Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 313 The Battle-Experienced King!!

Alma realized the seriousness of the matter.

Esami is the strongest knight in the village. He and his armored dragon can even resist the strength of two divisions of the kingdom.

But now, the opponent was killed by a dragon slashing with one sword?

What kind of fantasy is this?

The knight quickly called Alma and said, "The dragon slashing is heading towards the village. Let's set off quickly to lead the opponent away and buy time for the villagers to retreat."

Alma nodded seriously, he turned over and sat on the wind floating dragon, ready to stop the enemy.

At this time, Bai Chen suddenly called Alma: "How is Esami's strength compared to you?"

Alma was stunned for a moment, he hesitated for a while and said, "Esami is the most powerful knight in the village. Even if Zibai and I try our best, we can't defeat him and his armored dragon."

Zibai is the name of Alma's wind floating dragon.

Bai Chen pondered for a while.

Alma and the wind floating dragon are level 68. If Alma can't beat Esami at all.

Then Esami and his armored dragon are above level 75.

Now that the Dragon Slayer can kill an armored dragon with full physical defense and above level 75 with one strike, which is enough to show how powerful the opponent is.

"Haha, it's interesting. How can an ordinary Dragon Slayer be so powerful?"

Alma didn't understand why Bai Chen could still laugh now.

He didn't have time to talk nonsense with Bai Chen here.

"Lord Aina, please go to shelter as soon as possible."

Aina said worriedly with the fire dragon egg in her arms: "Be sure to come back safely!"

"Yeah." Just when Alma and his other dragon knight were about to set off, Bai Chen suddenly spoke again.

"Leave that guy to me, you just need to be responsible for evacuating the crowd."

After speaking, Bai Chen directly launched the instant movement and appeared in the sky. The dragon wings of the Tianhui Dragon stretched out from his back, and the red dragon energy gushed out from behind Bai Chen. Bai Chen's flying speed instantly broke through the speed of sound.

Looking at the departing Bai Chen, Alma was still a little confused.

How did Bai Chen suddenly disappear from the spot just now?

And it seemed that a pair of wings spread out from his back? ? ?

Aina's acceptance ability is much higher than Alma's. She is still confident in Bai Chen's strength. She said to Alma: "Since Bai Chen said to leave it to him, let's help evacuate the villagers quickly, right?"

Alma and the dragon knight didn't think twice and immediately rode their monsters and set off.

The dragon knight cursed: "Who would leave such a thing to an unknown stranger!"

When Alma's purple and white flew into the sky, Alma was surprised to find that Aina actually caught the purple and white when they took off.

In order to prevent Aina from falling, Alma took Aina to the back of the dragon.

Aina said: "I will go with you."

He advised: "Lord Aina, this is too dangerous!"

"I want to see the monster with my own eyes!"

Seeing Aina's firm attitude, Alma didn't say anything.

The two dragons flew in the air for twenty minutes, and from a distance they saw a 50-meter-long dragon slashing, which was flashing red light all over its body and moving towards Rutu Village.

When she first saw the Zhanlong, Aina was surprised and said, "How can there be such a big Zhanlong?"

In her impression, the largest Zhanlong she had seen was only 31 meters long, and the Zhanlong in front of her was more than 1.5 times larger.

The Zhanlong had a pair of horns and a huge mouth full of sharp teeth on its head. Its body was covered with a red shell, and its back had a blue heat dissipation shell that was curved and grew upward like a flame. Its forelimbs were short and its hindlimbs were very strong. Its tail was almost as long as its body, and it evolved into a royal blue shell shaped like a giant blade, called a tail blade. The name Zhanlong also came from this.

Looking at the Zhanlong's tail, the tail blade was 25 meters long. If converted into floors, it would be as high as eight or nine floors.

Aina didn't dare to imagine how much damage such a huge tail blade would bring if it attacked.

And the Zhanlong was wrapped in a red fierce light, which was exactly the same as the brute jaw dragon she had seen in the forest before. It seemed that it was affected by the big guy mentioned by Bai Chen.

They flew over and circled in the sky, just as they were thinking about how to lead the dragon away.

The dragon knight suddenly pointed at a figure below and said, "Is that a foreigner? Is he crazy? He actually stood in front of the dragon?!"

