"Just, 1000?" Kona frowned slightly.

Not because he thought it was too expensive, but because he was wondering if it was too cheap.

It is true that 1000 contribution points require nearly 1000 ordinary tasks to be completed, and success must be ensured.

Almost most people cannot complete it in their lifetime,

But this is hundreds of square kilometers of land!

The unit is square kilometers!!! Not square meters!

You know, 1 square kilometer is already the size of hundreds of football fields,

And the land that the person in charge offers to sell is hundreds of square kilometers.

Almost the size of a county-level block, and it is a permanent right of use.

In Kona's opinion, the asking price of 1000 contribution points is really too little.

In the final analysis, it is because Kona saw the favorable environment of that area, and his judgment was affected to a certain extent.

Before Fantasy made the rectification, it is estimated that Kona did not think it was cheap, but expensive.

At the moment, the person in charge thought like this.

When he calculated, he actually calculated according to the standard of habitable land, which was considered a high price.

Seeing Kona frown,

the person in charge hesitated and decided to give a discount.

"Ahem, although the land is indeed very large, that is the price for outsiders. If it is Kona who wants it, I can give you the internal price, 30% off."

In the person in charge's mind,

it is a remote place with fog all year round and rugged mountain roads.

30% off is actually the original price.

"30% off?"

Kona frowned even more deeply.

"How about? 50% off."

In a remote place, you can't let a fool go.

And the discount he gave was big enough.

Even if Kona doesn't want it later, it's probably difficult for him to ask for it.

He is a smart guy!

Kona's expression became even weirder when he heard it.

Seeing this, the person in charge couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Are you still not satisfied? That's a bit difficult."

He rubbed his head and looked embarrassed.

He didn't lie. For wasteland like this that no one wants, it is allowed to be sold at a discount.

But if the price is too low, it will be difficult for him to report.

"No, just 50% off. It's not me who buys it, but Charlotte."

Kona pointed at Charlotte who was watching the show.

Charlotte was confused. Where did he get the contribution points?

"Ah? I buy it? No, I..."

Kona stopped Charlotte from talking and handed the person in charge a pass.

Charlotte glanced at it and

noticed that the name on the pass was his own and the photo was also his. He was stunned.


Seeing Charlotte's confusion, Kona smiled and explained:

"With the encryption of your file, you have already joined the alliance, but I haven't handed you the certificate yet, and you don't need to serve officially."

Charlotte suddenly realized what he said,

Kona continued: "As for contribution points, you have a contract to provide contribution points, enough to buy this land."

With the deduction of 500 contribution points,

the corresponding transfer procedures were completed, and the official map system was also updated in real time.

This large area north of Route 3 was all painted red, indicating that it had been sold, and Charlotte's name was written on it.

In the future, if anyone wants this land, they will have to negotiate with Charlotte in person.

The alliance no longer has the right to use this land, but only the nominal ownership of the land.

After completing the legal purchase procedures, the huge stone in everyone's heart finally fell to the ground.


After leaving the alliance headquarters,

the group took a helicopter back to the mountains.

"I really didn't expect that the process would be smoother than I thought. Here..."

Charlotte glanced at Kona, took the pass from Kona, and carefully examined the contents.

Kanto Alliance Investigator - Charlotte.

"By the way, how many contribution points do I have left?"

"500, and here's how to get contribution points and what you can buy."

Kona took out his personal alliance terminal.

Charlotte reached out to take it and glanced at the contents.

The three girls next to him couldn't resist their curiosity and also looked over curiously.

Because although there was no explicit rule that these contents could be told to outsiders, they also didn't say they had to be kept secret.

This time Kona didn't bother to care.

Seeing that Kona didn't stop her, Caruna, who was familiar with Kona, changed from being cautious at the beginning to looking at it freely.

She even discussed the contents with Charlotte.

Seeing this, Sirona and Lusamine naturally joined the discussion openly.

After a round of checking,

In addition to regular items, the exchangeable content even includes Pokémon.

Flying-type Pokémon suitable for riding, Psychic-type Pokémon, the three starter Pokémon, even Quasi-Gods, and even Legendary Pokémon!"Let's not talk about the exchange of legendary Pokémon for now. Isn't it said that except for Pokémon eggs, all other Pokémon transactions are illegal?"

Shirona subconsciously asked a somewhat innocent question.

Kona couldn't help but smile at this.

"Does Charlotte know the answer?"

"The law is made by the Alliance. I guess there are special regulations inside."

"Yes, the purpose of this law is to protect Pokémon from being harmed by transactions, but the Alliance will not harm Pokémon."

"I see."

The four of them looked enlightened, but Charlotte still frowned.

"Should I say it or not? There is still a loophole. What if someone inside has bad intentions..."

"Then I'll ask that person to try my blizzard."

Kona sneered at first, and then spread his hands helplessly.

"The law cannot be perfected. We can only rely on generations of like-minded people to perfect and maintain it as much as possible."

"Let's talk about legendary Pokémon. Although the exchange price is almost sky-high, if someone can really afford it, can the Alliance really get a legendary Pokémon?"

As the host of the gene fusion system, in order to collect more powerful genes, Charlotte has learned about legendary Pokémon.

Think about the natural disaster-level abilities of Ho-Oh and Lugia that can easily destroy cities and trigger tsunamis.

It is hard for Charlotte to imagine that

the Alliance is really strong enough to get such Pokémon cubs.

"Of course, where do you think the sacred fire before each conference comes from?"

"Ah~" With a sigh, Kona introduced some unknown secrets to the four curious people.

"Although the Alliance does not have the power to dominate top legendary Pokémon as you think.

But not all legendary Pokémon have the destructive power of natural disasters.

For example, the legendary birds such as Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno,

Although they are also legendary Pokémon, their strength is far less terrifying than super beasts such as Ho-Oh and Lugia.

What's more, legendary Pokémon also have infancy and sub-adulthood,

Before growing up, some do not even have gym-level strength.

And legendary Pokémon have very high intelligence,

If someone can really make such a great contribution, it is estimated that the legendary birds will definitely be willing to follow them actively."

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