Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 103: What a noble character (9 more)

Chapter 103 What a noble character (9 updates~)

Youlan still felt a little unreal about Bai Chen's sudden change of attitude.

Bai Chen was not moved by the large number of benefits promised before, but Bai Chen actually agreed after seeing these injured dragon hunters.

It feels like you work 996 every day to make money, but you can't make a few meters even though you work so hard. As a result, when you get home, a lot of cash is placed in your home.

"Knight Baichen, are you really willing to teach us the skills of taming monsters?" Youlan asked Baichen again nervously.

"I'm willing to teach you, but I'm very busy at this time. Even if I want to teach you how to domesticate, it won't be until a month later."

Time is nothing to dragon people.

Youlan naturally had no reason to refuse.

It's just that she still can't believe it now, because it was so easy to get it, which made her feel that there was a scam in it.

Bai Chen's next sentence made her feel a little relieved: "Nothing less than the benefits you promised before, otherwise our cooperation will end here."

"Of course!" Youlan nodded and responded. She had planned to promise Bai Chen all the conditions before.

"Yes." Bai Chen nodded coldly. He glanced at the treatment room and asked, "What kind of monster were they hunting and injured?"

Youlan confessed honestly: "I originally wanted to arrange for them to hunt poisonous monster birds, but I didn't expect that they encountered an intrusive monster, causing the mission to fail."

"Give me the address, and also please help me issue a mission commission with your ancient dragon people's logo printed on it."

"You?" Youlan looked at Bai Chen in disbelief.

Bai Chen asked doubtfully: "What's wrong? Do you have rules that prohibit hunting missions from being taken over by outsiders?"

"Of course there is no such rule." Youlan quickly shook his head.

"Since there is no such rule, please give me a mission receipt, and I will help you capture the monster tonight."

Yolan took a breath.

What a noble and kind person this is?

Not only is he willing to teach us hunting skills, but he is also willing to take the initiative to take on such a dangerous job as hunting?

Seeing that Youlan was still in a daze, Bai Chen asked, "Are you having any difficulties?"

"Hug, I'm sorry. I'm going to write a task delegation for you right now." Youlan turned around and prepared to arrange for someone to write the task delegation.

As soon as she turned around, Bai Chen immediately pulled her back and asked, "Besides the task of hunting the poisonous monster bird, do you have other tasks? You can leave all the overlord tasks like Hai Long to me."

have! How could it not be!

Youlan has a lot of tasks on his hands that no one can complete.

Youlan's tone became much more cautious: "Is it really okay?"

“As long as there are procedures and I have time, it’ll be fine.”

At this moment, Youlan only felt that Bai Chen was radiating light.

She was deeply afraid that Bai Chen would regret it, so she hurriedly issued the task commission.

After a long time, she found Bai Chen at the celebration with ten tasks similar to hunting poisonous monster birds in her hands.

She anxiously asked the maid to hand over the task list to Bai Chen.

Her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a lot.

"Isn't this too much? You actually gave someone ten tasks at once."

Youlan watched Bai Chen take over the task entrustment, and she carefully paid attention to Bai Chen's status.

When she saw Bai Chen frowning, she secretly said bad.

"Ten tasks are really too many! Even if Knight Baichen is kind-hearted and has noble moral character, he can't give him so many tasks at once."

Youlan was just about to open his mouth to make amends and asked Bai Chen to choose three out of ten tasks.

But Bai Chen's next sentence made her swallow it hard.

"Why are there only ten tasks? There are three to four thousand people in your village, and you only need to capture ten large monsters?"

Yolan took a breath.

Is ten tasks still too few?

She felt that these ten tasks were too much.

Youlan didn't dare to speak, but saw Bai Chen's glance.

She forced a smile and said: "Of course we still have a lot of tasks, but ten tasks is the most reasonable number of tasks in my opinion at the moment."

Bai Chen understood.

This is because you don’t believe in my professional skills!

Bai Chen ate the barbecue in his hand and said, "Give me detailed information."

Youlan had already prepared it, and she handed Bai Chen the map of their dragon tribe.

Bai Chen took it and looked at it in detail.

After reading it, Bai Chen only had one thought - even the most detailed map of the entire investigation team on the Commander-in-Chief's desk was a simplified version compared to the map of the ancient dragon tribe.

"As expected of the ancient dragon people who have lived here since ancient times, they have a detailed understanding of the terrain of the New World."

In fact, the fact that the ancient dragon people had such a detailed map is closely related to Youlan.

In order to reduce the damage caused by the dragon tribe hunters, she naturally had to put more thought into intelligence work.

Bai Chen glanced at the ten locations marked on the map.

Compared with the intelligence provided by the investigation team, the information provided by Youlan was more detailed and did not require Bai Chen to follow up. The lairs of these monsters were already marked on the map, as well as the approximate time when these monsters returned to their lairs.

"There is no need to explore, just let the Nergigante fly there with me."

Bai Chen estimated the distance. If Youlan's information was correct, he could complete a mission in about an hour.

The only trouble is transportation.

As if seeing Bai Chen's doubts, Youlan suddenly said: "As long as Knight Baichen completes the capture, our people will arrive at the scene quickly to help you transport the monster back."

Youlan had to admit that the investigation team did a good job in logistics support.

For the past forty years, she has been observing and learning some of the systems of the investigation team.

In order to ensure the safety of the hunters, she has arranged people for transportation.

It can be said that compared with the Star Base, their Forest Village lacks powerful and large hunters.

"This is the best."

Bai Chen looked at the remaining 6 days of teleportation time.

"With overtime, I should be able to brush more than 50 tasks in 6 days."

Bai Chen summoned the Exterminating Dragon.

He was not wearing his heavy armor, but only carrying a long sword.

He used the monster ball to put the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the Rock Dragon into the ball.

"Let's go."

The Exterminating Dragon grew larger, and Bai Chen skillfully climbed onto the dragon.

The Exterminating Dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the sky with Bai Chen.

The dragons below all showed yearning in their eyes.

Since ancient times, the will of the ancient dragon people has been consistent with the giant dragon people who lead the tribe.

Elder Youlan wants to tame monsters and coexist with monsters, so Youlan's wish will also become their wish.

Therefore, in their eyes, Bai Chen, who can tame the most evil ancient dragon, is a legendary figure shining like a hero.

It is also the object that all of them need to strive for and catch up with in the future!

Bai Chen doesn't know if he will become the object of others' pursuit.

But he should soon become the object of the logistics troops' pursuit.

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