Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 315 Traitors from Rutu Village


Everyone was in disbelief when they saw their dragon-man companion suddenly resurrected from the dead.

Among the crowd, the most surprised was of course the dragon-man knight riding the female fire dragon.

He saw with his own eyes that Esami was cut in half by the dragon-slayer, and now Esami and his armored dragon appeared in front of him again intact. How could he not be surprised?

The knight rubbed his eyes and thought he had seen it wrong.

"Esami? Is it you?"

Esami is a 1.8-meter-tall, strong-looking dragon-man.

To be honest, he didn't quite understand the current situation. He was dead, but he didn't expect that he would be resurrected in just a blink of an eye.

"Is it me?" Esami was not sure.

Only Aina and Alma knew what was going on.

They turned around and looked at Bai Chen, and their expressions could not hide their shock.

If Bai Chen resurrected those creatures that had just died not long ago, it was already against the will of heaven.

Now that Bai Chen has even revived Esami, who had been dead for thirty or forty minutes, it can only be described as terrifying.

Bai Chen noticed the looks from the two people and just put his index finger in front of his mask to remind them to keep it secret.

The dragon knight riding the female fire dragon walked forward to check Esami's body in disbelief. After confirming that the other party was really Esami, he was even more surprised.

"God, did I have hallucinations before?"

Esami replied: "I don't know what the situation is, but I was indeed dead before but I don't know why. Now I suddenly resurrected, and my partner Kailong is the same."

After hearing what Esami said, the dragon knight didn't know what to say.

At this time, Aina suddenly said: "Maybe the kind god has mercy on all living beings and saved Esami's life. Let's go back to Rutu Village and report to the village chief and elders."

After hearing this, everyone was ready to return to Rutu Village.

At this time, Bai Chen also took the opportunity to put the 50-meter-long dragon slayer into the alien space, ready to take it back to the giant forger to forge equipment.

This is the battle-hardened king. Although the life energy in his body has all dissipated, the materials that have been strengthened by raw rice have not disappeared.

Seeing Bai Chen put the huge dragon-slaying into the alien space, Aina and the others were not surprised.

It was the newly resurrected Esami who frowned and looked at Bai Chen: "Who is this?"

Worried that Esami would do something rude, Alma quickly explained: "This is the sir who defeated the dragon-slaying."

Upon hearing that it was Bai Chen who killed the dragon-slaying, Esami's face showed respect and surprise.

"I'm sorry that my tone was a bit bad just now. Thank you very much for saving Rutu Village."

Only when you face it in person, you will know how powerful the other party is.

In Esami's view, Bai Chen, who can kill that behemoth, is the hero of the village!

"I just enjoy fighting him. I don't mean to save Rutu Village. You don't have to thank me so much."

The four looked at each other, and Aina said: "But the final result is that you saved Rutu Village. No matter what your original purpose was, you are the benefactor of our Rutu Village."

Bai Chen never thought of being a hero. He just wanted to do what he wanted to do, and he would not be threatened to save anyone unless he wanted to.

At the invitation of everyone, Bai Chen still arrived at Rutu Village.

The village chief of Rutu Village, Aina's grandfather, Elder Mao Luo, brought his confidant Jerod to thank Bai Chen solemnly.

Mao Luo is a short old dragon man with white hair, long white beard, and a cane like a branch in his hand.

And his confidant Jerod is a middle-aged dragon man with a few strands of white silk in his long black hair.

Jerod looks very capable and shrewd. To be able to become Mao Luo's confidant, there is no doubt about his intelligence and strength.

Bai Chen glanced at the other party's panel. The level of 68 is also a very powerful existence in Rutu Village.

After staring at the other person for a while, Bai Chen retracted his gaze. If he remembered correctly, Gerald was the leader of a religious group that worshipped Aotuna. In other words, he was a traitor to Rutu Village.

Gerald's reason for betrayal was also very simple.

He was deeply attracted by Aotuna's power and worshipped Aotuna as a god and a great person who opened a new era.

