Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 295 The Deep Fire That Burns the Earth and the Brilliant Wings That Cover the Sky

Feel the oppression from the taboo!

The terrain of the battle field changed, and vigorous energy erupted from the ground.

The protective shield protecting the audience on the scene has reached the critical point, and the competition team hurriedly increased the output of energy, so that the protective shield did not break.

"Dragon Vein Breath."

The Dark Lantern Dragon spit out a shot at the Aluminum Steel Dragon in front of him, and the scorching high-temperature breath could not be avoided at all.

The Aluminum Steel Dragon was forced to withstand this amazing blow.

The Dragon Vein attribute can penetrate the defense of all attributes and cause an additional 20% damage.

In addition, because the special defense of the Aluminum Steel Dragon is not high, the damage of this attack is very explosive.

Doracena was very puzzled when she saw this.

Although the Aluminum Steel Dragon is a dragon-type Pokémon, the steel type has neutralized its weaknesses. How could it still cause additional damage?

Is it because of the characteristics?

Doracena guessed a little bit of the truth.

But now is not the time to entangle this. Bai Chen forced the venue to change, and there is a way to cause additional damage to the Aluminum Steel Dragon. Now we must be serious.

Dorasena put Alpharon into the ball.

The Gigantamax wristband on her wrist extracted Galar particles in the field and sent energy particles into the Poké Ball.

Dorasena's Poké Ball immediately expanded and became the size of a basketball.

Dorasena threw the ball out: "Leave it to you, Gigantamax Alpharon."

A giant Pokémon with a height of 50 meters came out of the ball.

The body of the Gigantamaxed Alpharon looked like a building. Its upper body structure was like an office building, and its lower body was a typical lower structure of a large building.

In the center of the building, four dark red clouds entangled the Gigantamax Alpharon.

The atmosphere on the scene reached its peak.

Giant Pokémon vs. giant dragons, who doesn't like to watch this kind of head-on battle?

Dorasena commanded: "Use Gigantamax Rock!"

In front of Alpharon, a huge rock wall rose from the ground, and it fell towards the Dark Lantern in front of it.

Bai Chen commanded: "Use Dragon Breath."

The hot high-temperature energy bombarded the giant rock, and the two moves canceled each other out.

The rock shattered into powder and turned into a sandstorm that covered the entire venue.

The giant rock will directly change the venue of the scene, making the entire venue enter a sandstorm state.

The Dark Dragon roared, he raised his claws high and hit the ground fiercely.

The ground trembled, and more earth vein energy burst out from it.

The sandstorm on the field was instantly lifted under the agitation of high-density energy.

"What happened?" The host shouted in surprise, "The sandstorm was forcibly lifted."

Dorasena also looked at the Dark Dragon in front of her in surprise.

From the current situation, the Dark Dragon can change the venue of the scene, and his venue level has a very high priority.

Bai Chen asked the Dark Dragon to burst out all the energy in his body: "Enter the critical state."

The orange core in the Dark Dragon's chest immediately burst out amazing energy.

His wings seemed to be burning, and a blazing blue flame burst out at the end of the wings.

His claws were also stained with high-energy dragon vein energy.

Critical state (rarity: 9): When the immature internal heat organs accumulate a large amount of energy that cannot be eliminated, the Dark Lantern will enter a critical state. In this state, the physical attack of the Dark Lantern will be accompanied by the dragon vein attribute blessing, and the power of the breath move will increase by 5 times. After the critical state ends, the Dark Lantern will fall into a short state of weakness, and all attributes will decrease by 50%.

This is the burst skill of the Dark Lantern.

In the critical state, his combat power will reach its peak.

Dorasena looked at the Dark Lantern covered by blue flames in front of her in horror. She felt an extremely amazing energy fluctuation from the Dark Lantern.

Dorasena shouted: "Use, Gigantamax Degradation Decay!"

Unlike other Pokémon that can only Gigantamax and can only use ordinary Gigantamax moves.

Alutarix can Gigantamax and can also use a unique skill move-Gigantamax Degradation Decay.

If this move hits the enemy, it can greatly reduce the enemy's physical strength, making it difficult for the enemy to use skills.

When the aluminum steel dragon was condensing the super-great degradation decay, the dark dragon was also ready for the burst move.

Energy seeped out of his body.

This move once smashed Xiaoruan's Thousand Waves into pieces.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the team immediately adjusted the power of the defense shield to the maximum.

Both sides released their moves at almost the same time.

The dazzling energy light blocked everyone's sight.

