The farce in the early morning ended with the victory of Tianhui Dragon.

Being bullied like this, Bingzhu Dragon looked like she was about to cry.

Bai Chen comforted her for a long time, but Bingzhu Dragon was still emo, until the Exterminating Dragon said that he would help her with special training, and then Bingzhu Dragon's mood suddenly changed 180 degrees.

She immediately put aside the negative emotions of being bullied by Tianhui Dragon in the morning, and then followed the Exterminating Dragon to teleport back to Bai Chen's private island for special training.

Moltres and others also left together.

Bai Chen's combat power is now only with Thunder Wolf Dragon, Qilin and Tianhui Dragon.

His safety is temporarily taken care of by Thunder Wolf Dragon.

"Mr. Bai, I'm ready."

After paying for the hotel furniture, Liliae and he were ready to go to Aromatherapy City.

Holding Little Nebula, the two immediately went to Aromatherapy City and met Maxiu at the Aromatherapy Gym.

Maxiu welcomed the two to the reception room.

As soon as he came in, Bai Chen's eyes were fixed on the two hangers in the center of the room.

Two sets of white kimonos were supported on them.

The men's kimono is white, with sky blue stripes to decorate the pattern of lightning. The overall characteristics of the kimono are very close to Qilin.

The women's kimono is not much different, and the overall tone and characteristics are similar.

"What beautiful clothes."

Lilia, who is used to seeing the clothes of major brands, couldn't help but praise its beauty when she saw these two sets of clothes.

Ma Xiu smiled: "I spent a lot of time on these two sets of clothes. How do you feel, Mr. Bai?"

Bai Chen told the truth: "I don't know much about fashion design, but I like your design very much."

"Mr. Bai, as long as you like it, why don't you try it on? After all, there will be a fashion show tomorrow."


Bai Chen took the clothes to the dressing room.

Ma Xiu watched Bai Chen leave, and said expectantly: "A perfect model, I really want to see the effect of wearing it."

"Um, Miss Ma Xiu" After Bai Chen left, Lilia took the initiative to talk to Ma Xiu.

"Yes, is there anything for Miss Lilia?"

Lilia glanced at the direction where Bai Chen left and asked Ma Xiu: "Excuse me, does Mr. Bai owe you some money? Or does he owe you some favors?"

Ma Xiu didn't understand why Lilia asked this.

"No, I don't know why you asked this?"

"Mr. Bai doesn't like to show up in public. He suddenly agreed to be a model for a fashion show. I'm worried that he might have debts outside. If possible, I can help him pay these expenses."

As she said this, Lilia took out her black card.

Ma Xiu recognized the card. It was a black card held by the world's top rich people.

The number of people who have this card in the world can be counted on two hands.

"Mr. Bai really doesn't owe me any money. It's better to say that he and I are still partners."

This time, a small part of the income from the Kirin-themed clothing will be given to Bai Chen as copyright fees.

Lilia took back her card with confidence. As long as Bai Chen didn't owe money outside, it would be fine.

As for the money owed to her, she could pay it back slowly in the future.

Ma Xiu saw everything.

Seeing Lily's look, she helped Bai Chen deal with this kind of trouble.

"What a lovely girl."

"Ah——!" The two waited in the reception room for a while, and suddenly there were screams from girls outside the reception room.

Just by listening to the sound, the two knew that Bai Chen had come out of the locker room.

Lily looked out the door expectantly.

As the gentle footsteps approached, Bai Chen came out of the reception room.

She looked at it carefully, and her face flushed.

She stared at Bai Chen's chest.

The clothes designed by Ma Xiu deliberately opened the collar, revealing Bai Chen's upper body, which could only be described as perfect, and even his abdominal muscles could be seen.

"Sure enough, this design is the best!" Ma Xiu nodded with great satisfaction.

She had seen that Bai Chen had a perfect figure before, and it would be a pity to completely cover such a perfect figure.

Bai Chen looked down at the clothes himself. The comfort of the clothes was beyond doubt. Ma Xiu used the best and most comfortable materials.