Alma and Aina looked in the direction the knight pointed, and finally saw Bai Chen.

Bai Chen looked extremely small in front of this 50-meter-long big guy.

Alma frowned. He still remembered that Bai Chen had a Flame King Dragon. He would not plan to send the Flame King Dragon to fight, right?

Below, Bai Chen looked at the 50-meter-long, obviously abnormal dragon in front of him with interest.

"It's really a battle-hardened king."

The battle-hardened king is an individual who has absorbed a large amount of biological energy, has greatly improved his physical ability, and has mastered unimaginable power for humans.

Logically speaking, the battle-hardened kings should all be ancient dragon species. After all, it takes a long time to absorb huge biological energy.

The life span of a dragon should not reach that level.

But the facts are in front of Bai Chen. This dragon-slaying monster is indeed a monster with the title of "Battle-Experienced King".

[Battle-hardened King - The rarity of the most powerful skill is increased by 1 level, and the proficiency is increased by 1 level, up to the rule level. All attributes of the self are increased by 1000%. With this title, no other title can be obtained. ]

Similar to Bai Chen's origin form, which increases all attributes by 10 times, the title of Battle-hardened King directly increases all attributes of the individual by 10 times, and the rarity and proficiency of the skill are all increased by 1 level.

They can be said to be super-powerful beings whose abilities have been strengthened to the limit!

It's a pity that they can't get other titles with this title, otherwise, Bai Chen would also like to get himself a Battle-hardened King title for fun.

Battle-hardened King Zhanlong noticed Bai Chen under him, and he roared angrily, and the roar could even shatter rocks.

His mind has been affected by Aotuna's red light, and he will kill everything in front of him!

Zhanlong turned around and bit the blade of the tail blade, and his mouth like a whetstone grinded the blade into sparks.

Zhan Long accumulated his strength for a moment, and then he drew his sword in an instant. He turned his body, and the huge tail blade behind him slashed towards Bai Chen.

In the sky, Alma, Aina and others saw a shocking scene.

The huge tail blade was covered with blazing flames.

Just by swinging it, the tail even broke the speed of sound and produced a sound of breaking through the air.

The flaming tail blade cut down the surrounding forest with one stroke, and it was not over yet. The tail also threw out explosive dust.

Boom boom boom——!

A violent explosion sounded.

The forest below instantly turned into a scorched earth.

In the sky, Alma grabbed the reins in horror, and he couldn't help but feel despair in his heart.

Below, the forest was centered on Zhan Long, and the forest within a radius of 100 meters was ruthlessly cut down. The forest farther away was destroyed by the explosion of dust, and the trees that were spared from the explosion and slashing also burned one after another.

This Zhan Long was just a blow, and the direct disaster area reached an astonishing diameter of 500 meters.

Seeing that amazing scene, Alma, Aina and others felt cold in their hearts.

That is definitely an object that ordinary people cannot defeat! ! !

Alma whispered: "How stupid, dare to stand in front of that big guy, this kind of terrifying guy, even the ancient dragon can't defeat him!"

There is no time to mourn for a stranger at this moment. Alma knows very well what will happen if this terrifying guy goes to the village.

There is absolutely no possibility for everyone in the village to survive.

At this moment, a red figure fell from the sky.


Bai Chen, dragging a red comet tail behind him, kicked the head of Zhanlong.

The behemoth weighing hundreds of tons was kicked down so easily.

Alma opened his eyes in shock.

Are you kidding?

There is actually someone who can kick this big guy down with one kick.

"Hahaha." Bai Chen's comfortable laughter suddenly came from the forest.

This battle-hardened king is more powerful than he imagined! !

But it is such an enemy that makes him feel excited! !

Bai Chen said to the dragons such as the Nergigante in the other dimension: "I'm sorry, I will take this first battle-hardened king. If you want to fight, wait until next time."

Bai Chen's eyes quickly flashed the panel of the battle-hardened king in front of him.

Level 85, mastering a mythical move and two crown-level moves.

The mythical move was upgraded by the title of battle-hardened king.

The voice of the system came from Bai Chen's mind.

