Fairy energy bombarded Nergigante.

Nergigante was four times weaker than fairies.

The moon power was extremely harmful to him, not to mention that it was an energy attack from the champion ace.

The thorns on Nergigante's wings were broken, and even the membrane of the wings was pierced.

She was knocked back four or five meters, and her sharp claws pulled deep grooves on the marble floor.

In the distance, Kaluni came late with her ace.

She was accompanied by the manager of the sundial, the master of the Baike Gym, Ge Jihua.

The two of them were originally discussing the prophecy in the Baike Gym, but they didn't expect that the sundial had a problem in the next second and suddenly emitted a red light.

They hurried over and saw that Nergigante wanted to kill Jiali.

Kaluni came with her ace. This was the second time she saw Nergigante. The last time she saw Nergigante was when Nergigante was flying with Bai Chen.

Now that they were hostile, she felt a strong sense of oppression from the Nergigante. The aura naturally emanating from the opponent made the surrounding air particularly heavy.

Gardevoir stood in front of Carrie. Now, no matter what the cause was, she had to save Carrie first.

The severe pain in her body stimulated the nerves of the Nergigante.

She roared to the sky, and a golden glow appeared on her body.


The Nergigante entered the first gear state, releasing 10% of its power.

Natural energy was siphoned into her body, and her damaged wings were repaired rapidly, and it was perfectly restored in a blink of an eye.

Kaluni exclaimed: "What an amazing regeneration ability, and that red energy, is this the power that Zygarde identified as destroying the ecology?"

Kaluni was serious, and she did not arrogantly think that she could easily defeat the disaster beast that could destroy the world in the prophecy.

She took out the key stone: "Bloom, Gardevoir, Mega Evolution!"

The colorful light of Mega Stone Evolution enveloped Gardevoir, and the energy bond between Kaluni and Gardevoir connected the two.

But Mega Evolution, which had never had any problems in the past, suddenly failed.

The energy of the evolution seemed to be drawn away and suddenly disappeared into the air.

The evolution light that enveloped Gardevoir disappeared with a bang.

Kaluni looked unbelievable.

"Mega Evolution Failed?! What happened?"

As a pure human, Kaluni naturally couldn't sense where the energy had dissipated.

But Gardevoir could sense where the energy went.

She explained to Kaluni the destination of the energy through telepathy.

Kaluni looked at Bai Chen in front of the sundial.

Seeing that Bai Chen was emitting colorful light at this moment.

"Bai Chen actually absorbed the energy of Mega Evolution as well. What on earth is he doing?"

More and more questions were born in Kaluni's mind.

Nergigante attacked Gardevoir.

With the Nergigante raised high, Kalini quickly ordered to dodge.

With a loud bang, the ground shook wildly.

"What an amazing power!" Kalini knew that she couldn't let this palm hit her, otherwise Gardevoir would be in trouble no matter how strong it was.

"Strong Mind!" Kalini ordered.

"Lulu!" Gardevoir released its psychic power towards Nergigante.

However, the moment the invincible psychic power hit Nergigante, the pink psychic energy was bounced away by the red energy covering Nergigante's entire body.

Kalini was not surprised, because psychic-type moves were useless against Dark-type moves.

She simply classified the energy covering Nergigante as a Dark-type move.

But unfortunately, the energy released by Nergigante was not as simple as a Dark-type move. Its existence was more complicated and more mysterious.

"Since Psychic-type moves don't work, use other attributes. Use Shadow Ball."

Garnado rubbed out a black energy ball and threw it at Nergigante. Nergigante was not to be outdone and used Wave Missiles on Garnado.

The two energy balls collided in the air, and a shocking explosion broke out.

Beside Kaluni, after seeing Nergigante turn on the first gear, she seemed to have received a revelation from heaven. The stars flickered in her eyes. She widened her eyes and accepted the revelation from the mysterious power.

"Oh oh oh! I see a new future!"

