"Although I've heard that Pokémon have evolved continuously under great pressure to protect their children or trainers, this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Charlotte, try it out and see if he still listens to you?"

"No need, I believe in Charizard, just as he believes in me."

The acquaintance between the three ordinary Pokémon and the trainer is only a relationship introduced by the matchmaker (doctor).

If the strength grows too fast, the Pokémon will indeed become disobedient.

But Charlotte and Charmander are in a relationship of savior and rescued.

Charlotte is the reborn parent of this group of Pokémon, so she is naturally closer to them.

In addition, eyes are windows to the soul, and Charlotte has already seen Charizard's loyalty.

"I thought it would be the Green Ivy Snake that would evolve to the final stage first, but I didn't expect that it would be Charmander that succeeded in the end."

Charlotte put her hand on Charizard's shoulder in surprise,

"Of course, I should call you Charizard now,"

Charizard, who was looking up at his shoulder, lowered his head, with a hint of disappointment in his pupils,

Charlotte guessed what the other party was thinking, and raised his hand to pat Charizard's shoulder, whose height was not even as high as his shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged, Charizard, you are just young and will grow up again."

Just as Kona and Lusamine analyzed,

Charlotte was not worried about Charizard's height,

Sub-adulthood and stunted development are two completely different concepts.

One is that the time has not come, and the other is that the time has come, but the body is deficient.

Charlotte was feeding Charizard with good food and drink, so it was impossible for him to be stunted.

Besides, Green Ivy Snake can grow taller with the help of Dratini genes, so Charizard can naturally do the same.

[Target]: Charizard

[Attribute]: Fire + Flying

[Feature]: Fierce Fire

[Talent]: King Level

[Skills]: ..., Jet Flame, Air Slash, Lightning Fist, Will-O-Wisp

It can be seen from the fact that Charizard, before its evolution, had a King Level talent that was far inferior to that of Viper and Ralts, but it had mastered so many high-quality skills.

Charmander can have the current continuous evolution and leap in strength.

In addition to Charlotte's assistance and guidance, it is also the result of Charmander's own hard work.

[Gene]: Charizard

[Matching degree]: -

[Fusion progress]: -

[Race value]: 534

[Stamina]: 78

[Attack]: 84

[Defense]: 78

[Special attack]: 109

[Special defense]: 85

[Speed]: 100

[Combat power]: Elite level (2.2 tons)

Because there is no fusion gene, Charizard's race value is only the regular 534,

In addition to sub-adult,

Charizard, which should have reached the peak of the elite level as soon as it evolved, is only at the early elite level.

Charizard immediately opened the system's gene fusion interface.

And placed the Moltres gene just collected into the fusion slot.

Preview result: 67%

When Charlotte clicked on the fusion,

she couldn't help but look at Moltres and Charizard.

One looked like a bird, and the other looked like a Western dragon.

Originally, Charlotte expected that Moltres would only be a transitional gene for Charizard, and that he would definitely look for a gene more suitable for Charizard in the future.

Charizard and Moltres had a matching degree of more than 43%, which was good enough for Charlotte.

The result was really unexpected.

The matching degree between them was not only qualified, but also reached 2/3.

This wave was really a double happiness.

As expected, at the moment when the gene fusion prompt appeared,

Charizard closed his eyes and fell into a baby-like sleep.

At the same time,

Molten flew back to the magma in the crater and continued to sleep.

The women watched Moltres fly away.

Then he turned around, and just happened to see Charlotte reaching out to support the fallen Charizard.

Charlotte used her superpowers to identify Charizard's advanced ball, and used telekinesis to control the advanced ball to put Charizard away.


"Charlotte, how strong are you?"

Kona, Sirona, and Lusamine were all surprised by Charlotte's immense strength.

Kaluna, who already knew that Charlotte was extremely powerful, was more concerned about Charizard's situation.

"What happened to Charizard?"

"Maybe it's because of the continuous evolution, causing the physical strength to be a little behind?" Charlotte found a reasonable excuse.

Hearing this, Lusamine opened Pico's Poké Ball,

"Then you should let him out, I'll let Pico heal him."

After thinking about it, Charlotte felt that there was no harm.

So he did as Lusamine said,

Waiting for Pico to use the healing wave, he treated Charizard.After the treatment, he put away the Charizard again.

In the process of returning to the wooden villa,

Hirona said with emotion, "It seems that living far away from the city has its disadvantages. It will be inconvenient to go to the Pokémon Center."

Kalunuo nodded repeatedly, "That's true, but fortunately, the great Lusamine is here."

Kalunuo smiled and took the arm of the blonde beauty, resting her head on Lusamine's shoulder.

In her heart, she was thinking,

Damn! This reproductive machine has found the advantage zone again.

Lusamine looked at the smiling Kalunuo and smiled on her face.

When their eyes met, Kalunuo's cheeks blushed.

The resistance in her heart also dissipated for the most part,

Ahem, it seems... Lusamine is actually a good person.

Kona, who didn't know what was going on in Karuna's heart, smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much."

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Kona calmly said the following.

"In fact, in addition to applying for Junsha to move in at the intersection of Route 3, I also applied for Miss Joey to move in here."


Everyone was confused. Is this possible?

"Can their family still afford people?"

"Huh?" Can they afford people? !

Kona couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this.

"In fact, although the Joey family has a population in cities all over the world, there are still many people who don't have jobs to display their talents."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard this.


They couldn't believe it. It was because of the large number of people that they were almost suspected of being clones.

How could there still be a surplus?

"I believe you all know that the genes of the Joy/Gunsa families are strong.

But in fact, the Joy family genes are much stronger than the Gunsa family.

Not only are the dominant genes strong, but the reproductive ability is also strong, so their family members are more numerous.

So many Joys have even started to work outside the Pokémon Center,

joining the investigators or prosecutors system."

Speaking of this,

Kona thought of a lucky figure who was recognized by Latias because of his healing ability, and a hint of envy appeared in his eyes.

Charlotte naturally noticed Kona's envious look,

but Charlotte had never heard of any king or champion in the world who was Miss Joy.

Combined with Kona's mention of the unsatisfied Articuno,

it should be that a certain Miss Joy was recognized by the legendary Pokémon.

Looking back, Charlotte looked in the direction of the crater,

If he could get the recognition of Moltres, perhaps he could help Sister Kona.

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