"I have my own standards for choosing partners or hiring people."

This explanation was not much better, and Jon still frowned.

"Or, do you have the idea of ​​exchanging Pokémon?"

Nix looked at Hirano on the side, and saw that he took out two Pokémon balls without hesitation and put them on the table. Then, Nix also took out two.

"These are Dream Demon, Charizard, Armored Bird and Super Iron Tyrannosaurus. Each of them has the strength of a gym level. You can choose any one to exchange with Banguirus, and I will give you an extra 5 million Alliance Coins!"

This sentence was said by Hirano, and his local tyrant temperament was instantly exposed.

The Pokémon they showed also surprised Jon, and his heart could not help but surge.

With that said, he seemed to be at the bottom of the game.

Is this League Conference so scary? And it seems that they don't take these powerful Pokémon seriously at all.

Why do they want Bangiras so much, just to open the ruins?

What is hidden in the ruins that is worth their unremitting efforts?

Jon's heart was filled with countless questions.

"Gyarados has been cured. We'll talk about it next time!"

Jon suddenly stood up, pointed to the name on the screen in the hall with his right hand, and left quickly.

5 million and gym-level Pokémon in exchange for a Bangiras, to be honest, is enough, but Jon did not agree. Obviously, these two people were unwilling to tell him.

Maybe it was because Jon was not a partner, but would anyone really agree directly? What if he didn't have the ability to do this?

Hirano was stunned, his eyes followed Jon's figure as he left, but he was not discouraged because Jon was not the only one.

"Hirano, try again. It's rare to meet a trainer of Bangiras when you come out."

Nix's words rang clearly in Hirano's ears. Hirano couldn't help asking:

"This guy is not strong, maybe we can find another one..."

"Let's see if he has the conditions. If he is too strong, can you and I still get the things in the ruins? Besides, I am determined to get it!"

Nix has changed to a calm tone at this time. Hirano listened and thought carefully and felt that it made sense.

"That's right. The strongest of the trainers we contacted before is only at the gym level. Originally, you and I each get what we need. You want Pokémon, and I want the things inside."

Until Jon's back completely disappeared from their sight, they simply ate a few mouthfuls of food, then picked up the plate and slowly left.

Gyarados was sleeping quietly at this moment. After a careful test, Miss Joy said that maybe when Gyarados wakes up, it will be able to successfully break through the gym level.

Jon got Gyarados's Poké Ball, and only then did he happily leave the Pokémon Center.

Perhaps, when Gyarados wakes up, he will be able to become a gym-level trainer, and the league will pay him 150,000 yuan a month.

There is a big difference between gym-level trainers and elite trainers. According to statistics, only one out of ten elite trainers can become a gym-level trainer.

Having reached this level, if the league is preparing to set up a new gym, Jon is already eligible to sign up.

However, what Jon cares about most is the invitation from Nix and the others.

This matter has always been deeply in Jon's heart. He really wants to agree to the employment, but he still has some worries in his heart.

He is alone and has no one to rely on. Before he has enough strength, he must be cautious when facing some groups and organizations.

After returning to the Orange Gym, Jon threw all the Pokémon into the warm greenhouse, and then returned to his own room and quickly turned on the computer.

He quickly searched for relevant information about Nix and Hirano on the computer.

Nix might be a quasi-king or king-level Pokémon trainer. Since Hirano can team up with him, his own strength must not be too bad.

However, on the official website of the Hoenn League, it is impossible to find accurate and detailed information about them.

The information of the contestants is usually public, but they only came to register for the league meeting a few days ago. Apart from that, there is no other valuable information.

A new day came, and after completing the draw, Jon was surprised to find that his opponent was Hirano.

When it was his turn to compete, Jon stood steadily on the battle stage, and the game began.curtain.

"Go, Houndoom!" Jon shouted.

"Haunter." Hirano's voice sounded.

What's going on? Hirano has at least one elite and two gym-level Pokémon in his hands. Why would he use a normal-level Haunter at this time? Jon was full of doubts.

"Houndoom, Jet Flame!" Jon relaxed his frown. Since the other party was willing to let him go, Jon naturally didn't need to be polite.

"Haunter, Shadow Ball."

Jet Flame and Shadow Ball collided with each other, and the fierce energy collision directly caused a huge explosion. Haunter took the opportunity to rush into the thick fog immediately.

"Houndoom, use the big word explosion on the thick fog!" Jon commanded decisively.

Houndoom's strength is far better than Haunter. The big word explosion hit Haunter head-on, and the effect was very significant. Haunter was directly forced out of the thick fog, and many burn marks appeared on his body!

"Haunter has lost his ability to fight, and Houndoom wins."

The referee's voice sounded. The referee didn't even want to take another look at this ordinary battle, and blew the whistle directly.

"Kokodora." Hirano released the Pokémon again.

Another ordinary Pokémon? Jon looked at Hirano, whose expression did not change at all, and confirmed his guess.

Until the end, Hirano released an elite mount goat, but even so, it was still defeated by Houndoom.

The audience felt that this game was boring, and some people even suspected that Jon had bribed Hirano to win.

Hirano walked slowly towards Jon and said, "Victory is irrelevant to me. You should need a prize more!"

Hirano didn't wait for Jon to reply, and gently patted his shoulder, then strode out of the field.

Jon didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, the other party didn't even blink when he took out 5 million Alliance Coins at once. I guess the prize is really not important to him.

As for feeling insulted? This situation does not exist. In Jon's opinion, winning is enough.

He didn't care about Hirano's show of goodwill. Anyway, the decision was in his hands.

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