Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 208 Liliae's unique characteristics

Lilia thought she had misheard.

Bai Chen had clearly rejected her before.

She confirmed with Bai Chen repeatedly.

"Are you saying you want me to follow you back to your hometown?"

"Yes, do you regret it now and don't want to go?"

"No, I want to go!" Lilia held Bai Chen's clothes tightly with her little hands and agreed repeatedly, fearing that Bai Chen would go back on his word.

But after agreeing, Lilia was very surprised why Bai Chen suddenly brought up this matter.

"Mr. Bai, why did you suddenly agree to this? Obviously, if I go with you, it is very likely that I will just hold you back."

Bai Chen said indifferently: "Not everyone is very powerful at the beginning. People need to grow. I think I shouldn't curb your desire to grow."

Bai Chen thought about it carefully.

Lilia really can't help him now, and even going to the Monster Hunter World with him is very likely to hold him back.

But what does it matter?

Lilia just needs to have a desire to become stronger, and leave the rest to him and his golden finger.

If he helps a little, Lilia's growth rate will be unattainable by others.

As for why Bai Chen did this, the reason is self-evident.

Salina's words touched him a lot.

When he reaches the top, when he sees the most spectacular view in the world, if there is no one by his side to share his joy, wouldn't it be too lonely?

Moreover, if Ge Jihua's prophecy cannot be changed and he really loses his life one day, then at least Liliae should be able to protect herself.

Bai Chen's words made Liliae very happy, and her little face was full of smugness.

But soon, Bai Chen poured cold water on Liliae: "But I am very strict. If you can't achieve the goal I set before I leave, I won't take you back. I don't want you to die there."

"I will definitely achieve the goal you set!" Liliae promised.

"Don't be too sure, wait until you finish your training."

The two waited for a while, and were soon rescued by Junsha who came after hearing the news.

After returning to the hotel and cleaning the remaining foam on his body, Bai Chen and Liliae agreed to meet in the hotel's battle area.

Bai Chen was now wearing a light green long-sleeved and long-trouser sportswear.

After he waited in the battle area for a while, Liliae finally came down.

She was wearing the same style of sportswear as Bai Chen, and even the color was exactly the same.

Liliae's light golden long hair stood up high. As she ran towards Bai Chen, even if Bai Chen couldn't use super perception now, he could smell the faint scent of soap.

Take a closer look at Liliae. She was born beautiful and cute. Even wearing this earthy sportswear, it was still difficult to hide the elegance in her temperament.

As they approached, Liliae said excitedly: "Mr. Bai, are we going to start training now?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Time is tight. I will train you as much as possible so that you have a certain self-protection ability."

Bai Chen said and took out a training plan he had carefully planned.

"This is your training plan for the next week."

Liliae took it and looked at it, and was stunned for a moment.

She confirmed with Bai Chen: "Is this the task I have to complete every day?"

Ten kilometers of long-distance running, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups.

These trainings, at a glance, seem nothing special. Some people who have been trained can still complete them easily.

But the problem is that this is her training plan.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has reached her limit by running one kilometer, and she can't even do a standard push-up.

"Yes, a strong physique is the foundation of everything, and it even has a good blessing for mental strength."

"But." Liliae backed down in her heart. She was very self-aware. She knew that even if she tried her best, it would be difficult for her to complete this plan.

"No buts, this is still the most basic training. You know, in my hometown, hunters or knights are wearing nearly 100 kilograms of armor and holding hundreds of kilograms of weapons in battle. Compared with their daily training volume, your training tasks can only be regarded as warm-ups at most."

Liliae certainly understood this.

She pursed her lips tightly and encouraged herself secretly in her heart: "Since I have made up my mind, I must go all out."

Lilia's expression became firm, and she nodded: "I understand, I will work hard!"

Bai Chen nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, since you have made up your mind, I will also fully support you."

Bai Chen took out a brand new bottle of mineral water from his pocket, opened it and handed it to Lilia.

Lilia thought Bai Chen asked her to replenish water before training, and she was stopped by Bai Chen just as she was about to drink.

Bai Chen took out the knife used for dissection and gently poked his right index finger.

A drop of blood emitting brilliant golden light dripped into the bottle of mineral water.

