Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 175 This is a natural disaster! (54k, 96 additional)

Chapter 175 This is the natural disaster! (5.4k, supplemented by 9.6)

"Please follow me to the battle area." Mami led Bai Chen in front.

A group of girls followed behind Bai Chen quietly.

They were now full of curiosity about this person who came to challenge the gym in armor.

This challenger was obviously completely different from the previous challengers.

The most obvious difference was Bai Chen's height.

Bai Chen in armor was 1.9 meters tall, while most of the other trainers who came to challenge were not yet adults, probably only 1.5 meters or 1.6 meters tall.

Bai Chen followed Mami to the battle area of ​​the gym.

After entering here, Bai Chen simply looked around. The style of the entire battle area was completely the decoration of a Japanese garden.

There were small bridges, flowing water, and green plants, which was very elegant.

The surrounding walls were covered with paper-pasted sliding doors, but if you look closely, those sliding doors were all projected on the screen.

Bai Chen came to the command seat on the right side of the battle area under the leadership of Mami.

Bai Chen looked across and saw no one. He asked Mami, "Where is Miss Ma Xiu?"

"Don't worry, Miss Ma Xiu will be here soon."

Behind Bai Chen, the audience followed him to the side of the viewing area.


The lights in the battle area suddenly went out, and the big screens around the battle area began to play the beautiful picture of cherry blossoms falling.

From the perspective of aesthetics, it is indeed gorgeous.

On the command seat opposite Bai Chen, a girl slowly rose up on a lift.

With a snap, the lights came on again, and the big screens projected the picture of maple leaves falling in autumn.

Bai Chen looked at Ma Xiu across from him.

Ma Xiu took two small steps forward gracefully, and she bowed slightly: "Welcome to your challenger, I am the gym leader Ma Xiu, what should I call you?"

"Knight, Bai Chen."

"Bai Chen, I wonder how many badges you have collected?"

Bai Chen answered honestly: "Sorry, I haven't collected any yet."

If Z pure crystals can be counted as badges, Bai Chen has also obtained 18, but unfortunately, there are no gyms and no league games in the Alola region.

Is this considered a bit behind?

When Bai Chen said this, everyone in the spectator seats was a little surprised.

"This person looks very powerful, but I didn't expect that he doesn't even have a gym badge."

"Is he a challenger from another region?" Ma Xiu asked Bai Chen with a chuckle. She had already noticed the various props on Bai Chen's wrist.

"I am indeed from another region. You are the first gym leader from the Kalos region that I challenged."

Ma Xiu smiled and replied: "It's an honor, but I won't let you down."

Bai Chen shrugged indifferently and said: "I hope Miss Ma Xiu can send out your most powerful Pokémon, otherwise this battle will be boring, because you may not have any room for resistance."

The strongest Pokémon of a gym leader is roughly in the range of level 40 to 60.

Some young successors are about level 40. For example, Cai Dou is a powerful gym leader. The Pokémon can reach level 60.

The trainers above the gym leader are the four kings of the league, and above the four kings are the league champions, and finally the world champions.

Of course, many gym leaders will adjust the Pokémon they send out according to the strength of the challenger.

For example, Cai Dou sent out a level 25 wrist force to deal with a challenger before.

On the other side, Ma Xiu smiled at Bai Chen's provocation. As gym leaders, they rarely encounter challengers who require them to go all out.

After all, they also serve as guides for those trainers who have just embarked on their journey.

"Haha, I'll do my best~"

"Then let's start?"

The referee was temporarily Mami, who read out the rules of the gym challenge: "Now the gym match between gym trainer Ma Xiu and challenger Bai Chen is about to begin."

"Two Pokémon can be used, and the match ends when both of the Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability. In addition, only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. Report completed."

After listening to the rules, Bai Chen asked Ma Xiu loudly on the opposite side: "Sorry, I have another question."

"Go ahead."

"I wonder if Z moves can be used in gym matches?"

"There is no limit on this."

"Then I have no questions, and we can start the battle."

Ma Xiu took out a red and white Poké Ball: "Then let me start first."

She threw her Poké Ball: "Come out, Sylveon."


A pink and white Eevee with a ribbon appeared.

Bai Chen quickly glanced at the Sylveon, who was level 55 and mastered four master-level moves.

Ma Xiu did take out her most powerful Pokémon.

"Please take out your Pokémon."

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Bai Chen. They wanted to know what Pokémon this arrogant challenger was using.

