Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 151 Team Action (Supplement 829, 4k, the chapter was wrong yesterday, it should be 147)

Chapter 151 Team Action (supplement 8.29, 4k, yesterday's chapter was wrong, it should be 147)

In the ancient tree forest.

At this moment, a giant beast with lightning all over its body is running forward in the forest.

His target is very clear, the monster that appears in the mission - the flying thunder dragon.

As soon as he entered the opponent's territory, the threatening roars echoed among the giant trees.

The next second, the thunder fell from the sky.

The threatening sound turned into a sound of fear.

In a moment, the Thunder Wolf Dragon completed the hunt.

After getting the location, Xiao Xingyun quickly teleported to the scene.

He held a task commission for the flying thunder dragon in his hand.


He compared it repeatedly until the affirmative answer of Ai Guanshi appeared in his mind. Xiao Xingyun then used teleportation to send the flying thunder dragon back to the forest village.

This flying thunder dragon is the mission target of the great elder Yulan.

In the sky, the exterminating dragon flew over his head with Ai Guanshi.

They were heading to the next destination.

On the other side, the rock dragon's body, which was as big as a hill, moved in the forest. The forger on his back followed him and helped him to point the way.

Under the guidance of the forger, he finally found his target, a big thief dragon that was "harmless to humans and animals".

Seeing the target, flames burst out of the rock dragon's mouth. The next second, a super-flame cannon directly penetrated an ancient tree and hit the body of the big thief dragon.

Seeing that a fire cannon could not kill the opponent instantly, the rock dragon rushed forward and hit it again. After less than a minute of entanglement, the hunt was successfully completed.

Little Nebula appeared on the scene on time, and under the command of the forger, sent the big thief dragon to where he should go.

At the same time in the sky, Ai Guanshi also found her target-a big monster bird of level 43.

She picked up the "secret sniper" in her hand and fired a sniper dragon bullet at the monster below.

The dragon bullet penetrated the monster's body, causing the big monster bird to roar.

The big bird looked at the Nergigante and Ai Guanshi hovering in the sky, and he flapped his wings and flew towards the sky.

But the next second, he was ruthlessly blasted to the ground by Nergigante's ruthless palm.

Then, two mechanical heavy crossbows appeared above the big bird.

The heavy crossbows poured all their bullets at him mercilessly.

The only sound of gunfire in the forest was the endless sound of gunfire.

In less than ten minutes, with the help of Nergigante, Ai Guanshi completed the task of capturing the big bird.

Let Xiao Xingyun help to teleport the big bird to the Star Base.

She crossed out a four-star task on the task list.

At this moment, all the people under Bai Chen were divided into three teams. Thunder Wolf Dragon hunted alone, Rock Dragon and the Forger formed a team, and Ai Guanshi followed Nergigante. In addition to completing the task, they had to support others at any time.

And Bai Chen was not idle at this moment.

He went directly from the third-floor camp to the Fire Dragon's Nest on the top floor of the Ancient Tree Forest.

Passing through the narrow passage, Bai Chen came to the 16th floor area at the top of the ancient tree forest.

This is the nest of the fire dragon couple, and it is also the habitat of the king in the entire hunting area.

When he came here, Bai Chen looked around, and he did not see the fire dragon couple here.

"It seems that they went out hunting."

Bai Chen unfolded his super perception and came to the edge of the ancient tree.

This is the top of the entire ancient tree forest, from which you can see the sea in the distance.

Just when Bai Chen turned around and prepared to leave here to search for the male fire dragon in other places.

He suddenly stopped and turned around to see a fiery red male fire dragon climbing rapidly from under the tree with a strong wind.

In the blink of an eye, he flew to the 16th area.

He spread his wings and hovered 20 meters above Bai Chen, and the golden vertical pupil looked at Bai Chen unkindly.

"Finally, I'm here."

Bai Chen took off his helmet and looked at the male fire dragon, as if he was greeting an old friend, and shouted: "See you again, you haven't made any progress in more than a month."

"Roar--!" The male fire dragon roared, and he had a deep impression of Bai Chen.

A month ago, he tried to catch himself with a strange ball, but fortunately he finally broke free.

Bai Chen put on his helmet again: "It's been a month and it's still level 47. It seems that it's not so easy for wild monsters like you to upgrade."

When Bai Chen subdued the Thunder Wolf Dragon a month ago, this male fire dragon was level 47. After so long, his strength has not increased much.

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, a fireball hit Bai Chen.

The flames rose, and the residual power of the energy explosion blew up the white clouds in the sky.

