Pakira felt uncomfortable when she saw Houndoom being washed against the wall by the water cannon and instantly returning its super evolved form to its original form.

After all, Houndoom was her trump card Pokémon, and it was not reasonable to be defeated so easily like this!

"Okay, Houndoom has lost its ability to fight, so summon the last Pokémon!" Zhang Rui's face became much calmer.

Houndoom lost its ability to fight under the water cannon, and now Pakira still has the last Pokémon that has not been summoned. As for Greninja, although it is a little weak now, it is still possible to fight again.

Besides, Zhang Rui still has a hidden trump card. As long as Pakira summons the next Pokémon, it can be guaranteed to kill it instantly.

That's right, it's so awesome! !

"Come back first! Houndoom!" Pakira looked gloomy, quickly took Houndoom back, looked at the last Poké Ball on her waist, and wanted to take it out, but she gave up.

With a relieved expression, he looked at Zhang Rui and said, "Even if I summon the remaining elves, it seems unlikely to win you. Since you defeated my strongest Houndoom, you can enter the next room even if you win this battle."

"Great! Hehe!" Zhang Rui was immediately overjoyed. He passed the test of the first king directly, and Greninja has not lost its fighting ability. This means that it will be much easier for him to challenge the next king.

"Your Greninja is very powerful. I believe you can definitely defeat the champion Kaluna and become the new champion of the Kalos region!!"

"Handsome guy, keep going!"

After Pakira took back Houndoom, she walked to Zhang Rui with a charming body, smiled and said a few words, then passed by him and walked towards the entrance.

She naturally asked Joey to help restore the elves' physical strength. After all, her five elves were almost wiped out by Greninja.

"Well done, Greninja, this is the first red of the challenge for the champion!!" Zhang Rui walked quickly to Greninja and said in surprise.


Greninja didn't have any pride, stretched out his frog-like palm and patted Zhang Rui's shoulder, revealing an affirmative look.

Zhang Rui nodded and said gently: "But you have worked hard in this battle. Go back to the Poké Ball and rest for a while. I may need your help in the challenge later."

As he said, he took out a good wound medicine and sprayed an unknown medicine on the wound of Greninja. The injury was instantly restored to its original state, which means that Greninja is now in a healthy state, but the physical consumption caused by this battle still exists. If it is really summoned to fight, the performance may not be as good as the first game.


After expressing his gratitude to Zhang Rui, the Poké Ball in Zhang Rui's hand was taken back.

"Very good, a good start, continue to challenge the next Heavenly King!!"

Zhang Rui showed his sharp pupils, looked at the passage leading to the next Heavenly King, and walked towards the next Heavenly King.


Deep in the Rebirth Forest.

This place is similar to the original forest, but there are no ancient elves in it, all of them are some modern elves.

Although it is very similar to the original forest, it can only be said that few people have set foot here, and the original forest appearance has been maintained.

Only on this day, Ibeltar with the wings of death appeared above the Rebirth Forest, and its whole body was burning with black vortexes. The elves living in the forest noticed the breath of death from the sky and ran to the periphery of the forest.

But how can their escape speed compare to Ibeltar's speed of destruction, from the center of the forest, instantly releasing black and purple energy to a radius of 100 miles.

This energy, with the breath of destruction, instantly invaded the lush green forest, turning it into a gray-white stone, and even the green plants on the ground turned gray-white.

The elves who had no time to escape were infected by this energy one by one and turned into discolored sculptures.

This energy lasted only a few minutes, and the central area of ​​the entire Rebirth Forest had turned into a gray-white world.

In the center, a dark purple cocoon appeared at some point, beating continuously, like a heart.


Zhang Rui walked up the stairs and came to the room where the next king was.

As soon as he approached this area, Zhang Rui was stunned. The whole room was decorated in silver and white, and there were various pictures of food hanging on it. Every food gave people a very attractive feeling.

The most central battle field belongs to the water battle field. There are many floating boards that can bear the weight of the elves floating on the field. Other places are water areas. It can be said that the entire field is made up of water.

This makesZhang Rui was sure that the man in front of him, wearing a gorgeous chef's uniform and with golden hair, was the Water Attribute King, Zhimi.

"Are you finally here? Challenger, I am Zhimi, one of the Four Heavenly Kings. There is still half an hour before the food is cooked. I hope to end the battle quickly in this half hour."

Zhimi posed in a very elegant posture and stared at Zhang Rui and said.

"As expected of a chef, when facing the challenge, he still remembers his pot of food." Zhang Rui stared at the gorgeous man and nodded.

