Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 305 Lifetime Honorary Elder

The general looked at the Flame King Dragon in front of him and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

On the way here, he heard that someone had subdued the Corpse Dragon and the Tianhui Dragon that was considered extinct by the guild.

He thought a lot and felt that someone must have spread rumors. The worst case scenario is that Bai Chen subdued the cubs of the ancient dragons and is now raising them.

But when he really saw Bai Chen at this moment, the general finally realized that he was really short-sighted.

There are actually people in this world who can subdue ancient dragons.

The general looked at the Flame King Dragon with caution and didn't dare to approach Bai Chen for a while.

The pressure of the ancient dragon is not something that ordinary people can bear, not to mention that there is a Nergigante on Bai Chen's shoulder.

Bai Chen patted the Flame King Dragon's head, and the Flame King Dragon shrank its body and became the size of a medium-sized dog.

The originally terrifying appearance actually looked a little naive.

Bai Chen took the Flame King Dragon and took two steps forward. The commander-in-chief introduced the black man in front of him to Bai Chen at the right time.

"Bai Chen, this is the general of the kingdom, who is in charge of all military affairs of the kingdom. When I went back to the old continent to report the situation this time, the general was visiting the guild headquarters. After getting the permission of the great elder and other senior officials, he came to the new continent with me."

The Hunter Guild is a completely independent organization, not under the jurisdiction of any kingdom, so if the general wants to come to the new continent, he still needs the permission of the guild's senior officials.

Bai Chen greeted the other party.

The general greeted Bai Chen very respectfully and said, "I have heard a lot of legends about you on the way to the new continent. Today, I saw that you are indeed worthy of your reputation."

Bai Chen waved his hand and said, "General, there is no need to say polite words. I think you should have other things to talk to me about when you come to the new continent this time?"

As he said, Bai Chen looked at the knights behind the general. Among them, there was a very powerful knight who reached level 75. The general himself also had a level 70 strength. As for the other kingdom knights, their strength was roughly around level 40. It can be seen that they are a few elites in the kingdom.

In addition, there were many guild knights following the commander-in-chief. The strength of these guild knights was all above level 50. The strongest guild knight reached level 90, which was much stronger than the swordsmanship master and the grand commander.

Guild knights only appear when the hunters are purged. They are the foundation of the guild to maintain order, so their strength is naturally not weak.

And these people are all fully armed at this moment.

This is not a good sign for Bai Chen.

The general found that Bai Chen could see the strength of the kingdom knights at a glance.

While he was secretly surprised by Bai Chen's strong insight, he hurriedly explained: "Don't misunderstand, Lord Bai Chen. The purpose of their following is just to protect my safety. There is absolutely no malice."

Bai Chen naturally did not believe what the general said.

To be able to sit in the position of the kingdom general, not only must he have a strong force, but the other party must also be a master of political means.

If his strength is not strong enough, the moment the other party sees the Flame King Dragon, it is very likely that these kingdom knights will rush up and control the Flame King Dragon.

As for the reason, it is too easy to find.

The commander-in-chief unexpectedly remained silent. It seemed that the dignitaries of the old continent were very wary of Bai Chen, a strange creature who could command ancient dragons.

This suspicion could not be completely dispelled with just a few words.

Bai Chen did not respond to the general's words.

He was very powerful, so there was no need to be servile to please a general of the kingdom who was hostile to him at the beginning.

Seeing Bai Chen's indifference to him, the general also understood what caused it.

The atmosphere between the two sides was not very good when they first met.

At this time, the commander-in-chief invited Bai Chen and said, "Let's go to the conversation room on the star ship to talk in detail."

Bai Chen nodded.

Entering the star base, the hunters and logistics staff stared at the Flame King Dragon and the Exterminating Dragon.

These are real ancient dragons.

And these are the third and fourth ancient dragons that Bai Chen has shown.

The Flame King Dragon noticed the hunters' gazes, and he snorted disdainfully, and the scorching flames spewed out of his nasal cavity.

If Bai Chen hadn't defeated and subdued him, these weak mortals wouldn't even want to see him.

Thank you, boss, stupid fools.

The walking posture of the Flame King Dragon showed the demeanor of a king. Even if he used the shrinking skill to become as big as a medium-sized dog, his innate strong aura would still give people a strong pressure.