With Aotuna's strength, she can indeed be called a god. The strength of those monsters is not something that humans can resist now.

Bai Chen did not expose Gerald in front of everyone. First, he couldn't explain why he knew such a thing, and second, Bai Chen didn't think Gerald could pose any threat to him.

For such a person, let the people of Rutu Village discover it.

If Rutu Village is destroyed because of this, it doesn't matter to Bai Chen.

He is not a hero and cannot save everyone.

If Rutu Village is destroyed because of this, that is the fate of Rutu Village.

As if noticing Bai Chen's gaze, Gerald smiled falsely: "Mr. Bai Chen, thank you again for saving Rutu Village."

"I didn't mean to save Rutu Village, so you don't have to thank me." Bai Chen ended the topic and said to Aina, "Don't you have questions for your grandfather?"

Aina remembered the business, and she showed the fire dragon egg in her arms to Mao Luo and Gerald.

She briefly explained the cause of the incident.

After Mao Luo heard this, he unexpectedly looked at the fire dragon egg in Aina's arms and carefully identified the egg pattern.

Surprised: "I didn't expect it to be exactly the same as the legendary egg pattern. According to legend, when the fire dragon with wings of destruction spreads its wings, the world will be destroyed."

Mauro said exactly what Guerra said.

The legends they heard were also consistent.

Aina looked at the fire dragon egg in her arms and said, "Is Lao Leisi's child really the culprit of destroying the world?"

Maoluo comforted Aina and said: "Power is neither good nor bad. If used on the right path, it is the power to save the world. If used on the evil path, it will naturally bring disaster to the entire world."

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Whether Wings of Destruction will be a hero who saves the world or a culprit who destroys the world in the future depends on who guides his growth."

Aina understood. What her grandfather meant was that the fate of Lao Leisi's children all depended on how the knight channeled his power.

When it comes to trusting knights, Aina was the first to look at Bai Chen.

Everyone else also looked at Bai Chen.

Alma knew what Aina meant. After all, Bai Chen had many strong partners as follower beasts.

And seeing that none of the accompanying beasts had brought destruction to the world, they believed that Bai Chen could be completely trusted.

Others were not as clear as Alma. They didn't know why Aina believed in Bai Chen so much. When they heard that they were looking for a reliable knight for Wings of Destruction, they first thought of Bai Chen.

Mao Luo unconditionally believed in Aina's judgment. Mao Luo asked Bai Chen: "Great hero, I wonder if you are willing to guide this child?"

Bai Chen smiled politely and refused: "Sorry, I don't want to."

The Winged Fire Dragon of Destruction sounds very powerful, and Lillie might be interested in it, but Bai Chen himself is not interested at all.

He is now more interested in those ancient dragons that can cause natural disasters and resonate with him.

Seeing Bai Chen refuse, Aina was a little disappointed. In her opinion, Bai Chen was the most suitable to become the knight of Wings of Destruction.

At this time, Jerrod, Maoluo's confidant, suddenly said: "There are many outstanding dragons and knights in Rutu Village. It is not too difficult to find a qualified knight."

Bai Chen glanced at Jerod without leaving any trace.

Bai Chen, who knew that Jerrod was a traitor, immediately understood Jerrod's plan.

He was planning to take over the fire dragon egg himself, or find someone under him to take over the fire dragon egg, so that he could feed the Wing of Destruction to Ao Tu Na.

Although Bai Chen himself is using Wings of Destruction as bait, Bai Chen is still fundamentally different from the other party.

Bai Chen will protect the safety of this Wing of Destruction no matter what.

Bai Chen said to Aina: "Why don't you cultivate this Wing of Destruction yourself?"

"Me?" Aina shook her head subconsciously. She was not good at fighting and had never wanted to become a knight. "I'd better forget it."

Bai Chen continued to persuade: "Since Lao Leisi personally handed over his fire dragon egg to you, it is a sign of trust in you. I think he should also hope that you can cultivate his children."

"But I'm not good at fighting"

"Although I am not willing to become the knight of this Wing of Destruction, I am still willing to teach you how to fight."

