"It looks like this is the island where the Red Lotus Dojo is located." Zhang Rui came to the conclusion after scanning the surrounding environment.

The location of the Red Lotus Dojo is a volcanic island. Although it is an active volcano, it attracts a large number of tourists, mainly because there are hot springs everywhere around this volcano.

Obviously, with such a good hot spring, how can most of the merchants here not have crooked ideas? With such a huge hot spring business, how can they not build a hot spring hotel here?

Zhang Rui came to Honglian Island this time, on the one hand, to challenge Xia Bo of the Red Lotus Dojo, take the crimson badge, and pass the system's copy challenge.

On the other hand, it is to enjoy the comfort of the hot spring. As a Chinese, Zhang Rui has never been to a place like hot springs. It is rare to come to a place full of hot springs. How can you not enjoy it?

On the most famous food street of Honglian Island, Zhang Rui shuttled among the crowd. He did not immediately look for a hot spring hotel, but first strolled around the food street and enjoyed the cultural scenery here.

Now he has at least several million Elf Coins on him, and in the dungeon, the paper money to be spent is also Elf Coins, which also allows Zhang Rui to eat a lot in this food street.

What octopus balls, what Haoli barbecue, and crepes that can only be eaten in Sakura Country, all of which Zhang Rui spent money to buy and eat.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Rui began to look for a suitable hotel and prepare to find a suitable hot spring to soak in.

But unfortunately, every time he walked into a hot spring hotel, they either said that they were full or that you didn’t make an appointment, causing Zhang Rui to visit almost all the hot spring hotels, and there was almost no hotel for him to stay in.

At this time, Zhang Rui remembered that Xia Bo’s house in Honglian Gym seemed to have a hot spring. It just so happened that he wanted to have a gym battle with Xia Bo, so he might as well stay at Xia Bo’s house for a night, and then go to the hot spring after resting well.

According to the location in the anime, Zhang Rui soon saw Xia Bo's residence not far from the crater, and Zhang Rui walked over without hesitation.

Just at the door, an elderly man who was at least 60 years old was looking at the scenery in the distance, wearing a brown wig on his head, which made Zhang Rui sure that the old man in front of him was Xia Bo himself.

"Grandpa, if I'm right, you are Xia Bo, right?" Zhang Rui walked slowly to the old man and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Xia Bo's face was stunned, and it seemed a little incredible why the boy in front of him knew his name, but he still smiled and said: "Young man, what are you talking about? I'm not Xia Bo, others call me Feng Bo."

"It's like this, I'm here to challenge the gym trainer of the Red Lotus Gym, I hope you can accept my challenge." Zhang Rui ignored Xia Bo's lies and said again.

Since Xia Bo is the gym owner, he will never refuse a trainer's challenge. This is the quality of the gym owner, even though he denied his identity.

"Well, since you insist that I am Xia Bo, then I, an old man, will reluctantly accept your challenge."

"But you must solve my riddle, and my riddle is."

"What is the big flood above and the big fire below?"

After Xia Bo finished speaking, he left Zhang Rui some time to think, turned around and entered the house, saying, "It's so late, I can let you stay in the house for one night. There is a special hot spring not far away. You can go there to soak in the hot spring while thinking about the riddle I gave you."

Zhang Rui actually knew what Xia Bo's riddle meant a long time ago, but since there was an opportunity to soak in the hot spring, he couldn't soak in the hot spring if he said the riddle.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rui followed the direction Xia Bo pointed and prepared to soak in a comfortable hot spring first. Anyway, the gym was near the hot spring, and it wouldn't be too late to go after relaxing.

Time passed quickly, and Zhang Rui quickly came to the location of the hot spring and jumped directly into the hot spring to feel the comfort brought by the hot spring.

This feeling is like being fully wrapped in a warm liquid, and it feels like all the fatigue in the body has disappeared.

After taking a comfortable bath in the hot spring, Zhang Rui pressed the stone sculpture of Gyarados next to him according to his memory in the anime. As the stone sculpture of Gyarados slowly descended, the whole hot spring began to vibrate violently, and a huge cave appeared behind Zhang Rui.

Zhang Rui knew without thinking that the place where this cave led to was the battle site where Xia Bo was, but he still had to put on his clothes before going.

The narrow staircase gave off a strong sense of stuffiness, which made theZhang Rui, who was in the hot spring, was soaked in sweat, but he thought to himself: "If I had known, I would have finished the gym before going to the hot spring. The fatigue from running to the hot spring just now has disappeared."

"It's so hot! I'd better finish the game soon and go back soon."

Soon, when he walked down the narrow stairs, a door made of rocks appeared in front of Zhang Rui. Zhang Rui naturally would not push it with his hands like Xiaozhi did.

Instead, he stood not far away. Within a second, the stone door made of rocks seemed to sense Zhang Rui's arrival and soon opened for Zhang Rui slowly.

The battle field inside also appeared in Zhang Rui's eyes. The huge rock battle field was tied with four thick iron locks at four right angles, making the field stable during the battle.

And under this battle field made of stone slabs, there was rolling burning lava. If a Pokémon or a person fell into it, they would definitely be melted in minutes.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to solve my riddle so quickly. Are you smart?" On the other side of the battlefield, an old man with white hair on both sides of his head and a bald head stood there.

"Are you really Xia Bo?" Zhang Rui asked.

"Yes, the Red Lotus Gym should have disappeared on this Red Lotus Island, but in order not to disappoint those trainers who wanted to challenge me, I re-established the gym on the magma."

"Young man, let me see your strength?" Xia Bo said, and then took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

As soon as the Poké Ball touched the battlefield, it summoned the Poké Ball inside. It was a nine-tailed beast with a light yellow body, standing far away from the battlefield, looking very elegant.

[Name]: Nine-Tailed Fox

[Attribute]: Fire

[Level]: LV51

[Quality]: A+

[Gender]: Male

[Status]: Healthy

[Features]: Fire-starting

[Carrying Items]: None

[Inherited Moves]: Hot Wind,

[Basic Skills]: Sparks, Round Pupils, Flame Vortex, Surprise Attack, Misfortunes Never Come Alone, Flame Splash, Divine Power, Resentment, Temptation, Purgatory, Seal, Trick, Jet of Flame, Flash of Lightning, Strange Light, Mysterious Guardian

[Teaching Skills]: None

[Skill Secrets]: None

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