Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 163 Two flares (2k, 92 more)

Chapter 163 Two flares (2k, supplemented 9.2)

Heavy rain.

Thunder and lightning.

The rain curtain blocked most of the sight, and the visibility was only less than ten meters.

In Shanzhi Village, Zadi looked at the terrible weather and persuaded Bai Chen: "Elder Bai Chen, why don't you wait until the rain stops before challenging?"

"When will this rain stop?"

Under the eaves, Bai Chen looked at the sky as dim as dusk, and it was hard to imagine that it was only twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

"There is a rainy season every year in the Coral Plateau, and this rain will last at least thirty days."

"It's too late." Bai Chen shook his head. He still has 17 days to return to the Pokémon world. If he can't complete the challenge before going back, then his next challenge will be 50 days later.

At that time, no one knows whether this lower-ranked Kirin will be killed by someone.

"On a rainy day, the power of the Thunder God will also increase a lot." Zadi was a little worried.

"If you give me the materials for the Ice Curse Dragon now, then I naturally don't need to challenge now."

When talking about his own dragon sword, Zadi shook his head violently: "Elder Baichen, you must complete the challenge before I can hand over the dragon sword to you. This is the bottom line."

"Yes, yes, then you should prepare in advance. I will succeed in the challenge."

Bai Chen put on a straw raincoat made of green leaves.

This is the hidden clothing that the ancient dragon people relied on for survival.

The clothing uses odor-eliminating plants. As long as Bai Chen wears this straw raincoat, as long as he does not attack those monsters, 90% of the monsters will ignore his existence.

On Bai Chen's chest, the shrunken Exterminating Dragon and the little nebula huddled together, and they poked their heads out of the collar.

"I'm off."

Bai Chen walked into the heavy rain.

The raindrops as heavy as lead hit Bai Chen.

Wearing armor and a straw raincoat, Bai Chen could naturally withstand the fierce rainstorm.

Bai Chen dispersed his ultimate aura.

His all attributes increased by 70%.

His special attack also increased by 70%.

He used telekinesis to wrap his whole body.

He slowly flew up and flew in the direction pointed by Zadi in the rainy night.

In the sky, Bai Chen's flying speed was not fast. He used telekinesis to generate a telekinesis shield to cover his whole body to resist the heavy rain.

The bonus of the ultimate aura is a passive bonus and does not consume Bai Chen's physical strength.

In addition, his super telekinesis has the characteristics of "source flow", which can replenish his mental power while he consumes mental power, and the consumption is very low.

It is equivalent to that Bai Chen's consumption is only 10% after flying for several hours.

The ultimate aura dispersed, and the ordinary monsters around did not dare to approach him at all. Of course, Bai Chen did not fly too high.

Although ordinary monsters did not dare to approach him, it was possible that some powerful young men would attack him head-on.

It took about an hour to set off towards the destination, and Bai Chen finally arrived at the place marked by Zadi.

Bai Chen found a high platform to land.

He unfolded the telekinesis shield to resist the heavy rain above his head.

Little Xingyun in his arms took out the map and handed it to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took it: "Thank you."

He unfolded the detailed map.

He looked around, the rain curtain blocked his vision, and for a moment he could not distinguish the nearby landmarks.

Bai Chen turned on his super perception, and with the blessing of the ultimate aura, everything within a radius of 800 meters appeared in his mind.

The heavy rain gave this place a layer of blue.

Bai Chen carefully identified that they were surrounded by huge land corals. Bai Chen was now on the crown of a land coral. There was a cliff covered with vines to the west and a dense forest to the north.

Bai Chen walked to the edge of the land coral and looked down.

There was a deep abyss under his feet, and the heavy rain fell into it, as if it would never fill this sinkhole.

Right below him was the Valley of Miasma.

It was the cemetery of monsters.

In this cloudy weather, the Valley of the Dead looked even more gloomy.

"I didn't expect there would be a sinkhole that leads directly to the Miasma Valley."

Bai Chen squatted down and stared at the sinkhole below.

"Ah." The Nergigante in his arms suddenly cried out in a low voice.

"Ah, there is indeed an ancient dragon below, but our target this time is not him."

Bai Chen stood up and whispered, "This heavy rain has increased the difficulty of our search. Let's expand the scope of the search."

The heavy rain washed away a lot of traces of monsters. Even if Bai Chen turned on his super perception, it would be difficult to find the trace of the Qilin.

He looked up at the sky.

"Since it is an ancient dragon that controls lightning, it should cause thunderstorms."

Bai Chen glanced at the heavy dark clouds. Although the dark clouds above his head would burst into thunder from time to time, he did not find a very obvious thunderstorm in a certain area.

Bai Chen confirmed his position. He took off again with Nergigante and others. He maintained a flight altitude of 500 meters and launched a carpet search.

Time passed by minute by minute. It took more than ten hours for Bai Chen to find all the locations marked by Zadi.

After all this time, Bai Chen only found a few traces of Qilin, and found the electrified hair he dropped.

And when he followed the electrified hair, the clues were soon cut off, and the traces were washed away by the heavy rain.

In a cave on a cliff, Bai Chen lit a bonfire.

He set up a tent in the cave.

Watching the weather outside weaken from heavy rain to moderate rain, Bai Chen and the Dragon of Extermination and others enjoyed the takeaways bought from the Weapons and Mountain Cat Pavilion.

The takeaways were instantly transmitted by the little nebula.

"I didn't expect that the biggest trouble now is to find that Qilin."

Bai Chen was ready to fight Qilin, but now he couldn't find any trace of the other party.

"Will I really not be able to find his trace before going back this time?"

Just when Bai Chen was distressed, Bai Chen suddenly noticed that a red flare was launched four kilometers away from their camp.

Bai Chen stopped his hand.

He was surprised and said: "Is that the distress flare of the investigation team? How is this possible?"

Bai Chen's current location is undoubtedly a place where the investigation team cannot support.

There are only a few camps of the investigation team in the entire Coral Plateau.

Just when Bai Chen was surprised, another firework-like flare was launched.

"Is that the distress flare of the ancient dragon people!?"

Bai Chen was a little confused.

The ancient dragon people also have flares for asking for help, which is not a difficult technology.

"Who can use the rescue flares of the ancient dragon people and the investigation team at the same time?"

Bai Chen stood up and put the exterminating dragon and the small nebula into the ball.

He put on his sword and rushed into the rain in a blink of an eye.

Whether it is the hunters of the investigation team or the hunters of the ancient dragon people, they are all Bai Chen's rescue targets.

It took Bai Chen a few minutes to reach the distance of several kilometers.

Hovering in the air, Bai Chen looked down.

In that dense forest, two hunters were dealing with a Tyrannosaurus.

The Tyrannosaurus had dark green skin with rough lines, a pair of small eyes and a large mouth with a large crack, full of sharp teeth, and short forelimbs that made people think there were no forelimbs at all. The tail was basically as thick as its body.

Opposite it was a male hunter with pointed ears holding an insect stick, and next to him was an aunt with short white hair.

"Is that the Dragon Hunter and Master Yuanye?"

It was obvious that the two of them were attacked by this Tyrannosaurus.

Bai Chen controlled the King Tooth Knife behind him.


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