This drop of thick blood strangely remained condensed and not dispersed after entering the water.

Until Bai Chen put the cap back on and shook it wildly for half a minute, the drop of blood was completely diluted by the bottle of mineral water.

"Drink it." Bai Chen handed the mineral water to Liliae, signaling her to drink this bottle of life elixir filled with his blood.

Liliae didn't dare to take it for a moment.

She had bandaged Bai Chen's wounds before, and she knew that Bai Chen's blood was golden.

But she didn't expect Bai Chen's blood to be so rich.

Just a drop of blood turned this 500 ml bottle of mineral water from colorless to the color of golden strong tea.

"Don't hesitate, my blood can develop your body's potential, and maybe awaken some special abilities."

This sentence was of course a lie to Liliae. To develop special abilities, you just need to give Liliae the system.

His blood doesn't have this effect.

But he wasn't lying completely.

After Bai Chen obtained the [Legendary Certificate] of the legendary Pokémon, his ancient dragon blood had been upgraded to the legendary ancient dragon blood. In terms of rich vitality, this drop of blood contained a lot of life energy.

In addition, his whole body is now filled with the special energy of the boulder and the sundial, and his blood is also mixed with some of the special energy that can make Pokémon super evolve.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is now a walking 'Tang Monk'.

If someone can drink a lot of his blood and withstand the energy intensity, that person may really develop some unknown special abilities, and his body will also undergo tremendous changes.

Under Bai Chen's gaze, Lilia finally plucked up the courage to drink half a bottle.

"Don't drink so much at one time, I'm afraid your body can't bear it."

Bai Chen is not reluctant to part with his blood. He loses at least 700 to 800 milliliters of blood each time he is injured. His self-regeneration ability is very strong, and blood loss can be replenished quickly.

It's okay for him to draw a bottle of blood for Lilia to drink.

But what he is afraid of is that Lilia's mortal body can't withstand the powerful energy.

Bai Chen estimated that before Lilia's body was transformed, three drops a day was already the limit. If it's more, her body will definitely not be able to bear it.

After half a bottle, Lilia immediately felt it. A warmth came from her lower abdomen, and then it went along her meridians into every corner of her body.

"Sweet?" Lilia looked at the half bottle of water left in her hand in disbelief.

She thought that the water mixed with blood would have a rusty taste, but after drinking half a bottle, it felt like drinking sugar water.

She asked Bai Chen uncertainly: "Mr. Bai, do you have high blood sugar?"

Bai Chen knocked Lilia's head speechlessly.

Lilia covered her head.

Well, \u003e_\u003c~

"I don't have high blood sugar. It should be your brain that is deceiving you and making you like my blood."

The blood rich in life energy is very attractive to ordinary creatures.

Bai Chen now even suspects that if he bleeds, it will attract a large number of monsters or Pokémon.

Lilia looked at the half-bottle of light golden liquid again, and she muttered: "What a magical blood, I feel full of strength now."

Lilia has not noticed any changes in her body at this moment.

Her fair skin is now light pink.

Bai Chen kindly reminded Lilia: "You'd better start to consume your physical strength now, otherwise you will explode all over your body."

Under Bai Chen's urging, Lilia finally started her training plan for today.

Bai Chen followed Liliae and accompanied her in a 10-kilometer long-distance run.

Running side by side with Liliae, Bai Chen thought about Liliae's future growth direction.

Should Liliae acquire physical qualities far beyond those of hunters?

Bai Chen had just tried this, but she couldn't learn the physical enhancement ability of rarity 8.

She also couldn't learn the physical enhancement ability of the rarity 4 of the Bull Dragon.

If she wanted to improve her physical enhancement quality, she would probably only be able to take on the rarity 3 physical enhancement ability that hunters have.

Moreover, Bai Chen couldn't really imagine the scene of Liliae turning into a gorilla. This powerful power was completely inconsistent with her image, and she didn't want to have such a huge power.

"Since physical enhancement doesn't work, we can only use superpowers."

Bai Chen's eyes were fixed on Liliae. He copied his rarity 8 [Ultimate Mind] and wanted to give the skill to Liliae.

But because Liliae didn't have the talent of waveguide, she couldn't learn Bai Chen's Ultimate Mind either.

