Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 203: Human Hearts Are Evil

"The black stone forest occupies the earth, the god of creation dies, and the world falls into an unprecedented disaster. I see a hopeless future."

In the reception room of the Baike City Gym, Gejihua is telling Kaluni about the future she saw.

She said seriously: "That is a hopeless future."

Gejihua asked Kaluni again and again to confirm: "Are you sure you saw Bai Chen?"

"What I saw is that he plays an extremely important role in the future doomsday, but according to my interpretation of the prophecy, I don't know whether he is the evil person who caused the disaster or the hero who saved the world. I need to see him to see more of the future."

Kaluni didn't think Gejihua was joking. On the contrary, she attached great importance to Gejihua's prediction.

Gejihua predicted the battle between Groudon and Kyogre in the Hoenn region and the disaster in Miare City some time ago. It was her prediction that allowed countless people to save their lives in the disaster.

It can basically be said that Gejihua's prediction will definitely happen.

Kaluni was silent for a while, and she took out a sealed file bag from her handbag.

She untied the string, opened the file bag, and took out a thick stack of photos from it.

Kaluni pushed the photos in front of Gejihua and asked, "These are photos taken in Miare City a week ago. Take a look and see if they can help with the prophecy."

Gejihua picked up the photos on the table and flipped through them carefully. The top few photos were photos of the Nergigante flashing red light all over his body.

Gejihua turned to the next photo. In the photo, there were black thorns on the ground, which was somewhat similar to the Stone Forest prophecy she had seen.

Continuing to flip down, the photo showed the complete form of Zygarde, who suddenly appeared above the city and then used his power to clear away the black thorns.

Gejihua recognized this Pokémon.

"Is this the legendary Pokémon Zygarde who maintains the order of the Kalos region?"

Kalunie nodded affirmatively, and she took a sip of the bitter coffee in her hand and responded: "According to the information we found, this Pokémon is indeed a legendary Pokémon that protects order. According to the legend, he will only appear when the ecology of the Kalos region is threatened."

Kalunie paused: "And this legendary Pokémon did two things after it appeared. One is to remove these black thorns, and the other is to destroy the Fladali Research Institute."

Gejihua understood what Kalunie meant.

In other words, in the eyes of this Pokémon who maintains the entire ecological order.

The Fladali Research Institute and these black thorns are the culprits that affect the ecology.

Kalunie asked: "Ms. Gejihua, after looking at these photos, can you see some fragments of what will happen in the future?"

Gejihua said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I didn't see more of the future."

Kalunie took the photos from Gejihua, and then took them back.

She asked, "Is there a specific time?"

Ge Jihua shook her head again: "Unfortunately, the prophecy is very vague. I only saw him and his disaster beast."

"Disaster beast," Kaluni recalled the tragic situation in Miare City some time ago, "That powerful force does have the style of a disaster beast, but we can't define him as the culprit of destroying the world based on a prophecy."

Ge Jihua was very happy that Kaluni did not misinterpret her prophecy. She said, "I will pray to the stars to get more information."

Kaluni drank the black coffee in the cup in one gulp.

She stood up and thanked Ge Jihua: "I will ask for the help of the alliance and hope to change the future of the world."

After saying goodbye to Ge Jihua, Kaluni immediately contacted the Carlos Alliance. The Carlos Alliance also attached great importance to Ge Jihua's prophecy. Soon, except for Pachira who was under investigation, the other three of the Four Heavenly Kings received notifications from the alliance.

On the other hand, Bai Chen did not know that he had attracted great attention from the entire Carlos Alliance because of a prophecy.

Everyone was preparing to set off and prepare to go to Bai Ke City.

At the gate of Fengxu Town, everyone decided to take the Pokémon Taxi to Baike City as soon as possible.

Bai Chen specially called two taxis.

He sat alone with Lilia.

In the car, Bai Chen looked at Lilia beside him, and she was not in a very good mood.

Since Lilia knew about his physical condition two or three days ago, Lilia has been absent-minded.