Kaluni looked back at Galna, hoping that the other party could answer her doubts.

"I see that the red storm will cover the entire Kalos region. At that time, the entire Kalos region will fall into an unprecedented disaster. I see that they play an important role in this disaster."

Kaluni frowned and said "tense".

A doomsday disaster prophecy has not been resolved yet, and now there is another red disaster sweeping the entire Kalos region.

And these two disasters are closely related to Bai Chen.

Thinking about what happened in Miare City a few days ago, it was hard for Kaluni to believe that Bai Chen was the one who saved the disaster.

Judging from the current situation, he was more like the creator of the disaster.

Just as Gejihua predicted before - he and his disaster beasts.

Seeing the annihilator attacking Gardevoir frantically, Kaluni calmly commanded Gardevoir to fight back.

The aftermath of the battle soon spread to the surroundings.

Xiaozhi and others were completely affected.

Xitron quickly pulled Xiaozhi and others to take shelter.

Sarina took Liliae to take shelter together. Even though Liliae was unwilling, she knew that the current battlefield was very dangerous for her.

In order not to cause trouble to others, she could only follow Serina to hide in a safe place.

When everyone left, they took Carrie, who attacked Bai Chen, with them.

They were all angry about Carrie's sudden attack, but that didn't mean they were willing to watch Carrie die in the aftermath of the battle.

The battle gradually became intense, and the fearless fighting style of the Exterminating Dragon brought a lot of trouble to Kaluni.

But the level gap between the two sides was here, and with Gardevoir mastering fairy-type moves, the Exterminating Dragon would not be able to gain any advantage even if it turned on the first gear.

In the first gear state, she was really no match for Gardevoir.

The state rapidly declined, and the Exterminating Dragon roared angrily, and the golden light on her body reappeared.


She entered the second gear stage.

The red energy dyed the surrounding air red.

At this moment, Kaluni felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she was breathing hard.

She felt that she was facing the most dangerous creature in the world.

"This breath"

Xiaoruan found that the situation was a little out of control, but he did not immediately stop the Nergigante.

He was also curious about the ability of the Nergigante, and his questions had not been answered.

Just when everyone was afraid, someone suddenly called out to the Nergigante.

"Stop it."

As soon as these words came out, the red evil spirit on the Nergigante disappeared instantly.

Those red unknown energies also suddenly dissipated into the air.

The pressure that enveloped Kaluni seemed to have been pressed on the rewind button, and the terrifying pressure disappeared.

The Nergigante shrank its body and hopped to Bai Chen's feet.

This silly look did not feel the horror that the power just brought to people.

Kaluni took a few deep breaths before gradually calming her rapidly beating heart.

"What a powerful control! Just one sentence made the angry Nergigante calm down."

Bai Chen let Nergigante jump onto his shoulder. He took two steps forward and stood on the ruins of the steps, looking down at Kaluni and her trump card Gardevoir.

"What a big commotion, Ms. Kaluni." Bai Chen's voice could not tell whether he was sad or happy, but Kaluni could still hear some hidden anger in Bai Chen's calm tone.

"I didn't expect that we would be in a hostile state when we met again. I accept your provocation."

Kaluni didn't expect that Bai Chen would establish a hostile relationship between them with just two sentences.

Kaluni anxiously explained: "Knight Baichen misunderstood, I didn't mean to be your enemy."

"Not wanting to be my enemy is not just a matter of words, but it depends on what you did. When I was resonating with the sundial, you let the Pokémon attack me directly. If it weren't for my strong physical fitness, I might have been backfired by the energy of the sundial. You want to kill me."

Kaluni didn't know about Carrie's attack.

Gejihua stepped forward and apologized for her apprentice: "I apologize to you on behalf of my reckless apprentice, and I will discipline her."

"Hehe." Baichen sneered, he looked at the Destroyer Dragon and gave it a look.

The Destroyer Dragon understood, and she flew towards Carrie over there.

Then, in front of everyone, she slapped Carrie in the face.