The male fire dragon looked at the center of the explosion, and there was no sign of Bai Chen there.

"Are you looking for me?"

The male fire dragon looked in the direction of the sound, and Bai Chen had flown to the same level with him without knowing when.

Bai Chen's body was wrapped in a layer of blue light.

Bai Chen used telekinesis to make himself fly in the sky.

With telekinesis control, the thunder-attributed Wang Ya Knife came out of its sheath with thunder.


The Wang Ya Knife spun and attacked the male fire dragon.

The male fire dragon wanted to dodge, but he was too big and couldn't completely avoid the attack of the Wang Ya Knife.

And Bai Chen had already flown close to him with the Yanlong Tachi.

"A flash of lightning."

Bai Chen slashed the male fire dragon.

Let’s not talk about how much combat power the cooperation of one man and one sword can bring out, just this unprecedented fighting method alone is enough to surprise the male fire dragon.

Red and black flames ignited on Bai Chen’s body.

The extreme fighting spirit transformation was activated.

Bai Chen grabbed the panicked male fire dragon, used great force to pull the opponent to the ground, and moved the battlefield in the sky to the battlefield on the ground.

It’s true that Bai Chen can fly with telekinesis, but he is not arrogant enough to think that he can compete with this sky king in flying skills.

Only by pulling the opponent into the field he is good at can he win steadily.

Being thrown to the ground by Bai Chen, the male fire dragon wanted to bite Bai Chen.


Bai Chen swung his fist and smashed the male fire dragon’s head.

The king tooth knife behind him attacked with lightning.

As a flying and fire-type male fire dragon, its resistance to lightning is very low.

After a successful strike, the king tooth knife launched a round of air blade slashes at the back of the male fire dragon.

Without Bai Chen's control, Wang Ya Dao was still unable to refine Qi, but his sword skills, moves and the attributes of the sword could still be brought into play.

Bai Chen's arms held the male fire dragon's head tightly, pressing the other party so that he could not get up for a while.

Bai Chen felt the rapidly rising temperature in the male fire dragon's throat.

An instant fireball spurted out from the throat, and Bai Chen was repelled, and a charred black appeared on the sea dragon set on his body.

Bai Chen started to gather Qi.

A thin red line connected the two people.

Bai Chen stepped forward and slashed. The sword weighing nearly half a ton was not only sharp, but even with this weight and the speed of the swing, it could cause significant damage to the male fire dragon.

This knife slashed on the side of the male fire dragon, and the heavy scales that Bai Chen had difficulty breaking before were now easily broken with the blessing of strength and weapons.

The male fire dragon swung its heavy tail behind it, and the force of the tail was like a mud truck hitting a person.

Bai Chen mobilized his telekinesis and formed a telekinesis shield on his side.

With a bang, the telekinesis shield was broken.

Although the strength of the telekinesis shield could not completely resist the opponent's attack, it could still relieve some of the force.

Bai Chen's arm tightly clamped the male fire dragon's tail, his center of gravity sank, and his strength was completely poured into his arms. Bai Chen grabbed the male fire dragon and swung it.

And at this moment, the red line between the two was completely tight.

"A flash of lightning!" Bai Chen whispered, and the sword cut through the male fire dragon's abdomen along the red line, leaving a large hole ten centimeters wide.

Blood spurted on the ground, and the male fire dragon wailed.

Bai Chen took advantage of the victory to pursue, he launched the power of nature, and a large number of vines controlled the male fire dragon tightly.

Bai Chen raised his Z bracelet.

Fighting Z Pure Crystal was activated.

"All-out Unparalleled Fierce Punch."

The energy bomb was completely poured into the male fire dragon's body, and his heavy scales were destroyed again.

There was some fear in the roar.

He was scared.

Bai Chen tried to catch the male fire dragon with vines, but a fireball burned the vines clean.

He took off and wanted to escape. The king's tooth knife in the sky had been circling. Seeing the right opportunity, the king's tooth knife stabbed into the male fire dragon's broken heavy scales, and the blade sank into the male fire dragon's body.

There was another wail. The male fire dragon took the knife and insisted on leaving here.

Bai Chen naturally couldn't let the other party run away like this.

Bai Chen used telekinesis to control the rock dragon sword in his hand.


This half-ton sword turned into a cannonball and hit the male fire dragon, knocking it back to the ground.

Bai Chen rushed forward with bare hands. He jumped on the male fire dragon's head and punched the other party's head with left and right fists.

The muffled sound of "dong dong dong" was so harsh.

