
After Kona approached, he saw the Pokémon inside clearly, and thinking of Charizard's coma, he glanced at Joey.

"Let him out quickly, let Joey check you out."

Charlotte nodded.

Joey asked why he needed a physical examination,

Kona told him the situation,

At the same time,

Joey took out several storage balls that were only the size of balls after shrinking.

"Is there an empty room?"

Through the glass shell, he saw that there were equipment inside.

Charlotte suddenly realized, "Yes."

Walked out of the front door,

Passed through several houses, and came to a building about 50 meters away from the lake.

Charlotte turned on the lights,

Joey scanned the empty room for a few times, and after confirming that the hygiene conditions were up to standard,

he still asked Latias to use telekinesis to clean the room.

After opening the storage ball and placing the machines one by one, Joey asked Charlotte to release Charizard.

As soon as Charizard came out of the Poké Ball, it could not wait to roar to the sky and spit out flames.

Fortunately, Charlotte was well prepared.

He used telekinesis to form an invisible wall to block the flames from burning the wooden house.

"Okay, okay, I know you have become stronger."

Charizard reached out and patted Charizard on the shoulder.

Charizard was happy to see Charlotte again, and also wanted to show off his evolution.

Immediately stretched out his arms and three-fingered dragon claws, which were relatively slender compared to humans, and hugged Charlotte happily, and did not forget to spit fire.


Charizard patted Charizard on the back helplessly.

"Okay, okay, calm down."

Fortunately, although Charizard was excited, he was still very obedient.

After experiencing the initial joy brought by evolution, he quickly calmed down.


Charizard cooperated very well and did a full body examination.

However, when faced with certain tests, such as blood draws,

they would also refuse to cooperate because of fear.

Facing the needle in Miss Joy's hand, Charizard was afraid like a child and hid behind an adult.

After coaxing for a long time,

Charizard finally allowed blood to be drawn,

holding Charlotte's arm, looking reluctant.

After a set of tests, Kona immediately asked with concern.

"How is it? Will there be defects due to continuous evolution?"

Joey's attitude was relatively calm.

"No problem, don't worry, he is very healthy, even healthier than an adult Charizard."

Joey Qian was also a little surprised about this.

Looking at the size, this Charizard is only a sub-adult, and may even be mistaken for malnutrition.

In fact, the cell activity and strength exceed the average of adult individuals.

"His talent is very good, and his growth potential can even be compared to Adu's Charizard."

"Adu? Isn't that a champion-level talent?"

Now Kona was surprised, and looked at Charlotte unexpectedly.

I didn't expect Charlotte to be so lucky, and any Pokémon he treated had champion qualifications.

Charlotte's reaction was better,

after all, he knew the truth,

and knew that Charizard's own talent was only at the King level, and the champion talent was the result of fusion.

But for Joey's ability to directly measure the talents of known Pokémon,

Charlotte was really surprised.

"Don't look at me like that, in fact, I can only measure the talents of Pokémon that I am more familiar with."

Because it is popular enough and has been exposed to enough, and a large amount of data has been accumulated, it is possible to infer such accurate results.

If it is not the three starters,

or even if it is only the three starters from other regions, she can't calculate it.

After confirming that Charizard was fine,

In the afternoon, Kona accompanied Joey to circle the location of the forest Pokémon Center.

After looking at several places,

Finally, they chose a location next to the farm, close to the forest.

Most Pokémon are very smart.

As long as they have come into contact with humans, they know that they should come to the Pokémon Center for help when they encounter danger.

Therefore, it is still necessary to build a Pokémon Center.

But it is not necessary to build it in the depths of the forest.

While Kona and Joey were thinking about the location of the Pokémon Center,

Charlotte wanted to continue to explore the depths of the forest to find out if there were other ancient Pokémon genes similar to the ancient Infernape.

But in the end, special training should be prioritized to improve strength.

For exploration, it can only be done after a complete special training plan is set up,

and then go there alone with Psyduck, Glaceon, and Meowth.

In terms of special training,

Cerulean and Ralts do not need Charlotte's command, and they are improving their own skill sets.

Try to master the core skill set.

Because of the evolution of Charizard, the original training plan has become outdated,

so it and the fossilLike Pteranodon, Zoroa, and Growlithe,

Charlotte needs to redesign the training plan.

As for Togepi, although he has fighting talent and personality,

but perhaps because he is too young, he is still very interested in playing around and plays mobile games with Psyduck.

Charlotte thought about it and did not assign her any tasks for the time being.

First is the training task of Charizard.

Charizard's racial value distribution is more suitable for special attack.

Although the physical attack of 84 is not low,

but it is a bit embarrassing that it can't go up or down.

Fortunately, unlike most similar Pokémon,

Charizard has a powerful move, Dragon Dance, which can enhance attack and speed at the same time.

This makes Charizard more likely to go for physical attack than other Pokémon of the same type.

But it is still a bit reluctant.

Almost all Charizards are still purely special attack schools.

Only a few are willing to work harder and go for the double sword school.

But it is different here for Charlotte.

The double racial value brought by gene fusion has changed everything.

The Moltres with a physical attack of 100 has a matching degree of 67%.

It means that when it develops to the extreme, Charizard's physical attack will be 84+67=151.

The quasi-god Dragonite is only 134, and the double-axe War Dragon, which is known for its strength, is only 147.

And Charlotte's Charizard,

Only at present, the growth limit has reached 151,

Such an exaggerated value, without the need to cooperate with Dragon Dance, Charizard has the capital to go for physical attack.

What's more, Charizard can learn Dragon Dance.

Charlotte did not hesitate to let Charizard master Dragon Dance first.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Charlotte let Charmander practice hard to master the Thunder Fist from the beginning.

He anticipated these prospects early.

Of course, Charlotte will not fall behind in special attack.

It's just that the priority is not as high as Dragon Dance.

As for the Fossil Pterosaur.

Charlotte checked the skill set of the fossil pterosaur,

In one word, la!

Its characteristic is a hard head, but the only anti-injury moves it can master are slam and self-sacrifice collision.

It would be fine if there were no flying and rock-type moves,

but they are all general-type skills.

It would be fine if there were only no anti-injury moves.

But it doesn't have any useful flying-type skills.

Should we say it is worthy of being a prehistoric creature? There is a primitive beauty all over its body.

Fortunately... the fossil pterosaur is not useless,

At least he can learn the dragon dance.

So the two dragons began to learn the dragon dance.

Compared with other people's fossil pterosaurs, Charlotte's fossil pterosaur can expand its skill pool by fusing genes, which is his greatest asset for changing his fate.

Based on this, Charlotte plans to check which Pokémon genes need to be fused in order to master all anti-injury moves.

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