"There are clear rules for gym battles. Gym trainers can only use one gym-level Pokémon at most."

Xiaosheng heard it and immediately explained to Xiaoyao, and Jon also took over immediately.

"That's right, but most gym owners have almost never used it, because gym battles are not for victory, but to test challengers."

Xiaosheng nodded repeatedly. He didn't want others to think that his father was labeled as weak because he was often defeated.

"Okay, okay, let's go back. It's almost dark."


Xiaoyao's stomach growled, and she embarrassedly covered her stomach and looked at Jon and the others.

"Hehe! I didn't eat lunch at noon, so I forgot."

Jon was told that he felt hungry instantly, and Xiaosheng was the same.

"Then how about we go buy some snacks first and eat while walking?"

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng immediately raised their hands to agree with Jon's proposal. They didn't even have to look for it, and the food was automatically placed in front of them.

After all, with so many trainers and tourists, the organizers made a lot of money, but more money went into the alliance's pocket.


At night, after dinner, Jon proposed to Qianli that he planned to camp by the sea, and also wanted his Pokémon to have a good time.

After all, he had no battle arrangement tomorrow, and tomorrow was the second and last day of the event registration.

Qianli thought for a moment and felt that there was nothing wrong with this. After all, although his greenhouse was good, it was not as free and vast as nature.

So, Jon carried a backpack with two days of food and temporarily said goodbye to Qianli's family.

Xiaosheng was looking forward to coming with him, but was decisively rejected by Jon.

What a joke, I'm not a nanny, and I haven't officially started the trip yet. I didn't even bring Xiaoyao with me, so how could I bring Xiaosheng with me?

Chenghua City is close to the sea. At this time, many people have camped near the beach. Jon's original ideal of occupying a beach alone was instantly shattered.

But he thought about it and felt that this was reasonable. Not everyone can live in the Pokémon Center for free.

Then, Jon released the Gyarados under the surprised gaze of everyone.

He climbed on the top of the Gyarados with agility and directed it to swim overseas.

After all, there are many uninhabited islands overseas. He doesn't like to live in a small house with others and be disturbed in various ways. He would rather spend more time to find a quiet and comfortable place farther away.

Gyarados seemed particularly happy. Since following Jon, it rarely has the opportunity to swim in the sea like this.

And Jon was riding a Gyarados for the first time. He couldn't suppress his excitement. He felt the breeze blowing and kept talking to the Gyarados.

Gyarados enjoyed the feeling of having Jon all to himself, but it was not selfish. It saw an island from a distance, and immediately accelerated and sprinted over.

Yes, there was no light on the island, and there were coconut trees everywhere. In the dark night, the island showed a different color under the reflection of the moonlight.

Jon immediately jumped off the head of Gyarados, quickly threw the Pokémon Ball, and all the Pokémon appeared in front of him.

Before they could see the surrounding environment clearly, Jon immediately ordered:

"Hydra, Wolfhound, you go into the forest and bring back some dry wood; Toucan, you take the Baby Dragon to patrol the island, and come back immediately if you find anything; Gyarados, you are free to move and hunt by yourself, but remember to come back."

Several Pokémon received Jon's instructions and immediately started to act without hesitation.

Only one Banjiras was left standing there, pointing at himself, as if he wanted to know his mission.

Jon first fed Banjiras an energy block. At this time, he did not light the fire, and his vision was a little dim.

After the wolfhound and Hound came back, Jon set up a fire and started grilling meat.

This was his midnight snack, while the wolfhound and Hound went hunting.

Jon treated his Pokémon in a unique way. In the wild, he hoped that they would use hunting to exercise their bodies. As for the improvement of other abilities, he would intervene.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jon pulled the reluctant Bankiras and walked slowly to the seaside, "Bankiras, walk slowly."

This was not the first time Bankiras had been in this situation. He had been watered by Gyarados's water cannon before, and he also knew that Jon was doing this to help him overcome his fear of water.

Bankiras did not hesitate at all.He hesitated, and took a bath in the sea water until he could no longer bear it, and then he rushed to the shore.

Jon had been recording the time carefully. As long as Bangiras's endurance limit became longer, it would be a success.

But Bangiras's physical energy consumption was extremely high, and he needed to replenish nutrition continuously.

For it, Jon spent a lot of money and bought a lot of nutrients and tree fruits, just for this moment.

Jon firmly believed that Bangiras, who was not afraid of water, would definitely surprise everyone.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the baby dragon and the toucan, who had played enough, finally came back.

After confirming that this was an uninhabited island, Jon was completely relieved. At least when practicing, he would not be disturbed by the outside world.

As usual, the baby dragon ate the nutrients and energy cubes that Jon prepared for it every day, and then fell asleep in the tent.

The first night of training ended here. Bangilas, who stopped training, was so tired that he collapsed on the ground. There was no trace of the so-called coolness of a quasi-god.

However, tomorrow is the highlight, so the first night just passed by like this.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone gently, and the wolfhound and Hound opened their eyes quickly.

A lobster soldier was running rampant on the beach, and was suddenly blocked by a huge thing in front of him.

Its mother, the iron claw lobster, told it that as long as it knocked away the obstacles in front of it, it could keep moving forward.

It immediately used its crab fist and swung it towards the tent, but this time it overestimated itself.

Several Pokémon were awakened by its movement and kept staring at it. The wolfhound blocked the crab fist with a steel tail.

"What's going on?"

The movement of the battle disturbed Jon who was sleeping.

He gradually woke up and shook his still groggy head. The sunlight shone through the tent, which was a bit dazzling.

He stretched himself and then slowly walked out of the tent, and saw the big wolfhound competing fiercely with the lobster soldier in strength.

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