Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 125 What kind of battlefield intercom is this? (1 more)

Now Bai Chen can use telekinesis to control a sword in battle.

Bai Chen tested his telekinesis strength again.

It is worth spending 17,500 proficiency points to improve the strength of this skill.

The biggest change is the strength of mental power.

When he was at the master level before, Bai Chen could lift 200kg of objects. If he was fighting at full strength, he could fight with telekinesis for more than four or five hours without sleep.

Now that he has reached the master level, Bai Chen can use telekinesis to lift objects of nearly 800kg, and this strength will continue to increase as his level increases.

Using telekinesis to control a secret sword and a king's tooth knife to fight is enough.

But it is still impossible for Bai Chen to use this little telekinesis to fly with himself fully armed.

With three swords and a set of armor, Bai Chen's own weight can reach about one ton.

"We still have to find a way." After thinking for a while, Bai Chen thought of one thing, "Super telekinesis uses one's own mental power, but it will also be affected by the surrounding environment, right?"

Bai Chen asked Ai Guan Shi to expand the mental field.

The surrounding natural energy began to change and turned into a super energy system.

The mental field created by characteristics is different from the mental field created by skills.

The mental field created by skills is affected by proficiency, while the strength of the mental field created by characteristics is affected by the user's own special attack.

Bai Chen used his telekinesis again at this time, and his telekinesis was greatly improved, at least 30%!

This is not over yet.

"My master-level natural power can mobilize the natural energy of the super energy system to form telekinesis. If this is added..."

Bai Chen activated his master-level natural power.

The next moment, those natural energies wrapped around Bai Chen's whole body, and its telekinesis strength was strengthened again! The power increased by another 30%!

"With the blessing of the venue and the power of nature, my telekinesis can be increased by about 1.7 times."

Bai Chen put on all the equipment, and with the help of Ai Guanshi, Bai Chen was able to fly freely in the air.

At this moment, his telekinesis strength can drive an object of about 1350kg.

Bai Chen tried the flying speed of the fully armed again. The flying speed is also affected by the strength of telekinesis. His speed can reach about 12 meters per second, which is equivalent to 43 kilometers per hour.

"This skill is interesting."

Bai Chen looked at Ai Guanshi again and looked at her mental telekinesis skills.

Ai Guanshi is not good at fighting. Her mental telekinesis skills are her most powerful. Because she often uses this skill to cook, her proficiency has reached the master level, and she is about 4,000 points away from the master level.

"My super telekinesis can improve my basic attributes. If I copy the skills to Ai Guanshi, she should be able to get the special attack attribute enhancement like me. Then upgrade her to the master level, so that her characteristic mental maker will also be strengthened, and my strength will also increase."

It's a perfect combination.

Bai Chen did it as soon as he thought of it. He quickly copied his rarity 7 telekinesis moves to Ai Guanshi.

And she also gained a completely new skill that was completely different from Bai Chen.

Maid Powerful Telekinesis (rarity 7): Greatly strengthen mental power and gain the ability of "heart net". Heart net: Create a heart net, under the coverage of the heart net, you can communicate with your heart.

"Heart net? What kind of battlefield intercom is this?" Bai Chen was surprised that Ai Guanshi would gain this ability. "I gained the source flow and increased my endurance, but Ai Guanshi gained the heart net, which is like a central control."

The skills they gained were the same, but the forms they displayed were very different.

Ai Guanshi's ability to gain the heart net should be related to her being an emotional Pokémon.

"The heart net ability may not be so useful in the Pokémon world, but it will be very useful in the Monster Hunter world."

Bai Chen directly spent 6,500 skill proficiency points to upgrade Ai Guanshi's maid powerful telekinesis to the master level.

Now Ai Guanshi can also materialize telekinesis to form a telekinesis shield, just like Bai Chen.

The spiritual field created by Ai Guanshi with her characteristics has also been strengthened, and the increase in the psychic moves has been increased from 30% to 40%.

If Bai Chen uses the power of nature within the range, his telekinesis strength can be increased by about 1.8 times.

Finally, Bai Chen tested Ai Guanshi's heart network ability, which covers a range that is almost equivalent to a professional walkie-talkie.

It can cover a distance of about 10 kilometers.

But compared to walkie-talkies, Ai Guanshi's heart network is not affected by terrain and other factors, and is extremely stable. In theory, it can support everyone within the range to enter her heart network.

"It seems that Ai Guanshi will really serve as the logistics leader and commander of the whole team in the future."

The ability of the heart network really gives her a unique advantage.

It is worth mentioning that the coverage of her heart network will also increase with the improvement of her level and skill proficiency.

In the morning, Bai Chen tested the various parameters of his ability and experimented with the actual combat effect of using telekinesis to control the sword.

The improvement of telekinesis in combat power is quite large, but there are many problems with using telekinesis to control the sword.

The power of the sword is quite good, and it is completely possible to use it in battle. The biggest problem now is that it is difficult for Bai Chen to do three things at once. When he controls two swords at once, it is more difficult to use the swords to fight than to eat with chopsticks in both hands.

The other thing is the issue of refining Qi.

These swords against monsters require refining to bring out the most powerful performance of these weapons.

No matter how good Bai Chen is, he can't refine qi in the air. Unless one day he can freely control the fighting qi to leave the body, otherwise now he can only find a way to refine qi for the other two swords through contact during the battle.

"This road is not easy. I hope that before returning to the world of monster hunting, I can truly use my mind power to control the sword in actual combat."

At noon, Bai Chen was training alone at the training ground.

Seeing that it was lunch time, the waiter was also ready to prepare lunch for everyone.

As soon as she got here, she met other maids who were busy.

She greeted them politely.

Although she has only been here for a day, she is already deeply loved by these maids.

Some people even want to go to the Galar region to capture such a Pokémon.

She is cute, has a strong working ability, and is very good at taking care of others.

"Fu~" Ai Guanwei borrowed the kitchen and ingredients from these maids, "Borrow the kitchen~"

"Use as you wish."

In order to ensure that Bai Chen and Nergigante could eat enough every day, the family prepared a large amount of ingredients.

The stewardess took out her mobile phone and started to control the pots and pans using the strong will that Bai Chen had just helped her improve.

The maids didn't react until the maid started cooking.

"Wait a minute, did this nosy waiter talk just now!?"

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