Three days?

Bai Chen took out his phone in disbelief and looked at the time on it.

Judging from the results, he had indeed been in meditation for three days.

"Three days have passed so quickly, and my interpretation of natural language has almost stagnated."

The depth of natural language far exceeds Bai Chen's imagination.

If the entire natural language is compared to Chinese, Bai Chen's progress in 3 days is that he has just become familiar with the letter 'a'. Now he doesn't even know how to 'read' or 'use' this letter, and he is just barely familiar with it. Just a degree.

As for the evolutionary process of the body.

Bai Chen glanced at the panel of his system.

The evolutionary process increased from 25.4% to 25.6%.

Compared with the 0.1% increase in the previous five days, it has now increased by 0.2% in three days.

The speed has more than doubled, but this is still not enough. At this rate, it will still take him three years to complete the evolution.

In addition, the progress of natural language learning also made him a little desperate.

At this rate, if he wants to fully understand and master natural language, it will take him at least nearly a hundred years to do so.

It doesn't matter if he takes his time to learn natural language. Anyway, he never thought that he could create [Exclusive Z] right away in a short period of time.

On the contrary, the process of evolution can be accelerated intentionally.

After Bai Chen finished eating, he found Xiaoruan who was basking in the sun on the altar. He asked Xiaoruan: "I remember that there is your habitat [Ending Cave] on Poni Island, right?"

"Huh?" Xiaoruan looked at Bai Chen doubtfully and asked Bai Chen what he wanted to do.

"I need a lot of [ancient energy] now. Oh, no, it's [primitive energy]. Can you lend me your hometown temporarily before I evolve?"

The energy in Xiaoruan's body is very similar to the energy of the boulder, and his habitat should also contain a large amount of [primitive energy].

After hearing this, Xiaoruan ignored Bai Chen.

Go to his house to absorb the energy. What if he absorbs it all?

Bai Chen picked up the little softie on the ground, raised it in front of him and said: "I have spent one time asking for help. I really need energy to promote my own evolution now."

Xiaoruan was silent for two seconds. He broke free from Bai Chen's hands. He called out to the cells around him and transformed into a 10% Doberman Pinscher.

"If only until you evolve, I can promise you to come with me."

Bai Chen quickly called Ai Guanshi and asked her to break camp and set off with him to the [End Cave].

While Ai Guanshi was packing his things, Bai Chen asked about the whereabouts of Lillie and Gladion.

Three days ago, after the two of them saw Bai Chen wrapped in natural energy, they left without disturbing him.

"So, Lillie hasn't exercised in the past three days?"

Bai Chen has no habit of storing his own blood.

There was no way Lillie could complete such a large amount of training.

But this is fine, he will train Lillie, and he also hopes that one day in the future, Lillie can see the same scenery as him.

Now that time is so tight, it would be very dangerous for Lillie to go to another world with him.

He still hoped that it would be best for Lillie to stay in the Pokémon world.

However, to Bai Chen's surprise, the stewardess said that Lillie had been training seriously for the past three days.

"How is this possible? How can her body handle it?"


The caretaker sighed and said that she went back twice to massage Lillie to relieve her physical fatigue.

"Miss Lillie is really serious about training." Ai Guanshi said something special to help Lillie.

"I see."

Bai Chen didn't say anything more.

After the camp was completely packed, Bai Chen let Nergigante take him to the [End Cave].

[End Cave] is not only found in the Kalos region, but also in the Alola region, and it is on Poni Island.

Xiao Ruan personally showed the way to Nergigante, and soon Nergigante took Bai Chen to a deep mountain.

After passing through an extremely hidden cave and an extremely complex underground maze, Bai Chen finally arrived at the deepest cave.

The cave is about twenty to thirty meters high and covers an area of ​​about three to four thousand square meters.

There is a lake in the center of the cave, which occupies almost two-thirds of the cave.

The 'water' in the lake is completely emerald green, and the lake surface exudes green light.

This is the [End Cave].

Bai Chen walked to the shore of the lake, squatted down and picked up a puddle of water.

"This is actually the condensation of [primordial energy]."