When they arrived at the Star Ship, Ira saw Bai Chen and quietly waved to Bai Chen. Even now, she didn't dare to mess around in front of the general of the kingdom and the commander-in-chief.

Entered the reception room familiar to Bai Chen.

The guild knights and the kingdom knights were waiting outside.

Only Bai Chen, the commander-in-chief, the general of the kingdom, the most powerful guild knight and the strongest kingdom knight, five people entered the reception room.

Bai Chen was followed by the Exterminating Dragon and the Flame King Dragon.

Bai Chen sat on the sofa. He took off the backpack on his back and put it on the side. The Exterminating Dragon jumped off Bai Chen's shoulders and took a nap on Bai Chen's thighs.

The Flame King Dragon squatted at Bai Chen's feet.

He was very aware of the situation. Given his current position in the team, Nergigante would not allow him to lie next to Bai Chen.

The commander-in-chief and the general sat on the single sofa opposite Bai Chen.

The commander-in-chief first brought good news to Bai Chen.

The commander-in-chief read out the decision of the guild.

The guild decided to give Bai Chen the title of "Blue Star", and because of the outstanding contributions of the Z bracelet and Z pure crystal brought by Bai Chen, as well as the innovative technology of the monster ball.

Bai Chen was awarded the status of "Guild Lifetime Honorary Elder".

This is already the highest honor that the guild can grant. Since the establishment of the guild, only four people have won this title.

Now the other three have passed away. It can be said that this title is now only held by Bai Chen.

Although this title and this position of elder have no real power, even the great elder of the dragon people must be polite when seeing Bai Chen.

Bai Chen also enjoys certain privileges, such as being able to access all the top-secret information of the guild; in addition, when Bai Chen needs it, all branch guilds must spare no effort to support Bai Chen.

This is the benefit that this identity can bring to Bai Chen.

The commander-in-chief asked Bai Chen if he was willing to accept such a decision.

If he did not want to accept it, he could refuse. The power of choice was given to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen naturally had no reason to refuse.

He had been busy for so long before, and it was also to gain a lofty status in the guild. Now that his idea was realized, he naturally agreed.

Before the evolution, Bai Chen still needed such an identity to protect himself.


The situation is reversed, and it is the guild that needs such a title to protect itself.

This is one of the benefits brought by strength.

Seeing Bai Chen agreed, the guild knight behind the commander-in-chief breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As a strong man, he has a very sharp intuition.

When facing Bai Chen, he even felt like he was facing a legendary taboo.

Bai Chen is the real taboo in human skin.

This is the most real thought that came into his mind after he saw Bai Chen.

The commander-in-chief had nothing else to talk to Bai Chen about, and Bai Chen looked at the general of the kingdom over there.

At this moment, the general of the kingdom looked at Bai Chen again, and his eyes changed from fear to awe.

He was not aware of the fact that the guild had appointed Bai Chen as a lifetime honorary elder on the way here. The commander-in-chief told him about it before him, which was also a hint to tell him to be careful in what he said and did. If he angered Bai Chen, the guild would not be able to help him at all.

Bai Chen asked the general first: "The general of the kingdom came all the way to the New World. I don't think he came to comfort the hunters, right?"

The general was silent for two seconds. He decided to confess everything and said: "To be honest, I came to the New World this time for Lord Bai Chen. The king heard that Lord Bai Chen was raising ancient dragons and was very worried about the future of the kingdom. So he sent me to check the situation and see if Lord Bai Chen is worthy of the kingdom's trust."

The general knew very well that lying in front of Bai Chen was useless.

It might even anger Bai Chen and bring disaster to the kingdom.

He might as well confess now, and maybe he could gain some trust from Bai Chen.

Bai Chen asked: "Have you judged whether I am trustworthy now?"

The general shook his head truthfully: "Sorry, I can't judge whether you are trustworthy of the kingdom at present, but I have seen your strength. You are the first person from ancient times to the present who can subdue such a powerful ancient dragon as the Flame King Dragon as a follower."

I have only chatted with the general for a few words, and it is normal that the general cannot judge whether I am trustworthy.

Bai Chen said: "Go back and tell your king. I have no interest in destroying the world or ruling the world. Money, power, and status are not what I pursue."

The general was stunned, and he looked at Bai Chen in confusion.

