Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 214 Activation method and Liliae's weapon selection

In Baichen's temporary residence on the island.

Liliae was holding a lubricant in her hand and applying oil to her Pokémon Magearna.

Lusamine had already left, and she had given Liliae an order that she must not disobey.

If she really wanted to go to the other world, activating Magearna was the most basic condition. If she couldn't do it, Lusamine would never agree to it no matter what she said.

Baichen held the [Magiana Research Diary] left by Moon in his hand, and he flipped through Moon's research diary.

"The research results are all correct."

For example, the research on Magearna's [Soul Heart].

Magearna is an artificial Pokémon, and her body is the [Soul Heart] in her chest, and the external mechanical body is just a simple container.

The Soul Heart contains extremely huge energy, and the energy value is like the holy fire contained in the body of Moltres.

That energy is not comparable to ordinary Pokémon.

Baichen then flipped through it.

He found a portrait on one of the pages.

On the portrait, there are four protagonists, Morn, Magearna in the off state, a black Zoroark, and baby Liliae.

In Bai Chen's memory, Zoroark is currently with Gladion.

And this Zoroark is the key to waking Magearna up.

In the original timeline, Liliae and Gladion will discover the truth that their father Morn is not dead yet under the power of the island guardian, Tapu Finfin.

Tapu Finfin is the guardian of Bonnie Island. The king of that island died many years ago, and the new king has not yet succeeded.

After that, the two who learned the truth began to seek clues about their father, so they found Magearna in the basement.

The story line after that is very simple.

Liliae and Gladion found this portrait in the diary during a discussion.

When Gladion's Zoroark saw this portrait, he recalled what happened in the past.

He used his power-[Illusion] to reshape what happened that year.

Lilia was moved by the scene and shed tears, and it was at this time that Magearna was activated again.

"To activate Magearna, Lilia's tears are probably not the key, but Lilia's longing for Moen. After all, Magearna has the same emotional perception ability as Ai Guanshi."

Bai Chen grasped the key.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the address book, and opened the blacklist.

There was only one contact in the blacklist.

Bai Chen removed the blacklist.

He searched in the album and sent the other party two photos of him and Lilia in the Alola region.

After doing this, Bai Chen quickly blocked the other party again, and changed to a quiet world.

After Lilia finished oiling Magearna, Bai Chen called Lilia over again.

"Mr. Bai, have you found any clues?"

"Unfortunately, there are none." Bai Chen put away the research diary and returned it to Lilia.

"But now is not the time to talk about this. Since you want to go to the other world with me, it is very important to have a handy weapon. Come with me."


Lilia imagined the scene of herself holding the big sword like Bai Chen.

Although the big sword looks very powerful, she is obviously not suitable for that kind of weapon.

With a nervous mind, Lilia followed Bai Chen to the workshop of the clever blacksmith.

On the island, Bai Chen planned an area as the main house in the future.

The task of construction was naturally given to the clever blacksmith, but before the house was built, the clever blacksmith took the lead in building his own workshop.

Bai Chen pushed open the door of the workshop.

Lilia asked Bai Chen nervously: "Is it really okay to go in without the permission of the clever blacksmith?"

According to Lilia's understanding, the clever blacksmith is now building her assembly line on Melemele Island, and she is not on the island now.

And the clever blacksmith is very concerned about his work.

"I've told her in advance. She said you can choose any weapon she makes."

Lilia had helped the forger a lot before. When she heard that Lilia wanted to choose a weapon that suits her, she readily agreed.

Pushing open the door of the workshop.

A cold wind blew out from inside, and the fluorescent lights on the ceiling lit up automatically.

Lilia looked around the forger's workshop in surprise.

It was about 700 to 800 square meters. On the left side of the workshop, there was a long table about 10 meters long, which was filled with various books and design drawings.

On the right side of the long table was the forging area of ​​the forger, where various forging props were placed.

