Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 149 Ten-day countdown (46k)

Chapter 149 Ten-day countdown (4.6k~)

Borrowing the teleportation ability of Little Nebula, Bai Chen returned directly to his home in the Xingchen base.

All the decorations in the room were exactly the same as a month ago, without any changes.

Bai Chen took out the Poké Ball and released the Love Servant in the ball.

"Fu~?" Love Servant looked at Bai Chen's room, "Is this everyone's home in the future?"

Bai Chen replied: "This is still a second-class cabin. When our hunter level is upgraded in the future, we can live in a better room."

Bai Chen handed Little Nebula in his arms to Love Servant and confirmed with her: "Do you still remember what I taught you before?"

Love Servant nodded repeatedly, indicating that she had not forgotten.

"Very good, then let's go to the headquarters."

Now that Love Servant and Little Nebula have joined the team, Bai Chen must give the commander-in-chief a reasonable explanation, unless Bai Chen decides to let them come out of the ball only when they are in the wild like the Destroyer Dragon.

Bai Chen thought about it and finally decided to push all the abnormal situations to Little Nebula.

He would tell the commander-in-chief that Little Xingyun has the ability to travel through the world, and that Ai Guanshi was brought by Little Xingyun from another world. Then, under the attraction of the same-world partner, Qiao Forge, they met during the mission.

This cannot be said to be a complete lie.

After all, Little Xingyun does have the ability to open a time-space hole and travel through the world.

On the one hand, the knights in the native world of Monster Hunter can travel through the world; on the other hand, the mysterious creatures in the other world can travel through the world.

In the two situations, the latter is obviously more acceptable.

Moreover, now that Bai Chen and Little Xingyun have become partners, it is reasonable to explain that Bai Chen "accidentally" enters the other world under the power of Little Xingyun in the future.

As for whether "Little Xingyun" will be captured because of the ability to travel through the world, Bai Chen is not worried about this.

Let's not talk about whether the members of the investigation team who have been reviewed will be unfavorable to Little Xingyun.

Even if someone is unfavorable to Little Xingyun, as long as Bai Chen can clear himself. If someone captures Little Xingyun, Bai Chen can also bring the Exterminating Dragon and others to rescue Little Xingyun.

In addition, if some powerful people want Xiao Xingyun, Xiao Xingyun can run away at any time, without the identity worries of Bai Chen.

Walking out of the room, Bai Chen saw many familiar hunters on the way.

Bai Chen greeted them enthusiastically, but they looked like they saw a ghost, with extremely complicated expressions.

"What's wrong with them? They used to be so enthusiastic when they saw me, but now they have such expressions when they see me."

Some hunters with poor concentration screamed and rushed towards the direction of the star ship.

Bai Chen had good hearing and caught the hunter's muttering: "Didn't I say that I would notify everyone when Bai Chen came back? How come everyone came in, but there is no news at all?"

Over there, Bai Chen caught the conversation of other hunters: "Should we take the task?"

"What are you panicking about? There are many four-star tasks, he can't finish them all."

"What if? Otherwise, let's take a guaranteed task first?"

"There is no need at all. Even if the four-star task is gone, we can complete the five-star task."

Hearing this, Bai Chen understood why these hunters' faces suddenly changed when they saw him.

Ignoring everyone for the time being, Bai Chen brought Ai Guanshi and Xiao Xingyun to the headquarters.

The commander-in-chief heard the commotion of the hunters from a distance, and knew without thinking that it was Bai Chen or the head of the group who came back.

Seeing Bai Chen, the commander-in-chief smiled rarely. He knew that Bai Chen's return meant that the hunters might work hard in the next few days.

Only this monster could kill the entire group of hunters by himself.

"Commander-in-chief, swordsmanship master." Bai Chen greeted the two seniors politely.

"I'm glad you're back safely. How's the mission going?" The commander-in-chief asked with concern.

"I've fulfilled my mission." Bai Chen handed the information that the ancient dragons had collected for him to the commander-in-chief.

The commander-in-chief glanced and understood how detailed the investigation report was.

"The mission was completed perfectly." The commander-in-chief did not hesitate to praise Ai Guanshi and Xiao Xingyun beside Bai Chen and said, "Who are these two?"

Bai Chen quickly told the commander-in-chief the excuses he had prepared in advance.

He had anticipated almost all the possible doubts that the commander-in-chief might raise, and he had prepared all the arguments early.

Afraid that they would not believe that Xiao Xingyun had the ability to travel through the world, Bai Chen also specially asked Xiao Xingyun to perform teleportation in front of them.

With such an ability, he was quickly recognized by the commander-in-chief and the swordsmanship master.

"Your investigation journey this month is really rich and colorful. When you come back, you have two more reliable partners." The commander-in-chief was sincerely happy for the joining of Ai Guanshi and Xiao Xingyun. As long as they are not enemies of the investigation team, he naturally hopes that there will be more partners.