"In that case, let's end the battle quickly. It's your turn, Eevee!!"

Fighting against the Water Attribute King, Zhang Rui thought for a long time and found that he did not have electric and grass-type Pokémons, so he could only pin all his hopes on Eevee. After all, it can become Leaf Eevee, which is also a grass-type Pokémon.

Moreover, using Eevee, Zhang Rui can make good use of the system bug, hehe! !

"Eevee? You are really looked down upon? Then I will show you my strength!!"

When Shimi saw that the elf summoned by the opponent was Eevee, his expression did not change, as if he had to be elegant all the time.

"It's your turn!"

Shimi threw a Poké Ball, and the red and white ball slowly fell into the water. Then he saw a red light flashing in the water, and a lobster with a huge iron claw jumped from the water onto the floating board.

"The first one is a Cannon Arm Shrimp?" Zhang Rui said after seeing it.

Cannon Arm Shrimp belongs to the water type Pokémon, but its huge iron claw makes it a heavy gunner on the battlefield. Every time it releases a long-range skill, its power will be much stronger than the skill itself.

But it met Eevee, even if it has the strength of a second-level god, it is actually about the same as a quasi-god.

After all, the elf summoned by the opponent is considered based on the strength of the elf summoned by the challenger. Before Eevee's form changes, its own strength is not great, which also leads to the strength of Cannon Arm Shrimp not much different from Eevee.

But if the form changes, it will be different. Eevee's strength will directly surpass that of the Cannon Shrimp, and it can even defeat it easily.

This is also a point that Zhang Rui has only recently discovered. This is just the first attempt. If it doesn't work, there is still a backup plan.

"Cannon Shrimp, use the Wave Missile on Eevee!!"

After summoning the elves, Shimi did not leave Zhang Rui too much time to think. He had to solve the battle as soon as possible, otherwise the food would be mushy! !

The Cannon Shrimp jumped up with force and aimed its huge claws at the Eevee below. Under its control, the light blue energy condensed into an energy ball and attacked Eevee at a very fast speed.

Eevee was not panicked at all. A black and purple energy ball quickly condensed in front of it and released it at the first time. The two energies collided violently in mid-air, but the Wave Missile was still better. It instantly defeated the Shadow Ball and continued to attack Eevee.


Fortunately, Zhang Rui gave the order instantly, and Eevee's eyes sparkled. He immediately condensed a skill similar to the Wave Missile and released it again.

This time, the two energies collided violently again, but because the Shadow Ball had consumed a lot of the Wave Missile's energy, the two energies collided and exploded instantly.

The aftermath of the explosion sent Eevee and Shrimp away.

Both sides collided at the edge of the battlefield at the same time and fell into the water.

"Eevee, electric shock!"

Since Shrimp fell into the water, Zhang Rui directly let Eevee use electric shock, and at the moment of causing damage to Shrimp, it immediately changed its form and became a Jolteon.

"Shrimp, use evil wave!"

The Shrimp that fell into the water immediately condensed black and purple energy on its huge claws, facing Eevee in the distance. When it was about to release it, it suddenly felt a numb feeling in the water that was wrapped around it, and soon it saw an electric current coming towards it along the water.

Maybe it was because it was in the water. It wanted to use the evil wave to counterattack, but it was difficult to release the power in the iron pliers. It could only bear the invasion brought by the electric current.

"Damn it, use the dragon wave and leave the bottom of the water!!" Shimi gave the order again.

The damaged steel cannon arm shrimp quickly condensed blue-purple energy and sprayed it towards the ground below. The whole body immediately flew up under the impact of this blue-purple energy.

Just when it left the water, it suddenly found that the sky was covered with dark clouds. A golden electric current slid down and instantly swept the whole body of the steel cannon arm shrimp. The stinging current instantly made the steel cannon arm shrimp faint, and the energy in its hand disappeared instantly and fell on the floating wooden board.

"Just now, it was thunder!" Shimi widened his eyes. He couldn't even believe that Eevee would use the thunder skill. This is notCan it be used only by Jolteon?


The Eevee that transformed from Jolteon back to its original form jumped out of the water, stood on the floating wooden board, shook off the moisture in its fur, and looked like it had not suffered much damage.

"Come back first! Cannon Shrimp!!" Shimi was helpless. He had no choice when he met an Eevee that could use thunder, but he was the king of water and could not be defeated so easily.

"It's your turn, Swamp King!!"

Since Eevee can use electric skills, Swamp King is more suitable to deal with it. Don't forget that Swamp King is immune to the damage of electric skills.

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