In terms of defense, this outfit has zero defense, and it belongs to the kind of casual clothing. Otherwise, Bai Chen would like to wear this outfit as a normal outfit.

Bai Chen sighed with regret.

Ma Xiu seemed to see through Bai Chen's thoughts. She said: "I used very special materials for this outfit. Normal intensity battles will not destroy it."

Before, in order to subdue Moltres, Bai Chen specially fought with Ma Xiu for a whole night.

That day, Ma Xiu witnessed Bai Chen's terrifying combat power.

"You have made combat specialization?"

"Clothing designers must of course consider the needs of the wearer."

"This is really a big help. I bought this outfit." Bai Chen paid for this outfit.

Lilia asked Bai Chen in disbelief: "Mr. Bai, are you going to wear this outfit later?"

"It's very comfortable to wear, and it's also very convenient to move."

Bai Chen drew out the sword at his waist and slashed at the void.

"This, this is true." Lilia kept glancing at Bai Chen's chest.

Wearing ordinary clothes could cause disasters before, but if he wears clothes designed by Maxiu now, wouldn’t his ability to seduce women double?

Lilia shook her head violently in her heart.

"We must do something!"

At night, Maxiu's fashion show was held as scheduled.

Bai Chen released Qilin to accompany him on the catwalk.

His appearance instantly ignited the whole audience, especially when 95% of the guests at the fashion show were women, he pushed the atmosphere of the venue to a climax.

Afterwards, Bai Chen, under Maxiu's arrangement, held a Pokémon duel at the fashion show.

The Pokémon used by Bai Chen was naturally Qilin.

A fashion show ended when the door of the Aromatherapy Gym was almost broken down by someone.

In the reception room, Maxiu said happily: "This is the most successful fashion show in history. I think this set of women's clothing will definitely sell well."

Bai Chen looked at the female kimono and asked: "Can this dress really sell well without letting female models wear it?"

Tonight's catwalk did not have any female models wearing this kimono.

"With such a perfect male model, no female model would dare to wear this outfit."

Ma Xiu originally planned to wear it herself, but when she saw Bai Chen in the morning, she gave up the idea.

It must be very mismatched when she wears it, right?

In the evening, after the emotions fermented for a long time, Ma Xiu took out the photo of the kimono and opened the pre-sale.

In just three minutes, 100 sets of the clothes worn by Bai Chen had been sold.

And the female kimono was not sold at all.

"Ah? This is too strange, isn't it?" Ma Xiu looked at the sales data in the background, her head buzzing.

In her estimation, the female kimono should be a big seller, right? How could it be that the male kimono worn by Bai Chen was a big seller?

Liliae took her mobile phone, she looked at the sales data on the official website that had always remained at zero, and she quietly placed an order for herself.

At night, Bai Chen stayed in the Aromatherapy Dojo for one night.

The next morning, Ma Xiu looked at the pre-order on her website with a headache.

Only one set of female Qilin costume was sold.

Up to now, 422 pieces of men's kimonos have been sold.

"This is too strange. All the orders are from female customers."

Mami, a staff member of the Aromatherapy Dojo, said uncertainly: "Ms. Ma Xiu, could it be because these two sets of clothes look like couple's clothes?"

"The styles of the two sets of clothes are very similar, but there is definitely no couple's design in them." Ma Xiu said with certainty.

"But they look like that. Anyway, if it were me, I would not dare to wear this set of clothes. I would definitely be laughed at."

Ma Xiu somewhat understood the reason.

Seeing such a perfect model and clothes, and then looking at herself, even the most beautiful girl would have some inferiority complex, right?

It can only be said that girls' minds are really too complicated.

Ma Xiu sighed and accepted the fact that the sales of the clothes she designed were a big drop.

At this time, Mami suddenly handed a tablet to Ma Xiu and said in surprise: "Ms. Ma Xiu, this photo has been viewed more than 1 million times. In addition, many fashion magazines have contacted us and said that they hope to get Mr. Bai's contact information."

Ma Xiu looked at the photo carefully.

Under the moonlight, the horse representing thunder merged into the man's shadow, and the combination of light and darkness brought life to the photo.