After temporarily solving the identity issues of Xiao Xingyun and Ai Guanshi, Bai Chen asked about what he was most concerned about.

"Commander-in-chief, regarding the Molten Mountain Dragon, has the investigation team tracked the whereabouts of the other party?"

"If you didn't mention it, I was just about to tell you." The commander-in-chief held the baton and pointed on the map in front of him, "We have found traces of the Molten Mountain Dragon in the Great Ant Mound Wasteland."

"Does finding the trace mean that it is still being tracked, or that the opponent's clear movement trajectory has been mastered."

"It has been mastered. The task of capturing Molten Dragon will officially begin in 10 days."

Bai Chen said secretly: "Is it finally going to start?"

Bai Chen has never really faced a wild ancient dragon.

"As the top existence in the Monster Hunter world, how powerful will it be?" Bai Chen is looking forward to a head-on confrontation with Molten Dragon.

But at the same time, the meeting with Molten Dragon will inevitably face huge challenges, such as the Nergigante that has been following Molten Dragon and preparing a big meal.

The commander-in-chief said again: "I will issue a large-scale capture mission in three days, and the entire base will be short of manpower by then."

Bai Chen heard the meaning of the commander-in-chief's words.

He is asking me to find a way to brush up the tasks of the investigation team.

"I understand, I will complete some of the tasks in the base in the next few days."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

The commander-in-chief never doubted Bai Chen's speed in completing tasks.

After saying goodbye to the commander-in-chief, Bai Chen did not go to the Star Ship immediately, but went to the dining area on the third floor first.

There are many hunters who are preparing to set out to complete the mission here.

Bai Chen and Ai Guanshi found the chef of the "Mountain Cat and Weapon Pavilion".

"Chef." Bai Chen called the other party's name.

The chef had just finished serving the food.

He looked at Bai Chen and thought that Bai Chen was here to eat.

"Is it the same old 'large quantity and fullness' set meal?"

"Then give me one first." Bai Chen took Ai Guanshi to sit down opposite the chef's stove, from where he could see the whole process of the chef's cooking.

Bai Chen's greed for the chef's cat food skills is not a one-day or two-day thing.

In the past, because he couldn't beat him, he couldn't copy it. Now that there is a chef in the team, it is natural to let Ai Guanshi learn the skills.

To be honest, Ai Guanshi's cooking skills are not weaker than the chef, and even in terms of the taste of the food, she may be even better.

But cat food is not just a matter of cooking skills. Making cat food is like forging iron.

It is a big question to choose what ingredients and how to match them to fully stimulate the characteristics and power of those ingredients.

The essence of cat food lies in how to handle these foods.

Ai Guanshi knew that this was her task, and she was watching very seriously.

A set meal of "large quantity and fullness" was made.

The portion of this set meal is three or four times that of other hunters' sets, and Bai Chen can eat five or six sets of such a set meal in one meal, not to mention the exterminating dragon and thunder wolf dragon.

Bai Chen pushed the set meal in front of Ai Guanshi and Xiao Xingyun, and said to them: "Try the skills of our top chefs here."

The chef's skills are recognized by all hunters in the base.

Naturally, it will not be too bad.

Even Xiao Xingyun, who only liked to eat croquettes before, ate a lot of things.

After finishing a set meal, Bai Chen finally spoke: "Chef, I have a favor to ask. I wonder if you can teach my partner how to handle monster ingredients?"

Bai Chen had been preparing for this day for a long time.

The chef often issues hunting tasks for ingredients.

As long as Bai Chen sees that it is a task issued by the chef, he will take it without saying anything. In addition, in order to ensure the freshness and integrity of the ingredients, Bai Chen will spend more time fighting with the prey, trying not to let the monsters lose limbs or something.

However, to Bai Chen's surprise, the chef only thought about it and rejected Bai Chen.

"Don't get me wrong, I just feel that I am not qualified to accept apprentices at the moment, and I am just an apprentice now."

The chef used to be a cat hunter, and now he has changed his job to become a cat chef. He knows how much his skills are different from those of the real top cat chefs.

"If you want to learn cooking skills, I can help you introduce your partner to my master, who is now helping the third group over in the Grand Canyon."

Third group

Bai Chen muttered.

Bai Chen also knew the chef's master. In the previous life game, the chef's master had retired, but later the ice field was opened and the new Yuechen base needed a chef, so the cat lady came out and took on the duties of the chef again.

"Is it really possible?"

"The master's skills are not comparable to mine. If you want to learn, you naturally have to find the best masters to learn from. I will write a recommendation letter for you, although with the master's personality, she will probably not refuse you."

As he said, the chef took a piece of white paper and simply wrote on the paper that he hoped the master would accept another apprentice.

At the end of the recommendation letter, the chef stamped his cat paw print.

