Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 158: The distressing choice of nine (3k, to make up for yesterday's)

The Laoshan Dragon capture mission is finally over.

The survey team made history.

They successfully captured the first super large ancient dragon here.

Everyone is now happy about this battle.

Bai Chen stood on the pass and looked at the Laoshan Dragon below which was completely restrained by the restraint bomb.

"Once this big guy regains his strength, these restraint bombs may no longer be able to trap him. However, the investigation team should also find some important clues from it, such as the fact that the Molten Mountain Dragon is about to die of old age."

Bai Chen was still thinking when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Looking over, Bai Chen found the commander-in-chief walking towards him alone.

"How is the injury? Do you need medical support?"

Bai Chen's battle with the Nergigante was very dangerous, and it was a miracle in the eyes of all hunters that he was still alive.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. I'm still very confident in my physical fitness. I just need to rest for a while and it will be fine."

"You really have the physical fitness of a monster." The commander-in-chief sighed, and then he asked, "How are your partners doing?"

"Among them, Rock Dragon is the most seriously injured, but it has recovered a lot under the treatment of Aiguanshi. Thunder Wolf Dragon is also fine. It can recover on its own after a day or two of rest. Little Nebula and Qiao Blacksmith have not directly It’s okay to be involved in a fierce battle.”

"What about your Nergigante companion? What's the situation now?" The Commander-in-Chief said in surprise.

Bai Chen seemed to have expected that the Commander-in-Chief would ask this kind of question.

He sighed lightly and asked the Commander-in-Chief: "Commander-in-Chief, when did you find out?"

"It turns out that you really have an ancient dragon as a partner." After receiving Bai Chen's reply, the commander-in-chief secretly exclaimed with a smile, "Ancient dragon species. You actually tamed this kind of natural disaster-like monster."

Bai Chen complained in his heart.

If you knew that my Nergigante was a forbidden-level ancient dragon, and that the little nebula could even change the light and darkness of the world when it became stronger.

I don’t know if you can still laugh.

Bai Chen asked: "Commander-in-Chief, haven't you confirmed it before?"

"We can't say it's 100% confirmed, we can only say there are speculations."

"Can I ask how you found out?"

"It's very simple, the number of monster balls on your belt, and the traces on the monsters you captured."

Bai Chen can still understand Monster Ball.

After all, the monster balls around his waist correspond to a partner.

By process of elimination, it was determined that he had an unseen partner on his belt.

But Bai Chen didn't understand when he confirmed this through the captured monsters.

He carefully cleaned up every monster he and Nergigante captured, so it should be impossible to find them.

The commander-in-chief saw Bai Chen's thoughts and said: "You did clean up most of the traces, but there are still some special traces left. In fact, I didn't know who your last partner was until Today I saw the sudden appearance of the Nergigante, and I was finally convinced."

"So that's it."

"I was still thinking before, what kind of monster can make you hide like this. Now I finally understand, that kind of ancient dragon-level monster is indeed worthy of your caution."

Bai Chen sighed again, and asked: "Commander-in-Chief, since no other hunter comes to me except you, it means that you are the only one who knows this secret. I hope you can keep it secret for me. I don't want to make a big mistake." I don’t want many scholars to study my partner, and I don’t want anyone to covet my partner for their own selfish purposes.”

The commander-in-chief paused, looked at Bai Chen, and asked very seriously: "Can you guarantee that you can completely control that Nergigante?"

"My minions and I have never had a controlling relationship. I grew up with them and they are like family to me."

"Sorry." The Commander-in-Chief apologized for his wrong choice of words. He changed his words, "Can you guarantee that you can restrain your partner and prevent him from harming humans?"

"Let me tell you this, Commander-in-Chief. Nergigante is my first partner. She is my most important family member and my most trusted partner. Even if the Thunder Wolf Dragon betrays me and attacks me in the future, she will not Hurt me. So as long as someone is not hurting her intentionally, she will not hurt others."

The commander-in-chief recognized the seriousness in Bai Chen's eyes.

"Yeah." He nodded and withdrew his gaze.

Then the two fell into a long silence.

The commander-in-chief was thinking about this carefully.

Bai Chen is waiting for the commander-in-chief's reply.

After a long time, the commander-in-chief spoke again: "Sorry, I must report this matter to the guild."

Bai Chen sighed deeply in his heart.

But what the Commander-in-Chief said next rekindled Bai Chen's hope.

He said: "Raising ancient dragons, a creature that can change nature, I have to report this matter to the guild and let the guild's senior management make a decision. But... this is the New World, and I am the commander-in-chief. As long as you don't let other people Everyone knows about this, so I can decide when to report it to the guild.”

Bai Chen's eyes lit up slightly: "Commander-in-Chief, have you agreed to keep it a secret for me?"

"My mission is to explore the new continent and unlock the secrets of Gulongdu. If you and your Gulong partners can help the investigation team, I will naturally warmly welcome you."