It was like a unicorn incarnated as a human.

"This photo is really well taken. Who took it?"

"It seems to be a photographer named Doroba."

At this moment, Bai Chen didn't know that he had made a strong presence on the Internet again.

He was now supervising Lilia's training on his island.

At this time, Lusamine's video call suddenly came in.

Bai Chen answered Lusamine's call strangely.


Lusamine sighed suddenly just after the call was connected.

Bai Chen was surprised: "Did the respected chairman encounter any trouble?"


Lusamine sighed again.

Her attitude made Bai Chen very strange.

Finally, Lusamine said the reason: "You really like to do something troublesome."

Bai Chen was confused. He only remembered that the recent trouble was about Miare City.

"What happened? Is there any movement from the Flare Team of Vladari?"

Bai Chen told Lusamine some things about the Flare Team, hoping that she could help him keep an eye on the direction of things there.

"The Flare Team has been very quiet recently, and thanks to their quietness, my investment has been going smoothly."

Lusamine intends to expand her business in the Kalos region.

She is very active and started to act early.

"If it's not about Miare City, what else could it be?"

"You really don't know the news on the Internet these two days?"


Lusamine sent two news to Bai Chen.

One is the news about the Tianhui Dragon turning into a comet, and the other is the news about the fashion show last night.

"'Authoritative astronomers said that this red comet is likely to be a new legendary Pokémon, and now they have contacted the Pokémon Research Institute for related research.'" Lusamine read the news report by herself, "'The perfect model appeared at the Maxiu fashion show, and thousands of people asked to debut.'"

Bai Chen reacted and smiled bitterly.

"Will someone contact the foundation again?"

"I have received 159 requests for meetings, 147 of which are from fashion designers and contact requests from fashion magazines."

"Haha." Bai Chen smiled awkwardly, "Please help me refuse them all."

"I will refuse it for you, but if you don't like these troublesome things, you'd better keep a low profile next time." Lusamine helplessly blamed Bai Chen.

"Yes, I'll pay attention next time."

Bai Chen will agree to Ma Xiu's request, firstly because he wants to make money, and secondly because he wants to make Ma Xiu a friend.

After all, when the skillful blacksmith forges equipment, the appearance design of the equipment is a troublesome thing.

If Ma Xiu can help, Qiao Blacksmith can save a lot of trouble.

But what he didn't expect was that he just participated in a catwalk show, and it could cause such a big sensation.

Lusamine didn't really want to blame Bai Chen. After she said something to Bai Chen, she asked about her baby daughter: "Where's Lillie? I just called her, why didn't she answer the phone? "

"She, she is in special training now." Bai Chen turned the camera and looked at Lillie who was running long distance over there.

"Special training? What is special training?" Lusamine asked in confusion.

"This time when I go back, I plan to take her with me. In order for her to protect herself, I have developed a series of training plans for her."

"What!!!" Lusamine shouted, "You want to take Lillie back to your world???"

"It's forced by the situation." Bai Chen did not explain the reason in detail.

But who is Lusamine?

She just thought about it for a moment and understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Lillie must have taken the initiative and wanted to go with Bai Chen, and then after many twists and turns, Bai Chen agreed.

"Do you really want to take her with you?" Lusamine asked Bai Chen.

"If she wants to go there, let's go together. People always have to grow, and she also wants to help me. I can't live up to her intention."

Lusamine heard the meaning of Bai Chen's words.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

At least the two of them were going in both directions, which was very important.

"Is it dangerous there? Are there any germs that can kill people? Are your friends getting along well with you? Are you pretty friendly to people from other worlds?"

A lot of questions were overwhelming Bai Chen.

It can be seen that Lusamine is really nervous.

"Danger is definitely dangerous, so aren't I training her? If she can't complete my plan, I will reject her severely."

Lusamine also knew that Bai Chen would not mess around.

But she was still very worried.

Suddenly she thought of something that her husband had bought as a gift for Lillie.

If that thing could be activated, Lillie's safety would be guaranteed, right?

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