Bai Chen lowered the difficulty and copied the rarity 7 super power move of Ai Guan Shi to prepare for Liliae.

But in the end, unfortunately, Liliae still couldn't learn such a high-level super power.

"Do you want to find a lower-level super power move?"

Bai Chen first let Liliae run around the playground by herself for a few laps, while he went out to find those Pokémon who are good at super powers.

It took half an hour for Bai Chen to copy a rarity 3 and a rarity 4 super power talent.

After getting two skills, Bai Chen tried to give the skills to Liliae.

The result showed that Liliae could only learn the rarity 3 super power talent. Bai Chen was not very disappointed with the result.

Because this is the limit of ordinary people, it doesn't mean that Liliae has no talent.

Like Bai Chen, he can directly learn high-level skills because of the physical fitness of the ancient dragon.

"It doesn't matter if you give a rarity 3 skill, anyway, you can rely on the skill enhancement stone to improve it."

Only a rarity 3 and a rarity 4 enhancement stone are needed for Liliae to have a rarity 5 super power talent.

Although this is still not as good as the skill talent of Aibutsu, it at least allows her to have talents equivalent to those of ordinary Psychic Pokémon.

"Superpower talent can only be regarded as an entry threshold. In order to improve her survival rate, she needs to be given defensive moves, such as [Reflection Wall] and [Light Wall] that reduce physical damage and special damage."

Bai Chen tried to give Liliae the defensive moves that he relied on.

But because there was no driving energy, Liliae could not learn this life-saving skill.

"The defensive strength of the reflection wall and the light wall, plus her superpower talent, as long as she does not encounter ancient dragon-level creatures, her survival ability should be sufficient. The next step is the attack method."

There is no doubt that most of the battle matters can be left to Pokémon and monsters.

But everything has unexpected times. If Pokémon or monsters are not around, Liliae has the ability to save her life but no means of resistance. She is also very dangerous.

"In terms of combat, take her to the arsenal of the Artful Blacksmith after her training is over, and let her choose a weapon that is convenient for her, and she can also use it for self-defense later."

I imagined Liliae's future growth plan in my mind.

Bai Chen looked at Liliae's characteristics again.

As we all know, characteristics cannot be copied and are also the most iconic ability of an existence.

When Bai Chen formulates monster training plans, he mostly likes to formulate them according to characteristics and try to bring out the advantages of characteristics as much as possible.

Bai Chen himself has a characteristic called [Adaptability], which is a characteristic possessed by 95% of humans.

Salina and Yu Lijia both have this characteristic.

Xitron and Xiaozhi are considered to be gifted people with extraordinary characteristics.

For example, Xiaozhi has a characteristic called [World Protection], which can create miracles.

Xitron has the characteristic of [Scientific Inspiration], which will be strengthened when he invents scientific machines.

And Liliae's characteristic is very special, called [Golden Luck].

Golden Luck: Having very good fortune, can bring extraordinary golden luck to people around you.

Bai Chen did not see this characteristic in Lusamine.

This is a characteristic unique to Liliae.

"This little rich woman is truly rich. Even if she leaves Lusamine, she will soon become rich. This is truly God's gift."

Looking at Lilia's characteristics, Bai Chen searched the skill library in his mind.

"What skills can bring out Lilia's characteristics?"

After searching the skill library in his mind, Bai Chen really thought of two moves related to money.

One is a skill exclusive to Meow Meow, called 'Gold Rush'.

The other is a new move 'Gold Rush' that has just been introduced in the Padiya region.

The former is a general move, and the latter is a steel move.

Lilia is unlikely to learn steel moves at this stage.

But it's hard to say about the Gathering of Treasures.

"Maybe, probably, Lilia can really learn this move?"

Bai Chen was looking forward to it.

If Lilia learns the Gathering of Treasures that the Rockets Meow Meow can't learn, it would be too dramatic.

Bai Chen can already imagine what Meow Meow's expression will be when he knows about this.

Of course, the Treasure Gathering Skill is not an ordinary move.

This is a truly rare skill, probably as rare as the exclusive moves of the mythical beasts.

It would definitely take a lot of effort to find this skill.

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