Bai Chen reached out and took out a monster ball from his waist.

Ma Xiu looked at the special pattern on the monster ball and thought to herself: "It's really a Poké Ball I've never seen before."

Bai Chen threw the monster ball into the air: "Then I'll leave it to you."


At the moment when that guy came out, the large screens around him flickered twice due to the interference of the electric current.

The sound of horse hooves rang out in the battle area.

Everyone looked at the pony in the field with lightning flashing all over its body in amazement.

Blood-red eyes, pale horn, pure white mane fluttering with electricity.

"What kind of Pokémon is this? It's so majestic?"

Everyone was immediately attracted by Kirin's handsome appearance.

It has been five days since Kirin woke up. His lightning horn has recovered two-thirds under the special care of Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Although the length of the lightning horn is not as long as the one he had at the beginning, the basic function has been restored.

Bai Chen introduced to Ma Xiu on the opposite side loudly: "Miss Ma Xiu, this is my Pokémon Kirin, also a fairy type."

When mentioning the fairy type, Ma Xiu's eyes were filled with a bit of love.

Ma Xiu asked Bai Chen very seriously: "Knight Bai Chen, I wonder if I can design a set of clothes based on him after this challenge is over?"

Ma Xiu is a fashion designer. Her clothes are all designed based on Pokémon. Seeing the fairy-type Kirin, she naturally wanted to design a set of clothes based on Kirin's appearance.

"If you can beat him, then I can agree to your request."

"It seems that I have to show 100% of my strength."

Ma Xiu finished speaking and took the lead in launching an attack.

"Fairy Eevee, use high-speed stars!"


Fairy Eevee jumped high, she swung her body, and a large number of golden stars attacked Kirin.

"Sky Thunder." Bai Chen ordered calmly.


A lightning bolt appeared out of thin air in the sky and struck down, destroying all these high-speed stars.

"Phantom Thunder Rush."

Bai Chen ordered, and Kirin, covered with lightning, rushed towards Fairy Eevee. He ran and sprinted at a very fast speed, but this was not a move that could not be dodged at all.

"Get out of the way." Sylveon had already jumped to the side before Ma Xiu gave the order.

Qilin brushed past Sylveon. Although she avoided the collision of Qilin's horn, the diffusion ability of lightning still hit Sylveon, and the current penetrated into the opponent's body.

The combo was not over yet, Bai Chen continued to order: "Use Phantom Thunder Charge continuously."

Qilin flexibly turned the direction and charged towards Sylveon.

Ma Xiu saw that the situation was not good, she ordered: "Use Round Eyes!"

The skillful forger also knew the Round Eyes move, which could reduce the opponent's attack and must be launched first.

A pink energy enveloped Qilin, and the lightning power and collision speed on Qilin were greatly reduced.

Qilin collided with Sylveon, and the force of the collision passed through the body with lightning.

Sylveon screamed.

Ma Xiu was even more surprised: "Even though the attack was weakened by the round pupil, the damage was still so high?"

What Ma Xiu didn't know was that after Qilin obtained the skill of Thunder Wolf Dragon, his Phantom Thunder Charge had reached the rarity level of 8.

This is a skill at the level of the ancient dragon's killer, and it is not something that ordinary Pokémon can easily withstand.

On the side, many spectators secretly exclaimed: "So powerful"

They rarely saw Ma Xiu fall behind after taking out the trump card.

Bai Chen took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Use continuous thunder."

A thundercloud gathered on the ceiling of the gym, and lightning as thick as a bucket fell towards Sylveon.

"Use 'Light Wall'!"

The Light Wall is a Psychic-type move that can resist the damage of special attacks, and Thunder is within the scope of special attacks.

A pink glass-like wall covered Sylveon's head, and Thunder fell to shatter the Light Wall.

It is true that the Light Wall can resist special attacks, but it is different from defending. Its blocking effect is not 100%, and it can only reduce the damage of Thunder.

Sylveon dodged and used the light wall to block the damage.

Seizing the gap between Kirin's attacks, Ma Xiu even let Sylveon use the high-speed star on Kirin.

The effect was good, but unfortunately it was nothing to Kirin, who had the blood of the mastery-level fantasy beast. He could withstand many attacks.

The two sides started a tug-of-war.

Bai Chen commanded Kirin to use the only two active skills, and the rest of the time it depended on Kirin's own kicking, or using its lightning horns to stab.

