Time passed by minute by minute, and the 100 students in the waiting room had all arrived.

Zhang Rui looked at the time, and it was almost 11 o'clock. On the screen in front of him, the plane to the deserted island took off at 11 o'clock.

"It should be coming soon!"

At this moment, the door of the waiting room was suddenly kicked open, and many soldiers in camouflage uniforms rushed into the waiting room, lined up in two rows in the waiting room, leaving a straight aisle in the middle, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"I guess it's an officer from somewhere, it's such a big show." Zhang Rui frowned and thought to himself.


"Little ones, are you ready for this deserted island activity?"

A very hearty voice came from outside the door, attracting everyone's attention.

When everyone's eyes were fixed on the white iron door in front of them, a huge body walked in from outside the door.

No one had ever seen such a strong man in the world, and he was at least two meters tall. Zhang Rui had to look up to see him.

This man wore an officer's cap and the clothes on his body were like those of soldiers. He had eagle-like eyes. Everyone had to lower their heads and dared not look at him, but when this officer glanced at Zhang Rui.

But he found that Zhang Rui dared to look him in the eye, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Good, very good."

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhenglong, and I am the supervisor of this event. You can call me Chief Zheng."

"Next, I will start to talk about the rules of this event. You also know that this event is held on a deserted island. Unlike the usual competitions, this time it is held on a deserted island that has not been developed by humans."

"And your task is to survive on this deserted island for seven days and seven nights. During this period, you can use props and bring some things. After all, this deserted island is very dangerous, and the elves inside are very cruel. If you are not careful, you may lose your life."

When Zhenglong said this, some students who were less courageous swallowed their saliva, their hands trembled slightly, and their feet couldn't help shaking. Some regretted participating in this event.

As if he had seen through everything, Zhenglong raised his mouth slightly and said, "You still have one chance to leave now. As long as you take the initiative to declare your resignation, the elf soldiers beside me will escort you home safely."

"This is your last chance to leave. When you arrive on the deserted island, you will face the siege of those vicious elves and the harassment of the ghost elves that appear from time to time at night. You must think clearly about these things."

"I'll give you one minute to think about it."

After Zhenglong finished speaking, he glanced at the students in front of him, his lips drew an arc, and his hands crossed his chest, as if he really wanted to see what choice these students would make.

Under Zhenglong's gaze, one of the thin students seemed unable to sit still and immediately ran out of the door. Zhenglong gave a look to the soldiers beside him, and these people naturally knew what he meant.

One of the soldiers who looked pretty good walked out, as if to send the student away.

"Anything else?" Zhenglong spoke again, and kept scanning the students in front of him.

Since there is the first one, there may be a second one. Sure enough, the girl sitting not far from Zhang Rui turned pale, as if she thought of something terrible, and immediately stood up and ran out the door.

Then the third, fourth, and... the tenth one.

After the ten people left, Zhenglong waited for a while and found that no one left at this time, but he said again, "This is your last chance. It's not too late to give up now. If we send you to the deserted island, if you die on the deserted island, we will not take this responsibility."

Following Zhenglong's threat, these students simply ignored it, and their eyes were full of determination.

"Very good, very good, these students who stayed are the bravest. I believe that when you come back alive from the deserted island, you should no longer be afraid of the next travel adventure." Zhenglong laughed and said with relief.

"Next, I will continue to explain the rules of this activity. We have surveyed the elves on these islands. Most of them are above level 50, but there are also some below level 50."

"Of course, I didn't say that there are no elves above level 60. There are, but they are rare. When you encounter them, it will be fine as long as you run away as soon as possible."

"We will give each student a watch later." Zhenglong showed his sturdy left wrist, which had a square watch on it, and said, "This watch is a danger alarm. What does it do?"

"When all the elves you carry lose their combat ability, you click"If you press the SOS button on the watch, we will send someone to take you away from the deserted island."

"Commander Zheng, I want to ask, if we are attacked by elves and you don't rescue them in time after pressing the SOS button, we will still be killed by those vicious elves?"

One of the pretty girls suddenly stood up and asked her question.

"That's what I'm going to say next. This watch can not only call for help, but when you press it, it will form an invisible protective shield that can protect you, and this protective shield can resist the damage of elves below level 70."

"In other words, as long as you don't commit suicide, there is no problem surviving on the island."

Zhenglong looked at the students in front of him, his voice was very loud.

"Okay, let me talk about the reward issue next, which is also a question you are very concerned about."

"As long as you survive on this deserted island, even if you don't reach seven days, you will have a relatively good participation award, the platinum energy block, which can slightly improve the combat effectiveness of the elves during the battle. "

As soon as Zhenglong finished speaking, the students below were shocked.

They had never thought that the participation prizes this time would be so luxurious. This is a platinum-level energy cube! One is worth thousands of elf coins.

This is a month's salary for an ordinary office worker!

"Don't be surprised, I haven't finished yet. The next is the reward for successfully surviving on the island for seven days and seven nights. That is a large bottle of diamond-level energy cubes for each person. This kind of energy cube is made by our elf breeder master, Fang Mei. "

"I think you have heard of its efficacy. After the elves take it, it can improve the elves' defense attributes. This can permanently improve the elves' defense attributes. "

After hearing this, everyone's chins grew very big and they couldn't speak at all. They didn't expect that the country would spend a lot of money this time and even dared to give away diamond-level energy cubes.

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