Farewell to Daigo, Kaluni and others.

Bai Chen teleported and brought AZ to the hotel in Sala City.

Although the attack launched by the final weapon was blocked by Bai Chen.

But the chaos in the city has just begun. The police are patrolling everywhere and counting whether there are any casualties in this disaster.

However, Bai Chen does not need to deal with these troubles.

The Four Heavenly Kings Dorasena and Furong will find a way to solve these troubles with other gym leaders.

In the hotel suite, Bai Chen invited AZ to sit down.

"Can I have some tea?"

"Of course." AZ sat down on the sofa in the suite. His 3-meter height made him look very cramped even when sitting on the long sofa.

Bai Chen imitated Lilia's tea-making method and made a pot of black tea. Although this was Bai Chen's first time making tea, because of Lilia's good teacher, Bai Chen's tea was pretty good.

After Bai Chen poured a cup of tea for AZ, he sat down opposite AZ and said slowly: "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

AZ said respectfully: "Conqueror of Legends, can you listen to my story from a long, long time ago?"

Bai Chen nodded. This was the purpose of his making tea. Anyway, some things cannot be explained in a short time.

AZ looked into the void, and a look of reminiscence flashed in his eyes.

"Before, a long, long time ago.

There was a man and a Pokémon.

They loved each other.

One day, a war broke out, and the Pokémon the man loved was used in the war.

Years passed. He only got a small box.

The man wanted his Pokémon to be resurrected. Anything was fine, anything was fine.

The man made a machine that gave it life. Let the Pokémon he loved return to this world.

The man had experienced too much sadness, and his anger could not be calmed.

He could not forgive the world that hurt the Pokémon he loved.

He turned the machine into the ultimate weapon. He became the God of Destruction and ended the war.

With The Pokémon with eternal life must have known this long ago. In order to revive it, many Pokémon were sacrificed.

The revived Pokémon left the man.

The man was surprised and sad.

He had saved it just to see the Pokémon again...

The lonely days passed day by day...

At some point, the man lost his heart.

The man illuminated by the light of the weapon embarked on an eternal wandering journey.

Also wandering in the eternal time is this Pokémon...

Where is it now?

What should I do to meet it? "

AZ tells his story about himself thousands of years ago.

As a prophet of the plot in his previous life, Bai Chen naturally knows the outline of AZ's story.

Bai Chen can neither oppose nor agree with this former king whose ideas are not much different from those of Fladali.

If someone dares to hurt Lilia in the future, he will definitely make them pay the price.

However, he will not be like AZ, who will take away countless innocent lives in order to save the people he loves.

Bai Chen drank a sip of tea and said, "This can be considered as a punishment for you."

Thousands of years of loneliness.

Because he has eternal life, he cannot seek death and can only wander alone for thousands of years.

This punishment is more cruel than taking his life directly.

"The sins I have committed cannot be repaid even with my lifetime. However, I still have a glimmer of fantasy, hoping that one day I can end this lonely wandering."

Bai Chen understood AZ's thoughts after hearing this.

In short, he hopes to find his former partner or end his eternal life.

Bai Chen certainly can't help him find his partner, so AZ's second purpose is to find him - he wants him to help end his eternal life.

Bai Chen has now subdued Yveltal and Xerneas. If you ask who in the world has the ability to end his life, only Bai Chen can do it.

Bai Chen looked at AZ's panel.

In his panel, there is a skill called [Eternal Life].

This move allows AZ to have eternal life. He becomes like Xerneas. Even if he dies, he will only fall into a deep sleep and wait for a thousand years before reviving.

The reason why Bai Chen is willing to listen to AZ's stories about his adulthood is to get this skill called [Eternal Life].

Although Bai Chen now has infinite energy, and after completing the title of the Legendary Dragon King in the future, his life scale will even exceed the scale of the world, but this skill is very useful to Liliae.