Bai Chen looked at the lake of this size in surprise.

He whispered: "If I can absorb the original energy inside, how fast will my evolution process increase?"

Bai Chen couldn't wait to go in and absorb it.

But he endured it for the time being.

Bai Chen asked the caretaker to find medical equipment for blood drawing.

Bai Chen spent a lot of time one after another, and finally drew nearly three liters of blood.

He told the caretaker: "During this period, you remember to pour blood on little Nebula every day until he can no longer absorb it. Also, Lillie, please help dilute the blood every day so that she can remember to replenish it in time."

"Fu!" Ai Guanshi nodded to show that he understood.

Afterwards, Bai Chen handed over his trainer's belt to Ai Guanshi and said: "We will leave it to you for the time being. During this time, you will take everyone to fight with the three island kings to improve their levels. Especially Modan, you can trouble him more, anyway, this is what I agreed with him."

"The main thing is to train everyone on the home team. The level of everyone on the home team cannot be lower than level 55."

There are currently only five members of the home team.

Nergigante Dragon, Thunder Wolf Dragon, Sky Wisdom Dragon, Ice Curse Dragon, and Little Nebula.

Among them, Xiao Nebula is evolving, and the level improvement of the other four cannot be slowed down.

In order to help Ai Guanshi better train everyone, Bai Chen also gave Ai Guanshi the [Pokémon Master] skill he stole from Xiaozhi, which can speed up the upgrade of Tianhui Dragon and Ice Curse Dragon. speed.

The stewardess took the trainer's belt from Bai Chen's hand in confusion, blinking with her big eyes.

Is this asking her to be a trainer?

Although she took care of everyone, she thought she still couldn't command everyone to fight.

Especially the Thunder Wolf Dragon may not listen to her words.

"Don't be nervous, just leave the battle to them. All you need is to share your skills and help repair their injuries after the battle."

After listening to Bai Chen's explanation, Aiguanshi finally understood his mission.

She understood why Bai Chen would temporarily give this task to her.

"Fu?" Ai Guanshi asked Bai Chen.

Bai Chen nodded: "Well, during this period, I have to speed up the evolution process. I can't really let everyone protect me all the time, right? In addition, I have to spend more time interpreting natural languages, which will play a role in improving my future strength. A huge improvement.”

Before Bai Chen began to enter samadhi, he had not yet seen the power of natural language.

After studying for three days, Bai Chen discovered a little bit of its magical effects.

Although this is not the power of rules, for example, once you understand it, you can manipulate the rules to change the world, but Bai Chen can confirm that as long as he can learn and understand natural language, then one day he can create his own moves like Z-moves. , you can even upgrade existing moves.

This is something that the system could only do before, and now he has the opportunity to do it with his own understanding.

Bai Chen continued to explain many things that happened next. When everything was explained, Bai Chen took off all his clothes, revealing his perfect body.

He folded his clothes and placed them on the shore, then turned and walked directly into the lake.

After walking about fifteen meters inside, the liquid condensed from the original energy had already reached his knees.

After walking another thirty meters, the lake water had completely submerged his body from the neck down.

Bai Chen took a deep breath and relaxed his whole body.

Nature began to connect with him, he entered a mysterious state of synchronization, and his body gradually sank into the lake.

Bai Chen opened his eyes in the lake, surrounded by ancient primitive energy, and the mysterious natural language continued to flash before his eyes.

Bai Chen's body was greedily absorbing this energy, while his spirit and will were constantly observing those mysterious languages ​​that would make ordinary people dizzy just by looking at them.

On the shore, Xiao Ruan stared at Bai Chen in the lake.

He could feel that Bai Chen was absorbing the energy in the lake, and he could also feel that Bai Chen was checking the natural language.

He sighed in his heart: "What a madman."

In particular, he was surprised by Bai Chen's learning of 'natural language'. Ordinary people would become dizzy or even comatose after learning for ten seconds.

Bai Chen had studied for three days before, but looking at his posture now, he planned to study for a long time at once.

"His physical and mental strength have reached a very high level. Are all people from other worlds so powerful?"

Xiaoruan gradually became worried about Bai Chen's hometown.

