Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 307 Taboo, Ao Tu Na and Dark Dragon

Aina and the old fire dragon have been surrounded by the knights.

When the knights saw the fire dragon, they attacked it as if they had seen a demon.

Aina wanted to stop them, but it was too late.

The old fire dragon sensed the hostility of the knights, and a fireball condensed in her mouth and sprayed it directly at the knights over there.

After the violent explosion, the knights who gathered together were all knocked down, and they wailed in pain.

After defeating these knights, the old fire dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the red sky.

Aina looked up and was surprised to find that a large number of fire dragons appeared in the sky. They flew in one direction, as if they were called by something.

Aina called the old fire dragon's name-Old Les, but she could no longer call him.

Aina saw that the knights who were defeated by the old fire dragon Old Les seemed to still have some fighting power.

She had to temporarily evacuate with the fire dragon egg in her arms.

The strange red light shone for thirty minutes at night before it completely disappeared.

In the "Guarding the Fire Dragon Forest", Aina was wearing a green windbreaker. She hid in a tree hole and could hear the roars of monsters and the sounds of knights searching in the forest.

She hugged the fire dragon egg in her arms more tightly, praying in her heart that she would not be discovered by the knights.

As the night deepened, Aina's eyelids became heavier after running all day. The knights were getting farther and farther away, and her heart was finally relieved.

As soon as she felt relieved, she fell asleep with the fire dragon egg in her arms.

The next day, Aina did not wake up to the sound of birds, but to the roar of monsters.

"Roar--!" The piercing roar disturbed her sweet dream.

She nervously poked her head out of the tree hole and looked outside.

Only thirty meters away from her tree hole, a brute jaw dragon with a black aura wrapped around its body was fighting with a brute jaw dragon with a red glow all over its body.

The two monsters were like crazy, attacking each other frantically.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Aina quickly escaped from the tree hole holding the fire dragon egg.

She took advantage of the two brute jaws not paying attention and quickly fled to the exit of the forest.

The journey was relatively smooth, and she escaped for two or three kilometers.

Just when she was relieved, a poisonous bird with red light flashing all over its body rushed out from the woods in front of her.

The moment the poisonous bird saw Aina, it attacked Aina like crazy.

The purple poisonous venom spit out from the opponent's throat bag. Aina was also flexible, and she nimbly avoided the attack of the poisonous bird.

She turned around and ran for her life, and the poisonous bird behind her chased her relentlessly.

This chase lasted for two kilometers.

The poisonous bird seemed to have only Aina in its eyes, and kept chasing Aina.

Seeing that the poisonous bird was about to attack again, Aina subconsciously turned left sharply.

But with this sudden turn, her feet were off the ground and her body fell down uncontrollably.

She was so focused on the poisonous bird behind her that she didn't see the road ahead clearly and fell directly from a small slope.

Aina thought to herself, "Oh no!" She closed her eyes in fear.


She seemed to fall on a cushion. It didn't hurt to fall from a height of 20 to 30 meters?

Just when Aina was puzzled, a voice suddenly came from under her: "If you are okay, please move your butt out. You are sitting on my head."

Aina opened her eyes and looked under her. She saw that she was sitting on the face of a man with a mask on his face.

Aina quickly moved her butt away from Bai Chen.

She apologized embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect there was someone under here. Are you okay?"

Bai Chen was also a little helpless.

With his strength, he couldn't let Aina sit on him.

But just now he was watching a fight between a brute jawed dragon with a black aura and a brute jawed dragon with a red glow.

That was a rare and wonderful scene. Bai Chen's attention was all on that, so he didn't notice Aina.

"It's okay. It took a little buffer. Fortunately, it didn't hit your head directly, otherwise you would have been bleeding."

Aina blushed and covered her buttocks immediately after hearing this.

This sentence is already sexual harassment!

She looked at Bai Chen unkindly, with some contempt in her eyes.

She was very grateful to Bai Chen for saving her, but she didn't like dirty jokes.

Before Aina expressed her dissatisfaction, the roar of the poisonous demon bird came from the low slope behind her.