"Do you want cake?" Bai Chen handed the cupcake in his hand to Lilia, which was made by Serena for everyone.

"I'm not hungry" Lilia declined Bai Chen.

Bai Chen had no choice.

If Lilia was angry with him, she didn't make trouble with him.

If she was angry about the previous things, she had been caring about him these days and didn't blame him for hiding things.

Bai Chen ate the cake by himself.

"Alas" Lilia sighed, she finally made up her mind, she looked at Bai Chen and asked seriously, "Mr. Bai, can you promise me one thing?"

Bai Chen looked at Lilia who suddenly became serious strangely.

"If I can do it, I can promise you."

"Can you promise me first? You can definitely do this."

Bai Chen was even more puzzled.

He thought about it, but decided to be safe and not agree.

"Tell me what it is first?"

Lillie took a breath and asked Bai Chen seriously: "Can you take me with you when you go back this time?"


When Lillie said going back, she definitely meant going back to the world of monster hunting.

"Can you tell me why you want to go back with me?"

"Your physical condition is not good now. I would like to help you as much as possible if I can."

After hearing this, Bai Chen still didn't understand why Lillie wanted to go to the monster hunting world with him.

"If you are worried about my safety, Nergigante and the others will definitely protect me. As for daily care and care, they can also do it perfectly. Moreover, my hometown is very dangerous. I remember I mentioned it to you. Yes, the relationship between humans and monsters is not good here.”

"I can also command Ah Meng to fight."

Bai Chen sighed and said, "Would you allow Ah Meng to kill monsters? If you have no idea, let me put it another way, would you instruct your Pokémon to kill other Pokémon?"

"I" Lillie was speechless.

"There is a long way to go to improve the relationship between monsters and humans. At this stage, hunters are the main theme of the times. Being soft-hearted and letting some dangerous monsters go will bring disaster to ordinary civilians."

In the monster world, there are many monsters that have been defeated by hunters but have not been conquered.

Many of these monsters have become more dangerous enemies because of anger or some other reasons.

They were given the name [Two Names].

In today's era when there are many more hunters than knights, even Bai Chen can only advocate and promote the development of the knight profession.

It is impossible to change the entire world at once, not to mention that the knight also hunts with the follower beast.

Killing is inevitable.

Bai Chen didn't think Lillie would really be able to fight and hunt monsters with determination.

"There's something I can do after all, right?"

Bai Chen denied it mercilessly: "There is really nothing in my hometown that I need your help with."

Bai Chen still had more words to say.

For example, if Lillie went to the monster hunting world to protect herself, that would definitely be putting the cart before the horse.

Regardless of whether Lillie can fight with determination, there will be many unexpected situations on the battlefield, such as monsters intruding, or large-scale disasters caused by ancient dragons, etc.

Any of these points may put Lillie into a dangerous situation.

Her ability to survive in the world of monster hunting is even lower than that of him in evolution. If she really goes there, there's no telling who is protecting whom.

After hearing this, Lillie's expression gradually dimmed. Soon, she smiled and apologized to Bai Chen with a smile: "I'm sorry, I said some willful words."

Bai Chen didn't know why, but he felt that Lillie was a little farther away from him.

Although she had a smile on her face.

Bai Chen sighed: "I just don't want you to be in danger. Don't worry, even if I can't use my power now, the Nergigante and the others will protect me."

"Yeah." Lillie nodded and said no more.

She turned her head and looked out the window, dazed.

Because of taking a Pokémon taxi, everyone finally arrived in Baike City in only one day.

Compared with Fengxu Town, this city is larger in size and naturally has a larger population.

Not long after Bai Chen arrived here, he received invitations to compete from some World Championship players.

Bai Chen did not immediately agree to these people's request for a fight.

Ash was the most excited of all.

He said excitedly: "We finally arrived in Baike City, let's go to the gym competition immediately!"

Serena had already expected that Xiaozhi would be so excited that he wanted to participate in the gym competition first.

She took out the map and said to Xiaozhi: "The Baike City Gym is right over the sundial. Mr. Bai, what are your arrangements?"

