Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 154 Is this still a normal person? (make up for yesterday, 4k)

Bai Chen looked at the huge monster in front of him that was like a giant mountain.

The attribute panel of the opponent flashed before his eyes.

Level 82.

Fire and rock dual attributes.

The characteristic also gave him the ground attribute.

The crown-level ancient dragon blood gave him the dragon attribute.

This is a monster with four attributes: rock, ground, dragon, and fire.

He also has a crown-level volcanic body.

The rest of his skills are all above the grandmaster level.

The bad news is that the Molten Mountain Dragon is so strong that it makes people feel desperate.

The good news is that the Molten Mountain Dragon has entered its twilight years, just like the blocked "Legendary Certificate" skill of the little nebula.

A large number of Molten Mountain Dragons that have entered their twilight years have been blocked.

For example, his crown-level volcanic body is the most powerful ability of the Molten Mountain Dragon, which is equivalent to the super regeneration of the Exterminating Dragon.

This ability not only increases his size, but also allows him to release extreme high heat.

But now, the Molten Mountain Dragon can no longer activate this powerful ability.

The danger level also further decreased, from danger level 13 to danger level 11.

At the right time, the system released a new task.

[Hunting task released - first defeat of wild ancient dragon]

[Completion conditions: capture or hunt Molten Mountain Dragon within 3 days]

[Failure conditions: Molten Mountain Dragon escapes]

[Task rewards: skill proficiency × 15w, blank gene ancient dragon egg × 1. ]

The task rewards are so good that it makes people excited.

But Bai Chen also knows that it is probably not so easy to get these rewards.

Bai Chen looked behind him, Ai Guanshi and others were waiting for Bai Chen's orders.

They only obeyed Bai Chen's orders, not the commander-in-chief of the investigation team.

"Let's start." Bai Chen ordered everyone, "Ai Guanshi, open the spiritual field."


Ai Guanshi opened his hands, and the pink aura radiated to the surroundings, and the air was coated with a layer of pink.

Those hunters who had just started to act looked at the changing space around them in surprise.

They thought it was the power of Molten Mountain Dragon, but when they saw that it was sent by Ai Guanshi, everyone stopped paying much attention.


Soon, a cannon shot the prelude to the battle.

The hunters controlled the heavy crossbows and cannons to attack the Molten Mountain Dragon in the distance.

Bai Chen and Ai Guanshi used telekinesis to carry the shells and fired the cannons to attack the Molten Mountain Dragon.

Ai Guanshi's heavy crossbow can also cause damage to the Molten Mountain Dragon, but at this stage, the damage of the shells is still higher. When these cannons cannot be used, it will be in time to use their own heavy crossbows.

Qiao Forger and Little Nebula are helping the hunters to carry the shells.

As for the Rock Dragon and Thunder Wolf Dragon, it is not convenient for them to enter the battle now, so they can only stay aside and wait for the opportunity to land.

The sky of artillery fire and crossbow arrows pressed towards the Molten Mountain Dragon.

The Molten Mountain Dragon roared, these shells can penetrate his defense and cause damage to him.

He moved his heavy body towards the pass, he was a moving mountain.

Bai Chen used telekinesis to control the cannon while observing the movements of the Molten Mountain Dragon.

He muttered secretly in his heart.

This huge body moves really slowly.

From the time he enters the cannon range to the pass that blocks him, he has to endure at least 20 minutes of artillery bombardment.

During this time, the entire investigation team has been able to use up half of the artillery shells in stock.

Below Bai Chen, some hunters who were carrying artillery shells saw that ten cannons were actually loading and firing themselves. This strange scene scared them.

"This, this."

Bai Chen waved at them and pushed them with telekinesis.

"Don't be dazed, there are still many cannons over there that no one is operating."

They reacted and looked at Bai Chen in surprise.

How did he do it?

Obviously, now is not the time to reveal the secret. They can only suppress their curiosity and quickly operate other cannons and heavy crossbows.

About five or six minutes, the cannons operated by Bai Chen and Ai Guanshi were too frequent, and the barrels emitted abnormal red.

Bai Chen had to slow down the speed of firing.

And the Molten Mountain Dragon was not completely without any means of resistance.

Just like a ship is followed by a group of sharks, the Molten Mountain Dragon is followed by a group of "acid pterosaurs".

These guys are not less aggressive at all, and the hunters on the pass are like food to them.

Seeing the batches of acid pterosaurs flying over, the commander-in-chief was about to organize people to deal with them.