If he doesn't want money, power, and status, then what does Bai Chen want? Women?

"I don't know what your Excellency Bai Chen is pursuing?"

"Power, strong enemies and adventures." Bai Chen's voice was sonorous and powerful, "What I pursue is powerful power, strong enemies that make me excited, and unknown adventures and worlds. Apart from this, other things are not attractive to me."

The general remained silent. According to his experience, people who pursue power are likely to be lost in power in the end.

It seems harmless now, but when Bai Chen needs more powerful power one day, he may even do something to destroy the world.

Paranoid people are both geniuses and madmen.

The general asked solemnly: "Sir Bai Chen, may I ask, when you pursue the limit of power, where will you go?"

"If one day my strength is really strong to the limit, I will find a place I like to live in seclusion, and then wait for new enemies to appear, or leave the world to encounter new adventures in the vast universe and stars, that's all."

For Bai Chen, who now has eternal life, time can no longer restrain him.

The countless worlds in the universe are constantly teasing Bai Chen's heart.

In the future, when he explores the Pokémon world and the Monster Hunter world, he will definitely set off to the universe.

After Bai Chen finished speaking, seeing that the general was still serious, he added: "Don't worry, all the people in your kingdom are tied together, I'm afraid they are not my opponents, you don't need to worry that I will take you as my target."

The general and the kingdom knight heard it and thought that Bai Chen was joking with them.

Even if the entire kingdom were tied together, they couldn't defeat Bai Chen? Isn't this too arrogant?

"It seems that Lord Bai Chen is very confident in his own strength." The general sighed.

However, Bai Chen shook his head and said: "I am indeed very confident in my own strength. But this is not the direct reason for my words. If you can also see the real strong people I have seen, you will really feel that you are so insignificant.

Your so-called power, status, and money are just boring house-playing in front of the existence of that scale. The things you have fought for a lifetime may be annihilated by the other party along with the place of survival in just a thought."

Bai Chen is now facing powerful beings that can destroy the world at will. In the eyes of these beings, human infighting and pursuit of power really seem a bit funny.

At least Bai Chen is not interested in the power of the kingdom and the guild at all.

The strong will swing the knife against the stronger, and only the weak will swing the knife against the weaker.

The commander-in-chief and the general looked at Bai Chen in shock.

It's not that they don't believe Bai Chen's words. On the contrary, they all see the truth from Bai Chen's tone.

Bai Chen is definitely not fooling them!

The commander-in-chief asked, "Elder Bai, what did you see before?"

"Are you curious?" Bai Chen asked the commander-in-chief and the general, "If you see that kind of thing once, you will feel despair. Are you sure you want to know?"

The reason why the guild blocked the news of the existence of the taboo is that they don't want that kind of despair to spread among civilians.

The commander-in-chief said very firmly, "Even if we cover our ears, such an existence is objectively existing."

The general also nodded and agreed with the commander-in-chief's statement: "It's not scary to have a strong enemy. What's scary is that one day they attack and we don't even know their names."

Seeing the general and the commander-in-chief's firm attitude.

Bai Chen decided to take them to see it. I think if they knew the existence of the Huangheilong, they wouldn't be bored and bother him.


Bai Chen snapped his fingers.

When the commander-in-chief and the general opened their eyes, they suddenly found themselves above an ice field, and their bodies were suspended in the air uncontrollably.

This was the first time the general had seen Bai Chen's teleportation. He was once again shocked by Bai Chen's little trick. He thought he was going to fall from a high altitude, and his heart was beating for a long time.

The commander-in-chief looked at the ice field below him and asked curiously: "Where is this?"

"This is the ice field, located on the west side of the New World, a brand new continent."

The commander-in-chief was surprised and happy: "Another new continent?"

They have been exploring the New World for 40 years, and they haven't finished exploring it yet, and now a brand new continent has suddenly popped up.

The general looked at the terrain of the ice field and said: "It seems that the terrain of the ice field is a basin."


Bai Chen looked at the large pit with a diameter of several kilometers below him and said: "That is not a natural terrain, it is just a trace left by my fight with that guy."

Just a trace left by a fight? ? ?

The general looked at Bai Chen in shock.

He hoped that Bai Chen was joking with him, but Bai Chen didn't look like he was joking at all.

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