These areas only accounted for one-tenth of the entire workshop, and the other areas were all converted into warehouses and display cabinets.

The humanoid models with a similar body shape to Bai Chen were wearing various armors.

Looking closely, some of those armors were discarded by Bai Chen before, and some were the practice works of the forger.

On the wall on the other side of the right side of the workshop were various weapons.

Among them, the number of swords is the largest, and many of them are eliminated by Bai Chen.

For example, the previous curse fire, hidden sword, etc.

Bai Chen brought Liliae to the weapon wall on the right and said to Liliae: "You can choose any of these weapons, choose one you like."

Liliae took two steps forward.

She looked at the weapons that were already fully sharpened, and felt a little scared.

If the police saw the weapons on this wall, they would definitely take Mr. Bai to the police station, right?

Shaking her head, Liliae looked at the weapons carefully.

A great sword with both weight and power.

She just asked about the weight of a great sword, and she knew that she couldn't lift it at all.

She continued to look down, and she couldn't lift the sword, hammer, hunting horn, gun cannon, spear, shield axe, and battle axe.

Liliae only took a glance and continued to look down.

The one-handed sword and the double swords looked very light.

But when she thought that she might have to use these weapons to fight monsters in close combat, she denied this idea.

She asked Bai Chen about the insect stick, and when she heard that the insect stick had to deal with insects the size of a puppy, she shook her head.

That would definitely be a nightmare for her.

"Close-range weapons don't work, so let's look at long-range weapons."

Liliae first saw the light crossbow and heavy crossbow.

She had seen Ai Guanshi use a heavy crossbow. This weapon was like a machine gun and looked very powerful, but she didn't like it.

Until she saw the last weapon, she decided.

"Mr. Bai, I'll choose this one!"

Lilia pointed to a bow and arrow on the wall and said to Bai Chen.

"Are you sure?"

"Well! I practiced bows when I was a child. If I use it in battle, I should be able to hit the enemy."

Bai Chen was silent for a while. The bow and arrow seemed to be the most suitable weapon for Lilia.

But at this stage, Lilia might not even be able to pull the bow.

Bai Chen took the bow and arrow and handed it to Lilia. Lilia just took it and was almost crushed to the ground by the terrifying weight.

Liliae was shocked: "This bow is so heavy"

"After all, it is used to fight monsters. This bow weighs 30 kilograms. You can't draw the bow now." Bai Chen took the bow back and said, "However, this is only temporary. I will use my blood to continuously transform your body. I think your body will change soon. At that time, it will not be difficult to draw the bow to fight."

Bai Chen has decided to give Liliae a body strengthening ability of rarity 3 and a high-rarity superpower move.

Later, using telekinesis to draw the bow can also reduce her physical burden.

"Now, you can train with an ordinary bow first."

Ordinary bows can be bought without asking the forge to build them.

After confirming the weapon that Liliae will use for self-defense, Bai Chen took Liliae out of the workshop.

When leaving, Liliae accidentally saw the design drawings placed on the table by the forge.

She keenly captured some key words.

[Superior] [Pokemon Material] [Phasing] [Magnetism] and other words.

"It seems that the forger has been preparing for new equipment during this period."

Liliae took a look and stopped paying attention.

After leaving the workshop, Bai Chen added bow and arrow training to Liliae.

While letting Liliae complete the training, Bai Chen did not neglect his own training.

While cultivating a bond with Tianhuilong, he created his own swordsmanship style.

He needed to integrate his own moves into the swordsmanship and create a swordsmanship that could integrate his moves and increase the power.

As for the Meowth that can [Gathering Treasures], Bai Chen called Merdan to ask.

Merdan's answer to Bai Chen was that there was none.

Bai Chen knew Merdan's personality. The island king who was good at evil Pokémon had a personality that was afraid of trouble.

If there was a Meowth that could [Gathering Treasures] under his command, he would probably tell Bai Chen that there was none.

The two had only met once, and there was not much trust at all.