Bai Chen had already handed this task to the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

"These guys who don't know the height of the world are handed over to you."

The Thunder Wolf Dragon nodded.

He released his small-sized move, and the lightning in his body was released.

"Howl!" A high-pitched wolf howl attracted the thunder.

In an instant, the Thunder Wolf Dragon entered a super-charged state.

The battery shell behind him opened, and the lightning twitched the surrounding air.

Aiden looked at the Thunder Wolf Dragon in shock. It's not that he hasn't fought with monsters like Thunder Wolf Dragon. This time when he went to the depths of the ancient tree forest to explore the traces of the steel dragon, he fought with a Thunder Wolf Dragon!

Those Thunder Wolf Dragons couldn't do what Bai Chen did, and instantly enter a super-charged state.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon jumped onto the platform and reached the highest point of the pass in a few jumps. He looked at the flocks of pterosaurs in front of him.

He poured all his strength into his limbs, and then leaped high towards the group of pterosaurs.

The thunderbolt was released from his body.

He had absorbed the ‘discharge’ move, which was a move that released all his electricity to cause damage to the surrounding enemies.

After the fusion of this move, his thunderbolt was enhanced.

What he was going to release at this moment was one of his special moves.


Lightning was released from his body, and countless thunderbolts descended from the sky, and the pale lightning occupied everyone’s sight.

Like the arrival of an ancient dragon, the current penetrated the thick skin of those acid pterosaurs.

Everyone looked at the acid pterosaurs falling like raindrops in shock.

One strike knocked down thousands of acid pterosaurs.

A doubt appeared in everyone’s mind-can the Thunder Wolf Dragon release such a strong current?

The Thunder Wolf Dragon landed steadily on the ground, and he was still in a super-charged state at this moment.

His current strength was not enough for a thunderbolt to exit the super-charged state.

"Keep attacking!" The commander-in-chief's voice came, and people finally came back to their senses.

Without the harassment of the acid pterosaur, they can continue to use cannons to attack the molten dragon.

As the shells were fired one after another, the firepower of the investigation team did not decrease at all.

Suddenly, Bai Chen felt an extremely dangerous breath.

He looked and found that magma was falling from the corner of the molten dragon's mouth.

The magma breath is coming!

The molten dragon is not without any long-range means. In addition to its huge body, it can also emit the extremely hot temperature in its body like a volcano in the form of breath.

The commander-in-chief also noticed the change in the state of the molten dragon. He shouted: "The breath is coming, pay attention to dodge!"

The hunters looked at the molten dragon nervously, wanting to see which position the opponent would attack first.

Until the huge mouth of the abyss was aimed at Bai Chen, the alarm in Bai Chen's head reached its peak.

Thanks to the efforts of him and Ai Guanshi, their position fired the most shells and caused the highest damage.

It was normal for the Molten Mountain Dragon to aim at them.

Bai Chen shouted to Ai Guanshi: "Ai Guanshi, help me!"

A moment later, a huge rock of 20 cubic meters fell from the hillside on the head of the Molten Mountain Dragon.

The huge rock weighed at least 50 tons, and Bai Chen and Ai Guanshi could only slightly change the direction of the rock's fall.

With a thud, the huge rock hit the head of the Molten Mountain Dragon with acceleration.

It also interrupted the Molten Mountain Dragon's breath.

The alarm in Bai Chen's mind was finally lifted.

He continued to use telekinesis to control the shells to attack the Molten Mountain Dragon in the distance.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Because of the excessive firing, the barrels of the ten cannons in front of Bai Chen had been bent and could not be used.

"If the cannon can't be fired, then use this."

Bai Chen waved his hand, and ten shells behind him flew up out of thin air.

Telekinesis gathered behind the shells.


Bai Chen gave an order, and the ten shells hit the Molten Mountain Dragon accurately at a very fast speed.

Bai Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

Although the initial velocity of the launch was not as fast as that of a real artillery, the explosive power would be enough if it was launched.

Bai Chen asked Ai Guanshi to use telekinesis to launch the shells with him.

Soon, all the shells on Bai Chen's position had been fired.

"If there is no ammunition, use others'."

Bai Chen directly picked up the shells on other people's positions and attacked the Molten Mountain Dragon.

When the hunters who were loading the shells came to their senses, the shells in their positions had been completely fired by Bai Chen and Ai Guanshi.

The hunters were a little confused.

You have used up our ammunition, what can we fight? ? ? ?

Because the distance was too far and it was inconvenient to take the shells, Bai Chen also asked Xiao Xingyun to help transmit some shells.

