"I know this elf. It seems to be Meloetta. In the past, when the resurrection grass was in good harvest, some lucky people could see Meloetta."

"But this year, Meloetta may not be seen because the resurrection grass was not in good harvest."

Before Zhang Rui opened his mouth to explain, the girl named Xue'er beside Duoduoli quickly said, "But how did you find Meloetta? And it was so badly injured?"

Meloeta is introverted and generally does not appear in front of humans. Only close people or some lucky people can see it.

Because of this, Xue'er was a little surprised. After all, a fainted Meloetta appeared in Zhang Rui's arms, and she was a little surprised.

"This is Meloetta who I saved. She is now in a dying state. I used some vitality cubes, but it seems to have no effect, so I want to try using resurrection grass."

Zhang Rui looked down at the comatose Meloetta, and then explained to Xue'er in front of him. As for the news about Sanyun God and Team Rocket, he did not intend to tell it, so as not to cause panic among the residents of the island because of the disappearance of Sanyun God.

If he could not get the resurrection grass to treat Meloetta, Zhang Rui could only bring it to the small world and use the mechanism of the small world to produce some resurrection grass, or medicine that can have a healing effect on elves, so as to restore Meloetta as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, the resurrection grass stored in our family has been sold in advance for this year's expenses. Now we don't have any resurrection grass at home." An old woman in the crowd that surrounded Zhang Rui lowered her head and said with some sadness.

"My family is the same. I thought that I would harvest more resurrection grass this year, so I sold all the stored resurrection grass in advance to supplement the family income." This is a mature and beautiful woman, lowering her head and speaking slowly.

"Me too..."

Others also spoke up, and after hundreds of people spoke, they came to a conclusion, that is, everyone's resurrection grass has been sold, and it is estimated that there is not even a resurrection grass left on the entire island.

Zhang Rui did not have any negative emotions after hearing such an answer. He could not ask them to hand over the resurrection grass like Team Rocket did. After all, this is an extraordinary period, and the value of any resurrection grass is inestimable.

Although some people in the crowd are inevitably lying, that's fine. In addition to the resurrection grass, Zhang Rui has other ways to wake Meloetta up.

"I still have some resurrection grass at home."

Finally, a voice broke the deadlock in front of him, and Zhang Rui immediately cast his eyes on a girl. The one who spoke just now was naturally Duoduoli's friend, Cai Xueer.

Unexpectedly, in this situation where resurrection grass is scarce, someone would choose to stand up, and even Zhang Rui was a little moved.

"Really? Do you really have resurrection grass at home?"

Faced with Zhang Rui's eager inquiry, Cai Xueer nodded slightly. Her elf is a superpowered Gothic lady. As early as a year ago, Gothic lady seemed to have a premonition of something and told Cai Xueer, who was picking resurrection grass, to be careful.

Cai Xueer naturally listened to Gothic lady's words at the time. After collecting all the resurrection grass, she specially selected some to store and sold the others to supplement the family income.

"Well, come with me!" Cai Xueer nodded slightly, turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, and took Zhang Rui and Duoduoli to a remote wooden house.

"I doubt your luck a little bit. Meloetta is such a rare elf. You can find it by flying around the sea. I doubt whether you can locate the location of the beast?"

On the way to Cai Xueer's home, Duoduoli stared at Zhang Rui beside her and said.

"Maybe I'm lucky!" Zhang Rui replied with a smile. In fact, he didn't know what was going on. He met a divine beast for no reason. Could it be that God really showed up and hoped that he could subdue all the divine beasts?

"Come in! My house is a little shabby. I hope you don't mind it." Although Cai Xueer looks beautiful, she is a little introverted. When she spoke just now, she didn't even turn her head, but just kept walking forward.

When Cai Xueer opened the shabby wooden door, Zhang Rui could see a lot of dust falling from the roof through the sunlight.

So much dust can easily infect lung diseases.


"Is Xueer back?" An old voice came from the house, and it sounded like an elderly person over 70 years old.

"Grandma!!" Cai Xueer put the things on the table and ran to the inner room.

"Xueer's parents passed away early, leaving onlyAn old grandmother depends on each other for life. She could have made a living by selling resurrection grass. Today, the resurrection grass has such a problem. I don’t know what Xue’er will do in the future. "Duo Duoli looked at Xue’er in the inner room and said lightly.

After hearing this, Zhang Rui looked up into the house and noticed Xue’er’s busy figure. He picked up the thermos next to him, poured out some gray-brown solution from it, and brought it to the grandmother for her to drink.

"Xue’er’s grandmother suffers from lung disease and needs to take liquid medicine every day." Duo Duoli noticed Zhang Rui's doubts and explained again.

