Seeing that the cat boss was about to pounce, the Kabutosaurus aimed at one of the targets and accelerated suddenly. The cat boss who was about to pounce was frightened by the Kabutosaurus's actions and was then directly knocked away by the Kabutosaurus.

The other cat bosses obviously didn't care about the life and death of their companions. They all swarmed towards the Kabutosaurus, and their sharp claws emitted cold light and kept scratching the Kabutosaurus.


Hearing the painful roar of the Kabutosaurus, Zhang Rui was startled. Although the Kabutosaurus had a high defense and could still withstand the attack of the cat boss, it was now facing the siege of a group of cat bosses. Even if the Kabutosaurus had a high defense, it would be difficult to withstand the claws of the cat boss.

At this moment, Zhang Rui suddenly thought of a method that might work.

"Kabutosaurus, rotate and use the dragon claws."

After hearing this, Kabutosaurus still felt a little confused. It was so bulky, how could it rotate and use the dragon claws? Besides, its claws were so short that it was questionable whether it could touch the cat boss.

However, after seeing Zhang Rui's determined look, Kabutosaurus seemed to think of something.

Kabutosaurus immediately used the characteristics of its body to stand upside down, with its back close to the ground, and its most vulnerable abdomen was exposed.


The cat bosses and meows saw the strange behavior of Kabutosaurus. The white armor on Kabutosaurus was originally used to resist external attacks. Now it's good to turn over directly. Isn't this courting death?

At the order of the other cat bosses, a large number of cat bosses and meows swarmed in, waving their sharp claws at it, as if they wanted to tear Kabutosaurus apart.

Unfortunately, the Kabutosaurus would not let them succeed. The Kabutosaurus' limbs were wrapped in green energy, just like the claws of a dragon, extremely sharp.

Just when the cat boss was about to touch it, the Kabutosaurus' body quickly rotated, like a gyroscope, and knocked the cat boss and meow meow flying.

At this time, Zhang Rui stood aside and could see the cat boss and meow meow flying in the air. Some of them were directly hit on the tree by the impact just now and lost their combat ability.

While others directly collided with their companions and lost their combat ability at the same time.

Of course, there were still some cat bosses and meow meows left on the field, but they no longer dared to attack the Kabutosaurus, mainly because they were scared by the attack of the Kabutosaurus just now.

After the attack of the Kabutosaurus just now, their number was greatly reduced. Now there is only one cat boss and nine meow meows left, and the rest of the cat bosses have all lost their combat ability.

The last cat boss saw that the situation was not good, and immediately led Meow Meow to retreat. He didn't dare to fight with the Kabutosaurus anymore, after all, his claws couldn't win!

After the cat boss and Meow Meow retreated, Zhang Rui immediately ran to the Kabutosaurus and pushed it hard to change it back to its original state. After changing back, he saw the wound on the Kabutosaurus's back, and he couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken.

Touching the Kabutosaurus's hard body, he said to it: "This battle has made you suffer, and there are so many scratches on your body."


The Kabutosaurus seemed to understand Zhang Rui's mood and rubbed his body with his body, as if to say that it was fine and not to worry.

Zhang Rui stroked its body with his hand, and said with relief: "But fortunately, only after the test of life and death, your will will become stronger. After this incident, your strength will definitely be improved."

"Besides, you have gained a lot this time. The level has been upgraded again to level 44, jumping two levels in a row, and you have also learned a new skill, Ghost Face."

Zhang Rui frowned. Why did Kabutosaurus learn Ghost Face after upgrading two levels? This is very strange. This kind of skill that reduces gain can be learned by ordinary elves in the early stage, but Kabutosaurus learned this skill in the later stage.

But forget it, one more skill is always better than one less skill.


After Kabutosaurus responded to Zhang Rui's voice, Zhang Rui took it back into the Poké Ball and let it recover well, because Zhang Rui felt that when he summoned it again, there might be a big battle.

Then, he put the Poké Ball back in his pocket and ran quickly towards the direction of Jingxin Lake.

Although his current problem has been solved, Zhang Rui is still worried about Ye Fei's safety. After all, Ye Fei is not as strong as Zhang Rui. With only a level 35 cool leopard, it is difficult for him to stand out among many cat bosses.

However, Zhang Rui believes that Ye Fei can definitely break through successfully, which is why he did not rescue him.

Although Ye Fei always lags behind in every action, his luck is sometimes particularly good.

Zhang Rui remembers that when he and Ye Fei were playing as children, they accidentally entered the mountainOn the outskirts of Jinhai Forest near Haishi, Zhang Rui encountered a ferocious monkey monster.

The color of this monkey monster's body is slightly different from other monkey monsters, and its eyes are red and very violent.

Zhang Rui was still young at the time, so he fed the monkey monster with the fruit he carried with him. Just when Zhang Rui handed the fruit in his hand to the monkey monster.

The monkey monster suddenly went crazy and attacked Zhang Rui in front of him.

Zhang Rui did not expect the monkey monster to have such a reaction. He was so scared that he dropped all the fruit in his hand on the ground and dared not move.

Fortunately, Ye Fei, who was playing with the caterpillar not far away, found that Zhang Rui was in danger, and immediately ran over and used all his strength to drag Zhang Rui out.

This also caused the monkey monster's attack to fail, but it also made the monkey monster even more angry, and rushed towards Zhang Rui.

Just as the monkey monster's fist was about to hit Ye Fei, the green caterpillar in the distance seemed to be attacked by the Pidgeot. Because the ground was very open at that time, the distance to the nearest tree was at least dozens of meters.

For a green caterpillar, it is very difficult to avoid the attack of the Pidgeot.

Facing the crisis of life and death, the green caterpillar can only desperately spit silk, hoping to trap the Pidgeot by spitting silk and strive for a glimmer of life.

However, it is a coincidence that the white silk thread hits the monkey monster. Due to the influence of spitting silk, the monkey monster is very inconvenient to move. It can only tear off the silk thread on its body before continuing to attack.

This also gave Zhang Rui and Ye Fei a chance to escape. The two hurriedly stood up and ran away desperately, hoping to get help from adults.

However, they were thin at that time and ran very slowly. Before they ran for a long time, the monkey monster had already pulled off the white silk thread in his hand.

Angrily looking at the two people who were running away in the distance, raising his arms high, and chasing them.

At this time, the caterpillar had already exhausted its silk and needed a little rest.

The Pidgeot, which was looking for an opportunity in the air, found the opportunity and flew towards the caterpillar at lightning speed.

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