Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 186 Lilia: Mother, I want to go to the Kalos region! (5k)

Tianhuilong's rapidity brought Bai Chen to the champion's podium.

The moment he received the trophy from the organizer, the system task also showed that the task had been completed.

The photographers took a championship photo for Bai Chen and Tianhuilong.

Along with it, there were also journalists and a large number of product cooperation.

The reporters were very curious about what kind of Pokémon the dragon that could fly at supersonic speed was. The organizer hoped to get Bai Chen's permission to produce some peripheral products, and also hoped that Bai Chen and Tianhuilong would shoot advertisements together.

Bai Chen's appearance crushed all other male models, coupled with Tianhuilong's mystery and handsomeness.

The organizer was confident that they could create a legendary flying champion and make the aerial relay race completely popular.

In the face of the organizer's request, Bai Chen directly and tactfully refused.

The aerial relay race is a special event that only exists in the Kalos region.

The audience of the flying race is not large. Even if they endorse them, sell peripherals, etc., the money earned is a small profit for Bai Chen.

Unless Bai Chen can become the champion of the Kalos League or the World Championships one day, these endorsement fees will only allow an ordinary person to cross over to the middle class.

"Mr. Bai, if you change your mind, please contact us."

The manager handed Bai Chen a business card.

Bai Chen took it and put it away. He was about to meet up with Xiaozhi and the others. At this time, Lusamine suddenly made a video call to Bai Chen.

Coming to an empty corner, Bai Chen answered Lusamine's call.

After answering, the first person Bai Chen saw was not Lusamine, but Lilia.

She was next to Lusamine.

"Mr. Bai, good morning." Lilia greeted Bai Chen happily.

"Good morning, why are you in Lusamine's office?"

Lilia explained: "I just finished my rotation in a department today, and now I am reporting to the chairman."

"Pay attention to rest, don't get tired." Bai Chen said with concern.


Beside him, Lusamine finally asked Bai Chen: "What have you been busy with recently?"

"I just participated in the aerial relay race in Kalos today."

"Aerial relay race?"

Bai Chen briefly explained that Tianhuilong won the flying championship.

Lilia took the lead in congratulating Bai Chen: "Mr. Bai, congratulations on winning the flying championship!"

"Thank you." After thanking him, Bai Chen asked Lusamine, "Is the chairman interested in this event?"

Lusamine shook her head: "I am not interested in the competition, but I am very interested in your new partner Tianhuilong!"

"I will cooperate with your research when I have time in the future. So, did you suddenly call me because you encountered something? Or did the Ultimate Beast appear?"

Bai Chen is now looking forward to the Ultimate Beasts coming out of the Ultimate World.

In this way, he can also improve Tianhuilong's ultimate aura moves as soon as possible.

Lusamine remembered the purpose of the call, and she answered: "The Ultra Beasts have been very quiet recently. I called you today because of your island. After reading the reclamation plan you submitted, the three island kings were skeptical of your plan. They hope you can prove the whole process of reclamation to them."

Bai Chen was in a dilemma: "How to prove this? How about they plan a place and I will perform it for them on the spot?"

Lusamine thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible. After all, seeing is believing. Is it okay to set the time in 20 days?"

"The time is fine. Anyway, the little nebula can reach the Alola region with a teleportation."

"Then I will send someone to help you make an appointment with the island kings." Things were quickly finalized.

"Mr. Bai, I will tomorrow..."

Lilia saw that Bai Chen had finished talking about business with her mother, and she was just about to invite Bai Chen to go out and play together tomorrow.

But the next second, she swallowed the words that were just on her lips.

"Mr. Bai, congratulations on winning the flying competition championship."

The voice of a strange girl came from the other end of the video.

Bai Chen turned his head to look, and it was Bai Chen's turn that emptied a corner of the phone camera screen.

Behind him, Salina sent Bai Chen a blessing.

"Thank you." Bai Chen nodded.