Carrie rolled and spun several times in the air, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted.

Ge Jihua's eyes widened in disbelief. She was surprised that Bai Chen would attack Jiali directly.

Bai Chen said: "Since Ms. Ge Jihua can't control your apprentice, let me do it for you. Don't thank me so much."

"I will discipline her myself, why do you have to do it?"

"You don't really think that admonishing can eliminate the anger in my heart? I just said that she almost killed me before. I was merciful enough not to take her life."

Attack him while he was absorbing the energy of the sundial. Bai Chen would not indulge such a person.

Kaluni couldn't bear to watch it. She was angry that Bai Chen would attack an unarmed girl.

"Knight Baichen, this is not a heroic act." Kaluni specifically pointed out the identity of the Knight Baichen.

In her impression, knights are humble and kind.

"Hero? I don't think I have ever told any of you that I am a hero? Don't impose your expectations on me without authorization."

Everyone was speechless.

Bai Chen snorted, "Don't use such boring things to restrain me. If you are dissatisfied, you can also call the police and send me to the police station."

Kalunyi and Gejihua naturally would not call the police.

After all, from Bai Chen's words, it was Carrie who first let the Pokémon attack Bai Chen.

Even if they could use some reasons to let the police arrest Bai Chen, they would not be able to occupy the reason.

Gejihua was silent for a while, and finally sighed. Bai Chen obviously did not kill her, but taught Carrie a lesson.

She didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore. She said to Bai Chen straight to the point: "I saw the future and got new revelations. I saw the future of the end of the world and the disaster in the Kalos region. Both of these prophecies are related to you."

Bai Chen was not surprised.

When he was resonating with the sundial, his senses were not blocked.

He clearly heard that the idiot who attacked him mentioned the end of the world and the disaster beast.

At that time, he knew that Ge Jihua might have seen some of his future.

"Really? That's good. You must do a good job to avoid this situation."

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Ge Jihua did not directly link the disaster with Bai Chen at first.

But until Bai Chen treated Jiali like that, she began to have some doubts.

"What do you want to say? You want to ask me if I will destroy the world, right?" Bai Chen said lightly, "If all human beings are the same as the idiot who attacked me, then it doesn't matter if they are destroyed, right? Anyway, there is no need for them to exist."

When everyone said this, everyone looked at Bai Chen nervously.

He said this as if he really intended to destroy the world.

Bai Chen shrugged his shoulders: "It depends on what I think at that time. If I have the desire to destroy the world, then I will start the doomsday. I only follow my own inner desires and thoughts."

"Being controlled by desires, what's the difference between that and a beast?"

The word desire is synonymous with barbarism in Ge Jihua's values.

If you just follow your desires, what's the difference between you and an unintelligent beast?

"Haha, it seems that Ms. Gejihua is very proud of her wisdom. She thinks that humans with wisdom are naturally nobler than beasts?" Bai Chen pointed to the unconscious Carrie and said, "Ms. Gejihua, who claims to be noble, please tell me, what do you think is the difference between your apprentice who attacks people randomly and ordinary beasts? Didn't she attack me driven by fear?"

"Let me ask you again, looking at the recorded world history, how many of the great disasters in history were natural disasters and how many were man-made disasters? In addition, guess again, the end of the world you predicted and the disaster in the Kalos region, are they caused by humans or beasts?"

"You who claim to have high wisdom should not be confused, right? Your so-called wisdom is the origin of most disasters."

Gejihua's eyes were dazed. To be honest, most of the disasters in the Pokémon world are indeed caused by humans, but that does not represent everyone. At least, almost most of the disasters are solved by humans and Pokémon working together.

"I know what you're thinking, but aren't you interpreting the word desire too narrowly? Isn't it because of the desire to survive that you resist disasters? Aren't your wishes, expectations, and dreams now driven by desire?"

"Weren't the human ancestors who first coexisted with Pokémon also driven by desire?"

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