Serena did not help Bai Chen make the decision, but asked Bai Chen about his wishes.

"I also want to see Xiaozhi's gym competition. It's still early now. Let's finish the gym competition first and then find a place to stay."

"In that case, let's go to the sundial first."

Serena said, leading the way for everyone.

On the way, Serena quickly noticed something strange about Lillie.

Even though Lillie kept smiling politely, she could still see some hard-to-conceal feelings of disappointment between Lillie's brows.

She had roughly guessed what happened before.

Lillie even discussed some matters with her when she finished the competition.

From the current point of view, Lillie is in trouble.

Serena sighed in her heart as she led the way.

"Although Mr. Bai is powerful, he is really a bit slow in some places."

Along the way, everyone was chatting, and Citron revealed a lot of key information to Bai Chen.

"Did you know? The sundial is said to have fallen from the universe to the earth thousands of years ago. In addition, according to the research of a PhD student who studied super evolution some time ago, the wavelength emitted by the sundial and the wavelength emitted by the super stone during super evolution are the same."

Xiaozhi was very flattering and exclaimed: "It turns out to be a meteorite from the universe. I am really getting more and more curious now."

"The sundial is now managed by Ms. Gujihua. Speaking of Ms. Gujihua, she is also a legendary figure. It is said that she can predict the future. The disaster in Miare City some time ago was averted because of her predictions. The worst situation."

Citron is the official gym leader of Miare City, so there is no need to doubt his news.

Bai Chen also remembered that the gym leader of Miare City was indeed a prophet. In the animation, she had accurately predicted the disaster that Zygarde would bring to the Kalos region.

"Now, Xiao Ruan's life trajectory has been changed by me, and the boulder has been absorbed by me. The disaster has stopped happening, right? I don't know how the Geji Flower can predict the future."

Bai Chen is still very interested in the ability to predict the future.

Just when the pink boulder was faintly visible in front of him, the Nergigante on Bai Chen's shoulders suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

Bai Chen noticed that he turned his head and followed the Nergigante's gaze. About 200 meters behind them, a black Doberman-like Pokémon was standing there looking at Bai Chen.

"Xiao Ruan?" Bai Chen saw the red core on the other person's body at a glance.

This Doberman-like Pokémon is exactly what Soft looks like after fusing 10% of its cells.

In front, Xiaozhi and others also turned to look at Zigerd.

"What Pokémon is this?"

They had never seen Softie before, so Serena took out the Pokédex and tried to retrieve information about Softie.

The result is naturally unretrievable.

Citron saw Bai Chen calling the other person's name, and he understood that this Pokémon had a great relationship with Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai, is that your Pokémon?" Citron asked.

"It's not my Pokémon, but he owes me a favor. I thought he had run away, but I didn't expect him to come back."

Xiao Ruan slowly walked up to Bai Chen, and he looked emphatically at the Nergigante on Bai Chen's shoulder.

Bai Chen joked with Xiao Ruan: "I thought you were going to break your promise?"

"What I promised will definitely be accomplished." Xiaoruan used telepathy to speak to Bai Chen, "Do you still remember the agreement you made before?"

"Of course I remember." Bai Chen took out the elf ball that had conquered Xiaoruan before, and destroyed the elf ball directly in front of Xiaoruan.

This is what he promised Xiaoruan before, that he would destroy the elf ball that conquered Zigerde after leaving the Vladali Research Institute.

After sensing that the restraining force of the elf ball disappeared, Xiao Ruan finally relaxed.

He released his transformed form, revealing his cell-like core.

He glanced at Bai Chen's pocket and jumped into it.

"I'll stay here. If you have any requests, you can tell me. Once you meet the five requirements, our contractual relationship will end here."

Bai Chen smiled.

The situation was much, much better than he imagined.

Zigerd did not set a time limit. In other words, as long as he keeps a request, there is a high probability that he can keep Xiaoruan by his side.

This inexperienced Legendary Pokémon needs to understand what it means to have a sinister human heart.

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