Salina held a paper bag in her hand. She walked up and handed Bai Chen a small gift she had just bought at the stadium market.

"This is the gift I just bought for you at the market. I hope you can accept it."

Bai Chen looked at the paper bag in Salina's hand. The paper bag was wrapped with a very delicate ribbon, and the gift inside could not be seen for a while.

But from the packaging, this gift should be carefully selected.

Bai Chen thought to himself: "It's said to be a gift for the competition, but it should be a return gift for me asking Ma Xiu to make clothes for her before, right?"

Bai Chen didn't say anything polite to Salina. He took the gift from her hand and said: "Then I won't be polite to you. Thank you for your gift."

"You're welcome." Finally, Salina noticed that Bai Chen was communicating with someone else.

She apologized, "Sorry, I didn't notice you were on the phone."

"It's okay, we were just talking about work, and we're done now."

Bai Chen turned around and said goodbye to Lusamine and Lilia, "Let's set the island matter in 20 days. I'm hanging up now. Contact me anytime if you need anything."

After saying that, Bai Chen unilaterally hung up the video call.

Lusamine looked at the completely black projection screen and couldn't speak for a long time.

She turned to look at her daughter Lillie, who was indeed petrified.

"Lilia" Lusamine was ready to comfort Lillie.

But unexpectedly, Lillie started to deceive herself first.

"In order to celebrate Mr. Bai's victory, it seems that I have to prepare a gift. Well, what should I give?"

As she spoke, Lillie turned and walked out of the office.

Lusamine was speechless. How could she not see that Lillie was avoiding the most important and deceiving herself?

Lusamine said to herself: "Bai Chen's hardware conditions are really good. He is handsome and powerful. If he can be turned into an artist, his ability to attract money will be even greater than those of league champions."

Lusamine seemed to be talking about Bai Chen's commercial value, but in fact she was talking about Bai Chen's personal charm.

Lillie, who was running away, stopped where she was.

Lusamine continued: "Speaking of which, he was wearing regular clothes today. I haven't seen him in regular clothes before. He has a completely different temperament. Based on the character of the big brother next door, he should be able to Aroused the love of many girls.”

Lillie's body trembled slightly.

"That girl is also very cute. Are they dating?"

Lusamine gave Lillie the final blow!

Lillie ran to Lusamine with a bang. She put her hands on the desk and said anxiously: "Mother, I want to take a month's leave! I want to go to the Kalos area."

Lusamine smiled: "Okay, go ahead and bring this card. All the expenses will be mine."

Lusamine handed her black card to Lillie.

With this card, Lillie can buy a town even if she wants to.

Lillie took the black card and hurried out.

Outside the door, her Raptor was waiting for her. Lillie called to her partner: "Ah Meng, let's go to the Kalos area."

After watching Lillie leave, Lusamine nodded with satisfaction.

"At least I haven't lost my fighting spirit."

Lusamine could naturally see that Lillie liked Bai Chen.

The drama of a hero rescuing a beauty, coupled with the other's handsomeness and strength, would have moved her heart if it were her.

As for whether Bai Chen is qualified to be with Lillie.

She could only say that the reality was completely opposite. What she should worry about was whether Lillie could guard Bai Chen.

Lusamine muttered: "The road ahead will be very bumpy."

At the same time, she was also wondering whether to teach her daughter some techniques for seducing men.

Just spending money won't win the other person's heart.

On the other side, Bai Chen hung up the phone while chatting with Serena and followed her to find Xiaozhi.

As soon as he arrived here, Bai Chen saw Xiaozhi having a Pokémon duel with others.

Citron and Yulijia are nowhere to be seen. They are still visiting the arena market and have not returned yet.

Opposite Xiaozhi was a boy with a brown watermelon head.

Bai Chen whispered in his heart: "Is that Doropa?"

Doropa is one of Xiaozhi's rivals. In the later stage, he has a Charizard Y that can mega evolve.