Bai Chen looked at it with an interested look.

But before he made a move, Aina suddenly took Bai Chen's hand and ran away with him.

"Come here with me!"

Aina took Bai Chen and shuttled quickly in the forest.

Finding a hidden tree hole, Aina pulled Bai Chen and hid in it.

"I said, actually you don't have to run away, I uh."

Before Bai Chen finished speaking, Aina immediately blocked Bai Chen's mouth with one hand.

Bai Chen was wearing a mask, and the mask still made Bai Chen unable to speak under the pressure of power.

Aina made a gesture to Bai Chen to silence him.

Outside the tree hole, the poisonous bird with red fierce light flashing all over passed by the hole. He searched for the traces of Bai Chen and Aina, and found that he could not find any traces of Bai Chen and Aina, so he finally left.

Aina let out a sigh of relief after confirming that the poisonous bird had left.

Aina let go of Bai Chen and said, "You saved me once, and I saved you once, so we are even. Although I don't know why you entered this forest, it is very dangerous here now, so you'd better leave here as soon as possible."

Aina may not know Bai Chen, but Bai Chen knows the Aina in front of him.

As the heroine of [Monster Hunter Stories 2], Bai Chen still has a very deep memory of this dragon girl with snow-white hair and red eyes.

Especially the fire dragon egg with a dark red base and black lines in Aina's arms.

This is an important key for him to find the guy underground.

The guy underground is a taboo-level monster named 'Aotuna'.

Legend has it that when she spreads her six wings, the world will be destroyed.

Bai Chen, who has played the game, knows that at the end of the game, Aotuna appears in the forbidden area near Mashana Village.

It was already night when Bai Chen flew over from the New World yesterday.

He saw the red fierce light from afar. Just when Bai Chen was about to find Aotuna who was hidden deep under the forbidden land, Aotuna suddenly disappeared.

That guy had broken the seal and went to the mainland from the bottom of the sea.

Mashaina Village is located on a small island called "Xiakouluo Island", and the island area is only 1,000 square kilometers.

Compared with the tens of thousands of square kilometers of the mainland, it seems very small. The mainland is located on the west side of Xiakouluo Island. The mainland looks like a crescent moon.

If the speed pass fails, Bai Chen must think of other ways to find Aotuna.

And the key to finding the other party is the fire dragon egg in Aina's arms.

Bai Chen grabbed Aina's windbreaker hood, and Aina was strangled.

Aina looked back at Bai Chen angrily.

This guy is not only a pervert, but also a bastard who doesn't know etiquette? How can you pull the hat directly when you call someone to stop?

Bai Chen said, "You said I saved your life. You haven't returned the favor yet, I won't allow you to leave."

"I just saved your life, we've already fought to a draw."

"Who asked you to save it just now? It was just a poisonous bird."

Aina looked Bai Chen up and down.

Wearing a gorgeous white and blue kimono, a disgusting fox mask, no weapons or equipment, and no follower beasts, why did Bai Chen despise the poisonous bird?

"I didn't expect that you are a pervert and a big talker!"

"Pervert???" Bai Chen was confused. He really didn't know what he had done to Aina, why she called him a pervert, "Did you misunderstand something?"

"There is no misunderstanding, I'm leaving if nothing happens."

Bai Chen saw that Aina's initial favorability towards him fell below the bottom line for unknown reasons, and he was too lazy to explain that he was not a pervert.

Bai Chen could only say that the innocent are innocent.

"Since you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you."

Bai Chen took Aina and moved to the air instantly.

Aina was startled when she suddenly appeared in the sky from the ground.

She subconsciously hugged the fire dragon egg tightly and closed her eyes, ready to fall, but after waiting for a second or two, she saw that the weightlessness did not come, so she boldly opened her eyes and looked around curiously.

I am floating in the air now? What is going on? Could it be that this pervert did it?

Bai Chen glanced below and immediately found the fierce light poisonous bird that was searching for his trace.