When the amazing explosion ended, everyone looked again and saw that the aluminum steel dragon in the center of the venue had lost its combat ability.

A big pit was directly blown out of the venue in the amazing attack.

The dark dragon also withdrew from the critical state and a weak buff appeared.

In the first battle, the dark dragon won a perfect victory.

Dorasena reluctantly took back her Altanon and took out her second Pokémon: "I'll leave it to you, Dragonite."


A bright yellow Pokémon appeared, and its pair of small wings looked unexpectedly silly and cute.

But you must not underestimate this guy just because of Dragonite's silly appearance.

"Use Dragon Claw!"

Kuailong flew to the head of Mingdeng Dragon at extremely fast speed, and he hit the head of Mingdeng Dragon with a shocking blow.

Ming Denglong was defeated and was knocked to the ground by the opponent.

Kuailong is level 71 and masters 5 master-level moves.

Now, all attributes of Ming Lantern Dragon have been weakened by 50%. In this state, he is indeed no match for Kuai Long.

After fighting for a while, the Dark Lantern Dragon lost its ability to fight.

Bai Chen could have asked the Dark Lantern Dragon to absorb the energy of the earth's veins to recover his injuries, but Bai Chen did not do so.

The reason is also very simple. The behavior of the Dark Lantern Dragon absorbing the energy of the earth veins will bring a certain burden to the earth veins. It is really not worth it to destroy the environment for this not-so-important game.

Bai Chen took the Ming Lantern back into the ball and let him rest for a while.

At this time Bai Chen took out the second monster ball.

"Leave it to you, Tian Huilong."

The silver dragon appears.

The host shouted: "Another Pokémon I've never seen before!"

"Roar——!" Tian Huilong looked at Kuailong in front of him with fighting spirit.

During this period, Tianhuilong's level also increased to level 63, although there was a full 8-level gap between him and Kuailong, and his skill proficiency was completely inferior to that of the opponent.

But he is still very confident in his abilities.

Bai Chenyan said: "I heard that Kuailong flies very fast. Let's see who can move faster."

Legend has it that it only takes 16 hours for the dragon to fly around the world. A simple calculation shows that the flying speed of the dragon can reach about twice the speed of sound.


Tian Huilong took a long breath, and the Dragon Qi Jade in his chest was running wildly. He compressed the air and transformed it into the more dangerous Sky Light Dragon Qi.

Winged Foot's red dragon energy exploded, and Tianhui Dragon flew into the sky in an instant.

Facing Tian Huilong's provocation, Kuailong showed anger, and immediately followed Tian Huilong with a pair of small wings behind him.

The two quickly climbed high into the sky.

Everyone was looking up at the sky at this moment. There were no cameras in the sky. Everyone could only see a red comet rising at an extremely fast speed, and behind him, a yellow Pokémon was chasing him. Hold him.

In the sky, Tian Huilong looked at Kuailong below, and he snorted coldly in his heart.

This fat guy's flying speed is still quite fast, but compared with himself, it is really far behind.

He used all his strength just to keep up with my walking pace. The sky is not something that a weakling like you can set foot on!

Tian Huilong accelerated his flight speed and reached Mach 3 in an instant.

He, who was almost on par with Kuailong before, immediately widened the distance between them at an astonishing speed.

Tian Hui Long in the sky drew a perfect semicircle in mid-air. He came directly behind Kuai Long and used a speedy move.

In terms of speed, Kuailong lost his advantage. He couldn't dodge and was hit by Tian Huilong's speed, and his body fell quickly towards the ground.

When there was only 500 meters left from the ground, he finally adjusted his flying attitude.

At this time, the audience below could see Kuailong clearly.

In the sky, Tian Huilong used Dragon Dive towards Kuailong, locking Kuailong with astonishing killing intent.

This move was inevitable, and Dorasena also ordered: "Let's use Dragon Dive too."

Kuailong used the move in reverse direction towards Tian Huilong in the sky.

The two sides collided again, after a blow.

Bai Chen: "Super speed."

Dorasena was not to be outdone: "Counterattack with great speed."

Bang bang bang~

The two sides clashed in the air at speeds that were invisible to the naked eye.

Host: "This speed is so amazing! It's hard to see clearly! Who can win this confrontation?"

Just as the host was saying this, Tianhuilong and Kuailong in the sky were shot away at the same time and hit the protective shield outside the field.

"Both sides suffer!"

Although Kuailong cannot keep up with Tian Huilong in speed, Kuailong has a high level and the levels of its skills and moves are very high.

Tian Huilong couldn't take any advantage for a while.