Zhang Rui had long thought that under the influence of this environment, it was only a matter of time before she got sick. If she wanted to improve this environment, she had to renovate the house.

Xue’er sells a lot of resurrection grass every year. Why does she still live in this environment? This is also what Zhang Rui has always been confused about.

After watching Xue’er’s grandmother pick up the porcelain bowl and drink the liquid medicine, Xue’er glanced at Zhang Rui outside the door and her voice slowly sounded.

"Miss Goethe, take the resurrection grass off the shelf."

"Goth! !"

Beside grandma, there was a humanoid elf wearing a black skirt. Usually when Xue'er was not at home, it was responsible for taking care of grandma.

At this time, after Miss Goethe heard Xue'er's order, a light blue halo flashed in her pupils, and her arms slowly opened. The jar on the shelf seemed to be endowed with spirituality. Under the control of Miss Goth, it flew down from the shelf and fell into Miss Goth's arms.

"Good job, Miss Goth."

Xue'er took the jar from Miss Goth and walked out the door. She twisted the can with her left hand hard, and a strong herbal smell came out and slowly entered Zhang Rui and Duoduoli's nostrils. When they looked again, they found that Xue'er had an extra herb in her hand.

"This is the resurrection grass, give it to Meloetta!" Xue'er handed the resurrection grass over and asked Meloetta to take it.

"I can't take your resurrection grass for nothing. How much is it? I'll buy it. "Zhang Rui took the resurrection grass and thought about Xue'er's current situation. If the environment cannot be improved, she will suffer from lung disease like her grandmother.

Such a beautiful girl, if she suffers from a disease and no one takes care of her, it is heartbreaking to think about it.

"Since you are Lily's man, I won't charge you." Xue'er said with a smile.

"Man?" Zhang Rui frowned and glanced at Duoduoli beside him, wanting to know the answer from her.

Duoduoli smiled, quickly ran over to cover Xue'er's mouth, and whispered in her ear.

"We haven't progressed to that step yet, it's too early for you to say it now."

Xue'er realized that Duoduoli hadn't taken action yet!

Smiled and said: "No, what I mean is that since you are Lily's friend and want to save Meloetta, I won't charge you money."

"How can that be, it must be based on the price of the resurrection grass. "Zhang Rui naturally refused. Xue'er's life was already so difficult, and in the current situation, each resurrection grass was equivalent to Xue'er's life.

In fact, Zhang Rui felt a little guilty. If he was stronger, the result might not be like this.

"One hundred Chinese currency, one plant." Xue'er saw Zhang Rui's tough attitude and could only answer immediately.

"This is based on the price of last year. The price is still relatively cheap." Xue'er explained again, worried that the price was too expensive.

"One hundred Chinese currency!" Zhang Rui was a little shocked. You know, in the inland, one resurrection grass is one thousand Chinese currency. The difference is too big!

If the price is one hundred Chinese currency per plant, it is estimated that it will be a problem to treat grandma, not to mention renovating the house.

"It's just one hundred Chinese currency, but I don't have any cash on me, only a card with exactly one hundred Chinese currency in it. "Zhang Rui touched his body, pretending to have no money, and handed over a bank card with 200,000 yuan.

Duoduoli on the side was stunned. She knew that Zhang Rui was not a poor trainer and should have a lot of Chinese currency on him. Why would he give the card to her?

But she didn't ask much. This was Zhang Rui's idea, and she naturally wouldn't get involved.

"Okay! Then I'll take it." Xue'er was a little stunned. It was just 100 Chinese currency, and the man in front of her couldn't take it out. Naturally, she didn't believe that there was money in the card. It was just a formality and didn't care.

Then, Zhang Rui put Meloetta on the bed, crushed the resurrection grass into medicinal residue, mixed it with water into liquid medicine, lifted Meloetta's head, and slowly poured the liquid medicine down.

The liquid medicine gradually decreased, and Meloetta's body glowed with green light until the liquid medicine in the bowl disappeared. Zhang Rui put Meloetta on the bed again and waited quietly beside her.Wait.

The green light enveloped Meloetta's body, regulating Meloetta's body. Soon, the light disappeared in Meloetta's body.

The rest of the time was just waiting. Zhang Rui didn't know whether the resurrection grass would work. If it didn't work, he could only take it to the small world for treatment.

If it didn't work, he would go to the dungeon and use the technology of that world to treat Meloetta.

After waiting for a few minutes, Dodoli noticed Meloetta's movements and immediately exclaimed.

"Its eyelids moved a little, it should be waking up soon."

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