After folding it and handing it to Bai Chen, he said: "Give this to the master, she should be able to teach your partner cooking skills."

Bai Chen took the recommendation letter and kept it close to his body.

After solving the problem of Ai Guanshi's study, Bai Chen also went straight to the fourth-floor star ship.

Before he went up, Bai Chen heard the noise above.


Bai Chen had just stepped onto the Star Ship area on the fourth floor.

The noisy hunters suddenly became quiet.

Then there was a very uniform inhalation.

The hunters who were still hesitating took off the commission on the task bar.

"Please hurry up and register me!"

There was obvious panic on the faces of the hunters.

Bai Chen leisurely came to the back of the queue at the front desk.

Seeing Bai Chen lining up obediently, the hunters in front of Bai Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

The hunters who had just received the news and came over all looked desperate when they saw Bai Chen.

Bai Chen's return means that those low-level tasks will be completed in a very short period of time.

The hunters who took the mission felt very regretful at this moment.

There was once an easy task in front of me, but I didn't cherish it properly. If God is willing to give me another chance, I will definitely not be picky anymore!

"Fu?" The stewardess sensed that everyone's emotions were very complicated. She looked at Bai Chen strangely and asked Bai Chen what he had done.

Bai Chen just smiled and said nothing.

After queuing for nearly half an hour, it was finally Bai Chen's turn.

"Master Bai, welcome back." Ila smiled like a flower, "Sir, are you going to take on the mission now? There are still three large-scale hunting missions below four stars, five four-star missions, a little more five-star missions, and six more Tasks are waiting to be picked up.”

After Bai Chen heard this, he first handed over the investigation task he had accepted before to Ila: "I'll take a look at the task myself first. Also, could you please help me register the completed tasks first."

Yi La handed all the five-star and below large monster hunting tasks that she had prepared long ago to Bai Chen, and took the investigation task from Bai Chen's hands.

Ila expertly confirmed the completion of the mission.

Bai Chen also took advantage of this time to start looking up these hunting missions.

Among the tasks assigned to him by Ila, they were all low-level tasks.

In addition to star-level tasks, tasks are also divided into low-level, high-level, and G-level tasks.

Missions from 1 to 5 stars are in the lower category, while 6 to 8 stars above 5 are in the upper category.

Only high-level hunters can accept high-level missions.

The number of high-level hunters is actually very small.

The fifth phase of the group is known as an elite group, but only a little over 100 out of 500 people can reach the upper level, and most of them are still at the level where they can only accept 6-star missions.

The G position above is also called the master level, which is a level that ordinary hunters cannot reach.

The enemies that a hunter of that level comes into contact with are at least ancient dragon-level creatures.

In the previous game, the protagonist played by the player was a G-position hunter in the story setting. He was one of the strongest hunters who could defeat the black dragon.

Bai Chen quickly glanced at the tasks. Three-star and four-star tasks were not that difficult for him now.

The only troublesome thing is the five-star mission.

The enemies in the five-star mission are also divided into strong and weak. The relatively weak Bai Chen can deal with them alone, while some are slightly stronger. Bai Chen needs the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the Nergigante to cooperate with him, so that he can complete the mission. .

Soon, Yi La helped Bai Chen confirm the completion of the task.

Seeing that Bai Chen was still checking the mission, she asked, "Sir, are you sure what mission you want to take on?"

To everyone's surprise, Bai Chen pushed back all these tasks.

He said: "I want to get more rest tonight. Let's wait until tomorrow to talk about the mission."

Now there are still a lot of tasks waiting for him to complete on the ancient dragon people's side. Bai Chen has to see what kind of tasks there are there first, and then decide how many investigation team tasks he wants to take on.

He is basically the only one who can fight over there. Unlike this investigation team, there are still a lot of hunters who have no missions to take and have to compete with him for missions.

Ella was stunned.

When everyone thought that Bai Chen was going to take the task, Bai Chen suddenly stopped taking it? Or is it that the number of tasks is too small and adults are too lazy to complete them?

Ila nodded politely and said, "Whenever you want to take over a task, you can come to me directly."

"Well, trouble." With that, Bai Chen turned around and left the Star Ship.

It was as if he came back today just to report on the mission.

When Bai Chen got off the star ship, the hunters heaved a sigh of relief.

As if surviving a disaster: "It seems that such outrageous missions are not easy to replicate. I can relax a little bit in the future."

In front of Yi La, some hunters came over with mission registration sheets, looking a little embarrassed.

"Is it too late for me to quit the mission now? I've only been back for less than two hours, and I want to rest for two more days."

Ila picked up the recovery medicine, took a sip, and said calmly: "It's not allowed according to the guild rules~ Please work hard to complete the mission."

It’s really painful to adjust the sleep time. I can’t bear it any more. I’ll make up for the remaining 2k tomorrow~

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