He couldn't confirm whether Bai Chen's arrival would bring disaster to the Pokémon world.

Time passed by minute by second, and in the blink of an eye, there were only the last seven days left before Bai Chen returned to the world of monster hunting.

Today also ushered in the most important day of Baichen Island.

On the beach on one side of the island, a yacht with the Ether Foundation printed on it was docked about two hundred meters away from the beach.

On the boat, the three island kings, Hala, Modan, and Lizi, were all there. On their side, Lusamine accompanied the three of them.

"Shall we land in a small boat?"

"That's fine."

Lusamine took three people in a small boat to complete the landing.

Hala opened his eyes and looked around the deserted island and said, "Great changes have really taken place here. I remember when I came here a few years ago, there were many trees and plants here."

At this moment, the island has become extremely desolate because of the competition and fighting between the Thunder Wolf Dragons.

Just when the three of them were wondering where to find Bai Chen, the love steward suddenly teleported in front of them.

Both Bai Chen and Ai Guansi have teleportation moves, but the distance they move is completely incomparable to Little Nebula.

"Fu~" Ai Guanshi waved to the four people who came, she welcomed everyone on behalf of Bai Chen.

"Good morning, Ai Guanshi, where is Bai Chen?" Li Zi asked Ai Guanshi.

The three kings of the island are no strangers to Ai Guansi. During this time, Ai Guanshi brought Bai Chen's partners to fight with them.

To be honest, after seeing Aiguansi's high IQ and ability to share worries, the three of them all had the idea of ​​subduing Aiguanshi.

This is really a peace of mind.

"The master is currently in retreat. I will lead the way for today's reclamation."

Aiguanshi explained to the four people telepathically through his own heart network.

"It sounds like Bai Chen is overcoming the difficulties." Li Ziyan said.

The three of them would not be unhappy because Bai Chen didn't show up.

They came here today to see how Bai Chen wanted to reclaim the sea. If Bai Chen's method would bring disaster to the Alola region, then they would stop Bai Chen no matter what they said.

"Fu." Aiguanshi made a gesture of invitation to the four of them.

She teleported the four of them directly to a high point on the island, where the entire west coast of the island could be seen.

There was a table on the high ground with a parasol on it.

The stewardess invited the four of them to sit down, and she served them desserts and black tea.

"This reception is really unexpected."

They thought this was what Bai Chen told Ai Guanshi, but what they didn't expect was that Ai Guanshi had prepared these for the four of them.

Hala laughed twice and went straight to the point: "Even if we are given delicious snacks, we will not give up. If Bai Chen's method of reclamation is very dangerous, then we will still refuse his request. of."

"Fu~" Ai Guanshi smiled and reassured everyone.

Looking at the time, Aiguan Shiyan said that the reclamation would begin soon.

At this moment, two figures, one red and one blue, suddenly flew up on both sides of the island.

The three of them were surprised to recognize the two Pokémon.

"Are those Flamebirds and Freezebirds?"

They had been in contact with the four monsters of the home team during this period, and did not know about Bai Chen's subjugation of the Flame Bird and the Frozen Bird.

Aiguanshi explained to the three of them.

"These are the two new partners that the master has conquered. From now on, they will be responsible for the protection and security of the island. In addition, they will also find ways to prevent ordinary Pokémon and people from approaching this dangerous island."

The three of them understood the meaning of the carefree waiter's words.

Bai Chen found two guardian gods for his island.

This scene is really big enough.

Then the three of them looked at the volcano in the center of the island. The reclamation plan submitted by Bai Chen clearly mentioned that Kailong would carry out the reclamation.

"Is it time for the protagonist to appear next?"

The entire island began to tremble slightly, and the armored dragon slowly walked out of the magma.

The red magma on his body is slowly dripping down, and his whole body is exuding scorching heat, like an active volcano.

Kailong walked to the west coast with heavy steps. He roared at the sky, and lava suddenly spewed out from the volcano on his back.

The hot magma cooled down quickly when it encountered seawater, and a new earth was being formed.

The three of them were surprised by the amount of Kailong's eruption. How much magma had it absorbed into its body?

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