Just as Bai Chen was suppressing the male fire dragon and beating it, another fireball came at him from behind.

Bai Chen could not dodge in time and could only bear the fireball.

He was blown away by the explosion and looked back. The female fire dragon in the sky finally came back.

The male fire dragon finally got up. His wife joined the battlefield and gave the male fire dragon the courage to fight again.

Just as Bai Chen unloaded the explosive force, the male fire dragon attacked Bai Chen with another fireball.

Quickly defend!

Bai Chen used a move to completely resist the opponent's fireball attack.

In the sky, Bai Chen controlled two swords to cross and chop the female fire dragon's back in the shape of an 'X'. This was not over yet. The rock dragon sword drew a graceful arc in the air and hit the female fire dragon's head heavily.

The female fire dragon that had just arrived fell from the sky to the ground.

The flames disappeared, Bai Chen stood up again, and his red aura was turned on.

The pressure of the ultimate aura tightly gripped the male fire dragon's neck, and his roar gradually weakened.

"Just in time."

Bai Chen used the lightning flash again. His goal was clear. He wanted to defeat the male fire dragon first!

The female fire dragon stood up and wanted to help the male fire dragon, but the next second, her head seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. She lost control of her balance again and fell to the ground.

There are many ways to use telekinesis. In addition to directly controlling objects and forming telekinesis shields, this force can also be condensed to impact the enemy.

Bai Chen stepped forward and kicked the male fire dragon on the chin.

Bai Chen raised his hands to the sky, and the Rock Dragon Sword and the King Tooth Sword returned to his hands, and Dou Qi was injected into them.

The King Tooth Sword burst out with a stronger thunder and lightning force.

Bai Chen swung the Wangya Knife and controlled the sword to block the female fire dragon over there.

He used the Rock Dragon Knife to fight with the male fire dragon.

One thing that must be said is that even though Bai Chen's skills were better than the male fire dragon, the vitality of this sky overlord still took Bai Chen more than 20 minutes to defeat the opponent.

"Go, monster ball."

Bai Chen threw the monster ball, and without any surprise, Bai Chen successfully subdued the male fire dragon.

The female fire dragon over there was no match for Bai Chen after losing the help of the male fire dragon.

Bai Chen took some time to subdue the female fire dragon as well.

Bai Chen put away his weapon, picked up the monster ball on the ground, and sighed softly.

He actually had no interest in the fire dragon couple now.

If it was a month ago, he would definitely be very excited to subdue these two monsters at once.

But unfortunately, he is not excited at all now.

"Does this count as 'impotence in collecting pets'?"

The fire dragons are the most classic monsters in the entire Monster Hunter world, and like the Thunder Wolf Dragon, they have very clear superior individuals and very strong rare species.

For example, the female fire dragon has the subspecies 'Sakura Fire Dragon', two individuals 'Purple Poison Princess Female Fire Dragon', and the rare species 'Golden Fire Dragon' which is stronger than ordinary ancient dragons.

The male fire dragon is the same, with the subspecies 'Blue Fire Dragon', two 'Black Flame King Male Fire Dragon', and the 'Silver Fire Dragon' which is also a rare species.

It can be said that their potential is much stronger than that of the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

And as long as Bai Chen pays a little bit of thought and cost, it is still possible to let them evolve into the gold and silver fire dragons comparable to ancient dragons.

But it also takes time, so Bai Chen doesn't really want to train them slowly.

It's not that easy to evolve. Thunder Wolf Dragon has not been able to evolve into Golden Thunder God until now. Now there are two more resource-consuming big players, and the upgrade progress of the entire team will be slowed down.

"It's better to capture rare species directly in the future, which can save a lot of trouble."

Bai Chen didn't know about other rare species, but at least in the New World, there must be Golden Rath Dragon and Silver Rath Dragon.

It's easier to capture those two individuals directly than to cultivate them slowly by himself.

Bai Chen put away the two monster balls: "I have to help Youlan and others capture another Swift Dragon."

After capturing this male Rath Dragon with a danger level of 6, Bai Chen gained 2,000 skill proficiency points and a skill enhancement stone with a rarity of 4.

"I still have 9 five-star tasks on hand, which should be completed before the task of capturing Molten Mountain Dragon."

Bai Chen simply calculated that if they could complete all these large tasks, he could gain nearly 50,000 skill proficiency points.

Bai Chen looked at the skills that required 100,000 points to be promoted to the Grandmaster level.

He felt a rare sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"It seems that I must find more missions to complete, or level up as soon as possible to hunt more dangerous monsters and gain that precious first time."

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