"Commander-in-Chief, thank you." Bai Chen thanked the Commander-in-Chief seriously.

"You're welcome. I just left you in the Star Base. If I didn't agree to it, you would leave the Star Base with your friends, right?"

This world is so big. If Bai Chen really wants to hide his identity, none of them can stop him.

The commander-in-chief added: "I will also find a way to help you keep this news secret. By the way, can you let me meet your partner?"

Star Base, 4th floor Star Ship, VIP room.

The commander-in-chief and Bai Chen sat opposite each other.

At this moment, the Exterminating Dragon was lying on Bai Chen's thigh.

Looking at such a well-behaved Exterminating Dragon, the commander-in-chief was a little surprised.

The investigation team has a great relationship with the Exterminating Dragon, and the two sides have fought many times.

That is a powerful ancient dragon that can be called the most evil dragon.

But at this moment, the most evil dragon is as well-behaved as a pig.

The commander-in-chief asked: "Can you tell me about the Exterminating Dragon in detail?"

Although the investigation team has had many contacts with the Exterminating Dragon, everything about the Exterminating Dragon is unknown.

"Her. Their race is not good at any element manipulation, nor can it cause any natural disasters. On the contrary, they are specialized in managing natural disasters."

"Manage natural disasters?"

"To put it simply, they are the purest ancient dragon killers. Because of their desire for huge energy, they have been hunting other ancient dragons all over the world. You can also understand her as the self-purification system of nature. Of course, they do not have the subjective idea of ​​protecting nature and maintaining natural peace. They are more acting out of their own instincts."

The commander-in-chief exclaimed in a low voice: "So that's why we often observe them with other ancient dragons. It turns out that they are hunting."

"To be honest, compared with the ancient dragons that have strong vitality, they don't have much interest in humans. They work hard to hunt humans, but the energy they get is not enough to fill their teeth."

The commander-in-chief naturally would not doubt Bai Chen's words.

As the first knight in the world to raise an extinct dragon, Bai Chen can be said to know the extinct dragon better than anyone else.

"In this case, she is probably the most suitable partner for you."

If the ancient dragon killer who hunts ancient dragons can be guided by hunters,

Then she will definitely become the most remarkable ecological protector.

Next, the commander-in-chief asked Bai Chen many questions about the ecology of the Nergigante.

After getting Bai Chen's answer, the commander-in-chief sighed at the vitality of nature and the powerful ability of the Nergigante.

This chat lasted for two hours before it finally ended.

Bai Chen also got the promise of the commander-in-chief as he wished.

He promised to help Bai Chen cover up and keep this secret in the future.

After saying goodbye to the commander-in-chief, Bai Chen said silently in his heart.

"It's good to let the commander-in-chief help cover up. At least when I subdue other ancient dragons in the future, he can help me cover up some traces and singularities."

After returning home, Bai Chen did not pull everyone to train tonight.

Everyone worked hard in this capture operation.

Bai Chen looked at the soft couch on the ground beside his bed.

Qiao Forger, Ai Guanshi and others have fallen asleep.

Even the most diligent Thunder Wolf Dragon has fallen asleep on the couch.

Bai Chen pulled out the chair in front of his desk and took out his hunter manual.

Nergigante jumped from the bed onto Bai Chen's shoulder. She had done the least in this battle, so she was naturally in the best spirit.

"Ah?" Nergigante asked Bai Chen.

Bai Chen explained.

"This time the system rewarded a pure ancient dragon egg. I need to make a clear choice and plan for our eighth partner."

This pure ancient dragon egg only needs to absorb some gene fragments to activate, and the difficulty of obtaining it can be said to be extremely low.

Maybe you can just pick up a scale on the side of the road and turn it into an ancient dragon.

Bai Chen said to himself: "Although the threshold for obtaining it is low, it can only hatch ordinary ancient dragons, so the range is very small."

Based on the game in his previous life, Bai Chen knew that there were eight kinds of ordinary ancient dragons in the New World, excluding Nergigante.

Fantasy beast [Qilin], Qilin subspecies [Ice Qilin], Lord of Storm [Steel Dragon], Lord of Hellfire [Flame King Dragon], Queen of Flame [Flame Queen Dragon], God of Death [Corpse Dragon], Dragon that Freezes Everything [Ice Curse Dragon], Lord of Torrent [Mingbo Dragon]

Considering that there may be more types of ancient dragons in the real New World.

The New World may still exist.

Ancient Phantom [Xialong], Blood Red Night Banquet [Jie Yinlong], and, Dragon that Reincarnates in the Sky [Tianhui Dragon].

Of course, the last two ancient dragons have a very low probability of appearing in the New World due to their special ecology, and can basically be ignored.

"Then with Xialong, there are nine choices. Which ancient dragon should I choose?"

Take a rest today and make up for yesterday's 6,000. The 10,000 owed today will be made up later~

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