In addition to being a Pokémon trainer, Doropa is also a Pokémon photographer.

At this moment, he was commanding a fire dinosaur to fight Xiaozhi's frog.

The battle ended quickly, with Ash easily defeating Doroba and winning.

Doropa took back the fire dinosaur and said helplessly: "Xiao Zhi, your strength is still as strong as ever."

Xiaozhi accepted Doropa's praise calmly: "The frog and I have been training very hard these days. We will not lose to anyone again now."

Doroba took a camera and took photos of Xiaozhi and the frog.

Seeing the end of the battle between the two, Serena stepped forward and said, "Doraba? Why are you here?"

Doropa turned to look at Serina. When he saw Serina's current attire, he was stunned for a moment, then ran forward excitedly and exclaimed: "What Tierno said is true!"

Serena looked confused: "What?"

Doroba looked up and down admiringly and said: "Tieronuo called me before and told me, Serena, you changed your style and hair style, saying that your current style is the best. Now that I see it, all he said is real."

Serena was a little shy after being praised so directly.

She blushed and said, "Thank you."

Doropa finally noticed Bai Chen not far behind Serina.

He subconsciously took two photos of Bai Chen with his camera, and exclaimed: "Who is this gentleman who is more handsome than a celebrity? Is he your boyfriend, Serena?"

Before Bai Chen could speak, Serina quickly denied it with a blushing face.

"Don't talk nonsense! This is Mr. Bai, but he happens to be traveling with our partner during this time."

Bai Chen stepped forward and greeted Doropa: "My name is Bai Chen, and I am a knight."

"Doraba." Doropa reached out and shook Bai Chen's hand. He asked Bai Chen curiously, "Is the knight Mr. Bai mentioned the kind of knight from the kingdom?"

"No, I don't belong to any kingdom. You can understand me as a dragon knight."

"Dragon Knight! So handsome!" Doropa asked Bai Chen with his mouth like a cannonball, "So Mr. Bai is a trainer specializing in dragon-type Pokémon?"

Bai Chen knew that Doropa had misunderstood, but he didn't bother to explain: "You can understand it this way."

"Can I take a picture of your Pokémon?"

"My friends are eating right now, let's wait until they finish eating."

Tianhuilong and the others won the championship with their joint efforts, and Ai Guanshi insisted on making something delicious for them.

They have already followed Ai Guanshi back to the island to enjoy themselves.

Now only Bai Chen, an old man, is left here.

Salina asked Doraba again: "So Doraba, why did you suddenly appear here?"

They have been here for a whole morning, but they didn't see Doraba. It was obvious that he had just arrived.

Xiaozhi also came to ask Doraba: "Yes, why are you here?"

Bai Chen was speechless.

You have had a Pokémon duel with him, and you are only asking him why he came here now?

"Ah! I came to take pictures of the Red Comet!"

"Red Comet?" Salina and Xiaozhi were confused.

Doraba opened the album of his camera and showed them to the two: "This is what I just took from a distance! This is definitely a brand new Pokémon!"

The two looked closer and found that the photo Doraba took was the photo of Tianhuilong flying in the sky.

The camera's afterimage function just captured a red circle that was drawn in two-thirds.

From his perspective, it was as if a circular door had opened in the sky.

"Isn't this Aeon?" Serena muttered.

Doroba said excitedly: "Is it really a Pokémon? Do you know where he went?"

Serena and Xiaozhi looked at Bai Chen at the same time.

Doroba also looked at Bai Chen in the same direction.

He asked uncertainly: "Mr. Bai is not Aeon, right?"

Serena laughed and said: "Don't get me wrong, Aeon is Mr. Bai's Pokémon."

Serena admitted that Bai Chen's ability to use telekinesis to fly belongs to the category of superhuman.

But Bai Chen obviously has not reached the level of a legendary Pokémon.

Doroba looked at Bai Chen with a burning gaze.

