After the Wings of Dawn stopped attacking, the beasts that were fleeing in panic did not stop, but rushed away at a very fast speed, without even the time to look back.

"Now I declare to all the beasts that from now on, I am your king, and I need you to bow down to me."

Guzma quickly raised his arms high, shouted with a proud face, and had already begun to imagine the next life in his heart, but when he looked down and found that most of the beasts were still fleeing, only a few stopped to watch, and wanted to escape again, Guzma suddenly said.

"Wings of Dawn, Prism Laser!!"

The stopped Wings of Dawn started again, gathering a huge pink energy on its chest, aiming at one of the fleeing beasts. At the moment of aiming, the beam was immediately fired. The beast wanted to dodge, but the power of this energy was not something it could dodge. After the body was hit, the pink explosion, the figure of the beast completely disappeared.

The rest of the beasts stopped running after seeing the miserable state of the beast just now, and looked at Guzma standing next to the tripod. Some of the less courageous beasts all hugged each other and trembled all over.

"This is the consequence of not obeying orders."

"Now I am the master of the entire alien world, and you must obey my orders now." Guzma announced to the thousands of beasts under him. When all these beasts bowed their heads, he would open the ultimate passage and lead the beasts into the spirit world. At that time, the alien world and the spirit world would all be his property.

But at this moment, I don’t know who was so bold and said directly: "You fart!!"

Just after the voice disappeared, a blue-purple dragon flame gushed out from the air in the distance. Under the attention of many beasts, it directly hit the chest of the Wings of Dawn, instantly producing fine lightning. At that moment, the powerful force instantly swept the entire beast altar.

All the beasts that were ready to surrender were stunned. What a terrifying power. What was going on today on the day of worship? Why were there so many strong men?

"Who!!" Guzma looked up immediately when he saw the blue-purple energy. He saw Zhang Rui standing on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, looking down at Guzma in front of him, his eyes full of anger. He would never let him off this time.

"It turned out to be my old friend Zhang Rui! Are you here to stop my plan again this time? But unfortunately, it's too late, because I'm invincible now."

Although Guzma knew that Zhang Rui would take action, he didn't expect it to be so fast. If he was one step later, he could order all the beasts to launch a fierce attack. Even though Zhang Rui had three heads and six arms, he couldn't resist the siege of so many beasts.

But plans always fail to keep up with changes. At present, the strength of the Wings of Dawn is already strong. With the amplifier, the Tyrannosaurus in front of him may not be able to resist.

"Wings of Dawn, Power Gem!!"

The Power Gem is a ray that is emitted instantly by absorbing the energy inside the rock.

The Wing of Dawn, which was submerged in the blue-purple dragon flame, instantly emitted this gray-brown light through its gem-like chest. Now Tyrannosaurus has its own judgment. As long as Zhang Rui does not give an order, it will dodge the skill by its own judgment.

Seeing that the gray-brown light was about to hit, Tyrannosaurus suddenly flapped its wings to one side, and the small ray passed through the right side of Tyrannosaurus, but did not hit Tyrannosaurus and exploded in the back.

After dodging the skill, Zhang Rui stared at the Wing of Dawn in front of him. He didn't know how Guzma got it. When he saw the open hall, Zhang Rui already knew the reason for the matter. It turned out that there was a prop inside the hall that could fuse Necrozma and Lunala together.

In fact, it was Zhang Rui's own fault that Guzma could successfully fuse. If he hadn't conquered Solgaleo, this situation would not have happened.

Since this matter started because of him, let him end it!

"Vulcan Dragon, Dragon Wave!!"

The blue-purple dragon flame attacked again. Under Guzma's command, the dragon wave did not hit the target this time, but was easily avoided by the Wings of Dawn. But at this moment, Zhang Rui raised his mouth slightly and said quickly.


"What!" Guzma screamed.

Under the control of the Vulcan Dragon, the thick dragon flame was dispersed into many small dragon flames. These dragon flames were like little snakes. They turned quickly behind the Wings of Dawn, opened their mouths, and instantly bit the wings of the Wings of Dawn.


As the explosion sounded, the body of the Wings of Dawn unconsciously moved forward a few steps, and thenThen he turned his head and looked behind him, his face obviously full of anger.

"Zhang Rui, you are the stumbling block on my road to success. If I don't get rid of you now, I'm afraid my plan will never succeed." Guzma's face gradually became gloomy after seeing the Wings of Dawn being defeated. He didn't expect that during this period, Zhang Rui's strength had actually improved again. If he hadn't obtained the Wings of Dawn, he would probably have been killed by Zhang Rui in seconds.