It is not difficult for Bai Chen to teach Aina a few skills and make her a qualified knight.

Think of it as compensation for using Wings of Destruction as bait.

"I" Aina didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing Aina's troubled face, Bai Chen didn't intend to let Aina answer now.

Bai Chen said: "If you want to understand, you can come to me on the highest mountain on the north side of Rutu Village. If you still don't want to be his knight, I can help him find a good knight. If you believe me."

If Aina doesn't want to be a knight, Bai Chen plans to take the Wings of Destruction back to Lillie.

Lillie will definitely take good care of this Wing of Destruction.

After saying that, Bai Chen did not wait for Aina's reply, and directly teleported to the place where he told Aina to wait.

He still has a lot of things to do for the next battle, such as digesting the system rewards he just received and analyzing the aura characteristics of Xerneas and Yveltal.

During this time, he had a little idea.

He felt as if he had found some clues.

After Bai Chen left, Jerrod continued to disguise himself. It was naturally impossible for him to show his greed.

He first agreed with Bai Chen's statement and said: "Since Lao Leisi entrusted his child to you, he must also hope that you can take care of this Wing of Destruction. I also hope that you can become a knight of the Wing of Destruction. I believe you will You can guide the other party well.”

"But I never thought about becoming a knight." If Aina wanted to become a knight, she would have become one long ago, and she would not wait until now.

Seemingly knowing that Aina would refuse, Jarrod continued: "You can think about it first. If you really don't want to become a knight in the end, then help him find a reliable knight."

Maoluo comforted Aina and said: "Don't have such a heavy burden on your body. Just follow your heart. If you become a knight reluctantly, the follower beast will feel your thoughts and become uneasy."

"Yes." Aina nodded to show that she understood and would think about it carefully.

After talking about the Wings of Destruction, Mao Luo was concerned about Esami's situation.

According to the report, Esami was really dead, but now he is alive and kicking again. The weirdness of this can be imagined.

Mao Luo asked Esami about the whole process in detail.

After listening, everyone was silent.

Resurrection from the dead, this is a method like a god.

Alma and Aina promised Bai Chen to keep it secret, so they never leaked the secret.

After everyone discussed it, Gerard gave a relatively reasonable explanation: "Esami can be resurrected, either the great god has shown mercy. Or it is related to the abnormal dragon slayer."

"Is it related to the dragon slayer?" Mao Luo thought about it. In his memory and knowledge, the dragon slayer has no ability to revive others.

Gerald: "Elder, do you still remember the legendary battle-hardened individuals and battle-hardened kings?"

Although there is no record of either humans or dragons conquering battle-hardened kings, there are still heroes who have conquered battle-hardened individuals.

Mao Luo said: "Are you talking about a battle-hardened individual who absorbed a lot of life energy, which led to the evolution of a certain ability in his body?"

"Yes, from the description of Esami and others, the dragon-slaying may be the legendary battle-hardened king. After the other party was hunted, his life energy would re-enter the earth veins, and it is very likely that this process became the key to Esami's resurrection."

Jerod's words were very convincing, and there seemed to be no problem logically.

But only Aina and Alma knew that the truth was not what Gerald said.

It was Bai Chen who personally resurrected all the creatures.

Whether it was the forest or the dead creatures, they were resurrected in an instant.

The two suddenly felt that they seemed to be witnessing the birth of a false legend.

Perhaps in the next hundred or thousand years, someone will hunt the battle-hardened king to resurrect the one they love.

This does not seem to be something unimaginable.

Mao Luo naturally accepted Gerald's statement.

This explanation is very reasonable.

But at the same time, it also shows one thing, that is, how powerful Bai Chen is.

Mao Luo said to Aina: "The hero's strength is probably the best in the world. If you can learn from him, it must be a kind of fate and opportunity. You can think carefully before making a decision."

"I know, Grandpa."

Aina knew how powerful Bai Chen was even without her grandfather telling her.

She looked at the fire dragon egg in her arms, and her thoughts flew further and further.

Become a knight?

Can I really become a knight?

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