After Zhang Rui rode away on the Tyrannosaurus, Zhenglong and his subordinates rode on the Pidgeot to chase him. "No matter what happened on the top of the mountain, he must get the silver feather on Zhang Rui." Zhenglong sat on the Pidgeot, looking at the familiar figure in the distance, and said in his heart. ...... Since the top of the deserted island is a dead volcano, the trees on the mountain are overgrown, and there is no volcano at all. In the burning crater, the Ultimate Cave, which is like a wormhole, is slowly opening, and Bull Beauty is standing at the crater, looking at the Ultimate Cave in front of her, with a smile on her face. At this time, Zhang Rui, who was riding on the Tyrannosaurus, quickly rushed to the crater. When the Tyrannosaurus landed on the ground, he jumped off it, walked quickly to the vicinity of the crater, looked down, and immediately exclaimed. "Why is there an Ultimate Cave here? I remember..." "You remember that the instrument to open the Ultimate Cave should be destroyed." Before Zhang Rui finished speaking, a sharp voice said all of Zhang Rui's thoughts. Hearing this familiar voice, Zhang Rui hurriedly looked in the distance and saw Bull Beauty with pink hair and other members of the Skeleton Team. They were standing not far from the crater, and the Poké Balls in their hands were ready to be thrown out.

"You are Bull Beauty. What is the purpose of your Skeleton Team coming to the deserted island?" Zhang Rui recognized that the woman he saw in the waiting room was Bull Beauty. Zhang Rui did not expect it.

"We Skeleton Team came here for the Ultimate Cave. We are not interested in other things." Bull Beauty said proudly with her hands on her hips.

"Did you make a new instrument?" Zhang Rui was a little confused. How did they open the Ultimate Cave without an instrument, and on a deserted island.

"Of course not, but it's all thanks to your help that we can open the Ultimate Cave without using any props." Bull Beauty looked at the cave that was slowly opening in the distance and said.

"Me?" Zhang Rui pointed at himself and asked in confusion.

"That's right. If you hadn't destroyed the instrument, the energy generated by the explosion would have completely activated the Ultimate Cave, causing it to be open at any time without the instrument."

After hearing Bull Beauty's answer, Zhang Rui could also understand what they meant. The energy generated by the destruction of the instrument completely activated the originally unstable Ultimate Cave, making it active. This also caused the opening position of the Ultimate Cave to be extremely unstable. As long as there was enough energy nearby, the Ultimate Cave would be opened at any time.

Zhang Rui roughly guessed the reason why the Skeleton Team appeared here. It was estimated that they detected the ground where the Ultimate Cave appeared, and this time they sent people to subdue the strange beasts in the Ultimate Cave.

But this was also troublesome. Now without the help of Ye Fei and Du, Zhang Rui could hardly stop the Skeleton Team's plan by himself, and the elves had been seriously injured after fighting with Gyarados.

Now only Bangilas, Tyrannosaurus and Paper Sword can fight, and of course there is also the Dratini in the Poké Ball.

"Now the Ultimate Cave will actively absorb the surrounding energy to the extent of automatic opening." Bull Beauty said again.

"You are the only one here this time. Without the help of your friend, you can't stop our Skeleton Team's plan at all."

"Just watch how we subdue the alien beast!"

Hearing the arrogant voice of Burmei, Zhang Rui did not get angry, but looked at the Ultimate Cave in the volcano. According to the speed at which it opened, it is estimated that it will open in another hour.

Nowadays, a lot of energy is needed to open the Ultimate Cave, which also confirms Zhang Rui's guess that the Ultimate Cave will not be open all the time. After the volcanic energy disappears, the Ultimate Cave will be closed.

When it opens, just organize the Skeleton Team to subdue the alien beast inside. If you are lucky, you may be able to subdue another alien beast. This feels good.

Just as Zhang Rui was thinking about the next plan, he heard a voice from a distance, which made his face look ugly instantly.

"Boy, let's see how you run this time." Zhenglong rode on Pidgeot and chased quickly. When he saw Burmei in the distance, he frowned.

"Sure enough, they are still chasing us." Zhang Rui clenched his fists, his arms trembling slightly, and said in his heart.

"Boy, you honestly hand over the silver feather, and we will leave immediately. Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless." Zhenglong walked down from Pidgeot and said toZhang Rui threatened.

"This is impossible. The silver feathers are clearly issued by the country. Why should they be handed over to your military? What's the difference between this and Team Rocket? Wait, Team Rocket." Zhang Rui said to Zhenglong, and he suddenly understood the whole story.

No wonder Team Rocket members appeared on the island. It all made sense. It turned out that those people were subordinates brought by Zhenglong, and the purpose of collecting scrolls was also very clear, which was to find a trainer who could defeat Gyarados.

Then wait until this trainer defeats Gyarados, and then find a way to rob it. All this makes sense. No wonder these people can collect so many scrolls.

When Zhang Rui robbed other people's scrolls, others only had one set. Only the three people of Team Rocket collected five sets of scrolls in such a short time. This is difficult to do without flying Pokémon.

It must be that Zhenglong saw Zhang Rui's strength and specially arranged people to go there. The purpose is to test Zhang Rui's strength. If Zhang Rui can defeat it, it means that he has the strength to compete with Gyarados.

Next, Zhenglong only needs to watch the battle. When Zhang Rui defeats Gyarados, the Pokémon he carries will definitely lose its combat capability. Even if he fails to defeat Gyarados, it is estimated that Gyarados will be seriously injured. Then he only needs to lead people to defeat it.

The Rocket Team in this world is really powerful. Even the country has planted people there!

"That's right, kid, we are members of the Rocket Team. If you know what's good for you, hand it over quickly, otherwise, we can only take action."

Zhenglong saw that Zhang Rui had seen through his identity, but he was not angry. He was still straightforward.

"Are you from the Rocket Team?" Bull Meili asked immediately.

Hearing Bull Meili's voice, Zhenglong turned his head and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am a member of the Skull Team. Our boss said that the Skull Team has a cooperative relationship with your Rocket Team." Bull Meili said.

"I didn't expect that you are members of the Skeleton Team. That means you are here to carry out a mission. Just in time, help me capture this guy. After the mission is completed, we will help you deal with the guys inside. How about it?" After thinking for a while, Zhenglong immediately said to Burmei.

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