Soon, other hunters farther away found that all the shells on their positions were gone.

Just as they were looking for the 'thief', they saw a scene they would never forget.

Beside Bai Chen, a series of black shells flew into the air.

At Bai Chen's roar, the shells shot towards the Molten Mountain Dragon like arrows.

The bang bang bang explosions covered the screams of the Molten Mountain Dragon.

They took a deep breath.

This is too outrageous! ? ?

Is this still a normal hunter?

How did he fire the shells like this?

Seeing that they had no more shells to fire, these hunters could only pick up crossbows and use the city defense heavy crossbow to attack the Molten Mountain Dragon.

Some of those who did not grab the city defense heavy crossbow could only use their own heavy crossbows to attack the Molten Mountain Dragon in the distance.

Finally, after Bai Chen poured out two-thirds of the shells of the entire group, the Molten Mountain Dragon's physical strength had been reduced to less than half.

The opponent had also come close to the pass.

At a closer look, the Molten Mountain Dragon looked no different from a small mountain.

The Molten Mountain Dragon locked its target on Bai Chen. Just now, Bai Chen's firepower was the strongest and he was hit the most. Naturally, he wanted to settle accounts with Bai Chen.

The Molten Mountain Dragon stood up with his huge body, raised his palm, and covered the position where Bai Chen was, and the mountain collapsed.

It was impossible to hit Bai Chen with such a slow speed. Bai Chen directly gave up his position and moved to other positions beside the Molten Mountain Dragon with everyone.

When escaping, Bai Chen did not forget to attack. He continued to control the cannonballs to attack Laoshan Dragon.

At this moment, this super large ancient dragon could only become Bai Chen's target.

After chasing Bai Chen for a few minutes, Laoshan Longyan saw that he could not kill these ant-sized hunters, so he prepared to escape from here and head deeper into the canyon.

When he came to the fortified pass, his size determined how powerful he was.

With just an ordinary palm, one-third of the specially reinforced pass in the technical class was damaged, and the defense was like paper.

Bai Chen accelerated the firing speed of the cannonballs.

Laoshan Dragon had already made up his mind to ignore Bai Chen and those hunters.

His originally upright body pressed down towards the pass.

The already dilapidated pass was breached instantly, and this was exactly what the commander-in-chief wanted to see.

When the Lava Mountain Dragon stood on its feet, the volcano behind him was like a cliff, with no place to stand at all.

Now lie down and everyone can start the landing operation.

The commander-in-chief ordered all personnel: "Use 'single-shot restraint rounds'!"

The hunters received the order and immediately brought in the barb-shaped restraint bullets that were twenty centimeters thick.

Restraint rounds are divided into two parts.

One part is the barb-shaped metal crossbow head in front.

As long as this crossbow bullet pierces the body of Laoshan Dragon, it is impossible for Laoshan Dragon to pull out the crossbow arrow without the help of external force.

Even if he did it, he would still be taken out of a large piece of flesh and blood by this crossbow arrow.

The second part is the special steel cable that follows the crossbow. This steel cable is made of special material and is almost impossible to break.

The hunters loaded the restraint bombs on the city-defending heavy crossbow and fired them.

The crossbow bullet with the restraining rope pierced into the body of the Lava Mountain Dragon, and the heavy crossbows fixed in the rock were used as fixed anchor points.

If one restraining bullet cannot restrain the Molten Dragon, then one hundred, two hundred, or even more restraining bullets can restrain the Molten Dragon's movements.

But the situation didn't seem to go so smoothly. Three hundred heavy crossbows firmly fixed the molten mountain dragon, but due to the huge weight base and terrifying power, some of the heavy crossbows were directly uprooted.

Bai Chen secretly thought something was wrong.

In the plot of the previous life, when the Laoshan Dragon broke through the pass, its physical strength should have been weakened even more, and the restraining bombs could restrain the Laoshan Dragon.

But now with his own participation, Laoshan Dragon no longer has much intention to entangle.

Although he wanted to leave with all his heart, he still retained a lot of physical strength.

We must take action!

Bai Chen used his telekinesis to fly in front of the Commander-in-Chief.

Before the commander-in-chief could be surprised that Bai Chen could fly, Bai Chen shouted to him: "Commander-in-Chief, please let everyone strengthen the restraint bombs, and I will make the Laoshan Dragon stop."

The commander-in-chief asked in confusion: "Do you have a way to make him stop?"

Bai Chen nodded and raised his giant wristband.

"If you want to stop the giant beast, you need the help of another giant beast!"

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