Looking at the transmission progress on the screen, Zhang Rui found that after a few seconds, the transmission progress was only 1%. Seeing this slow progress, Zhang Rui knew that he had sent someone to the base to transmit data, and he was luring the Rockets outside. This might be a reasonable plan.

But forget it, as long as the transmission is completed before the Rockets find out, and then all the data is deleted, and the operating equipment is destroyed by the way, the plan will be considered a success.

"Bu Yi~"

During the data transmission, Zhang Rui suddenly heard Eevee's cry, which sounded a bit sad, like the feeling of losing a friend.

"What's wrong, Eevee!" Zhang Rui looked in the direction of the sound, and his eyes suddenly froze after seeing where Eevee was.

In the Rockets' laboratory, except for the experimental table placed in the middle, the walls around it were all covered with green liquid wrapped in glass covers, and most of the liquids were soaked with a large number of elves.

Zhang Rui also noticed the stinky flower they were looking for in these liquids. No wonder they couldn't find it after searching for a long time. It turned out that it was caught by the Rockets and soaked in these liquids.

"Eevee, break this glass cover, let's rescue Skank." Zhang Rui walked to the solution soaking Skank, touched the glass screen in front of him, and felt the cold touch coming from it.

Skank inside may have been affected by the liquid and has been in a dormant state.

"Eevee, use Shadow Ball to break the glass barrier." Zhang Rui lowered his head and said to Eevee.

Eevee stepped back a few steps, and a black energy ball appeared in front of him. Just when the energy ball was about to gather, golden lightning suddenly appeared in the distance and struck.

This kind of lightning is very powerful. Under this power, Eevee's Shadow Ball and itself were directly blown away. Zhang Rui wanted to catch the seriously injured Eevee, but suddenly a red figure appeared and attacked Zhang Rui.

In the midst of danger, Zhi Yujian directly broke through the restraints of the Poké Ball, blocked in front of Zhang Rui, and resisted all the red figures.

"Paper Sword!" Zhang Rui was a little surprised to see that Paper Sword suddenly jumped out of the Poké Ball without his summons, but now was a critical moment, and Zhang Rui could not afford to think too much.

"Paper Sword, go and pick up Eevee." Zhang Rui immediately gave an order to Paper Sword.

Just when Paper Sword wanted to act, the red figure suddenly appeared, grabbed Eevee who was already in a coma on the ground, and then suddenly disappeared.

When its figure appeared again, it was already standing next to Dr. Silanu.

"Good job, Mantis." Silanu turned his head to look at the red figure beside him and praised.

Then, noticing Eevee in Mantis's hands, his face was very calm: "Eevee?"

"Wait, Eevee has multiple evolutionary forms, and it is also one of the Pokémons with more evolutionary forms, and this is the Pokémon I am pursuing. As long as the experiment is successful, the stability rate of the gene will definitely increase significantly." Silanu looked at Eevee in Mantis's hands and muttered to himself.

Looking at the Eevee in front of him, its eyes noticed the incubator not far away, and its eyes moved a few times, "Maybe."


Shilanu took out the remote control specially used to control the incubator, found the corresponding number and pressed it, took the sleeping Eevee from the hands of the giant claw mantis, and was about to throw it into the incubator.

"Paper Sword, go and rescue Eevee." Zhang Rui saw that Eevee was about to be thrown into the incubator by Shilanu, and immediately gave the order to attack to the paper sword.

"Giant claw mantis, stop it!" Shilanu glanced at the fast-flying paper sword, and said in a very calm tone.

"Electric shock monster, find an opportunity to attack." Shilanu said to the electric shock monster beside him.

The speed of the paper sword was very fast, and his hands were wrapped in pink energy. Just when it was about to reach Shilanu, the giant claw mantis suddenly appeared, waving the iron claws that had turned into silver and white, and attacked the paper sword.

But can it block the attack of Paper Sword? The powerful superpower slash directly knocked the giant claw mantis away, and it was about to touch Silanu.

The electric shock monster aimed at Paper Sword, and a golden electric shock was emitted from the tentacles on its back, which made it difficult for Paper Sword to move.

Silanu took a look at Paper Sword controlled by the electric shock monster, and ignored it. He threw Eevee directly into the breeding cabin and then pressed the closing button.

The glass cover that was originally slowly opened slowly closed, and a green liquid poured in from below, filling Eevee in it.

After drinking the liquid, Eevee's body kept twitching, and its originally gray eyes turned red.After twitching for a while, Eevee's red eyes gradually closed and floated in the green solution.

"Eevee! Damn it! I will never forgive you." Zhang Rui saw Eevee's painful expression in the liquid, and the fire in his heart burned continuously. He must rescue Eevee.

Thinking of Eevee's cute and innocent appearance, and the comfort of lying in Zhang Rui's arms every time, and thinking of Eevee's crazy state with red eyes after being released by Silane, this is absolutely not allowed by Zhang Rui.

Zhang Rui quickly took out all the Poké Balls he carried with him, even if he tried his best, he had to break the glass cover, "Go! Dragonite, Banglas, Dragonite, go and rescue Eevee."

Zhang Rui took out three Poké Balls on his body, and these Poké Balls exploded in the air.

Banglas appeared and quickly injected energy into the ground, and the whole laboratory was covered with sand and dust.

And Dragonite, who appeared later, didn't think about it, and quickly flew towards the direction of the electric shock monster, trying to rescue the trapped paper sword.

This time, the Tyranitar did not fly in the sky with its red wings, but instead, it emitted blue-purple dragon flames all over its body, and rushed directly to where Silanu was.

"What an amazing Tyranitar! It's your turn, Houndoom!" Silanu noticed the Tyranitar flying over, took out the Poké Ball containing Houndoom and threw it out quickly.

Houndoom suddenly appeared and directly propped up a green barrier to resist the powerful impact of the Tyranitar. Houndoom was also hit by this impact and took a few steps back, and then directly blocked the Tyranitar in front of it, causing the impact of the Tyranitar to be unable to break through Houndoom's defense.

"It's not over yet."

Silanu pressed another remote control, and the door on the right side of the laboratory slowly opened. A dozen members of the Rocket Team in pure black clothes ran out from inside, took out the Poké Balls uniformly equipped by the Rocket Team, and threw them out.

"Go! Rhydon, Arbok, Gastly, Rhydon, Crab..."

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