The pain of pulling out a few hairs was nothing to Latias, and she was hiding herself in front of him on purpose.

Latias was not angry at first,

Her pouting was a subconscious reaction, and now that Charlotte liked her so much, Latias was no longer angry.

She was very happy.


While Kona and the others were talking outside,

the lovely Miss Latias took the initiative to become a free check-in background.

She took photos of various poses and styles with Charlotte, Sirona, Karuna, and Lusamine.

Although she wanted to monopolize the lovely Latias,

but reason eventually overcame desire,

Charlotte looked into the room and saw the other Pokémon that had been rescued.

When Charlotte and Lusamine came over,

Sirona and Karuna were choosing partners in this room just now.

Her sight swept over the ordinary Pokémon that were terrified.

Charlotte saw the electric mouse Pikachu that can charge the farm, the fluffy Mare sheep, and the big tail sheep that is simply the incarnation of a pillow. The cute mice look very cute. It feels great to take them to the farm, especially the Pikachus. Not only can they be charged by discharge, but they can also use the roller generator to generate electricity while running to keep fit. He wants these Pikachus, big tail sheep, and Mare sheep. While making a decision in his heart, Charlotte looked at the three women who were surrounding Latias and reaching out to touch him. To be precise, he asked Sirona and Karuna, who are trainers. "How is it, do you have a suitable partner?" Karuna: "I'm sorry..." Sirona: "No!" "Well, I think so." Charlotte obviously didn't think these Pokémon would be in the eyes of the two geniuses. But to be honest, Karuna is really quite a lady in front of outsiders. Even the way of speaking "I'm sorry" came up.

When Charlotte used the energy cube to win over Pikachu, Maeli, and Big Tail.

After conquering these Pokémon one by one,

Charlotte was the first to walk out of the room,

Just when Kona and others finished talking,

The matter was over, and Charlotte and others returned to the farm.

It is worth mentioning that

A Miss Joy also came back with them on this trip.

It was Miss Joy Qian who changed into the Joy uniform and a pair of white silk stockings.

From her, Charlotte learned that she was the Miss Joy who was sent here and stationed at the farm.

Regarding the arrival of Joy Qian,

Kona had expected it as early as the moment he saw her.

Not to mention the Joy family's thoughts on Charlotte,

Originally, she helped Charlotte apply for Joy and Junsha to move in.

As the former Miss Joy of Golden City and the current investigator, it was most appropriate for her to be a neighbor to Charlotte.

We can even go on missions together in the future.

After placing the items in the vacant bedroom opposite Lusamine, Qiao Yiqian smiled at Charlotte.

"Then I'll bother Charlotte-kun in the next few days."

"It's not a bother, it's more lively, and Sister Qian, just call me Charlotte."

"Okay Charlotte.

But forget about sister, you can call me sister!"

Qiao Yiqian winked at Charlotte,

While giving a playful response,

Joey glanced at the sparkling water in the distance outside the window, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's really good, the environment here is really enjoyable!"

In the following time,

Charlotte and Kona introduced the situation here to Qiao Yiqian.

Then they came to the room where the teleportation device was placed.

Charlotte found the advanced balls of seven Pokémon, as well as the advanced balls of Pikachu, Mare, and Big Tail.

Charlotte released the Pikachus first, and told them to move around freely and come back to eat when they were hungry.


Charlotte saw them running away excitedly in the new environment.

The next thing was how to treat the seven Pokémon that Charlotte had rescued.

Among the seven Pokémon were Snorlax and Snorlax who had no intention of fighting.

For Charlotte, the Pokémon who had no intention of fighting were no different from Pikachu and Pidgeot who lived in this area.

Combined with the expression that Charlotte saw Lusamine envy Shirona for having a Milotic that day.

Charlotte planned to give it to Lusamine to raise.


When Lusamine saw the advanced ball that Charlotte handed over, she saw the Snorlax inside through the black glass wall.

After thinking about the future appearance of Snorlax evolving into Milotic.

Lusamine was very excited.

"Thank you!"

In front of everyone, Lusamine opened her arms and hugged Charlotte.A fragrant breeze blew,

The arms of the blonde beauty were like iron clamps, tightly holding Charlotte.

The bunny in front of him was flattened by the pressure and attracted people's attention.

The appearance of this scene made Karuna and Qiao Yiqian both turn into squinting eyes.

It also made Kona's mouth curl up.

I couldn't wait to glance at the reactions of the girls.

In my heart, I hated Sirona for not fighting, and I was happy to see the two squinting eyes being too excited.

It's interesting. Since I have this brother around, my life has become more and more interesting.

Lusamine is very sensible.

Kara released Charlotte before Karuna could not help but speak.

Happily blinked at Charlotte.

Charlotte looked blank (no response.jpg!)

In short, the little Snorlax Charlotte used the anti-hunger energy cube to raise himself, and the Ugliano was given to Lusamine.

Among the Pokémon with fighting spirit.

Ralts and Charlotte's Shiny Ralts overlap, as do the two Togepi.

Charlotte is not a trainer who needs to raise more than a dozen of the same Pokémon,

unless they are used for different purposes,

such as forming a Gardevoir maid team or something.

Although the idea of ​​a maid team is very tempting,

but this Ralts is too talented, champion-level talent, plus a warlike personality.

It would be a waste to stay as a maid.

During this period of time, Charlotte has a deeper understanding of Shirona's character. He is willing to invest in Shirona and entrust Ralts to Shirona, believing that Shirona will not let him down in the future.

As for whether Shirona will like it and whether it is suitable?

Ralts can fly with telekinesis to avoid being affected by Garchomp's earthquake skill.

In addition to the strong combat power of the final evolved Gardevoir,

it can also learn electromagnetic waves, help, seal, characteristic exchange, will-o'-the-wisp, provocation and other skills to assist Garchomp.

And it can master fairy + fire skills to target dragon and ice skills that restrain Garchomp.

On the whole,

it is undoubtedly very suitable to be a teammate of Garchomp,

and so is Caruna.

Although it is uncertain about her attitude towards emotions, Charlotte is still willing to trust Caruna's character.

Togepi, who is also talented, was entrusted by Charlotte to Caruna, who already has Gardevoir.

"I hope you don't let this Togepi down."

"Thank you, I will train her very, very, very hard."

As the first gift Charlotte gave her, Caruna cherished it very much and made a solemn promise.

Even if this Togepi is not talented, she will train it well.

And in the "excitement", she hugged Charlotte, and kissed Charlotte's cheek when Charlotte was not prepared.


Everyone screamed, and Kona was the first to applaud.

Although Karuna knew that her behavior was very bold,

but there was a kiss on the cheek in Carlos, so her behavior was not out of line and her performance was calm.

But the two people before and after hugged Charlotte,

and the latter even kissed Charlotte.

This made Miss Sirona, who also received the Pokémon given by Charlotte, no longer calm in her heart, and her heart was full of ups and downs.

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