Bai Chen does not want Liliae to be buried in the ground decades later, and he is still living a boring life in this world.

Suddenly, AZ knelt down in front of Bai Chen, his head hit the floor heavily, and he asked Bai Chen: "Hero who conquered the legend, can you please let Xerneas take away this wrong eternity? For this, I am willing to pay any price."

If he can copy AZ's eternal life, it will be a great profit for Bai Chen.

As for the other costs mentioned by AZ, or rewards, they are really not attractive to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen pretended to think for a moment and said: "I am not qualified to judge on behalf of those beings you have hurt. Forgive you. But you do have something I need. As a deal, I can let you break free from eternity."

"Thank you!"

AZ has no interest in eternity. In his opinion, this is a curse.

Bai Chen said: "No need to be polite. Let's play rock-paper-scissors."

"Ah?" AZ didn't react for a while. He couldn't keep up with Bai Chen's brain circuit.

Just now, we were still talking about eternity. Why did we jump to rock-paper-scissors in the next second?

Bai Chen didn't explain in detail. He just started on his own.

"Come on, rock-paper-scissors."

AZ subconsciously synchronized with Bai Chen's movements.

Bai Chen won the first game, and the conditions for the system to copy skills were met.

Bai Chen copied AZ's [Eternal Life] move to himself.

[Individual 'Bai Chen' obtains rarity 10 skill 'Eternal Life']

According to the agreement, Bai Chen directly erased the skills and moves in AZ's body.

When the blue light of the bond stone entered AZ's body, AZ could clearly feel that his eternal life had disappeared.

He thanked Bai Chen for his help again.

Bai Chen said: "In terms of human lifespan, you can probably live for at most 30 years, which is nothing compared to the more than 3,000 years you have lived. Cherish this time."

"Yes, thank you again for your kindness."

Bai Chen accepted AZ's eternal life with satisfaction. Before leaving, Bai Chen curiously asked AZ: "What are you going to do in the next period of time?"

"I want to look for it again. I hope to see it again at the end of my life, even once."

Bai Chen turned his head and looked out the window. His eyes passed through the other dimension and saw a small Pokémon.

Bai Chen smiled and said: "There will definitely be that day."

AZ left, and he continued his journey to find important partners.

When AZ left, Bai Chen noticed that the little guy hidden in the void followed AZ away.

At this time, some energy-transformed petals suddenly fell in the void.

It was greeting Bai Chen in this way.

Bai Chen reached out to take the pink petals and held them in his hands. He shook his head helplessly, and then silently blessed AZ and his companions in his heart.

At night, a violent earthquake occurred in the entire Kalos region. People did not know until the next morning that someone had attempted to subvert the entire Kalos region last night.

Everyone knew the existence of the Flash Team and the true face of Vladari.

But no one knew who saved Kalos.

Even if someone took photos with a mobile phone, those photos became blurry and unclear for some strange reasons, and even blocked the camera screen with some inexplicable things.

At this moment, the "culprit" of everything was busy in the underground kingdom.

Here, many small diamonds gathered together, and among the Pokémon, Lilia and Caidou also came to watch the ceremony.

In the center of the venue, Bai Chen and Diancie worked together to create a holy golden pink diamond.

The diamond inherited the stability and energy storage characteristics of Bai Chen's origin diamond, and also inherited the characteristics of Diancie diamond that can absorb surrounding energy at will.

The new [Origin Holy Diamond] was born. After the glowing crystals in the underground kingdom were replaced with new cores, they became more dazzling.

The little diamonds cheered.

The underground kingdom was reborn!

This was absolutely great news for them.

However, this moment was not a moment that made Diancie happy.

Because the crisis of the underground kingdom was resolved, which meant that she would be separated from Bai Chen.

She absolutely did not want this!

Just as everyone was celebrating, the minister of the Diamond Kingdom came bouncing towards Bai Chen.