"Use the sucking kiss." Ma Xiu let Sylveon use the blood-sucking move.

A heart-like move hit Kirin, and his physical strength was extracted by Sylveon, and Sylveon's injuries were quickly repaired.

Ma Xiu looked serious.

Ten minutes have passed since the battle.

In these ten minutes, Sylveon relied on the sucking kiss to continuously restore his physical strength, and has always maintained a fairly good level.

But the opponent's Kirin has no recovery ability at the moment. He relies on his own strong endurance to fight Sylveon.

And from the beginning to the end, Kirin showed two skills.

The unceasing summoning of thunder, and the extremely fast and powerful Phantom Thunder Rush.

Ma Xiu thought in her heart: "His moves are very powerful, but it is not enough to defeat Eevee with these moves. Where does he get the confidence to talk nonsense? Is he going to use Kirin's strong endurance to fight Sylveon?"

Bai Chen looked at the ceiling of the gym, and his eyes seemed to see through the roof of the gym.

Ma Xiu followed Bai Chen's gaze and looked at the ceiling.

"He has looked at the ceiling for the third time, but there is nothing there."

Ma Xiu didn't intend to drag it out any longer.

She admitted that Qilin's endurance was extremely strong, and if it continued to be depleted, Fairy Eevee might really be dragged down.

"Fairy Eevee, use the treasure!"


Fairy Ibrahimovic's body flashed with colorful lights, and she jumped towards Qilin. At this moment, all her power gathered.

Collection, this is the last resort.

Only after you have used all the moves you have mastered can you use this move called [Collection].

In terms of the power of a single move, it is even comparable to the ultimate move of a divine beast.


Fairy Ibrahimovic slapped Qilin's body, and the energy exploded. Qilin was knocked back more than ten and a half meters and knelt on the ground.

Qilin's face clearly showed an expression of pain, and this move was surprisingly powerful.

"Did you win?" Ma Xiu looked at Qilin and asked nervously.

She looked at Bai Chen.

Because Bai Chen was wearing a helmet, she couldn't see Bai Chen's expression, but she could feel the indifference on Bai Chen's body.

The confusion in her heart became even worse.

"What on earth is he waiting for? Is he planning to use the Z move?"

As a gym leader, Ma Xiu had naturally heard of the Z-move. She had been wary of the Z-move since the battle, but Bai Chen didn't seem to have any intention of using it.

"Since you are not going to reveal your trump card, I will win the first game." Ma Xiu opened his arms and ordered, "Fairy Ibrahimovic, use the treasure again."


As soon as Ma Xiu finished speaking, violent thunder broke out outside the gym, and the entire gym shook.

With a bang, all the lights in the gym went out in an instant, and the place fell into endless darkness.

"what happened?"

"Someone attacked the gym?"

Everyone was talking about it.

But in this boundless darkness, there was a flash of thunder, which became more and more dazzling until it illuminated the entire battle area.

Everyone looked and saw that Qilin's thunder horn was emitting pale thunder light at this moment.

"That is.?"


The roar of thunder and lightning exploded in everyone's ears! Real thunder penetrated the gym ceiling!

Everyone has varying degrees of tinnitus.

Ma Xiu looked up and saw that a big hole had been punched in the ceiling of the combat area. Thanks to this big hole, they were finally able to see the scene outside clearly.

It seemed like a world-destroying thunder disaster, with thunder dragons surging in the thick clouds.

This is a natural disaster!

Seeing this scene, these four words popped into everyone's mind just for a moment.

Ma Xiu took a deep breath: "Isn't this thunder cloud summoned by Qilin?"

As if to confirm Ma Xiu's idea, Bai Chen calmly ordered: "Use the sky thunder."

"Hey!" Qilin raised his forelimbs high and stamped toward the ground.

The thunder in the sky felt the anger of the Thunder Lord, and they descended one after another with anger.

Thunder and lightning will completely knock off the roof of the battle area, and strong winds will blow into the battle area.

"Enter thunder entanglement state."

In the sky, the strongest lightning struck Qilin directly.

The pale thunder and lightning turned into armor and covered Qilin's body.

Above his head, the thunder and lightning leaked from the Pale Horn made the air red.

His speed, strength, and ability to summon thunder finally reached their peak at this moment!

Ma Xiu shed a drop of cold sweat as she looked at Qilin who had finally entered its complete form: "Is this a legendary Pokémon?"