Bai Chen pointed at the monster below and said to Aina: "Didn't you say you saved me? Then I'll let you see if you saved me."

Bai Chen snapped his fingers, and the poisonous bird was suddenly pressed to the ground.

It seemed that there was an invisible heavy object pressing on the other party.

Aina was very puzzled when she saw this.

What happened? Why did the poisonous bird suddenly lie on the ground and stop moving?

Bai Chen just used gravity moves on the poisonous bird to fix it firmly on the ground.

Bai Chen continued to increase his output. Gravity moves are superpower moves. Bai Chen can increase his energy output and strengthen the intensity of gravity.

Gravity continued to rise.

Double gravity.

Triple gravity.

Quadruple gravity.

When the gravity reached ten times, the poisonous bird could no longer withstand this level of gravity, and the pores all over the body burst with blood and died.

Aina stared at the poisonous bird below in a daze.


Is this pervert in front of him so powerful? He actually killed the obviously abnormal poisonous bird without contact.

How did he do it?

Just when Aina was puzzled, the two brute jaws below were fighting louder and louder. They knocked down trees and entered Bai Chen's field of vision.

Seeing these two brute jaws, Bai Chen found it very interesting.

The monster's body emits a red fierce light, which is the ability of Aotuna. She will release a strange red light to affect the monster's rationality, and this red light will also enhance the monster's combat power.

The black fierce aura on the other Brute Jaw Dragon is not the masterpiece of Aotuna, but the masterpiece of a monster named "Dark Dragon".

The Dark Dragon is also a taboo-level existence. It is the final boss in [Monster Hunter Story 1].

This makes Bai Chen feel very interesting.

Ao Tu Na and Dark Dragon appeared at the same time and brought disaster to this continent at the same time.

Bai Chen didn't know how the people under the influence of these two monsters would resist each other.

He didn't know what the people did to make the two disasters appear at the same time.

Seeing the two Barbarian Jaw Dragons, Bai Chen raised his right hand and made a shooting motion with his right hand.

The torrent gathered between Bai Chen.

Bang Bang~

After two consecutive shooting sounds, Bai Chen directly used the master-level sniper move and used the torrent to penetrate the heads of the two Barbarian Jaw Dragons.

The two monsters fell to the ground and completely lost their vitality.

Aina looked at the two Barbarian Jaw Dragons that were killed by Bai Chen in seconds below in shock.

She thought she was dreaming, she pinched her cheek lightly, and the severe pain told her that she was not dreaming.

Someone really killed the two Barbarian Jaw Dragons in one move.

Bai Chen waved his hand, and the bodies of the poisonous demon bird and the two Barbarian Jaw Dragons were all thrown into the space of another dimension.

As monsters affected by the evil light and black evil spirit, they are still very valuable for research.

Bai Chen turned back to look at Aina and asked: "Do you still think you saved me just now?"

Aina shook her head hesitantly. Bai Chen could kill these monsters directly, so she really didn't need to save them.

Bai Chen said: "I thought you would be stubborn, but I didn't expect you to admit it so frankly. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bai Chen."


"Since you haven't returned my life-saving grace to me, then you should follow me for the time being. When you have returned it, you can leave."

"Why do you want me to stay with you? You are so strong, and I can't help you at all."

Bai Chen was silent for a while.

The fire dragon in Aina's arms is very special. As the cover monster and the protagonist monster in the game, it has a special talent-'Wings of Destruction'.

This talent can even allow the fire dragon of the general map king to fight with the legendary taboo existence.

In addition, the red light released by Aotuna is used to attract fire dragons. Last night, Aotuna emitted red light to attract fire dragons. She devoured a large number of male fire dragons to provide nutrients for her growth.

Other monsters may not be affected by Aotuna's red light. Most monsters will enter a fierce light state after being irradiated by red light.

He couldn't tell Aina that I want to use the fire dragon in your arms as bait to lure out Aotuna, right?

If he really said that, with Aina's love for fire dragons, she would definitely flee with the fire dragon egg immediately.

Bai Chen answered casually: "I am happy to."

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