Bai Chen said helplessly: "Wait until they finish their meal, I can ask Tianhuilong to cooperate with you."

"Thank you so much!"

Duroba said with emotion: "I came here because I wanted to take pictures of Moltres, but I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest. It's great."

"Meltres?" Doraba's words immediately hit Bai Chen's interest.

Doraba did not hide it. He nodded and took out a printed photo and handed it to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen took it. The scene in the photo was covered with volcanic ash. After careful identification, there was a black shadow of a wing in the photo.

Xiaozhi and Serena also came up to take a closer look.

"I got this from another Pokémon photographer. There is no doubt that the black shadow of the wing in the photo is the wing of Moltres. According to my investigation, Moltres lives in Mt. Altru."

Serena took out the map and looked for Mt. Altru.

It was an active volcano, about 40 to 50 kilometers away from them, separated by a snowy mountain.

As he said that, Doroba shared with Bai Chen and the others that he had taken photos of Articuno and Zapdos before.

"As long as I take another photo of Moltres, I will have photos of three bird Pokémon."

Xiaozhi looked at the blurry photo suspiciously and asked uncertainly: "Is this really Moltres?"

"It must be!"

Bai Chen looked at the photo and suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a Moltres living in the crater in the original story.

Serena said: "It turned out to be the legendary Pokémon Moltres. I really want to see it."

"If you want to see it, then let's go together." Bai Chen responded.

Serena was surprised: "Is it really possible?"

"No problem. Anyway, going to Fengxu Town happens to pass through this Alterlu Mountain. And I am also very interested in Moltres."

Xiaozhi asked Bai Chen: "Mr. Bai, do you also want to challenge Moltres?"

Xiaozhi already wanted to fight this legendary Moltres.

"Me? I kind of want to capture this Moltres. I'm missing a gatekeeper now."

After the island is built in the future, someone must be stationed on the island to prevent some lost Pokémon or some people with ulterior motives from entering the island.

The three people had different reactions when they heard Bai Chen's words [missing a gatekeeper].

Xiaozhi and Serena thought that Bai Chen was talking about the existence of a powerful gatekeeper in the team.

Duroba simply thought that Bai Chen had made a slip of the tongue.

However, Xiaozhi and Serena did not doubt Bai Chen's ability to capture Moltres.

If Bai Chen can capture two legendary Pokémon from another world, there is no reason why he cannot capture this Moltres.

Bai Chen asked Doroba: "Can we go with us?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Doroba readily agreed.

Soon, the four of them waited for Citron and Yulika who had finished their stroll.

After knowing that they were going to shoot Moltres next, the two happily agreed.

There was no reason for them to refuse the opportunity to see legendary Pokémon.

After Xiao Xingyun and the others came back, Bai Chen used teleportation to take everyone back to the camp where they had stayed before.

After discussion, Bai Chen decided to go to the Alter Mountains to look for the traces of the flame bird tomorrow.

And Bai Chen now needs to make some preparations for the next battle.

He is not sure about the level of the flame bird yet. If the opponent's level is too high, Bai Chen can only temporarily give up on conquering the opponent.

But if the level is around 50 or 60, Bai Chen will definitely find a way to conquer this flame bird.

As for the combatants, Bai Chen decided to go on the field himself.

Since it is a battle to capture, it is reasonable for him as a knight to personally participate.

It would be easy to capture Moltres with the help of Nergigante, but the problem is after the capture.

If he, as a trainer, cannot convince the other party personally, it is inevitable that the other party will be disobedient after the capture.

Only when the other party is convinced can he be willing to guard the gate for him.

After letting everyone move freely, Bai Chen moved directly to the Aromatherapy Gym and found Ma Xiu who was in seclusion designing clothes.

Bai Chen said straight to the point: "Accompany me for a day of special training, and then I will return a favor to you."

Pokémon Master skills are not only useful for Pokémon, but also for Bai Chen himself.

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