"Phantom Thunder Charge." Bai Chen ordered.

Ma Xiu realized that she was still fighting, and she quickly asked Fairy Ibrahimovic to counterattack: "Use the reflective wall! Use the light wall!"

Reflective wall is also a super-type move. Like light wall, it can weaken the enemy's attack.

Just one that weakens physical attacks and one that weakens special attacks.

Ma Xiu's command was correct, but unfortunately, Qilin's speed at this moment was so fast that even Bai Chen couldn't react.

Ma Xiu gave the order to Fairy Ibrahimovic, and then asked Fairy Ibrahimovic to take action. In terms of speed, the best defense time had been delayed.

The unicorn turned into a phantom and pierced Fairy Eevee at a ghostly speed!

The power of thunder and lightning poured into Fairy Ibrahimovic's body.

"Fei." Fairy Ibrahimovic screamed and completely lost his ability to fight.

Ma Xiu was surprised and said: "It's so fast."

She looked at the Qilin in the center of the field, looking at the Qilin with its head held high and exuding a terrifying aura, and a trace of fear arose in her heart for no reason.

Ma Xiu took a long breath and calmed down. She put Fairy Ibrahimovic back into the ball and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

After comforting her friend, Ma Xiu took out her second Pokémon.

"Since you're so fast, let's change our style of play. I'm begging you, Aroma Essence!"

A pink elf appears.

As soon as the fragrance essence came out, Ma Xiu ordered: "Use the magic space."

Magic Space - Super-type moves that will change the field.

It can generate a special space. In this space, the speed of the two sides will be completely reversed, and the slower side will take the lead.

This move is just right for dealing with the extremely fast Kirin.

But it's a pity that Ma Xiu still thinks too wonderfully.

The square space composed of squares covered Qilin and Fragrance Essence, and Ma Xiu prepared to give the order for Fragrance Essence to attack.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, directly shattering the magic space. The magic space turned into pieces of glass and completely shattered.

Ma Xiu looked at the sky in disbelief: "The magic space has been broken? How is this possible?"

Nothing is impossible.

The reason why Qilin is called the Thunder God is related to his control over thunder disasters and the field of thunder and lightning.

The Lord of Thunder and Lightning can not only summon thunder and lightning, but also generate the field of the Lord of Thunder!

Bai Chen once wanted to use the spiritual field to squeeze out the field of the Lord of Thunder, but because the field also has strengths and weaknesses, he can only replace one-third of the area.

The magic space released by the aromatic essence is the same. It cannot replace the field of the Lord of Thunder.

Moreover, it is different from the spiritual field. If it is a little bit defective, the magic space cannot be activated.

"Phantom Thunder Rush." ​​Bai Chen ordered.

Qilin passed through the body at lightning speed.

Bai Chen continued to order: "Sky Thunder."

The thunder and lightning in the sky, as thick as buckets, flashed towards the ground. The sky thunder launched an indiscriminate attack on the battle zone, and the earth was scorched black under the high-voltage current.

After two moves, the state of the aromatic essence plummeted, and she had little ability to resist.

"Miss Ma Xiu, it's time to end." Bai Chen crossed his hands in front of him and activated the Z bracelet, which now had a yellow crystal.

"Lord of Thunder and Lightning, bring down the thunder disaster."

"Ultimate Volt Thunder Flash!"

All the power of thunder and lightning gathered on the pale horns of Qilin.

Qilin raised his upper body high, stepped forward, and high-voltage current was released from his body.

A deep gully was plowed out of the ground in front.


The explosion of electric current and energy complemented each other.

The originally picturesque battle area was completely destroyed.

Waiting for the energy to blow through the wind pressure, waiting for the flashing light of lightning to disappear.

Everyone looked at the venue again, and a deep pit with a diameter of 50 meters and a depth of 3 meters appeared under the body of the aromatic essence.

In the center of the deep pit, the aromatic essence had already appeared.

One of Ma Xiu's trump cards lost its combat ability in just three moves.

Everyone stared at the battle area that had turned into ruins, until Bai Chen reminded them: "It's time for the referee to announce the result."

Ma Mei reacted, raised her right hand, and shouted: "The challenge is over, the winner is Bai Chen Knight!"

After getting the result, Bai Chen also took Kirin back into the monster ball.

He sighed in his heart: "It's good to fight against Pokémon with trainers. I just defeated two of them, and Kirin's experience bar jumped by one-fifth."

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