Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 140 Who is so civic-minded as to place the divine beast next to my bed? (1 more)

Chapter 140 Who is so ethical as to place a mythical beast next to my bed? (1 update~)

After saying goodbye to Lusamine, Bai Chen took a plane back home.

On the plane, Bai Chen had already figured it out.

Although Solgaleo prohibited him from entering the ultimate world again, this did not mean that he would never be able to come into contact with the ultimate beasts in the future.

During his stay in the Ultimate World this time, he also figured out one thing.

Zhaobo's previous behavior of opening the Ultra Cave has already made some Ultra Beasts aware of the Pokémon world.

Compared to their broken world, the Pokémon world is more attractive to them.

Some extremely powerful beasts with strong ultimate auras have the conditions and interests to come to this world.

"It will be troublesome to find these guys in the ultimate world anyway. Now is the time, just waiting for them to fall into the trap."

Bai Chen has already told Lusamine that the ultimate beast may come to the Alola region.

He also made it clear that he was very interested in fighting these ultimate beasts.

If someone is willing to take the initiative, Lusamine naturally has no reason to refuse.

In the morning, Bai Chen finally returned home.

After coming back, Bai Chen comforted Lillie.

"Didn't I come back safely? Don't worry."

Lillie was mainly angry with her mother now, and only worried about Bai Chen.

After confirming that Bai Chen was fine, she felt relieved.

She asked Bai Chen about his next plan. She was now a little worried about Bai Chen going to the ultimate world again.

"What's the next arrangement?" Bai Chen thought about it and said, "I plan to take a good rest these two days. After your birthday, I will go on a tour of various islands to obtain other Z pure crystals. "

Bai Chen now only has the fighting type's 'Full Power Unparalleled Fierce Fist' and the general type's 'ultimate invincible collision'.

These two moves, the Full Power Unparalleled Fierce Fist, can only be used by him and Nergigante.

For example, Rock Dragon and Thunder Wolf Dragon can only use the ultimate invincible collision.

"Other Z pure crystals?" Lillie asked.

"Yes, Rock Dragon can use ground type Z pure crystals, rock type Z pure crystals, and fire type Z pure crystals. He can even use poison type Z pure crystals, which can increase his combat capabilities."

Although the rock dragon is a monster of ground type plus fire type.

But the use of Z moves is still related to the monsters' skills.

Yanlong also masters the steel-type move "Heavy Crash" and the "multi-attribute gas attack" that can spray poisonous gas.

Theoretically, he can use Ground Z, Rock Z, Fire Z, Poison Z, Steel Z, and Dragon Z.

Thunder Wolf Dragon can use Thunder Z, and this Z pure crystal must be obtained.

In addition, there is Nergigante. In addition to fighting Z and normal Z, she can also use evil Z and flying Z.

Bai Chen himself can now use Dragon Z and Super Z.

There is also a super killer weapon that Bai Chen must obtain, and that is Fairy Z's 'Cute Star Flying Crash'.

This Z-move Skillful Blacksmith can be used, and the Fairy type is a great weapon against monsters that are generally Dragon type.

Bai Chen continued: "We have to collect them anyway, why not collect all the Z pure crystals."

Lillie asked, "Can I go with you?"

"Of course, if you don't have anything else to do."

"Then I'll help you plan the route." Lillie was very considerate and prepared to help Bai Chen plan the order of obtaining Z moves.

Although challenging the island king or island queen is the fastest way to obtain Z pure crystal.

But they usually can only give challengers one kind of Z pure crystal.

For example, Hara will only give Z the same challenge to fighting.

If you want to obtain Z Pure Crystal with other attributes, other than mining it yourself, the only way is to challenge the Overlord Pokémon to gain their recognition.

You need to check what kind of Z-Crystals these overlord Pokémon will give you and where they live.

"This is really a big help. I love you, waiter, go and help me."

Bai Chen asked Ai Guanshi to help Lillie. After all, this was a plan for him, but he couldn't really leave it all to Lillie.

Bai Chen did not exercise at night, and everyone else also got Bai Chen's leave.

This time when they went to the Ultimate World, they were all overloaded with fighting, and no one was idle.

Let them have a good night's rest.

Bai Chen's holiday made Yanlong extremely happy.

A day off would mean he could spare a day or two of beatings!

Thunder Wolf Dragon sneered at Bai Chen's holiday, and he went to the forest to start training for himself.

Qiao Blacksmith didn't really need such a vacation. After she came back, she started to help Ai Guanshi forge the heavy crossbow and study her own 'Fire Soul Bomb'.

After helping Lillie, Aiguanshi went into the small movie theater Bai Chen built for her and began to enjoy her vacation.

In the evening, Bai Chen took a good rest. Even when he went to bed at night, he did not use any sleeping techniques, but simply enjoyed this ordinary night.

And it was on this ordinary night that Kapu Mingming, the patron saint of Melemele Island, suddenly appeared in Lillie's home at night.

In his arms was a sleeping 'little fur ball'.

On the bed, Nergigante, who was sleeping next to Bai Chen, was the first to notice the sound of Kapu outside the window.

Her orange eyes stared at Kapu Mingming.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly the Nergigante jumped off the bed, and she came to the window without making much noise.

She pushed the window and opened the lock.

Tapu Mingming was able to enter the room smoothly, and quietly flew to Bai Chen's bed. He gently placed Cosmogu in his arms beside Bai Chen.

After doing this, he looked at the Nergigante again, and left the room quietly just as he came in.

As if he had never appeared.

Watching Tapu Mingming leave, the Nergigante jumped onto the bed. She sniffed the scent of the new little guy, and then looked at the place where he slept, which was exactly where she rested before.

That was the closest place to Bai Chen.

The Nergigante swept its tail lightly, pushing Cosmogu aside.

Then it lay down and slept on its own.

The next morning.

Bai Chen was awakened by the sound of "Mogu".

As soon as Bai Chen opened his eyes, he saw that big black face filled all his sight.

Bai Chen was shocked.

He sat up from the bed.

Cosmog was so scared that he rolled over on the bed several times.

He looked at Bai Chen and asked in confusion: "Mog?"

Bai Chen finally came to his senses from his sleep, and he also recognized the Pokémon in front of him.

He took a deep breath.

"Who is so civic-minded??? He actually put a legendary beast on my bed!??? And it's a first-level god in the Alola region!???"

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