He invited Bai Chen and Lilia and others and said, "Great Savior, I wonder if you can stay in our kingdom for a day? We will hold a grand banquet tonight, and I hope you can attend."

Bai Chen saw that the little diamonds in the Diamond Kingdom were in an unusually high mood, and Bai Chen could not refuse them and pour cold water on the people who were celebrating enthusiastically.

Bai Chen readily agreed.

"Of course there is no problem."

The minister immediately arranged for the little diamonds to receive Bai Chen and Lilia.

Diancie wanted to follow Bai Chen, but was stopped by the minister.

The minister said, "Your Highness, you have more important things to deal with now. Your people are still waiting for you."

Dianxi looked at Bai Chen who was getting farther and farther away, and then looked behind her, at the many little diamonds who were looking at her with expectation.

Dianxi said, "Minister, can I come back later? I have a lot to say to Lord Bai Chen."

The minister seriously rejected Diaxi and said, "Your Highness, you can't be willful anymore. You shoulder the responsibility of the kingdom and the expectations of Lord Bai Chen and Lord Xerneas. Please hold on and complete your work."

Dianxi looked at Bai Chen who disappeared at the corner of the mine, and a very lonely expression appeared on her face.

After a long time, Diancie retracted her gaze. She said to the minister without much interest: "I know, I will do my job well, but you must not disturb me at the banquet tonight."

"I understand. As long as you complete the task tonight, I can guarantee that no one will disturb you, Your Highness."

"That's a deal, Minister."

Dianncie reorganized her emotions, walked up to the high platform with a smile on her face, and delivered an inspiring speech to her citizens.

This day was officially designated as a new sacred day by the underground kingdom. This will be the grandest festival of the underground kingdom every year in the future, in order to celebrate Her Highness's mastery of the power to create sacred diamonds and to celebrate the birth of sacred diamonds.

After Diancie finished her speech, when she was about to look for Bai Chen, the minister stopped Diancie again. Now the underground kingdom is in ruins, Diancie has a lot of work to deal with, and there is no way to meet Bai Chen.

"Your Highness, please be patient, there is still a lot of work for you to deal with."

Dianncie remembered the agreement between her and the minister, so she had to suppress her inner impetuousness again and go to work first.

The time without seeing the person you love is boring and long, and Diancie feels deeply painful at this moment.

Looking at the crystal slate handed over by the minister in front of her, Diancie sighed again, this is her 92nd sigh.

Next is to say goodbye to Lord Baichen, right?

Diancie knows very well that she can't leave the Diamond Kingdom willfully, even if she wants to go out for a trip, she can't do it at all.

And Baichen can't stay in the underground kingdom because of her.

Separation is inevitable.

Now the closer it is to the time of separation, the more depressed Diancie is.

She still wants to go out for a trip with Baichen, she still wants to see other scenery in the world with Baichen, and she also wants to meet more friends.

But it seems that none of these can be realized at present.

When she thought of this, Diancie lay on the table, and tears couldn't be controlled from the corners of her eyes.

At this time, the guards outside her office knocked on her office door.

"Your Highness, Lord Bai Chen wants to see you."

When she heard that it was Bai Chen, Diancie raised her head quickly, wiped the tears from her eyes, and shouted: "Please, please wait a moment!"

Dianncie calmed down her inner emotions and made sure that she would not cry in front of Bai Chen, so she invited Bai Chen to enter her office.

"Lord Bai Chen, please come in."

Dianncie's office can be said to be magnificent, and the height is enough for two Bai Chens to stack together.

Bai Chen will not feel crowded when he comes in.

"Lord Bai Chen, is there anything you want to talk to me about? I have some urgent things to deal with now."

Dianncie felt that her current mood was very unstable, and she tried to avoid talking to Bai Chen about other things.

Even if she wanted to talk, she had to wait until the evening.

At this time, Bai Chen did not waste words and directly told Diancie his purpose. He asked: "Would you like to travel with me?"

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