Bai Chen had no good solution for this. After all, the other party said that there was none. He couldn't just go straight to his Ula'ula Island to find it himself, right?

In addition, Bai Chen's other research has come to a standstill because of evolution.

For example, the research on exclusive Z moves, he can't use the moves now, so naturally he can't study Z moves.

"Now let's follow the plan step by step, first practice my own skills, and try to create my own style before I complete the evolution."

Time passed by, and Bai Chen was doing the most basic swordsmanship practice.

In the evening, just after he finished a day of training, Bai Chen noticed a pure white aircraft over his island.

Bai Chen's eyes were sharp and he saw Gladion in the co-pilot seat.

"This sister control is really fast. I just sent him a message in the morning, and he rushed back from the Galar region in the evening."

The jet landed on Bai Chen's island.

As soon as Gladion got off the plane, he angrily yelled at Bai Chen: "Bai Chen! You bastard!"

Bai Chen pretended not to see Gladion. He put away his sword and prepared to take a shower.

Gladion directly released his Pokémon.

"Silver Companion War Beast, stop him!"

The Silver Companion War Beast ran to Bai Chen in two or three steps and stopped him.

He had no ill will towards Bai Chen, this was all Gladion's order.

But then again, rich people are different. Gladion has a man-made second-level god Silver Companion War Beast, and Liliae also has a man-made second-level god.

This starting point is much higher than that of ordinary people.

"You are really angry, are you angry?"

Glazio walked to Bai Chen in two or three steps, and put his phone to Bai Chen's face, angrily saying: "You bastard, what do you mean by this!?"

Bai Chen pushed Glazio's hand away and said: "What's the problem? It's just a very ordinary group photo."

"Why did you send me ordinary group photos? Are you provoking me!?"

"Just to show you the cute Liliae, aren't the photos pretty?"

"You!" Glazio still remembered what Bai Chen said to him before, "Of course I know Liliae is cute, you don't have to pretend to send me these things."

"You take my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, then I won't send it next time."

Glazio gritted his teeth, he forced himself to ask Bai Chen in anger: "So why did you suddenly call me back? Is Liliae in trouble? If she is hurt, I will never forgive you."

Glazio is not a fool.

Bai Chen had blocked him a long time ago, and today he suddenly sent him a few group photos, definitely not because he was bored and wanted to show off to him.

"It seems that you have received a lot of training in the Galar region."

Bai Chen glanced at the Gigantamax wristband on Gladion's wrist.

It was obvious that he had mastered Gigantamax.

"Say it, harder!"

"Lillie needs your help with something, come with me."

Bai Chen asked Little Nebula to teleport him to Lillie's home.

After a day of training, Lillie went to take a shower again.

Gigiano looked around and found that this was Lillie's room. He grabbed Bai Chen's collar and said angrily: "What have you done during this period of time???"

In his opinion, Bai Chen's ability to enter Lillie's room at will meant something very dangerous.

"Don't get excited, I'm trespassing illegally."

Bai Chen pointed to Magearna on the sofa in Lillie's room and said: "The point is this Pokémon."

Bai Chen pried Gladion's hands apart, pressed his head with both hands, and made him turn his head to look over there.

"Is this a Pokémon?"

Bai Chen briefly explained what happened this morning, of course he did not say that he was going to take Lillie to another world.

If Gladion knew, he would definitely fight with him, so it would be better if such troublesome things didn't happen.

"Majiyana. So my father prepared such a gift for Liliae, so why did Lusamine suddenly give it to Liliae?"

Gladion looked at Bai Chen suspiciously.

No matter how you think about it, this matter has something to do with Bai Chen, right?

"Who knows? Maybe it's time." Bai Chen said casually. He came to Liliae's desk and picked up the notebook of Morn on the table.

He skillfully turned to the page with the portrait of Morn and Zoroark.

"Liliae needs to activate Magiana now. Your Zoroark may know some clues. Please let him out for questioning."

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