[Task triggered, defeat the first battle-hardened king]

[Completion condition: kill the battle-hardened king dragon slash]

[Failure condition: the battle-hardened king dragon slash escapes]

[Task reward: 5 rarity 9 skill enhancement stones, 500w skill proficiency]

Bai Chen didn't care what the system rewarded at this moment.

He only had eyes for the battle-hardened king dragon slash in front of him.

During this period, when he was catching ancient dragon species, his own trials did not stop.

Now his level has reached level 80, and he has beaten almost all the powerful monsters in the entire Dragon Crystal Land and got a lot of skill proficiency.

Now, his origin body, origin energy, origin soul, and origin form have all reached the level of the crown level.

If you add the origin core skills he copied from the Dark Lantern Dragon.

He now has a total of five crown-level moves!

Bai Chen did not suppress Zhan Long's output. He now hopes that Zhan Long will exert all his abilities so that he can enjoy the fun of fighting and practice various moves with him.

Kicked down by Bai Chen, Zhan Long roared at Bai Chen angrily, with uncontrollable anger in his voice.

He curled his tail again, ready to kill Bai Chen.

In the sky, Aina saw that it was not good, and she subconsciously shouted to Bai Chen: "Be careful!"

But she shouted too slowly, and Zhan Long slashed again with an amazing knife.


If Zhan Long instantly destroyed everything within a radius of 500 meters before, which made them feel desperate, then they now saw a scene that they would never forget.

Bai Chen took out a sword from somewhere and instantly deflected the opponent's huge tail blade! !

Dragon Slash was like hitting the hardest thing in the world. The tail blade was bounced back. The strong wind pressure from the tail only caused damage to the forest within the semicircle, but there was no damage to the forest on Bai Chen's right.

Bai Chen just used the defense.

Dragon Slash's move was powerful, but it did not have stronger penetration. The power of his move was spread out by the invisible wall and then removed.

Bai Chen took this amazing blow, but his feet did not move at all.

Aina, Alma and others did not know what words to use to express their inner shock.

He actually blocked the opponent's attack with one knife?

Will this happen?

After blocking the opponent's attack, Bai Chen directly activated all the enhanced moves.

Origin form!

Dou Qi hardened!

Bai Chen's eyes flashed, and two light wheels representing Thunder Wolf Dragon and Ice Curse Dragon appeared behind him.

Bai Chen took a deep breath and his Dou Qi merged into the Emperor's sword.

Delta particles roared wildly.


Bai Chen made an amazing cut.

A huge knife mark about 10 meters long immediately appeared on Zhanlong's huge body.

It seemed like an ordinary attack, but it was incredible that Bai Chen easily broke through the defense of Zhanlong, the battle-hardened king.

Zhanlong roared in pain.

He sprayed a huge fireball of calamity fire at Baichen.

The diameter of the fireball reached an astonishing level of three meters just from the opponent's mouth.

Baichen slashed at the fireball of calamity fire again, and the fireball was cut in half. The fireball flew into the forest beside Baichen and exploded violently.

Baichen whispered: "You like to use fire, right? Then I'll use water."

The other-dimensional space beside Baichen opened, and the huge Mingbo Dragon walked out of the other-dimensional space.

Baichen activated his skill of the Lord of Disaster, and a third light wheel appeared behind him, with the pattern of Mingbo Dragon engraved on it.

Bai Chen's fighting spirit changed to water-type fighting spirit, and the Emperor's sword in his hand also changed to a water-type sword.

Bai Chen launched a common skill move: "Water jet."

Bai Chen's body was covered with water, and a powerful thrust burst out behind Bai Chen.

Bai Chen turned into a blue silk thread and immediately cut through Zhan Long's side at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Everyone hadn't reacted yet.

There was a hissing sound, and blood mixed with water burst out.

Zhan Long had countless small wounds of various sizes on his body.

These wounds were nothing to Zhan Long, who had a lot of blood.

He spit out five fireballs at Bai Chen again.

Bai Chen directly slashed the opponent five times in a row, and those fireballs were cut in half by Bai Chen without any accident.

Seeing that the fireballs were useless, Zhan Long used the most primitive method and launched the most simple impact on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen did not dodge or evade, he directly took out the Z bracelet and launched the legendary move in the myth.

"Giant Guard. Alola!"

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