of the supermarket for details. I will inform him for you."

Being able to say so much in one breath obviously means that Principal Oak treats Charlotte as his own child.

Feeling the other party's concern for him, Charlotte bowed deeply respectfully.

"Thank you, Principal."

Principal Oak looked at Charlotte lovingly.

"If you can call me grandma like Xiao Mao, I will be even happier."

Feeling Principal Oak's kindness to him, Charlotte did not act pretentiously, "Okay, thank you, Principal Grandma."

"Hey, go!"

Seeing that Charlotte really agreed, Principal Oak smiled happily, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll go right away, but I have something else to do."

"You already call me grandma, so just tell me if you have anything to say in the future."

"Okay, I want to apply for a leave of absence."

"Oh? Leave of absence?"

The smile on Principal Damu's face suddenly stopped.

"But you've only been in school for a week..."

"But I've already learned all the content of the first grade, and even most of the content of the second grade."

"Don't believe it? Please check it!"

Principal Damu, with a responsible mindset, carefully checked Charlotte's homework.

Finally, through verification, it was found that

Charlotte not only had a thorough understanding of the content of the textbooks and a deep understanding of the meaning, but could even recite it backwards.

Even with such an excellent memory,

Charlotte is really a super genius who is proficient in everything!

"In this case, staying in school for three years is really a waste of time. I approve it."

Principal Damu is very open-minded and decisively agreed to this matter.

"Thank you, Principal Grandma."

"Don't thank me yet, you have to make sure you can pass the final exam and learn the third grade content."

"No problem!"

Coincidentally, Charlotte thought so too.

Looking at the smile on Charlotte's face and the back of him turning away.

Principal Oki's face suddenly showed a trace of sadness.

"Alas, I didn't expect to leave so early."


The supermarket on campus,

The person in charge is a slightly fat middle-aged man with glasses, who went out the door early to greet Charlotte,

"Come on, come on, please sit down, Charlotte."

The two entered the air-conditioned monitoring room,

Charlotte saw the big tail standing on the table in the monitoring room, sleeping, furry and very cute.

Seemingly aware of the sound of the door opening,

The listless big tail raised his head and glanced at Charlotte and the person in charge,

Then he shrank his head and continued to sleep.

"Student Charlotte, I heard that your energy cubes are of excellent quality. Are they specially made by Professor Oak?"


Charlotte showed the energy cubes she made to the boss.

Energy cubes are small cubes that are solidified from gel.

Energy cubes similar to those produced by large factories all have good appearances.

So even though the energy cubes that Charlotte took out were crystal clear and shone like diamonds, he still didn't get too excited.

Until the listless big-tailed tachibana suddenly stood up, his nose slightly twitched, and then he looked at the energy cubes that Charlotte took out with burning eyes and full of desire.

"Okay, I believe that student Charlotte has received the true teachings of Professor Oak."

"What is this?"

"Student Charlotte, you don't know, because my big-tailed tachibana eats high-grade energy cubes, it rarely shows such energy in eating."

"I see."

Charlotte suddenly realized, which saved a lot of effort.

Thinking about it, Charlotte picked up an energy cube and handed it to the great hero Dawei Lixing.


Dawei LixingHe excitedly took the energy cube, put it into his mouth, and began to chew happily.

"Can Charlotte provide 5,000 energy cubes per week?"


Charlotte calculated his production efficiency in his mind, one furnace in ten minutes, ten cubes in one furnace.

It seems that only relying on Dr. Oak's machine, it can't produce much.

We still have to buy large-scale production equipment.

In that case, one furnace can produce about 100 to 500 cubes.

If we take two hours a week, we can handle the orders for the week.

"Okay, but I don't have large equipment now, so I can only provide a small amount for the time being."

"Ah? This..."

The person in charge who had planned to sign the order with Charlotte was sweating.

He dared not refuse to give face to Principal Oak and Kona King.

But if Charlotte could not provide a stable supply, he could only reluctantly refuse.

In fact, Charlotte also understood what the person in charge meant.

It was to directly replace all the energy cubes on the container with the styles he made.

But in the eyes of Charlotte, who had traveled through time, there is actually a better solution. "I suggest that we divide the counters into different counters and sell the two energy cubes at the same price at the same time." "Ah?" The person in charge was sweating profusely because of the knowledge he had never heard of before. "Sell them at the same time, and then decide which side to import according to the sales situation. I also have time to buy new equipment." Although it is a competition with others, but with the same price and better quality, Charlotte is not worried that he will lose. The person in charge thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true. In this way, he could avoid offending Silver Company, but the embarrassing situation of not being able to sell here. Although this possibility is almost non-existent, "Then you have to hurry up!" "Well, I will increase production as soon as possible." After finalizing the sales route of energy cubes on his side, Charlotte also showed the energy cubes made by Sirona. This was a request from Sirona, saying that although her family was rich, she still hoped that she could be self-reliant. The energy cubes made by Shirona are not as clean and flawless as those made by Charlotte and Silver Company.

Among a pile of energy cubes, a small number of them will have defects.

If it were the original person in charge, he would definitely refuse,

But now, after Charlotte's guidance, he decided to give it a try.

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