He must definitely get rid of the obstacles in front of him this time.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the Z-pure crystal obtained inside the hall. Since the last few pages of the ancient books left by his ancestors were torn off by his ancestors, he didn't know the records and functions of the Z-pure crystal, but since it was placed in the hall, it should be like other Z-pure crystals, and it can use powerful skills!

Thinking of this, Guzma's hand involuntarily pressed on the Z bracelet, and the Z-pure crystal embedded in the bracelet instantly emitted a golden glow, which quickly flew out of the bracelet and sank into the body of the Wings of Dawn.

The Wings of Dawn did not release powerful skills, but its body shape changed dramatically. The black claws and light blue wings turned golden in an instant, and its body became even bigger. The black armor also changed rapidly, but the amplifier on its waist still existed, controlling the consciousness of the Wings of Dawn.

"This is! Ultimate Necrozma!!" Zhang Rui was stunned. He did not expect that Guzma actually knew how the Wings of Dawn could transform into Ultimate Necrozma again.

"This is real, second only to the existence of the God of Creation!!"

When the beasts saw Ultimate Necrozma, they all knelt on the ground, kowtowed constantly, and worshipped the beasts on the side of the god in front of them.

Guzma was a little confused at this time. The Wings of Dawn could actually change, but he was soon filled with excitement. Such a powerful elf was more than enough to destroy Zhang Rui's Dragonite.

"Come out! Dragonite!!" Zhang Rui quickly summoned Dragonite and sat on its back.

Facing this spirit second only to the level of the Creator God, Zhang Rui naturally could not interfere with the actions of Dragonite, and every attack could not be wrong. If it was hit, the end would definitely be very miserable.

"Let you see the strength of the Wings of Dawn now! Use Photon Surge!!"

Guzma had just given the order, and the pink ball emitting amazing energy condensed on the chest of Ultimate Necrozma. Before Dragonite could react, it exploded directly on it, and the powerful force instantly flipped Dragonite more than ten meters away.

As for those strange beasts, they have long disappeared. With only one move of Ultimate Necrozma, those strange beasts were not hit, but the airflow alone could flip them dozens of meters away.

"What an amazing power. Just an ordinary move, but it caused Tyrannosaurus to be seriously injured. It is indeed a beast of the level of the Creator God. It is impossible to resist it at all!!" Zhang Rui was stunned for a moment and said in surprise.


"This is a power that you will never get in your life. Now I will release all the hatred that destroyed my plan before. Wings of Dawn, kill it for me." Guzma laughed. He could see Zhang Rui's shocked and lost expression. This is what he wanted to see most.

Ultimate Necrozma condensed a pink ray again, which instantly penetrated the space and faced Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus also established a green barrier at the first time, but still underestimated the power of the photon gushing. The green barrier was like paper, and a hole was instantly pierced, and Tyrannosaurus was hit again.


The huge energy made Tyrannosaurus covered with scars all over his body.

"Damn it, if I want to defeat Ultimate Necrozma, I have to use all my strength." Zhang Rui secretly clenched his fists, took out the evolution key stone, and pressed it quickly.

"Vyvern, super evolution!!"

The voice gradually reached the ears of Vyvern, and Vyvern's huge body underwent drastic changes. The red wings gradually turned deep red and gradually grew larger, occupying two-thirds of Vyvern's entire body. The dragon horns on the forehead became more conspicuous, and the eyes became much sharper.

"Super evolution? Do you think super evolution can compete with the Wings of Dawn?" Guzma said proudly.

Although Vyvern will be much stronger than the average first-level god after super evolution, its overall strength is still not as good as Ultimate Necrozma. Coupled with the enhancement of the amplifier, its strength is even more indescribable.

Zhang Rui does not plan to fight one-on-one this time. This method cannot successfully defeat it at all, so he can only use team battles.

"Everyone come out!"

ZhangRui took out the rest of the Poké Balls and released all the Pokémons he had on him, including Banglas, Greninja, and Gengar, who were all Level 1 Gods.

These were the main forces used to fight against Ultimate Necrozma. As for Dragonite, although it had recovered from its injuries in the battle with Solgaleo, it was not the main attacker here, but mainly played the role of protecting Zhang Rui.

As for Eevee, Zhang Rui gave it an order to evacuate all the monsters. Eevee's strength had not yet reached that of a Level 1 God, and under the threat of Ultimate Necrozma, it had almost no chance to fight back.

"Greninja, go and defeat a monster, just defeat it." Zhang Rui suddenly thought of something and said to Greninja.

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