If he hadn't had a master-level legendary ancient dragon move that greatly increased his blood volume, he would have been defeated by the opponent this time.

Seeing that Kuailong's physical strength had been reduced a lot, Bai Chen raised the Z bracelet on his wrist.

He put a Dragon Z into his bracelet.

Bai Chen crossed his hands in front of him.

"The ultimate dragon shakes the world!"

"Counterattack with the destruction death ray."

Naturally, Dorasena couldn't sit still and wait for death, so she let Kuailong unleash the final blow.

Tianhuilong directly knocked away the attack of the destroying death light, pouring the dragon energy on Kuailong's body.

After the explosion, Kuailong lost his fighting ability, while Tianhuilong maintained a certain amount of physical strength.

Dorasena took back the dragon and prepared to send out her third Pokémon.

She praised Bai Chen: "You are really strong!"

Dorasena sent out her absolute trump card.

"Qixi Bluebird! Please!"

As soon as the Qixi Blue Bird came out, Dorasena directly raised the keystone in her hand.

"Qixi Blue Bird, super evolution!"

The Tanabata Bluebird has a sky-blue body and fluffy wings like cotton. The Super Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird is more like a giant ball of cotton. Its tail has become a little longer. The original white and fluffy feathers are widely distributed on the back and no longer distributed on the chest.

Tanabe is a Dragon + Flying Pokémon, but after Mega Evolution, Tanabata becomes a Dragon + Fairy.

After Mega Evolution, Tanabata is directly immune to Dragon damage.

When Dragonite and Dragonite fought, Dorasena confirmed that Dragonite's moves were all Dragon moves. Although the colors were very different, the effects and energy were not much different.

To some extent, Tanabata is indeed a natural counter to Dragonite, but that is only for ordinary Pokémon.

Bai Chen's Dragonite's attacks are no longer restrained by Fairy.

Skylight Dragon Qiyu (Rarity 10): After the skills of [Special Individual] and [Second Name] are strengthened, it reaches the taboo level. Dragonite will absorb a large amount of air into its body, and then combine the dragon attribute energy and air through the Dragon Qiyu in its body to generate the more dangerous [Skylight Dragon Qi], and compress the dragon Qi and store it in the air sac in its body.

When the individual enters the excited state, [Skylight Dragon Qi] will be greatly improved, and the power of skills based on [Skylight Dragon Qi] will be improved at the same time. In addition, the density of dragon energy that can be stored in the body is doubled.

Note: The flight speed of Tianhui Dragon will be increased by 50% due to the bonus of high-density dragon energy, and the power of skills will also be increased by 50%.

Note: [Skylight Dragon Qi] is different from ordinary [Dragon Qi]. It will no longer be immune to fairy attributes, nor can it be resisted by fairy attributes.

It is completely a pipe dream to use the fairy system to deal with Tianhui Dragon.

Doracena should find this out soon.

Seeing Doracena send out her strongest trump card and also super-evolve the Tanabata Bluebird.

Baichen is not to be outdone.

He burst out with amazing waveguide energy.

Tianhui Dragon's dragon energy and Baichen echoed each other.

The red light enveloped Tianhui Dragon's whole body.

In the stands, Xiaozhi saw Baichen and Tianhui Dragon's starting moves and felt something inexplicably familiar.

"Tianhuilong, bond evolution!"

With an amazing roar, Tianhuilong completed the bond evolution, surpassing the limit of his own race.

His brilliant wings spread out, covering the sky like a crimson sky curtain.

In the stands, Xiaozhi and others finally recognized him, and Yulijia said in surprise: "So amazing! Mr. Bai can also bond evolution!"

Dorasena didn't expect that Tianhuilong could perform bond evolution similar to super evolution after performing Z moves.

She commanded Super Tanabata Bluebird: "Use Dragon Breath."

Tanabata Bluebird's Dragon Breath is a crown-level skill move.

But the moment the attack approached Tianhuilong, the original attack was instantly reduced by one third.

At this moment, Tianhuilong released "Dragon Mist. Panic" to offset the remaining energy attack.

If it were normal, Tianhuilong would not be able to offset the crown-level Dragon Breath move even if he tried his best to release Dragon Mist.

But after his bond evolution and the change of characteristics, he can deal with Dorasena's attack more calmly.

Brilliant Light Wings: Ice and Dragon weaknesses disappear. When the light wings are unfolded, the power of range-based dragon-type moves is enhanced! The power of the surrounding lower-level dragon-attribute energy is suppressed by one third!

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